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Roger Wicker on Gun Control

Republican Jr Senator; previously Republican Representative (MS-1)


More gun control laws are not the answer to gun problems

Q: Gun Control: Support more restrictive gun control legislation? Restrict semi-automatic weapons?

David Baria (D): Yes to both. Gun owner & hunter, but "common sense gun safety measures" don't mean "you're anti-gun or anti-Second Amendment."

Roger Wicker (R): No to both. "Do not feel more gun control laws are the answer to the problems confronting our nation."

Source: 2018 Issue Guide on Mississippi Senate race , Oct 9, 2018

No lawsuits against gun manufacturers.

Wicker co-sponsored against lawsuits against gun manufacturers explanation: This bill is a response to the success of tobacco lawsuits, which resulted in cigarette manufacturers paying billions to compensate for the long-term negative health effects of tobacco use. Gun manufacturers grew concerned that the same sort of lawsuit would be applied to guns.



    The Congress finds the following:
  1. Citizens have a right, under the Second Amendment, to keep and bear arms.
  2. Lawsuits have been commenced against manufacturers & dealers of nondefective firearms, which seek money damages for the harm caused by the misuse of firearms by third parties, including criminals.
  3. The sale and use of firearms and ammunition is heavily regulated.
  4. Businesses that are engaged in commerce of firearms or ammunition are not, and should not be, liable for the harm caused by those who unlawfully misuse firearm products.
  5. The possibility of imposing liability on an entire industry for harm that is the sole responsibility of others is an abuse of the legal system.
  6. The liability actions commenced are based on theories without foundation in hundreds of years of the common law and American jurisprudence.
  7. An expansion of liability would constitute a deprivation of the rights guaranteed to citizens under the Fourteenth Amendment to the US Constitution.
LEGISLATIVE OUTCOME: Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary; never called for a House vote.
Source: Firearms Heritage Protection Act (H.R.123) 01-HR0123 on Jan 3, 2001

Rated A+ by the NRA, indicating a pro-gun rights voting record.

Wicker scores A+ by NRA on pro-gun rights policies

While widely recognized today as a major political force and as America`s foremost defender of Second Amendment rights, the National Rifle Association (NRA) has, since its inception, been the premier firearms education organization in the world. But our successes would not be possible without the tireless efforts and countless hours of service our nearly three million members have given to champion Second Amendment rights and support NRA programs.

The following ratings are based on lifetime voting records on gun issues and the results of a questionaire sent to all Congressional candidates; the NRA assigned a letter grade (with A+ being the highest and F being the lowest).

Source: NRA website 02n-NRA on Dec 31, 2003

No United Nations taxation on firearms.

Wicker co-sponsored against United Nations taxation on firearms

OFFICIAL CONGRESSIONAL SUMMARY: Prohibits appropriated funds from being used by any US official to promote any action by the UN which advocates the taxation of firearms or any other abrogation of rights under the Second Amendment to the Constitution. Condemns all proposals to tax or otherwise limit rights under the Second Amendment.

SPONSOR`S INTRODUCTORY REMARKS: Rep. PAUL: This legislation prohibits taxpayer support of any UN actions that could in any way infringe on the Second Amendment. The bill also expresses the sense of Congress that proposals to tax, or otherwise limit, the right to keep and bear arms are `reprehensible and deserving of condemnation.`

Over the past decade, the UN has waged a campaign to undermine the right to keep and bear arms, which is protected by the Second Amendment of the US Constitution. UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan has called on members of the Security Council to `tackle` the proliferation and `easy availability` of small arms and light weapons. Just this June, the UN tried to `tackle` gun rights by sponsoring a `Week of Action Against Small Arms.` Of course, by small arms, the UN really means all privately owned firearms.

Contrary to the UN propaganda, the right to keep and bear arms is a fundamental right and, according to the drafters of the Constitution, the guardian of every other right. Many victims of tyranny were first disarmed by their governments. If the UN is successful in implementing a global regime of gun control, then more innocent lives will be lost to public (and private) criminals. I would remind my colleagues that policies prohibiting the private ownership of firearms were strongly supported by tyrants such as Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and Mao Tse-Tong. Global gun control is a recipe for global tyranny and a threat to the safety of all law-abiding persons.

LEGISLATIVE OUTCOME:Referred to House Committee on International Relations; never came to a vote.

Source: Right to Keep and Bear Arms Act (H.R.3125) 03-HR3125 on Sep 17, 2003

National cross-state standard for concealed carry.

Wicker signed H.R.197&S.845

Establishes a national standard for the carrying of concealed firearms (other than a machinegun or destructive device) by non-residents. Authorizes a person who has a valid permit to carry a concealed firearm in one state and who is not prohibited from carrying a firearm under federal law to carry a concealed firearm in another state:

Source: National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act 09-HR197 on Jan 6, 2009

Oppose the United Nations' Arms Trade Treaty.

Wicker signed Letter to Pres. Obama from 50 Senators

Dear President Obama:

We write to express our concern and regret at your decision to sign the United Nations` Arms Trade Treaty. For the following reasons, we cannot give our advice and consent to this treaty:

  1. The treaty violates a 2009 red line laid down by your own administration: `the rule of consensus decision-making.` In April 2013, after the treaty failed to achieve consensus, it was adopted by majority vote in the UN General Assembly.
  2. The treaty allows amendments by a 3/4 majority vote. When amended, it will become a source of political and legal pressure on the US to comply in practice with amendments it was unwilling to accept.
  3. The treaty includes only a weak, non-binding reference to the lawful ownership and use of firearms, and recognizes none of these activities, much less individual self-defense, as fundamental individual rights. It encourages governments to collect the identities of individual end users of imported firearms at the national level, which would constitute the core of a national gun registry
  4. The State Department has acknowledged that the treaty is `ambiguous.` By becoming party to the treaty, the US would therefore be accepting commitments that are inherently unclear.
  5. The criteria at the heart of the treaty are vague and easily politicized. They will steadily subject the US to the influence of internationally-defined norms, a process that would impinge on our national sovereignty.
  6. The treaty criteria as established could hinder the US in fulfilling its strategic, legal, and moral commitments to provide arms to key allies such as Taiwan and Israel.
We urge you to notify the treaty depository that the US does not intend to ratify the Arms Trade Treaty, and is therefore not bound by its obligations. As members of the Senate, we pledge to oppose the ratification of this treaty, and we give notice that we do not regard the US as bound to uphold its object and purpose.
Source: Letter to Obama from 50 Senators 13-UNATT on Sep 25, 2013

Unrestricted right to bear arms, according to CC survey.

Wicker opposes the CC survey question on Second Amendment

The Christian Coalition Voter Guide inferred whether candidates agree or disagree with the statement, 'Further Restrictions on the Right to Keep and Bear Arms' Christian Coalition's self-description: "Christian Voter Guide is a clearing-house for traditional, pro-family voter guides. We do not create voter guides, nor do we interview or endorse candidates."

Source: Christian Coalition Surve 18CC-10 on Jul 1, 2018

Reciprocity across state lines for concealed carry.

Wicker signed Press release on bill S.446 sponsored by 40 Senators

Press release in support: Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-MS) cosponsored legislation to allow law-abiding citizens with concealed carry privileges to take firearms across state lines. Hyde-Smith has added her support to the Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act (S.446), which would allow qualified individuals to carry a concealed handgun into another state in accordance with that state`s laws. Concealed carry permits are not transferrable between states under current law.

`For law-abiding gun owners with concealed carry permits, this legislation would affirm their ability to exercise their Second Amendment rights in other states with right-to-carry laws,` Hyde-Smith said. `This is sensible legislation that recognizes states` authority to issue firearms licenses and permits, while supporting the rights of gun owners.`

Boston Globe Op-Ed (12/14/17) in opposition, by Mayor Marty Walsh: We`re grateful for the common-sense laws that help us do our jobs. We will fight any national policy that threatens to send us backward. That includes a bill called the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act. It would force each state to recognize the concealed-carry standards of every other state, even those with dramatically weaker standards for who can get their hands on a gun. Given that the gun lobby has blocked the creation of a national database, it would be extremely difficult for local police to determine whether those out-of-state permits were even legitimate. Law enforcement all over the country strongly opposes this legislation.

If the US Senate passes Concealed Carry Reciprocity, people from other states who have criminal histories, who would never pass a background check in Massachusetts, would be able to carry a loaded, concealed gun into our neighborhoods. We know this is a bad idea. Our police officers, our neighbors, and the responsible gun owners of Boston agree.

Source: Press release on bill S.446 sponsored by 40 Senators 18LTR-CCCR on Apr 26, 2018

Individual right to self-defense at home and as self-defense.

Wicker co-sponsored individual right to self-defense at home and as self-defense

Declares that a person not prohibited under the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act from receiving a firearm shall have the right to obtain firearms for security and to use firearms in defense of:

  1. self or family against a reasonably perceived threat of imminent and unlawful infliction of serious bodily injury;
  2. self or family in the course of the commission by another person of a violent felony against the person or a member of the person`s family; and
  3. the person`s home in the course of the commission of a felony by another person.
Source: Citizens' Self-Defense Act (H.R.347) 1999-H347 on Jan 19, 1999

Ban gun registration & trigger lock law in Washington DC.

Wicker co-sponsored banning gun registration & trigger lock law in Washington DC