Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
Fire and Fury, by Michael Wolff (2018) |
Trump Revealed, by Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher (2016) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2016) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |
(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)
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OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Zach Nunn: Voted YES on making abortion illegal at 20 weeks.
Zach Nunn: Vote for abortion ban at 6 weeks when heartbeat is heard.
Abby Finkenauer: Voted NO on making abortion illegal at 20 weeks.
ACLU: Fight ban on abortion when heartbeat is heard, at 6 weeks.
Andy McGuire: Restore Planned Parenthood funding from the dark ages.
Ashley Hinson: Voted YES on making abortion illegal at 20 weeks.
Carly Fiorina: Liberals believe in protecting flies, but not human life.
Carly Fiorina: Planned Parenthood performs late-term partial birth abortion.
Cathy Glasson: Pro-choice and will restore Planned Parenthood funding.
Chris Christie: Thousands upon thousands are murdered in the womb.
Christopher Reed: Very pro-life; no abortion under any circumstances.
Deidre DeJear: Ensure every Iowan has access to reproductive care they need.
Doug Butzier: Leave abortion decisions to the states.
Eddie Mauro: Fundamental right to make one's own health care decisions.
Fred Hubbell: AdWatch: commitment to Planned Parenthood.
Fred Hubbell: Work to reverse IA's abortion ban.
Jack Hatch: Abortions should always be legally available.
Jake Porter: Don't prohibit abortion but don't fund it.
Jim Carlin: Vote for abortion ban at 6 weeks when heartbeat is heard.
Jim Carlin: Voted YES on making abortion illegal at 20 weeks.
Jim Carlin: Life begins at conception; oppose taxpayer funded abortions.
John McCain: Abortion issue shows what kind of country we are.
Joni Ernst: No taxpayer funding for abortion; protect the unborn.
Joni Ernst: Affordable access to contraception.
Joni Ernst: Personhood amendment is a statement of pro-life principle.
Joni Ernst: Human life begins at conception.
Joni Ernst: Don't think Roe will be overturned.
Joni Ernst: Opposes all federal funding of Planned Parenthood.
Kim Reynolds: Abortion is equivalent to murder, but different penalty.
Kim Reynolds: Ban abortion after heartbeat is heard, at 6 weeks.
Kim Reynolds: State constitution does not grant right to abortion.
Kim Reynolds: De-fund Planned Parenthood.
Kimberly Graham: Defend Roe v. Wade.
Marco Battaglia: Prefer fewer abortion, but not state prohibition.
Michael Franken: Codify Roe v. Wade; fully fund Planned Parenthood.
Michael Franken: Supports a woman's full autonomy for her health and body.
Michael Franken: I will make codifying Roe a top priority.
Mike Huckabee: Apply Constitutional rights from conception.
Mitt Romney: Iowa attack phone ads are not true; I am pro-life.
Mitt Romney: Tired of holier-than-thou attitude about becoming pro-life.
Mitt Romney: Defining mistake: supported abortion law despite opposing it.
Nate Boulton: Anti-abortion law hurts women's healthcare access.
Nate Boulton: Voted NO on making abortion illegal at 20 weeks.
Orrin Hatch: Abortions cause a societal insensitivity to life.
Pat Murphy: Defend a woman's right to make her own health care decisions.
Patty Judge: Strong advocate for protecting access to women's health care.
Patty Judge: Supports public funding for Planned Parenthood.
Randy Feenstra: Voted YES on making abortion illegal at 20 weeks.
Ras Smith: Vote against abortion ban at 6 weeks when heartbeat is heard.
Ras Smith: Voted NO on making abortion illegal at 20 weeks.
Rick Santorum: No abortions even in cases of rape; one violence is enough.
Rick Santorum: I've been to the March For Life for 25 years.
Rob Hogg: Restricting abortion for "women's safety" won't win approval.
Rob Hogg: Vote against abortion ban at 6 weeks when heartbeat is heard.
Rob Hogg: Voted NO on making abortion illegal at 20 weeks.
Roxanne Conlin: Support women's right to reproductive freedom.
Rudy Giuliani: Ultimate decision by woman, her conscience & her doctor.
Sam Brownback: Iowa phone ad: Romney is not pro-life.
Sam Clovis: Life should be protected from conception.
Sam Clovis: Human life begins at conception.
Scott Walker: Passed pro-life legislation & defunded Planned Parenthood.
Terry Branstad: Signed law making abortion illegal at 20 weeks.
Theresa Greenfield: Fight to protect reproductive freedom.
Theresa Greenfield: EMILY's List endorses Greenfield for abortion rights.
Theresa Greenfield: Women should have access to safe affordable health care.
Theresa Greenfield: Always defend woman's right to make own health decisions.
Theresa Greenfield: Opposes shutting down Planned Parenthood.
Tim Pawlenty: Criminal sanctions against abortion doctors, not women.
Tom Fiegen: Limit legality, and eliminate public funding for abortion.
Tom Fiegen: Vote against abortion ban at 6 weeks when heartbeat is heard.
Tom Hoefling: Human life begins at conception.
Tom Vilsack: Vetoed requiring info about abortion risks and alternatives.
Tom Vilsack: Personal choice includes taxpayer funding.
Tommy Thompson: Pro-choice GOP nominee problem for GOP platform.
Chuck Grassley: No national abortion ban, but state bans are ok.
Michael Franken: Codify Roe v. Wade into law.
Kim Reynolds: A pro-life state surrounds everyone with love and support.
Budget & Economy
Andy McGuire: No more handouts for big corporations.
Andy McGuire: Strategize for economic development in rural Iowa.
Bill Bradley: More for tech education since tech created surplus.
Bill Richardson: Balanced Budget Amendment to address $9 trillion debt.
Carol Moseley-Braun: Government serves public; dont starve the beast.
Cathy Glasson: Budget should concentrate on citizens needs and the future.
Chet Culver: 2009: across-the-board cuts of 10%, to balance budget.
Chris Christie: The rich are doing fine; cater to middle-income workers.
Chris Dodd: People of color lured into sub prime lending.
David Young: Better Budget Principles rooted in Iowa common sense.
Deidre DeJear: Implement a true, comprehensive economic plan.
Dennis Kucinich: Social cuts redistribute wealth upwards.
Dennis Kucinich: Must cut Pentagon spending.
Dennis Kucinich: WPA-type program will create jobs and rebuild America.
Dick Gephardt: 1993 tax increase & sound economics caused budget surplus.
Doug Butzier: Market-led recovery better than federal stimulus.
Fred Hubbell: Many budget benefits go to companies that don't need them.
Herman Cain: Don't raise debt ceiling; that doesn't solve problem.
Hillary Clinton: Go after shadow banking industry, like Lehman Brothers.
Howard Dean: Republicans haven't balanced a federal budget in 34 years.
Jake Porter: Market-led recovery better than stimulus.
John Kasich: Against ethanol subsidies, and all subsidies.
John Kerry: Economy is recovering for corporations to some degree.
Jon Huntsman: I'm gonna do for the US what I did for Utah.
Jon Huntsman: I stood up for debt ceiling increase and against default.
Joni Ernst: Break Washington's spending addiction.
Joni Ernst: I've castrated hogs so I know how to cut pork.
Kim Reynolds: Defended $100 million budget cuts from previous fiscal year.
Kim Reynolds: Wants state stimulus based on population, not unemployment.
Marco Battaglia: Market-led recovery better than stimulus.
Martin O`Malley: Our economy was wrecked by the big banks of Wall Street.
Matthew Whitaker: Top priority: Grow the economy.
Michael Franken: Invest in infrastructure on scale of building of interstates.
Michele Bachmann: Don't raise debt ceiling; country not at risk of default.
Michele Bachmann: I was the leading voice against raising the debt ceiling.
Mitt Romney: 7 principles for leadership on the economy.
Newt Gingrich: The Super-committee is as dumb an idea as I've ever heard.
Newt Gingrich: It's a scandal that the Federal Reserve is secret.
Newt Gingrich: Don't bail out Freddie Mac & Fannie Mae; break them up.
Rand Paul: Liberty candidates agree to Audit The Fed.
Rick Perry: The federal reserve is at the root of a lot of our problems.
Rick Santorum: Govt has averaged 18% of GDP and we're now at 25%.
Rick Santorum: Audit the Fed; but no gold standard.
Rick Santorum: Stopping debt ceiling increase is showmanship not leadership.
Rod Blum: Penny Plan: cut 1% per year to balance budget.
Ron Paul: Country is bankrupt & we can't keep spending.
Ron Paul: I'm delighted that auditing the Fed has become mainstream.
Ron Paul: Destroying our currency transfers wealth to the rich.
Roxanne Conlin: Hold Grassley accountable for Wall Street greed.
Sam Clovis: Top priority: Balancing the budget.
Sam Clovis: BBA to stop saddling generations to come.
Ted Cruz: Original sponsor of Audit-The-Fed bill.
Terry Branstad: End the days of unsustainable commitments.
Terry Branstad: Restored Iowa's rainy day and economic emergency funds.
Tim Pawlenty: I'll offer a prize to anyone who can find Obama's plan.
Tom Fiegen: Why did nobody from Wall Street went to jail?
Tom Hoefling: Free enterprise is key to national prosperity.
Civil Rights
Al Gore: Women deserve equal pay for equal work.
Al Gore: Confederate flag divides-remove it, but no boycott.
Al Gore: Ban racial profiling by Executive Order.
Al Gore: Latinos considered for Supreme Court, but no pledge.
Al Gore: Review disenfranchisement of felons but keep concept.
Al Gore: Civil rights and affirmative action on top of agenda.
Al Gore: More minorities in government to reflect America.
Al Gore: Expand laws for gays but dont re-open Civil Rights Act.
Al Gore: Ideas & ideals bind different races together.
Al Sharpton: No people of color in Deans cabinet-should import talent.
Al Sharpton: Just talking about race is trivializing the issue.
Al Sharpton: Get young people involved in the election process.
Alan Keyes: Ten Commandments & prayer should be in schools.
Alan Keyes: Conducting govt in Spanish assaults our linguistic unity.
Andy McGuire: Elect women who will fight for equality.
Andy McGuire: Conversion therapy is torture, not treatment.
Bill Bradley: Appointments should reflect a world without gender.
Bill Bradley: Include gays in Civil Rights Act.
Bill Bradley: Pull down Confederate flag immediately.
Bill Bradley: Affirmative action battles subtle racism.
Bill Bradley: End racial profiling by Executive Order.
Bill Bradley: Latinos should be on Supreme Court, but no commitment.
Bill Bradley: Rescind disenfranchisement if released felons keep straight.
Bill Bradley: Diversity creates the best Administration.
Bill Bradley: Ive seen racism, and it must end.
Bob Krause: 67% of Millenials support gay marriage.
Bobby Jindal: Institution of marriage existed long before our laws existed.
Bobby Jindal: I pledge support for a religious freedom law.
Carol Moseley-Braun: Have to have an honest conversation about race-Dean is right.
Carol Moseley-Braun: Need to reform immigration policy to welcome them.
Christopher Reed: Define marriage as one man and one woman only.
Christopher Reed: Dont-ask-dont-tell caused disruption in military.
Chuck Grassley: Wait for DoD report before considering Don't-Ask-Don't-Tell.
Deidre DeJear: I stand with Trans girls, your rights are non-negotiable.
Doug Butzier: Affirmative action is government interference in marketplace.
Doug Butzier: Declaration's "All men are created equal" applies to gays.
Eddie Mauro: Pass a 21st century Equal Rights Amendment.
Fred Hubbell: Proud of Iowa's equal protection for same-sex couples.
George W. Bush: Ten Commandments OK in schools for "inherent values".
George W. Bush: Respect Spanish heritage, but conduct government in English.
Howard Dean: No people of color in Dean's cabinet-because so few in VT.
Howard Dean: Confederate flag is a painful symbol to Blacks.
Howard Dean: Understand the plight of minorities.
Jack Hatch: Supports civil unions and same-sex marriage.
Jack Hatch: Affirmative action in state college & state contracts.
Jake Porter: Strongly supports same-sex marriage.
Jim Carlin: Introduced "bathroom bill" against transgender students.
Jim Gilmore: I don't want to be part of an anti-Muslim GOP.
John Edwards: Economic and educational equality are needed.
John Edwards: Fund the Help America Vote Act.
John McCain: Ten Commandments would bring virtue to our schools.
Jon Huntsman: I believe in traditional marriage but also civil unions.
Joni Ernst: Marriage is a religious institution: one man and one woman.
Joni Ernst: Endorsed by RightNOW Women PAC to escape "war on women".
Joni Ernst: Government shouldn't redefine marriage.
Joni Ernst: Federal ban ok, but leave same-sex marriage to states.
Joseph Lieberman: Allow driver's license for immigrants.
Joseph Lieberman: Support reparation legislations.
Kimberly Graham: Support federal anti-discrimination law for LGBTQ.
Kim Reynolds: Voters should decide gay marriage, not the courts.
Kim Reynolds: Same-sex marriage issue is now settled law.
Kimberly Graham: End the sub-minimum wage for individuals with disabilities.
Kimberly Graham: Expand tribal jurisdiction over sexual assault cases.
Marco Battaglia: Strongly supports same-sex marriage.
Marco Rubio: One-man-one-woman marriage existed before our laws.
Matthew Whitaker: My faith requires me to support traditional marriage.
Michael Franken: Ignored "Don't Ask Don't Tell" as admiral; protected sailors.
Michele Bachmann: I support federal AND state marriage amendments.
Mike Huckabee: Same-sex marriage leads to criminalization of Christianity.
Mike Huckabee: Courts cannot unilaterally allow same-sex marriage.
Mitt Romney: No longer calls Giuliani pro-choice & pro-gay & anti-gun.
Mitt Romney: Federal definition of marriage as one-man-one-woman.
Nate Boulton: Defended LGBTQ nonprofit Iowa Safe Schools.
Newt Gingrich: Loyalty test for everyone, not just for Muslims.
Orrin Hatch: Founders avoided "national church," not Ten Commandments.
Orrin Hatch: Amendments for school prayer & flag protection.
Pat Murphy: Fought gay marriage ban; protect LGBT Iowans.
Patty Judge: Strong advocate for LGBTQ rights.
Patty Judge: Take action to end gender discrimination in pay.
Pete Buttigieg: Campaign co-chaired by member of Congressional Black Caucus.
Republican Party: Define marriage as one natural man and one natural woman.
Rick Santorum: No polygamy; no gay marriage.
Rick Santorum: I would never attend a same-sex wedding.
Ron Paul: No federal marriage licenses & no state licenses either.
Roxanne Conlin: 1970s: Discrimination on basis of pregnancy made illegal.
Roxanne Conlin: Pass Paycheck Fairness Act to close gender pay gap.
Roxanne Conlin: Supports marriage equality for same-sex couples.
Roxanne Conlin: No 2nd-class citizens: repeal DOMA and Don't-Ask-Don't-Tell.
Rudy Giuliani: Supports domestic partnerships, but not same-sex marriage.
Sam Clovis: Family begins with one man and one woman.
Sam Clovis: Government shouldn't redefine marriage.
Scott Walker: Constitutional amendment to prevent federal gay marriage.
Steve Forbes: Ten Commandments & prayer in schools.
Ted Cruz: Zealotry on same-sex marriage leaves out religious liberty.
Ted Cruz: Pray against a court decision legalizing same-sex marriage.
Ted Cruz: Liberals obsessed with mandatory gay marriage in 50 states.
Theresa Greenfield: Supports Equality Act prohibiting discrimination.
Theresa Greenfield: Seeing systemic racism is not saying all cops are racists.
Theresa Greenfield: Supports Equality Act.
Tom Hoefling: Government shouldn't redefine marriage.
Tom Vilsack: Appointed judges who said yes to gay marriage.
Andy McGuire: State loans for new or expanding small town businesses.
Art Small: Set up research facilities instead of trying to pick winners.
Bernie Sanders: If Teddy Roosevelt saw modern banks he'd say "break them up".
Bernie Sanders: Wall Street will not be in my Cabinet; their model is fraud.
Chris Dodd: Bankruptcy Reform Act hurt working class families.
Fred Hubbell: Stop giving unproductive tax credits to big corporations.
Fred Hubbell: Opposes corporate subsidies to big companies to create jobs.
Herman Cain: Take the capital gains tax rate & repatriation tax to zero.
Herman Cain: Suspend taxes on repatriated profits, permanently.
Hillary Clinton: AIG & Lehman were not big banks; we needed to bail them out.
Howard Dean: Regulation of finance companies is the right track.
Jack Hatch: Focus on small business, not tax incentives to corporations.
John Edwards: I was wrong to vote for Bankruptcy Reform Act.
Jon Huntsman: EPA's regulatory reign of terror prevents building in USA.
Joni Ernst: Eliminate rules which inhibit strong free-market economy.
Joni Ernst: Prevent financial consumers from joining class action suits.
Kim Reynolds: Tax breaks bring Apple to Iowa.
Kim Reynolds: $2B tax cuts provide relief to taxpayers & small businesses.
Martin O`Malley: It's crony capitalism to bail out banks for bad bets.
Michael Franken: S&L "debacle" cost his parents much of their life savings.
Nate Boulton: Tax credits & corporate giveaways have hurt economy.
Patty Judge: Our corporate tax code is broken; MNCs don't pay fair share.
Rick Santorum: Cut corporate tax rate to zero & jobs will come back.
Rick Santorum: Pro-worker Republican; only 10% of Americans own businesses.
Sam Clovis: End corporate welfare subsidies & crony capitalism grants.
Ted Cruz: Get senseless obstacles from Washington out of the way.
Terry Branstad: Reduce state corporate income tax from 12% to 6%.
Terry Branstad: High commercial property taxes mean higher prices.
Theresa Greenfield: Tax cut benefitted wealthiest, biggest corporations.
Tom Fiegen: Banks that are too big to fail are too big to exist.
Tom Fiegen: Disallow corporate tax havens; tax income when earned.
Tom Steyer: Can beat Trump on economy, did not inherit a penny.
Al Gore: Recognizes disparities in sentencing blacks.
Al Gore: Tough Second-chance schools for kids.
Art Small: Allow judges discretion in sentencing.
Art Small: Involve faith-based providers in rehabilitation.
Barack Obama: Lack of enforcement sets tone for more hate crimes.
Cathy Glasson: One-size-fits-all punishment are not fitting the crimes.
Chet Culver: $205M for new prison & improving old prison infrastructure.
Chuck Grassley: Expand mandatory minimum s for firearm & terrorism offenses.
Chuck Grassley: Supports peer-to-peer counseling & privacy for law officers.
Cindy Axne: Voted for the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act.
Deidre DeJear: Police deserve more than pat on the back and one-time bonus.
Doug Butzier: Stricter punishment doesn't reduce crime.
Fred Hubbell: Life sentence is sufficient instead of death penalty.
Hillary Clinton: Address the unacceptable increase in incarceration.
Jack Hatch: Programs for at-risk youth and job skills for inmates.
Jake Porter: Stop prosecuting addiction issues and victimless crimes.
Jim Carlin: Sponsored bill to restore death penalty in Iowa.
Joe Biden: Bush is impediment to hate crimes legislation.
Joni Ernst: Independently investigate sexual crime in military.
Joni Ernst: Supported Republican police reform; Democrats walked out.
Kimberly Graham: Ban private prisons; eliminate mandatory minimums.
Kim Reynolds: Opposes reinstating the death penalty.
Kim Reynolds: Restore ex-felon voting rights.
Kim Reynolds: Priority to focus on prisoner re-entry, rehabilitation.
Kim Reynolds: There will be no talk of defunding the police here.
Kim Reynolds: Ban racial profiling and other forms of disparate treatment.
Kim Reynolds: In Iowa police receive the respect and support they deserve.
Marco Battaglia: End mandatory minimum sentences for nonviolent crimes.
Michael Franken: Make our criminal justice system work fairly for everyone.
Nate Boulton: Public safety & police can't be done on the cheap.
Patty Judge: Reform mandatory minimum sentences for nonviolent offenders.
Randy Feenstra: Helped pass bill to crack down on police violence.
Rob Hogg: $205M for new prison & improving old prison infrastructure.
Rob Hogg: Retroactively allow DNA evidence for all felony convictions.
Terry Branstad: Rehabilitation over punishment to reduce recidivism.
Terry Branstad: Investigate wrongful convictions, especially for racial bias.
Terry Branstad: Retroactively allow DNA evidence for all felony convictions.
Theresa Greenfield: Address racism, but family cops are about serving.
Tom Fiegen: Limit parole but consider penalties other than incarceration.
Tom Vilsack: Opposes death penalty in Iowa.
Kim Reynolds: Treat fentanyl crimes as atrocities, increase penalties.
Andy McGuire: Fund programs for mental health.
Art Small: Consider loosening enforcement of marijuana laws.
Art Small: Drug treatment more effective than incarceration.
Bill Bradley: No mandatory sentencing for first-time drug offenders.
Chris Dodd: Reduce sentencing disparity for crack cocaine retroactively.
Chuck Grassley: End mandatory life sentence for three drug convictions.
Chuck Grassley: Ardent and vocal opponent of marijuana legalization.
Deidre DeJear: Legalize and regulate cannabis for adult use, like alcohol.
Dennis Kucinich: Reduce sentencing disparity for crack cocaine retroactively.
Doug Butzier: Legalize marijuana & all drugs; $80B wasted on War on Drugs.
Eddie Mauro: Legalize marijuana and release those locked up immediately.
Elizabeth Dole: Applauds community-based fight against drug epidemic.
Fred Hubbell: Wait-and-see on decriminalizing marijuana.
Fred Hubbell: Yes to expanding medical marijuana use.
Hillary Clinton: Reduce sentencing disparity for crack, but not retroactively.
Jack Hatch: Decriminalize medicinal marijuana.
Jake Porter: Marijuana isn't a gateway drug.
Jay Williams: Yes, I did use illegal drugs, like other angry young men.
John Edwards: Reduce sentencing disparity for crack cocaine retroactively.
Joni Ernst: Voted to legalize medical cannabis oil.
Kimberly Graham: Legalize medical marijuana.
Kim Reynolds: Reduce number of opioids prescribed & increase Rx monitoring.
Kim Reynolds: No for recreational; limited medical marijuana.
Marco Battaglia: Marijuana isn't a gateway drug.
Nate Boulton: Reclassify marijuana from Schedule I to Schedule II.
Patty Judge: Not vocal about legalizing, but opponent vocally against it.
Patty Judge: Legalize medical marijuana, but not recreational use.
Rich Leopold: Services for people still suffering with addiction.
Rob Hogg: Reclassify marijuana from Schedule I to Schedule II.
Terry Branstad: Medical cannabis oil ok, but nothing more.
Zach Nunn: $40M more for schools; $150M more for teachers.
Al Gore: $10,000 for joining 21st Century Teachers Corps.
Al Gore: Smaller classrooms with schools within schools.
Al Gore: National Tuition Savings program to send kids to college.
Al Gore: Test teachers; remove failing tenured teachers.
Al Gore: Revolutionary plan: 50% more for public schools.
Al Gore: More public school choice - but not private.
Al Gore: Shut failing schools; then re-open & turn them around.
Al Gore: Increase public school aid by 50% instead of vouchers.
Alan Keyes: Replace the Department of Education with parental control.
Alan Keyes: Violence in schools due to loss of moral heritage.
Amy Klobuchar: Free college isn't enough; also 2-year degrees & plumbers.
Andy McGuire: Restore cuts: put students ahead of lobbyists.
Andy McGuire: Restore $21M in cuts to higher education.
Bernie Sanders: College loan repayment is regressive; refinance & forgive.
Bernie Sanders: $70B to make public colleges & universities tuition-free.
Bernie Sanders: Look at college degree like high school diploma 50 years ago.
Bill Bradley: Major investment in education related to peoples lives.
Bill Bradley: Education excellence begins with 60,000 great new teachers.
Bill Bradley: Lifetime education from birth to every life stage.
Bill Bradley: Voted for voucher experiments; now focus on public schools.
Bill Richardson: $60 billion plan to make American education #1 in world.
Bob Smith: GOAL 2000: Shut down Department of Education.
Carly Fiorina: School choice is the only way to fix education.
Carol Moseley-Braun: Replace property tax with national payments for schools.
Cathy Glasson: Wants public education to be affordable and high quality.
Chet Culver: Include financial literacy in core statewide curriculum.
Deidre DeJear: It is time to fully fund our education system at every level.
Doug Butzier: Vouchers for school choice are a good start.
Elizabeth Dole: Restore quality and parental involvement.
Fred Hubbell: School systems and teachers know best what they need.
Fred Hubbell: We've been cutting, cutting, cutting college funding.
Gary Bauer: Present both evolution & creationism and let students decide.
Gary Bauer: Allow Ten Commandments in schools & disallow Nazi salutes.
Gary Bauer: Vouchers and local control will save our schools.
George W. Bush: Expand character education via federal funding.
George W. Bush: Local control and accountability will prevent failure.
Herman Cain: No Child Left Behind has unfunded mandates.
Hillary Clinton: Make community college free, but not free college for all.
Howard Dean: Bush's "No Child Left Behind" is an unfunded mandate.
Jake Porter: Vouchers let parents choose the school of their choice.
Jay Williams Iowa: My youngest son and I got our GED's on the same day.
Jim Carlin: $40M more for schools; $150M more for teachers.
Jim Carlin: Too many children being indoctrinated to hate America.
John McCain: Use sugar, oil, and ethanol subsidies to finance vouchers.
Jon Huntsman: No Child Left Behind has failed; we need vouchers.
Joni Ernst: No federal involvement in Common Core standards.
Joni Ernst: Eliminate Department of Education but keep Pell Grants.
Joni Ernst: Proposed "know before you owe"; employers assuming debt.
Joni Ernst: Co-sponsored act for tax credits for private school tuition.
Joni Ernst: Voted against limiting debt relief for defrauded students.
Joseph Lieberman: Young people need a better public education.
Kimberly Graham: Raise teacher pay; end unequal school funding.
Kim Reynolds: Score every Iowa high school for Post-Secondary Readiness.
Kim Reynolds: Future Ready Iowa: 70% of Iowans beyond high school.
Kim Reynolds: $40M more for schools; $150M more for teachers.
Kim Reynolds: School choice offers families option to teach their values.
Kim Reynolds: Additional $93M to invest in our students.
Kim Reynolds: We need 100% of schools to teach computer science.
Kim Reynolds: Major cuts to college funding to address budget shortfall.
Kim Reynolds: $28 million for public-private partnerships for child care.
Kim Reynolds: Make open enrollment available in all school districts.
Kim Reynolds: Give families funds for education system of their choice.
Kim Reynolds: Launch the first teacher registered apprenticeship program.
Kimberly Graham: Opposes Betsy DeVos as Education Secretary.
Kimberly Graham: Should be illegal for college loans to triple from interest.
Marco Battaglia: Vouchers are wrong for paying for private schooling.
Martin O`Malley: Goal of affordable & debt-free college, like in Maryland.
Martin O`Malley: Dad went to college on GI bill; kids went on pile of bills.
Matthew Whitaker: Common Core is cram-it-down-your-throat reform.
Matthew Whitaker: Common Core is one-size-fits-all, top-down solution.
Michael Franken: Free community college; decrease interest on student loans.
Michael Franken: Increase teacher pay; improve rural education; expand pre-K.
Michele Bachmann: Don't censor intelligent design, but it's a state issue.
Mike Huckabee: Common Core morphed into a frankenstandard that I oppose.
Mike Huckabee: If you get free college in your 20s, you'll pay in your 30s.
Nate Boulton: State must fund public schools, not voucher schemes.
Nate Boulton: Supports teacher's unions to attract best teachers.
Pat Murphy: Raise teacher pay and expand universal preschool.
Patty Judge: Increased access to Pell Grants & student loan refinancing.
Patty Judge: Commitment to a quality public education.
Ras Smith: Voted NO on $40M more for schools; $150M more for teachers.
Rick Santorum: Reform education; only 30% get college degrees.
Rob Hogg: $45M for teacher salary increases plus 4-year-old preschool.
Rob Hogg: Excellent schools are of utmost importance.
Rob Hogg: Include financial literacy in core statewide curriculum.
Rod Blum: Replace top-down structure with parental control.
Roxanne Conlin: Invest in education: fund K-12 & retain teachers.
Sam Clovis: Repeal No Child Left Behind and the Common Core.
Sam Clovis: Common Core is federal overreach in spending and control.
Sam Clovis: FactCheck: Common Core originated with governors, not feds.
Steve Forbes: Federal involvement creates the crisis in our schools.
Steve Forbes: Choice in education makes us more moral & more educated.
Terry Branstad: One Unshakable Vision: World-Class Schools for Iowa.
Terry Branstad: Score every Iowa high school for Post-Secondary Readiness.
Terry Branstad: Future Ready Iowa: 70% of Iowans beyond high school.
Terry Branstad: Teacher Leadership System for every public school.
Terry Branstad: $40m more for schools despite budget cuts elsewhere.
Theresa Greenfield: Expand pre-K, invest in higher education, apprenticeships.
Theresa Greenfield: Refinance student debt; find ways to work off the debt.
Theresa Greenfield: Debt free community college and trade schools.
Tim Pawlenty: Parents should have educational options, like home schooling.
Tom Fiegen: We are forcing a lifetime of slavery to student loans.
Tom Fiegen: More funds for schools, teachers, and Head Start.
Tom Hoefling: True Local Control: TLC for public schools.
Tom Hoefling: Post the Ten Commandments in public school buildings.
Tom Steyer: Redistribute tax dollars so every kid gets a good education.
Kim Reynolds: Create education savings accounts for private schooling.
Energy & Oil
Alan Keyes: Explore & exploit ANWR, while respecting ecology.
Andy McGuire: Trump full of hot air on wind power.
Ben Carson: Keep ethanol mandate; unfair to withdraw contracts.
Bernie Sanders: Climate change partly causes rise of terrorist groups.
Bob Krause: 1978: Supported bipartisan gas tax increase.
Bruce Braley: Supported Keystone Pipeline initially, then rejected it.
Cathy Glasson: Move forward with new green energy sources.
Christopher Reed: Not ready to jump head first into biofuels.
Christopher Reed: Coal & nuclear have gotten a bad rap.
Christopher Reed: Drill for more American oil to reduce gas prices.
Chuck Grassley: Biodiesel is not controversial, unlike ethanol.
Cindy Axne: Biofuels should be part of clean energy economy.
Deidre DeJear: Protect environment while creating renewable energy jobs.
Doug Butzier: Prioritizing green energy is just tax favors.
Eddie Mauro: Net-zero US CO2 emissions by 2045.
Fred Hubbell: Grow the economy using biomass, sun, and wind resources.
Fred Hubbell: Avoid the pending disaster of climate change.
Gary Bauer: Resources are there to be used.
Jack Hatch: Promote increased use of alternative fuel technology.
Jack Hatch: Solar energy grants instead of utility special interests.
Jake Porter: Don't prioritize green energy.
Marco Battaglia: Freer market will allow energy that is greener.
Jim Carlin: Farmers deserve to profit from wind, biomass, solar panels.
Joe Biden: I introduced the first climate change bill in 1986.
Joni Ernst: Drives hybrid car, but doubts climate change is man-made.
Joni Ernst: Meeting with Big Oil doesn't make me feel uncomfortable.
Joni Ernst: Fight for ethanol and biodiesel, not electric vehicles.
Joni Ernst: Voted to repeal 2015 Clean Power Plan.
Kim Reynolds: Expand natural gas as well as biomass.
Kim Reynolds: New $2 million for Renewable Fuels Infrastructure Program.
Kim Reynolds: Cut funding for home retrofits & energy efficient appliances.
Kim Reynolds: We must continue to embrace an all-of-the-above approach.
Kimberly Graham: Supports Green New Deal.
Matthew Whitaker: Cap-and-trade proposal stifles the American dream.
Michael Franken: Addressing climate change is a national security imperative.
Michael Franken: Expand public transportation & electric charging stations.
Michael Franken: The fate of our planet should not be a partisan issue.
Michele Bachmann: I opposed cap-and-trade, including Lightbulb Choice Act.
Mitt Romney: No-regrets policy: energy independence and CO2 reduction.
Nate Boulton: 50% renewable energy by 2025.
Orrin Hatch: Revoke Kyoto Accords as environmental extremism.
Orrin Hatch: Eliminate Kyoto Accords and implement more local control.
Pat Murphy: Opposes Keystone Pipeline; supports alternative energy.
Patty Judge: Move away from fossil fuels & toward a clean energy economy.
Patty Judge: Global warming is real and we need to take immediate action.
Pete Buttigieg: Put environmental justice at the core of our climate plan.
Rich Leopold: Supports strong wind industry in Iowa.
Rob Hogg: Expand solar power, wind energy, ethanol.
Rob Hogg: Address climate change with solutions that work for economy.
Rob Hogg: Wind & solar power work; Keystone pipeline unneeded.
Rob Hogg: It is time to act on climate change.
Rod Blum: Create jobs & lower costs with coal & oil shale.
Roxanne Conlin: Invest in homegrown alternatives to foreign oil.
Roxanne Conlin: Focus on the sun, the wind, and biomass.
Roxanne Conlin: Grassley voted against extending biodiesel tax credit.
Sam Clovis: Exploit every form of energy, underground and above ground.
Sam Clovis: Obama's "Climate Resilience Fund" just redistributes wealth.
Sam Clovis: No subsidies for wind and solar.
Steve Forbes: Explore ANWR immediately, to reduce foreign oil dependence.
Terry Branstad: Supports wind energy by signing HF 672.
Terry Branstad: Expand and protect American energy resources.
Terry Branstad: Keep corn-based ethanol in nation's fuel supply.
Theresa Greenfield: Fight for strong clean energy solutions.
Theresa Greenfield: Fight for clean energy jobs; strengthen environmental laws.
Theresa Greenfield: Bio fuels can be part of solution to climate change.
Theresa Greenfield: Climate change is getting worse; urgent action needed.
Theresa Greenfield: Supports expanded renewable fuel market.
Theresa Greenfield: Take urgent action to address man-made climate change.
Tom Fiegen: Transform away from fossil fuels, and towards sustainability.
Tom Harkin: Develop cellulosic ethanol, wind, and solar.
Andy McGuire: Put teeth into our water quality regulations.
Cathy Glasson: Force corporate polluters to clean up their mess.
Chris Christie: Ethanol in gasoline is the law; and that's just the minimum.
Christopher Reed: Eminent Domain is government legally stealing from citizens.
Deidre DeJear: Move forward on climate change & environmental justice.
Doug Butzier: Clean air and water are in the public domain.
Eddie Mauro: Works on Purify Project: water sanitation in Tanzania.
Fred Hubbell: Protect water, air and topsoil resources.
George Pataki: Opposed to RFS: no ethanol mandate in gasoline.
George W. Bush: Set standards based on science; and fine violators.
Jack Hatch: Supports open-space preservation and more environmental regs.
Jake Porter: Fight EPA regulatory over-reach.
Jeb Bush: Let the market decide on RFS' ethanol in gasoline.
Marco Battaglia: Fight EPA regulatory over-reach.
John McCain: Preserve and help our National Parks.
Joni Ernst: No more Agenda 21: no United Nations eminent domain.
Joni Ernst: Supported rollback of Clean Water Act.
Kim Reynolds: Scale back Waters of US rule.
Kim Reynolds: Increase funding for water quality and conservation.
Kimberly Graham: Incentivize farmers with clean water initiatives.
Mike Huckabee: Ethanol mandate is a matter of national security.
Nate Boulton: Funding water trust fund improves safety & tourism.
Pat Murphy: Enforce current federal environmental standards.
Patty Judge: Address serious water quality problem in Iowa & nationally.
Pete Buttigieg: Fight climate change and prepare for flood and fire.
Rich Leopold: Let's Go Outside: stewardship of Iowa's land, air, and water.
Rich Leopold: Listen to rural voters while promoting clean water.
Rick Perry: Ethanol waiver in Texas but not in Iowa: let states decide.
Rick Santorum: Ethanol mandate brings jobs & energy independence.
Rick Santorum: Taking manufacturing back to US will reduce global warming.
Rick Santorum: Remove Obama regulations on mercury & waters.
Rob Hogg: Urgently address challenges of environmental sustainability.
Rod Blum: EPA restrictions on farm dust are overzealous & hyperactive.
Scott Walker: Freeze stewardship program for state lands.
Scott Walker: Keep ethanol mandate until oil companies allow free market.
Steve Forbes: Focus on science and practicality, not lawyers and fashion.
Ted Cruz: Don't pick winners & losers like RFS' ethanol in gasoline.
Terry Branstad: Fight EPA on biofuel rules; protect agricultural sector.
Theresa Greenfield: Encourage regenerative agriculture practices.
Theresa Greenfield: Strengthen laws under attack from corporate interests.
Tom Fiegen: Democratize and decentralize our food production.
Tom Steyer: Environmental justice, not managed retreat.
Families & Children
Abby Finkenauer: Better access to child care as infrastructure investment.
Alan Keyes: Shape our childrens consciences in the fear of God.
Andy McGuire: Time for state Family/Medical Leave Act.
Barack Obama: Restore dream of making childrens lives better than parents.
Bernie Sanders: Guaranteed child care: Age 0 to 4 are most important years.
Cathy Glasson: Proud of Iowa's marriage equality but work still to be done.
Cathy Glasson: #1 job of governor is to raise family's standard of living.
Chuck Grassley: Foster adoptions and permanent homes for kids.
Cindy Axne: Make changes to Child Tax Credit permanent.
Cindy Axne: Double amount allowed for dependent care assistance plans.
Gary Bauer: Columbine resulted from our undermining the sanctity of life.
George W. Bush: Appropriate to draw a moral line for children.
Hillary Clinton: Struggling families are invisible to Bush administration.
John McCain: Unfiltered Internet robs our children of their innocence.
Joni Ernst: COVID: opposed paid sick leave.
Kim Reynolds: Sexual harassment has been a stain on our culture.
Kim Reynolds: Expand Early Childhood tax credits.
Kim Reynolds: Awarded grants creating 4,000 new childcare spots.
Michele Bachmann: Bible's "be submissive to husband" means mutual respect.
Mitt Romney: Kids working in libraries is fine; don't change labor laws.
New Testament: Wives, you are to be submissive to your husbands.
Newt Gingrich: Let poor kids work so they learn like middle class.
Pete Buttigieg: It makes no sense to spend 2/3 of income on childcare.
Rick Santorum: Promote the family as economic anchor point.
Sam Brownback: Highest priority is rebuilding the family.
Ted Cruz: Opposes the unrelenting assault on traditional marriage.
Ted Cruz: Defend Judeo-Christian values against liberal fascism.
Terry Branstad: Judicial discretion in releasing individual juvenile records.
Tom Hoefling: Reform divorce laws to increase waiting period.
Foreign Policy
Bill Bradley: Move towards new post-Cold War stability & mentality.
Carly Fiorina: I've accomplished something by traveling around the world.
Carly Fiorina: ISIS & Iran are bigger threats than climate change.
Christopher Reed: I am not a huge fan of the UN, nor Law of the Sea treaty.
Dennis Kucinich: Americans have been misled about the Iraqi war.
Doug Butzier: Dialogue via UN ok, but no US troops under UN control.
Eddie Mauro: Rejoin Paris Climate Accord.
Gary Bauer: Stop allowing China to play us for suckers.
Gary Bauer: Shame on those who sent tech to Chinese military.
Herman Cain: Foreign policy should include bombs & bullets AND economics.
Hillary Clinton: We spend a lot on development aid, even in war zones.
Jeb Bush: Statehood for Puerto Rico, via self-determination.
John Bolton: America is a benign force globally.
John McCain: Naive to exclude nukes; naive to exclude attacking Pakistan.
Joni Ernst: Voted against blocking arms sales to Saudi Arabia.
Marco Battaglia: Exceptional people all over the planet, not just America.
Matthew Whitaker: No foreign aid to countries that don't like us.
Michele Bachmann: North Korea is Wal-Mart of missile weapon delivery systems.
Mike Huckabee: Not the job of the US to export our form of government.
Mike Huckabee: Islamic terrorism is the country's most pressing issue.
Mike Huckabee: Globalists & corporatists are making US more like China.
Mike Huckabee: Keep the Cuban embargo; lifting it rewards Cuba.
Mitt Romney: To win the war on jihad, we need friends in Muslim world.
Mitt Romney: Encourage others to welcome democracy, without military.
Mitt Romney: Move Muslim world toward modernity so they reject extreme.
Newt Gingrich: Tell the truth: Palestinians are an "invented people".
Patty Judge: Use our diplomatic power to help create peace and stability.
Rick Perry: Easing restrictions on Cuba hurts the Cuban people.
Rick Santorum: No apologies for past American interventions in Iran.
Ron Paul: Right to spread our values, but wrong to spread by force.
Ron Paul: We installed Shah in Iran; we should mind our own business.
Rudy Giuliani: Democracy is a long-term goal, after building bedrock.
Sam Brownback: Be realistic about pushing democracy, or we get radicals.
Terry Branstad: Partnership with Kosovo will benefit National Guard.
Tim Pawlenty: Sanctions for Iran nukes; regime change for Syria.
Tom Steyer: Don't meet with North Korea without preconditions or allies.
Tommy Thompson: We continue losing until recognizing we're fighting a jihad.
Free Trade
Al Sharpton: Repeal NAFTA and GATT: too business-friendly.
Alan Keyes: WTO allows dictators to decide our future - US out.
Amy Klobuchar: We need a North American trading bloc to take on China.
Andy McGuire: Unfair trade deals shut down factories & ship jobs overseas.
Bernie Sanders: I strongly opposed NAFTA and DOMA from their inception.
Bernie Sanders: Need trade deal that includes stakeholders, not just CEOs.
Bob Krause: Emergency legislation emphasizing fair trade.
Bill Bradley: Rely on the WTO to export beef to Europe.
Bill Bradley: All refugees should be granted rights to stay in US.
Bob Krause: Focus trade policies on middle-class incomes.
Carol Moseley-Braun: We need balance between trade and labor protection.
Christopher Reed: NAFTA harms the US.
Chuck Grassley: Free trade is the only way developing economies will grow.
Dennis Kucinich: President has authority to cancel NAFTA and WTO-I will.
Dick Gephardt: Im for labor rights and NAFTA supporters are not.
Dick Gephardt: Walk the walk of labor and environmental standards-by voting.
Doug Butzier: Free trade is the very foundation of prosperity.
Elizabeth Warren: China trade deal will help farmers, then work to improve it.
Fred Hubbell: Farmers are on the edge financially because of trade war.
Gary Bauer: Europeans fight to protect their farmers; so should we.
George W. Bush: The fearful build walls; the confident demolish them.
George W. Bush: China in WTO is good for US farm exports.
Howard Dean: We need China trade as a national security issue.
Howard Dean: We've globalized corporations; now globalize worker rights.
Jake Porter: Support free trade.
John Edwards: Against NAFTA, against Chile trade, against Singapore trade.
John Kerry: Veto FTAA and CAFTA until they have stronger standards.
Joni Ernst: Keep markets open to exports for Iowa goods.
Joni Ernst: Supports USMCA trade agreement to replace NAFTA.
Joseph Lieberman: Avoid pro-business extremism and protectionist extremism.
Kim Reynolds: Nobody wins in a trade war.
Kim Reynolds: Supports USMCA trade agreement to replace NAFTA.
Marco Battaglia: Support free trade & freer trade.
Michael Franken: Farmers want markets not bailouts; end foolish trade war.
Mike Huckabee: Trans Pacific Partnership isn't fair trade or free trade.
Patty Judge: Oppose TPP: I don't know that free trade is good for Iowa.
Pete Buttigieg: I support USMCA, but focus on people over corporations.
Rick Perry: China practices communism at night & capitalism in daytime.
Rod Blum: Fast-track free trade to expand agricultural markets.
Ron Paul: Trade sanctions never worked on Cuba, and won't work on Iran.
Roxanne Conlin: Stop helping big corporations ship jobs overseas.
Steve Forbes: Do free trade ourselves, without WTO.
Terry Branstad: Letter to Obama: Pass trade agreements.
Theresa Greenfield: Supports USMCA, expanding export opportunities.
Theresa Greenfield: Reckless trade policies have kept markets closed to farmers.
Theresa Greenfield: Number one issue for farmers is regaining foreign markets.
Tom Fiegen: I am concerned about lopsided trade agreements.
Tom Steyer: Undo Trump tariffs; negotiate trade deals for U.S. workers.
Government Reform
Zach Nunn: Require identification to vote.
Abby Finkenauer: Opposed requiring identification to vote.
Abby Finkenauer: Advisor to "Next 50," increasing youth political engagement.
Al Gore: Reinvention cut Defense while investing in social programs.
Al Gore: Public financing of elections and debates lead to trust.
Al Gore: Justices should view Constitution as living & breathing.
Andy McGuire: Repeal the voter ID law; lengthen the absentee voting.
Ben Carson: 5-year federal hiring freeze, to decrease size of government.
Bill Bradley: Money corrupts democracy.
Bob Graham: $40B aid to states to cover unfunded mandates.
Bruce Braley: AdWatch: Opponent never made a peep about wasteful spending.
Carly Fiorina: Fire 100s of top executives from the Veterans Administration.
Carol Moseley-Braun: Provide federal funding to states to cover unfunded mandates.
Cathy Glasson: Roll back voter ID law, start making voting easier for all.
Christopher Reed: Washington is broken & cant be fixed by European socialism.
Cindy Axne: For campaign finance reform, expanding voting rights.
Cindy Axne: Disgusted at Iowa reducing number of early voting days.
Deidre DeJear: Ensure the protection of all Iowans' voting rights.
Deidre DeJear: Increase voter turnout; make voting more accessible.
Dennis Kucinich: End privatization: it sells government to lowest bidder.
Dennis Kucinich: 14th and 15th Amendment are being shredded.
Dick Gephardt: Fact Check: Would ban lobbyist donations, but took $4.4 M.
Doug Butzier: Make sure that votes are legal, & that people vote only once.
Duncan Hunter: Dont share the role of commander in chief with V.P.
Eddie Mauro: Protect the right to vote for everyone.
Eddie Mauro: Overturn Citizens United; stop leadership PACs.
Eddie Mauro: Campaign finance reform to rein in Big Pharma.
Elizabeth Dole: Roll back the bureaucracy: defend the 10th Amendment.
Fred Hubbell: Supports term limits for Iowa governor.
Hillary Clinton: Wall Street donates to me because I rebuilt them after 9/11.
Hillary Clinton: GOP is trying to suppress voter registration.
Jack Hatch: Spending limits on political campaigns, & state funding.
Jake Porter: Make voter registration easier.
Jay Williams Iowa: Campaigning without financing, to fight toxic system.
Jay Williams Iowa: Fight nominating process of secretly pre-selected candidates.
Jim Carlin: Require identification to vote.
Jim Carlin: Different standards for voting mean we're not equal.
Jim Carlin: Claimed there was conspiracy to deprive Trump of re-election.
John Edwards: $50B aid to states to avoid municipal layoffs.
John Kerry: Every vote must be counted.
John McCain: There's only one president; V.P. sticks to official duties.
Joni Ernst: Roll back burdensome regulations.
Joni Ernst: AdWatch: I grew up castrating hogs; I know how to cut pork.
Joni Ernst: Photo ID for voting.
Joni Ernst: Go back to drawing board to keep Post Office going.
Joni Ernst: Against bill requiring more disclosure of political funders.
Kim Reynolds: Protect the ballot box with new voter ID laws.
Kim Reynolds: Opposes term limits for Iowa governor.
Kim Reynolds: Cut early voting period; close polls an hour earlier.
Kimberly Graham: Undo Citizens United; end Electoral College.
Kimberly Graham: End voter ID laws & voter suppression.
Marco Battaglia: Make election days national holidays.
Michael Franken: Post office must be fully funded & protected from politics.
Michael Franken: Rein in special interests through campaign finance reform.
Mike Huckabee: I'm sponsored by people like you, not by corporatists.
Nate Boulton: Opposed requiring identification to vote.
Newt Gingrich: Press corps focuses on campaign minutia & not basic ideas.
Patty Judge: Address unlimited amounts of undisclosed campaign money.
Patty Judge: Special interests get too much help from Congress.
Ras Smith: Opposed requiring identification to vote.
Tom Hoefling: Photo ID for voting.
Rick Perry: Cut Congress' pay in half & make them part-time.
Rob Hogg: Focus on campaign-finance reform and voting rights.
Rob Hogg: Repeal the Citizens United Supreme Court decision.
Rob Hogg: Require identification to vote.
Rod Blum: Term Limits Amendment for House & Senate.
Ron Paul: End government secrecy; restore openness of information.
Ron Paul: With neocon philosophy, Cheney is more powerful than Bush.
Rudy Giuliani: Qualification for VP is readiness for presidency, in wartime.
Sam Clovis: Photo ID for voting.
Staci Appel: Public matching funds for congressional elections.
Steve Forbes: Remove gov't from health care, retirement, & education.
Terry Branstad: Sunset of rules and regulations every four years.
Terry Branstad: 2010: No fees for government records; 2011: imposed fees.
Terry Branstad: Require identification to vote.
Theresa Greenfield: Ban corporate PAC money, overturn Citizens United.
Theresa Greenfield: Vital that Iowans can vote without fear of falling ill.
Theresa Greenfield: Don't support packing the Supreme Court.
Theresa Greenfield: Get dark money out of politics; no corporate PAC money.
Theresa Greenfield: Don't privatize Post Office but examine their finances.
Tom Fiegen: Whoever underwrites your campaign, owns you.
Tommy Thompson: Cheney is honorable individual; doesn't have too much power.
Kim Reynolds: Put a moratorium on new rulemaking, assess existing rules.
Gun Control
Zach Nunn: Kids over age 14 can use guns with parental approval.
Al Gore: Photo ids for gun purchase; ban junk guns.
Bernie Sanders: Do more than reverse gun manufacturer immunity.
Bill Bradley: Register and license all handguns.
Bruce Braley: Allow lawsuits against gun manufacturers for gun violence.
Bruce Braley: Ban sale of high-capacity magazines & recall existing ones.
Cathy Glasson: Gun violence is a public health crisis and an epidemic.
Chet Culver: Reduce barriers to issuing concealed carry permits.
Christopher Reed: Individual right to hunting guns and hand guns.
Chuck Grassley: No-fly lists are imperfect; allow gun sales to those on them.
Deidre DeJear: Repeal the dangerous "stand your ground" law.
Doug Butzier: Absolute right to gun ownership.
Eddie Mauro: Close gun show loophole; require gun owner insurance.
Eddie Mauro: Refuses donations from NRA & gun manufacturers.
Eddie Mauro: Allow CDC & NIH to research data on gun violence.
Fred Hubbell: Start the conversation between gun control & public safety.
Gary Bauer: Churches should discuss souls, not gun resolutions.
Gary Bauer: Promoting virtue would work better than passing gun laws.
George W. Bush: Best gun control is more prosecution & certain jail.
Hillary Clinton: Reverse gun manufacturer immunity; let them get sued.
Jack Hatch: Supports background checks, licensing, and enforcement.
Jake Porter: Absolute right to gun ownership.
Jim Carlin: Will never back down in fight to preserve Second Amendment.
Jim Gilmore: On NRA board to protect 2nd amendment.
John Kasich: Cool off before making new gun laws after Littleton.
John Kasich: More parenting better than more gun laws.
Joni Ernst: Staunch defender of the Second Amendment.
Joni Ernst: Opposes more gun restrictions.
Joni Ernst: Purpose of Second Amendment is protection against tyranny.
Kim Reynolds: Concealed carry at statehouse okay.
Kim Reynolds: Supports "stand your ground" provisions.
Kimberly Graham: Repeal Dickey Amendment barring CDC from gun research.
Marco Battaglia: Absolute right to gun ownership.
Martin O`Malley: Baltimore was safer with my comprehensive gun safety law.
Martin O`Malley: Time to work together to crack down on gun manufacturers.
Michael Franken: Background check; assault weapon ban; restrict magazine size.
Nate Boulton: No guns for 14-year-olds, even with parental approval.
Patty Judge: Block gun sales to those on terrorist watch-lists.
Patty Judge: Supports banning assault rifles.
Ras Smith: No guns for 14-year-olds, even with parental approval.
Tom Hoefling: Opposes more gun restrictions.
Rob Hogg: Reduce barriers to issuing concealed carry permits.
Rob Hogg: No guns for 14-year-olds, even with parental approval.
Sam Clovis: 2nd Amendment is about liberty, not just gun rights.
Sam Clovis: Reduce gun violence but not by punishing gun manufacturers.
Sam Clovis: Opposes more gun restrictions.
Steve Forbes: Prosecute crimes done with guns; not buying guns.
Terry Branstad: Kids over age 14 can use guns with parental approval.
Theresa Greenfield: Like many Iowans who have guns, supports bipartisan laws.
Theresa Greenfield: Would allow CDC to do research on gun violence.
Theresa Greenfield: Supports background checks & gun violence research.
Theresa Greenfield: Endorsed by Everytown for Gun Safety for gun-sense majority.
Tom Fiegen: Strengthen enforcement of existing state restrictions.
Health Care
Abby Finkenauer: As state rep fought for high-quality healthcare for all.
Al Gore: Help seniors by helping Medicare.
Al Gore: Weighted averages dont work in Medicaid world.
Al Sharpton: Right to health care, to education, and to vote.
Alan Keyes: Focus on cost-reductions, not methods of payment.
Alan Keyes: Let market determine health payments, not bureaucrats.
Alan Keyes: Health care choice will save money for long-term health care.
Amy Klobuchar: Non-profit public option: I have a plan for that.
Amy Klobuchar: We need a paid-for healthcare plan, not a pipe dream.
Andy McGuire: Healthcare is a right for all Iowans.
Andy McGuire: Reduce costs through preventive care, lower drug prices.
Barack Obama: Being poor in this country is hazardous to your health.
Bernie Sanders: Medicare-for-All saves money to offset raising taxes.
Bernie Sanders: End the absurdity of co-payments and $600B corporate costs.
Bernie Sanders: Help insurance industry employees transition to new jobs.
Bill Bradley: Covering drugs is the key to reducing health care costs.
Bill Bradley: All people on Medicaid should have a primary care physician.
Bob Krause: 70% of Millenials support ObamaCare.
Bob Graham: Rx drug benefit without herding people into HMOs.
Bruce Braley: AdWatch: Targeted by RNC robocalls for support of ObamaCare.
Bruce Braley: ObamaCare should be fixed and improved, not repealed.
Bruce Braley: Vehemently opposes tort reform: don't take away right to sue.
Bruce Braley: Repealing ObamaCare would deprive millions of insurance.
Carol Moseley-Braun: Break link between healthcare and employment.
Carol Moseley-Braun: Pay for universal care with money already in system.
Carol Moseley-Braun: Replace patchwork system with Medicare-modeled system.
Carol Moseley-Braun: Single-payer system is the only answer.
Cathy Glasson: Medicare For All: fundamental right to health care.
Christopher Reed: First cut waste, fraud, & abuse in Medicare/Medicaid.
Chuck Grassley: Medicare has more drugs by not negotiating prices like VA.
Cindy Axne: Member of Affordable and Accessible Health Care Task Force.
David Young: Market solutions better than one-size-fits-all ObamaCare.
Deidre DeJear: Quality affordable healthcare, mental health imperative.
Dennis Kucinich: Private companies charge 18% admin & Medicare charges 3%.
Dick Gephardt: Fact Check: Dean agreed with Clinton on cuts, not Gingrich.
Dick Gephardt: Tax breaks to all companies to cover all employees.
Dick Gephardt: Subsidize 60% of health costs for all employees.
Dick Gephardt: AdWatch: Criticizes Dean for 11-year-old outdated stances.
Donald Trump: Save Medicare & Medicaid without cutting them to the bone.
Donald Trump: ObamaCare is a catastrophe that must be repealed & replaced.
Doug Butzier: Opposes ObamaCare.
Duncan Hunter: Allow Americans to buy health insurance across state lines.
Duncan Hunter: SCHIP bill is the first extension of socialized medicine.
Eddie Mauro: Medicare for all (under age 55) who want it.
Eddie Mauro: Everybody needs to have health care in this country.
Elizabeth Warren: Let government manufacture drugs when there's a price spike.
Elizabeth Warren: Tax the 1 percent and we can provide health care to all.
Fred Hubbell: Stop Medicaid privatization; it failed the most vulnerable.
Gary Bauer: A patient bill of rights fits the conservative agenda.
George W. Bush: Keep Medicare in government, but provide flexibility.
George W. Bush: Create Review Board to hear HMO complaints.
George W. Bush: Tax-deductible long-term care insurance for retirement.
George W. Bush: Replace 132,000-page Medicare document with senior choice.
Hillary Clinton: Pledges to support $50B for AIDS relief in US and world.
Howard Dean: Bush prescription: take 2 tax cuts and see me in the morning.
Howard Dean: As doctor, knows health system; and knows how to pass plan.
Howard Dean: Fact Check: Dean agreed with Clinton on cuts, not Gingrich.
Jake Porter: Oppose ObamaCare.
Jim Carlin: Allow seniors to deduct cost of prescription and OTC drugs.
Joe Biden: 4% tax doesn't bring in trillions to cover Medicare for All.
Joe Biden: Add mental health parity to ObamaCare, with Biden option.
John Edwards: Bush works for big HMOs and big pharma; I stand up for you.
John Edwards: Cap on damages for personal injuries is discriminatory.
John McCain: Matching funds for seniors citizens' prescription drugs.
John McCain: Expand health insurance to 11 million uninsured children.
Joni Ernst: Staunchly opposed to ObamaCare.
Joni Ernst: Voted against Medicaid expansion in Iowa.
Joni Ernst: FactCheck: False claim that ObamaCare cut Medicare benefits.
Joni Ernst: ObamaCare is egregious overreach of federal government.
Joni Ernst: Medicare-for-All would bankrupt rural health care systems.
Joni Ernst: Replace ACA but provide "backstop" for expensive cases.
Joni Ernst: COVID: I wear a mask in public, but mandate is unenforceable.
Kim Reynolds: ObamaCare is unaffordable, unworkable, and unsustainable.
Kim Reynolds: Individualized, patient-centered managed care for Medicaid.
Kim Reynolds: Train all doctors to recognize mental health challenges.
Kim Reynolds: Shift mental health funding from property tax to state.
Kim Reynolds: Telehealth is a reality and will help underserved Iowans.
Kim Reynolds: $30 million over two years to fund mental health reform.
Kim Reynolds: Kept state "open for business" during pandemic.
Kimberly Graham: Advocates universal, single-payer government coverage.
Marco Battaglia: Oppose ObamaCare; move to a freer market in medicine.
Michael Franken: Improve ObamaCare; add Medicare public option.
Michael Franken: Seeks to pick up the banner of disability advocate.
Michael Franken: Add essential vision, hearing, dental services to Medicare.
Michael Franken: Let Medicare negotiate prescription drug prices.
Michele Bachmann: I fought; when others ran, I fought.
Michele Bachmann: Government has no authority to force people to buy insurance.
Michele Bachmann: 2012 is our one shot to get rid of ObamaCare.
Mike Huckabee: Give Americans Congress' healthcare, or give Congress ours.
Mitt Romney: Insure 45 million uninsured with a free-market based system.
Mitt Romney: ObamaCare's biggest difference: I believe in 10th Amendment.
Mitt Romney: MA Constitution allows mandate; US Constitution does not.
Mitt Romney: Return healthcare to states, under the 10th Amendment.
Mitt Romney: No FEDERAL individual mandate; but state mandate ok.
Nate Boulton: Focus on vulnerable people rather than corporate profits.
Newt Gingrich: HillaryCare mandate ok; ObamaCare mandate unconstitutional.
Orrin Hatch: Home health and nursing homes should be more affordable.
Pat Murphy: Raise cigarette tax to expand healthcare to 40,000 children.
Patty Judge: Look again at affordable health care.
Pete Buttigieg: Individual mandate so no such thing as an uninsured American.
Pete Buttigieg: My plan does not cost the most, but isn't small.
Rich Leopold: Our handling of mental illness & medical coverage is abysmal.
Rick Perry: ObamaCare is an abomination for this country.
Rick Santorum: If we let states mandate insurance, sterilization is ok too.
Rob Hogg: Supports the Affordable Care Act.
Ron Paul: States CAN mandate insurance, but it's a bad idea.
Ron Paul: Government should not protect you from yourself.
Roxanne Conlin: Reward quality of care, not quantity.
Roxanne Conlin: Moral imperative to prevent 45,000 deaths from lack of care.
Roxanne Conlin: Negotiate prescription drugs for Medicare like we do for VA.
Rudy Giuliani: $15,000 tax deduction for health savings accounts.
Sam Clovis: Repeal ObamaCare; it's not a government responsibility.
Sam Brownback: Market-based solution over socialized government-pay system.
Sam Clovis: Repeal ObamaCare, the Unaffordable Care Act.
Sam Clovis: Keep ObamaCare rule: kids can stay on parent's plan until 26.
Steve Forbes: Replace "gatekeepers" with health care vouchers.
Ted Cruz: Support nuns' battle for religious liberty against ObamaCare.
Terry Branstad: Lifestyle changes make people healthier & save state money.
Terry Branstad: Mental Health Care Reform: secure vulnerable Iowans.
Terry Branstad: ObamaCare is unaffordable, unworkable, and unsustainable.
Terry Branstad: Transform mental health system to community-based model.
Theresa Greenfield: Expand access to affordable health care.
Theresa Greenfield: Strengthen ObamaCare; create public option.
Theresa Greenfield: Medicaid expansion, but not Medicare-for-All.
Theresa Greenfield: Health care is a right; build in a public option.
Theresa Greenfield: COVID: I do support a statewide mask mandate.
Theresa Greenfield: Expand ACA, include public option.
Theresa Greenfield: Said she'd fight drug costs, but Big Pharma donated to her.
Tim Pawlenty: We did healthcare the right way in Minnesota.
Tim Pawlenty: ObamneyCare: ObamaCare was patterned after RomneyCare.
Tom Fiegen: Stop the scam of paying generic drug makers to NOT sell.
Tom Steyer: Break corporate stranglehold to get public option.
Tom Steyer: Term limits will break stranglehold on low taxes for rich.
Tom Tancredo: Womb-to-tomb health care is not federal responsibility.
Tom Tancredo: FactCheck: Illegals use less medical care than citizens.
Tommy Thompson: Convert illness & disease system to wellness & prevention.
Tommy Thompson: End breast cancer by the year 2015 for all women in America.
Kim Reynolds: Increase funding for health care apprenticeship program.
Homeland Security
Al Gore: Commit troops only if diplomacy fails and if its winnable.
Barack Obama: Give 18-year-old women opportunity to serve.
Bernie Sanders: Cut defense by $18B to pay for 55% of all college tuition.
Bernie Sanders: Rid our planet of this barbarous organization called ISIS.
Bernie Sanders: We spend billions on nuclear weapons & only 10% on terrorism.
Bill Bradley: The UN, not the US, is the worlds policeman.
Bill Richardson: 2 years of college tuition for 1 year of national service.
Bob Krause: Improve conditions for veterans, including PTSD & MSA.
Bruce Braley: Yes, missed 75% of Veterans' hearings; but made 97% of votes.
Carly Fiorina: On Benghazi: I'm familiar with America's allies and enemies.
Carly Fiorina: Benghazi matters because we didn't seek retribution.
Carol Moseley-Braun: Color-coded warnings are no substitute for diplomacy.
Chet Culver: More funding for veteran's jobs, homes, and education.
Chris Dodd: Strong advocate of universal national service.
Christopher Reed: Opposes the draft; all-volunteer force is best.
Cindy Axne: Introduced bill supporting rural veteran mental health care.
David Young: Soldiers deserve the best medical care available, period.
Dennis Kucinich: Weapons in outer space and missile shields are DOD waste.
Dennis Kucinich: National service yes; military draft no.
Donald Trump: Defeat ISIS and stop Islamic terrorists.
Doug Butzier: Stop expanding the military.
Elizabeth Warren: Fight to get military benefits, but cut defense budget.
Fred Hubbell: Respects and honors the military's courage and sacrifices.
George W. Bush: Rebuild military power to deal with world of terror.
Hillary Clinton: Examine registering 18-year-old women for selective service.
Hillary Clinton: Adversaries of the future: terrorists as well as drone subs.
Howard Dean: Saddam is a distraction; focus on Al Qaeda.
Jim Carlin: We must maintain military superiority over China.
Jim Gilmore: Psychology services should be included in veteran benefits.
Jim Gilmore: I think Gitmo ought to remain open.
Jim Gilmore: Dangerous to give Iran option to develop nuclear program.
Joe Biden: Universal national service, in military or Peace Corps.
John Bolton: America is less secure now than we were six years ago.
John Edwards: Reduce $9B spending on missile defense.
John Edwards: I think we need a president who asks Americans to sacrifice.
Marco Battaglia: Rein in the military-industrial complex.
John Kerry: Bush misused the authority Congress gave him.
John Kerry: Color-coded warning system needs to be changed.
John McCain: Women have proven themselves in combat-no restrictions.
John McCain: Radical Islamic extremism is a hydra-headed challenge.
Joni Ernst: Strong national defense makes the world is a safer place.
Joni Ernst: I'm a veteran; honor and care for our nation's veterans.
Joni Ernst: Keep veterans in forefront of all foreign policy decisions.
Joni Ernst: Military experience always plays role in decision-making.
Joni Ernst: I understand the importance a strong national defense.
Joseph Lieberman: Intelligence system must be reformed.
Joseph Lieberman: Win the hearts and minds of the Muslim world.
Marco Rubio: FactCheck: Yes, Air Force is now smallest in its history.
Marco Rubio: Send more terrorists to Gitmo; find out everything they know.
Martin O`Malley: Nature of warfare has changed: focus on intel, not armies.
Michele Bachmann: No Miranda rights for terrorists; expand Guantanamo.
Newt Gingrich: Threat of militant Islam is comparable to pre-WWII Nazis.
Patty Judge: Military is last resort, when diplomacy is exhausted.
Rand Paul: Let's get warrants the old-fashioned way: via 4th Amendment.
Rod Blum: Oppose FISA warrantless searches; oppose roving wiretaps.
Ron Paul: Neither Dems nor GOP will cut one nickel from militarism.
Ron Paul: Many terrorists have been properly tried in US courts.
Ron Paul: 17,000 troops for Baghdad embassy? Come home!
Rudy Giuliani: FactCheck: Dems don't say "Islamic" but do say "terrorism".
Sam Clovis: Military holds a special place in fabric of American society.
Sam Clovis: Maintain a superior nuclear arsenal.
Sarah Palin: Muslim jihadists threaten our way of life.
Terry Branstad: Exempt active-duty military from paying state income tax.
Theresa Greenfield: Take care of veterans with healthcare & jobs.
Tom Fiegen: Take care of veterans and their families.
Al Gore: Immigrants from communist Cuba are different.
Andy McGuire: We need comprehensive federal immigration policy.
Ben Carson: Common-sense solutions: guest workers plus harsher penalties.
Ben Carson: Use Canadian model for guest worker program.
Bob Krause: 67% of Millenials support pathway to citizenship.
Bruce Braley: Supports comprehensive reform but not amnesty.
Cathy Glasson: Welcomes immigrants and wants them to feel safe and secure.
Cathy Glasson: We need path to citizenship and to keep families together.
Chet Culver: Feds should deal with immigration, not state police.
Christopher Reed: Illegal border crossers are felons, not guests.
Dennis Kucinich: Bush immigration program is indentured servitude.
Dick Gephardt: Immigration service is a mess and needs reform.
Dick Gephardt: Federal government should help illegal immigrants.
Doug Butzier: Turn illegal aliens into taxpayers by legalizing them.
Eddie Mauro: Fighting for immigrant rights near and dear to me.
Fred Hubbell: No use of local enforcement during federal immigration raids.
Herman Cain: We have a path to citizenship: it's called legal immigration.
Hillary Clinton: Crack down on employers who exploit undocumented workers.
Hillary Clinton: Net immigration from Mexico has fallen to zero.
Howard Dean: Be careful about granting citizenship for military services.
Jack Hatch: Opposes English as the official language.
Jeb Bush: Immigrants are an engine of economic vitality.
Jim Carlin: Secure borders before discussing eligibility for citizenship.
Joe Biden: Americans will do any job if you pay them properly.
John Edwards: Differentiate terrorists from the immigrants.
John Edwards: End immigrant raids that separate parents from children.
Jon Huntsman: End patchwork of state laws & just secure the border.
Joni Ernst: Protect the borders; prevent illegal entry.
Joni Ernst: Legal residency for DREAMers; need bipartisan solution.
Joni Ernst: Path for DACA participants, against overall amnesty.
Joseph Lieberman: Make sure immigrants are treated fairly.
Kim Reynolds: Secure our border, but no family separations.
Kim Reynolds: End DACA, but Congress should act.
Kim Reynolds: Migrant children not our problem, different under Trump.
Kimberly Graham: Citizenship for DACA & families.
Lindsey Graham: Legal status for undocumented workers.
Marco Battaglia: Pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens.
Martin O`Malley: Our symbol is the Statue of Liberty, not a barbed wire fence.
Michael Franken: Pathway to citizenship; expand worker visa program.
Mitt Romney: I like legal immigration; let business determine visas.
Nate Boulton: No use of local enforcement during federal immigration raids.
Newt Gingrich: Citizen Boards to decide which immigrants stay and go.
Patty Judge: DACA and DAPA are first steps toward reforming broken system.
Rick Perry: If Washington refuses to enforce the border, Texas will.
Rob Hogg: No home mortgages for illegal immigrants.
Rob Hogg: Civil penalties for employing unauthorized aliens.
Rod Blum: Secure the border; then loosen red tape for H1B visas.
Ron Paul: Pay attention to US borders, not international borders.
Sam Clovis: Border security at the very top of the priority list.
Sam Clovis: Protect the borders; prevent illegal entry.
Scott Walker: We have too many legal immigrants.
Terry Branstad: Cops should check citizenship status during traffic stops.
Theresa Greenfield: Fix immigration system; support DREAMers and border security.
Theresa Greenfield: Pathway for illegal immigrants; legal status for DREAMers.
Theresa Greenfield: Wants plan that tough on workplace enforcement.
Zach Nunn: Pay discrimination threatens morale as well as society.
Abby Finkenauer: Voted for the PRO (Protecting the Right to Organize) Act.
Al Gore: Base farm policy, like hormones in livestock, on science.
Al Sharpton: Need federal laws to protect workers, not state-by-state.
Al Sharpton: On picket lines & in jails for 35 years for workers rights.
Al Sharpton: Institutional discrimination still hinders minorities.
Al Sharpton: Create jobs that are necessary.
Alan Keyes: Family farms are nursery of moral character.
Alan Keyes: Family farms: Decollectivize banks; withdraw from WTO.
Andy McGuire: Dedicate resources to apprenticeships & job training.
Andy McGuire: Raise the minimum wage to $15/hr.
Andy McGuire: Restoring collective bargaining for Iowa workers.
Bernie Sanders: $15 minimum wage might lose some jobs, but it helps many.
Bill Bradley: Labor reform: Give teeth to pro-union laws.
Bill Bradley: Supports unions for home-health & day-care workers.
Bill Bradley: Increase minimum wage; universal health coverage.
Bob Graham: We pay bonuses in suites & fire workers in basement.
Bob Krause: Increase minimum wage; increase union rights.
Carly Fiorina: I will cut some jobs to save others, like I did at HP.
Carol Moseley-Braun: Focus on troubled fundamentals despite good short-term trend.
Carol Moseley-Braun: Provide capital job development in minority communities.
Carol Moseley-Braun: Fact Check: Claims Bush cost US 6M jobs - really only 3.2M.
Cathy Glasson: High priority to making union access available to all.
Cathy Glasson: Fight to raise minimum wage to $15 per hour.
Chet Culver: No wage discrimination due to gender, race, or orientation.
Chet Culver: End wage discrimination based on gender identity.
Cindy Axne: Co-sponsored National Apprenticeship Act to expand programs.
Cindy Axne: Close gender wage gap, challenge wage discrimination.
Dan Quayle: End farm crisis by more exports & tax relief.
Dennis Kucinich: Engrave into stone the rights of working people.
Dennis Kucinich: Enshrine workers rights in a workers White House.
Dennis Kucinich: Joblessness is a weapon of mass destruction.
Dick Gephardt: Represents hard-working labor union people.
Dick Gephardt: Establish international minimum wage.
Dick Gephardt: Ask the WTO for an international minimum wage.
Dick Gephardt: AdWatch: claims Bush did worst on jobs-but Reagan did worse.
Eddie Mauro: Workers have right to unionize; update Labor Relations Act.
Fred Hubbell: Believes in unions and equitable collective bargaining.
Fred Hubbell: Raise minimum wage at state level; allow cities to raise too.
Gary Bauer: Family farms: Demand that Europe stop protecting theirs.
George W. Bush: Family farms: Food for Peace instead of food as a weapon.
Hillary Clinton: $12 minimum wage, indexed for the future.
Howard Dean: Supports living wage via subsidies for kids & housing.
Howard Dean: Support farming via family farms, not corporate farms.
Jake Porter: Oppose affirmative action.
Jack Hatch: Raise the minimum wage & cut middle-class taxes.
John Edwards: We need a president who's willing to say the word "union".
John Kerry: Provide employment opportunities to minorities.
John McCain: Ethanol is not worth it, even in Iowa.
John McCain: Family farms: Crop insurance; reduce inheritance tax.
Joni Ernst: Top priority: Jobs and economy.
Joni Ernst: Raising the minimum wage would not improve the economy.
Joni Ernst: Maybe index minimum wage to GDP, but not same for all states.
Joni Ernst: Co-sponsored National Right to Work Act.
Joseph Lieberman: For counter-cyclical farm subsides, despite criticism abroad.
Kim Reynolds: Voting NAY on ending gender identity wage discrimination.
Kim Reynolds: Decide workforce training at local level with job creators.
Kim Reynolds: Keep minimum wage at $7.25; don't allow cities to raise it.
Kim Reynolds: Double required job searches; drop federal benefits early.
Kim Reynolds: Reduce unemployment benefits from six months to 16 weeks.
Kimberly Graham: Equal pay for equal work.
Marco Battaglia: Oppose affirmative action.
Martin O`Malley: Maryland was first state to pass a living wage of $10.10.
Michael Franken: Endorses a federal ban on right to work laws.
Michael Franken: Fairness means equal pay for equal work.
Mitt Romney: FactCheck: Yes,US added 50M jobs since 78; but EU added 36M.
Mitt Romney: The free economy means sometimes we lose jobs.
Mitt Romney: Replace jobless benefits with unemployment savings accounts.
Nate Boulton: $15 minimum wage indexed to inflation.
Nate Boulton: Equal pay for equal work.
Orrin Hatch: Assist farmers in transition to free market.
Orrin Hatch: Family farms: Crop insurance; no capital gains on land.
Pat Murphy: Raised Iowa minimum wage to $7.25; now push for $10.10.
Patty Judge: Take action to increase the minimum wage.
Patty Judge: Raise minimum wage to $15 an hour, instead of tax breaks.
Patty Judge: Increase the federal minimum wage & all working wages.
Rick Perry: The official unemployment rate is massaged and doctored.
Rick Santorum: Take jobs back from China so US is #1 in manufacturing.
Rob Hogg: No wage discrimination due to gender, race, or orientation.
Rob Hogg: Pay discrimination threatens morale as well as society.
Roxanne Conlin: Small business tax credits to create jobs.
Scott Walker: Anti-state unions but pro-private unions.
Steve Forbes: Farm crisis caused by federal policies.
Steve Forbes: Ethanol should be self-sufficient by 2007.
Steve Forbes: Family farms: Lower interest rates; enforce anti-trust.
Steve Forbes: Raise wages by allowing growth, not by fiat.
Terry Branstad: Reduce burdensome regulation by public/private job team.
Terry Branstad: Iowa Partnership for Economic Progress: investment for jobs.
Theresa Greenfield: Strengthen unions, they built the middle class.
Theresa Greenfield: Supports a living wage; equal pay for equal work.
Theresa Greenfield: Raise minimum wage to $15 over time.
Theresa Greenfield: COVID: Expand benefits for laid-off workers.
Theresa Greenfield: Investment in ag research will improve crops and soils.
Kim Reynolds: We passed badly needed collective bargaining reform.
Principles & Values
Abby Finkenauer: Family taught her never think you're better than anyone else.
Abby Finkenauer: Since insurrection, GOP has turned its back on democracy.
Al Sharpton: I want to privatize only one thing: privatize George Bush.
Alan Keyes: Bring God back into the White House.
Ashley Hinson: Getting started in Congress; considering run for Senate.
Barack Obama: If you join me I promise you we can change America.
Barack Obama: We are choosing hope over fear.
Bill Bradley: Should we take risks? If not now, when? If not us, who?
Bruce Braley: Apologizes for denigrating Senator as farmer & not lawyer.
Carly Fiorina: We need a president NOT from professional political class.
Carly Fiorina: People care about issues, not GOP internal affairs.
Carly Fiorina: Hillary should be prosecuted; not be president.
Carly Fiorina: Come help me take our country back.
Carol Moseley-Braun: Fight the greedy and help the needy.
Chuck Grassley: My re-election ensures Iowa is not denied Senate seniority.
David Young: Optimism is at the center of America's continued greatness.
Doug Butzier: Oppose limits on prayer in public places.
Duncan Hunter: Restore economic patriotism: America is arsenal of democracy.
Elizabeth Warren: Women candidates out-perform men candidates.
Gary Bauer: America needs to return to the ethics of Ronald Reagan.
Gary Bauer: First priority is to outlaw abortion.
George W. Bush: Government can create an environment for prosperity.
George W. Bush: Keys to American prosperity.
George W. Bush: Philosophy of governing.
Hillary Clinton: Running to continue work I've done for 35 years.
Howard Dean: Democrats are as angry at Dems as at GOP.
Howard Dean: Rule by hope instead of rule by fear.
Howard Dean: Constitution says power belongs to the people-not to Bush.
Jake Porter: Freely practice beliefs so long as not hurting others.
Jack Hatch: Iowans are ready for a fresh start.
Jay Williams Iowa: Truth, Life and Love--my values & American values.
Jay Williams Iowa: Ordained ULC minister and United Methodist Lay Servant.
Jim Carlin: Most important issue: preserving freedom for next generation.
Jim Gilmore: Establishment media wrong to shape the presidential campaign.
Jim Gilmore: Son of meat cutter who was not rich but gave me values.
Joe Biden: Trump's lies about me are so bad that TV won't show them.
John Edwards: Fight for values of people and workers over privilege.
John Edwards: Fight for values of people and workers over privilege.
John Edwards: Two Americas: one does the work, the other reaps the reward.
John Edwards: Make America an ownership society.
John Kasich: Establishment lane, anti-establishment lane & Kasich lane.
John McCain: Foreign policy should not be shaped by photo-ops & polls.
Jon Huntsman: If you love your country, you serve her.
Joni Ernst: Values we grew up with are being threatened now.
Joni Ernst: AdWatch: "Let's make 'em squeal" in Washington.
Joni Ernst: Judeo-Christian values established our government framework.
Joni Ernst: FactCheck: Missed half of state Senate votes for campaigning.
Marco Battaglia: Freely practice beliefs so long as not hurting others.
Matthew Whitaker: OpEd: disagrees with entire liberal laundry list.
Michael Franken: Probity of character transcends all.
Michele Bachmann: Make Obama a one-term president.
Mike Huckabee: Defining mistake: neglecting his health for decades.
Mike Huckabee: Never forget that ordinary citizens are the President's boss.
Mike Huckabee: A President should care about regular folk, not just elites.
Mike Huckabee: Motto as governor and now, "Come, let us reason together".
Mitt Romney: Bush & Cheney have made mistakes, but have kept us safe.
Mitt Romney: Strong families, a strong economy and a strong military.
Orrin Hatch: President should set a moral example.
Rich Leopold: I'm a person of faith; I volunteer with faith-based groups.
Rick Santorum: Vote for leader of free world; not for who entertains you.
Rick Santorum: Obama is divisive & untrustworthy; I am respectful.
Rick Santorum: Trust Iowans to pick best leader rather than follow polls.
Rudy Giuliani: I have executive experience; I can restore hope to America.
Ron Paul: Freedom is based on tolerance and non-violence.
Roxanne Conlin: Republicans only offer more of the same.
Sam Brownback: Bush has over-relied on Cheney's experience.
Sam Clovis: Judeo-Christian values established our government framework.
Scott Walker: My relationship with God drives every major decision.
Scott Walker: Raised as a "P.K.", Pastor's Kid, by his father Pastor Llew.
Terry Branstad: The Iowa Dream: working hard; working together.
Theresa Greenfield: Shaped by growing up on family farm.
Theresa Greenfield: As scrappy farm kid, pick yourself up when knocked down.
Tom Fiegen: Progressive battling for the soul of the Democratic party.
Tom Hoefling: Straight up the middle Reagan conservative.
Tom Tancredo: Defining mistake: waiting 30 years to accept Jesus as savior.
Tom Tancredo: We can no longer afford political correctness.
Tommy Thompson: Bring into administration Dems, Republicans, & independents.
Kim Reynolds: Let Supreme Court overturn 4 states in 2020 election.
Social Security
Bruce Braley: Privatizing Social Security turns it over to Wall Street.
Chet Culver: More employee & employer contributions to public retirement.
Christopher Reed: Honor promises, but chance to opt out of Social Security.
Christopher Reed: Establishing Social Security was possibly a mistake.
Christopher Reed: Let younger workers opt out.
Cindy Axne: Stop cuts to benefits for current and future retirees.
Dennis Kucinich: Stop privatization and return retirement age to 65.
Doug Butzier: Privatize the Ponzi scheme in gradual and voluntary manner.
Eddie Mauro: Protect Social Security & Medicare.
Jim Carlin: Increase Cost-of-Living Adjustment to reflect rising prices.
John Kerry: I will never privatize, extend retirement age, nor cut SS.
Joni Ernst: Preserve and protect Social Security & Medicare.
Joni Ernst: Open to privatizing Social Security, but honor promises.
Joni Ernst: Something like personal savings accounts for younger workers.
Joni Ernst: Consider all options for solvency; must be bipartisan.
Marco Battaglia: Individual private accounts to replace Social Security.
Matthew Whitaker: No hope that Social Security will be there for future.
Michael Franken: Reform tax cap; raise benefits; no privatization.
Michael Franken: Make all earnings subject to the Social Security tax.
Mitt Romney: Reform entitlements by negotiating behind closed doors.
Mitt Romney: Honor expectations of recipients, but take action for future.
Nate Boulton: Expand retirement savings options & make them portable.
Pat Murphy: Senior Living Trust Fund: expand in-home care.
Patty Judge: Vital to protect program; increase cap but don't privatize.
Patty Judge: Adjust benefits for caregivers who take time off work.
Rob Hogg: More employee & employer contributions to public retirement.
Rod Blum: Compromise on all options, to ensure future of program.
Roxanne Conlin: Defend Social Security instead of privatizing it.
Theresa Greenfield: Credits Social Security with support after death of husband.
Theresa Greenfield: Opposes privatization of Social Security & Medicare.
Theresa Greenfield: Social Security personal, helped when husband died on job.
Theresa Greenfield: Don't raise retirement age; make wealthy pay fair share.
Tom Fiegen: Expand it rather than cut it.
Tom Harkin: Privatization failed before we had Social Security.
Tax Reform
Al Sharpton: Bush tax cuts make us victims of a war of mass distraction.
Al Sharpton: Bush isnt cutting taxes, hes shifting taxes.
Alan Keyes: Abolish the income tax and spend money responsibly.
Bernie Sanders: Wealthiest will pay more but not as much as under Eisenhower.
Carol Moseley-Braun: Roll back the tax cut to create peace and prosperity.
Cathy Glasson: End corporate welfare tax practice; make them pay fair share.
Christopher Reed: Lower taxes means increased revenue, via the Laffer curve.
David Young: Tax code should be fairer, flatter and simpler.
Deidre DeJear: Iowans not overtaxed, issue is gross underfunding.
Dennis Kucinich: Fact Check: Says $40K earners pay same as $400K -not really.
Doug Butzier: Higher taxes on the wealthy are counterproductive to economy.
Eddie Mauro: Those benefiting the most have an obligation to pay.
Fred Hubbell: Equitable tax system, instead of one based on who you know.
George W. Bush: Reduce tax rates; return surplus to taxpayers.
George W. Bush: Remove unfairness from the tax code.
Howard Dean: Bush's tax cuts made $10,000 debt for every child.
Howard Dean: Plan to increase corporate taxes.
Howard Dean: Cutting payroll taxes is not a bad idea.
Howard Dean: Fact Check: Dean says 60% got $304-really 50% got over $470.
Jake Porter: Phase out the statewide sales tax.
Jim Carlin: Tax relief for middle class, not Wall Street.
Jim Carlin: Abolish the death tax on family farms.
John McCain: Replace employer-provided benefits with a tax cut.
John McCain: Make tax reform commission & vote yes-or-no on outcome.
John McCain: FactCheck: Families spend $20B on tax prep, not $140B.
Joni Ernst: IRS is a predatory, bureaucratic, out-of-control disaster.
Joni Ernst: Passed the largest tax cut in Iowa history.
Joni Ernst: Make tax code fairer, flatter and simpler: but not FairTax.
Joni Ernst: Signed Grover Norquist tax pledge: never raise taxes.
Joni Ernst: 2017 tax cuts gave relief to 1 million Iowans.
Kim Reynolds: Update Iowa tax code to take advantage of federal tax cuts.
Kim Reynolds: Reduce top state income tax rate to 5.5% by 2023.
Kim Reynolds: We need to continue the conversation about cutting taxes.
Kim Reynolds: Replace multiple tax brackets with 4% flat tax.
Marco Battaglia: Phase out the income tax.
Martin O`Malley: Wealthiest should pay more but not as much as under Reagan.
Michael Franken: Eliminate loopholes used by wealthy & corporations.
Michael Franken: Eliminate Trump tax cuts benefiting the wealthiest Americans.
Michele Bachmann: Health Impact Fee: opposed cigarette tax but voted for life.
Mike Huckabee: Tax system penalizes productivity; needs complete overhaul.
Mike Huckabee: Higher tax brackets punish people for more work.
Mitt Romney: Commission studied FairTax and found serious flaws.
Mitt Romney: I cut taxes 19 times as MA governor.
Orrin Hatch: It will take political experience to reform the tax code.
Rick Perry: Lower taxes & less regulation made Texas a job leader.
Rick Santorum: My 10% flat tax brings 3.5M jobs back to America.
Rob Hogg: Increase the earned income tax credit (EITC).
Rod Blum: Reduce taxes on business and individuals.
Rudy Giuliani: Reducing taxes is a way to raise MORE money.
Rudy Giuliani: Eliminate the death tax immediately.
Rudy Giuliani: Too complex to get to FairTax; focus on reducing taxes.
Sam Brownback: Supports optional flat tax in income tax; not FairTax.
Sam Clovis: Transition from personal income tax system to a FairTax.
Steve Forbes: A flat tax will help families, homeowners, and charities.
Terry Branstad: Reduce commercial & residential property tax.
Theresa Greenfield: Wealthy & corporations need to pay their fair share.
Tim Pawlenty: Health Impact Fee: increased cigarette tax but regretted it.
Tom Fiegen: Since 1980s, we've transferred wealth to the very rich.
Tom Hoefling: Eliminate the state's income tax & special crony favors.
Tom Tancredo: Co-sponsored FairTax because income tax manipulates behavior.
Tom Vilsack: One sliver of society isn't going to pay for the rest of us.
Kim Reynolds: On a path to the 4th lowest income-tax rate in the country.
Al Sharpton: $250 billion infrastructure-redevelopment plan.
Bernie Sanders: Our infrastructure is crumbling because of endless wars.
Cathy Glasson: Create jobs with infrastructure investment.
Cindy Axne: Improve broadband access in rural communities.
Deidre DeJear: Expand broadband, increase speeds, welcome technology jobs.
Dennis Kucinich: Technologies will create jobs.
Dick Gephardt: Space programs shouldnt be a top priority.
Fred Hubbell: Infrastructure investment is needed in rural areas too.
Fred Hubbell: Expand affordable rural internet access.
Howard Dean: Invest in rural broadband to replace lost farm jobs.
Jim Carlin: Time to break up Big Tech & protect personal privacy.
Jim Carlin: Vital that farmers have access to 5G technology.
John McCain: Veto pork barrel; focus transportation spending on repairs.
Jon Huntsman: Cyber intrusion is the new battlefield, and an act of war.
Kim Reynolds: STEM initiative to prepare for a 21st century economy.
Kim Reynolds: Expand broadband capabilities to every corner of rural Iowa.
Kim Reynolds: Access to high speed internet is crucial: dedicate $140M.
Kim Reynolds: Broadband is not a luxury; it's critical infrastructure.
Kim Reynolds: Internet grew & thrived before net neutrality.
Kim Reynolds: $450 million for statewide high-speed broadband by 2025.
Michael Franken: High speed internet access for rural and depressed areas.
Michael Franken: Information wars are a global threat with local consequences.
Mike Huckabee: Spend on our infrastructure instead of other countries'.
Mike Huckabee: Cars' navigation systems are better than air traffic control.
Mitt Romney: Invest in infrastructure from growing economy by lower taxes.
Mitt Romney: Mining the moon costs too much.
Nate Boulton: Invest in rural infrastructure, including for tourism.
Newt Gingrich: America should be in space, aggressively & entrepreneurially.
Rob Hogg: Invest in flood protection & soil conservation.
Rod Blum: Government misuse of technology erodes Bill of Rights.
Rudy Giuliani: Lower taxes AND fix infrastructure.
Terry Branstad: Partnership between state and Google is good for jobs.
Terry Branstad: Connect Every Iowan Act: broadband to under-served areas.
Terry Branstad: Fix crumbling bridges AND rural internet.
Theresa Greenfield: Invest in infrastructure for broadband and bridges.
Theresa Greenfield: Expand broadband; public/private partnership to get there.
War & Peace
Doug Butzier: Stay out of Iran & stay out of everywhere.
Amy Klobuchar: I opposed Iraq War from the very beginning.
Amy Klobuchar: Trump is taking us pell-mell into war with Iran.
Amy Klobuchar: No Iranian nukes, via reinstating joint nuclear deal.
Bernie Sanders: Invasion of Iraq led to ISIS; Hillary voted to invade.
Bernie Sanders: Great disasters of our time--Vietnam & Iraq--based on lies.
Bernie Sanders: Passed bipartisan War Powers Act to stop Yemen war.
Bernie Sanders: Endless war in Iraq cost us trillions and 4,500 troops.
Bob Graham: Iraq was a distraction from the war on terror.
Carol Moseley-Braun: Saddam capture has little to do with keeping Americans safe.
Christopher Reed: Support the surge; wants more positive news coverage.
Christopher Reed: No timetable for exit; stay until Al Qaeda is quelled.
Christopher Reed: Saddam was a madman who had WMDs and used them.
Chuck Grassley: Signed letter opposing Iranian nuclear deal.
Dick Gephardt: Helped initiate Iraqi war resolution because of CIA support.
Duncan Hunter: Marines are doing a good job; dont rush for the exit.
Duncan Hunter: Work with Pakistan against Taliban and Al Qaida.
Eddie Mauro: We need to revisit war powers role of president & Congress.
Elizabeth Warren: We cannot do everything with combat troops: out of Mideast.
Howard Dean: Supported Afghan war & not Iraq, but always supports troops.
Howard Dean: US is no safer with Saddam gone-we're still losing troops.
Howard Dean: AdWatch: "My opponents voted for war"-negative but true.
Howard Dean: AdWatch: blames Gephardt for $87B-but Dean's view evolved.
Howard Dean: Fact Check: Fighter jet escorts since 9/11-not 12/2004.
Joe Biden: Iraq war is sucking up a $150B a year.
Joe Biden: Pull troops out of Mideast, except to patrol Gulf and ISIS.
Joe Biden: As veep, worked to end Iraq war.
Joe Biden: Iraq war vote mistake based on Bush/Cheney lies.
Joe Biden: Leave special forces in Mideast, not just combat troops.
John Edwards: Saddam's trial will reveal atrocities, but won't end terror.
John Edwards: Don't negotiate with Arafat, but build trust with envoy.
John Kerry: Pre-emptive strike ok only when US survival at stake.
John McCain: Support the surge even if benchmarks are not met.
Joseph Lieberman: Iraq victory opens door to Israeli-Palestinian peace.
Joseph Lieberman: US and world are safer with homicidal maniac Saddam gone.
Kimberly Graham: Increase service member pay & veteran's benefits.
Marco Battaglia: Avoid foreign entanglements.
Martin O`Malley: ISIS is an evil in this world; deal with them as evil.
Michael Franken: Foreign aid to one country can impact entire region.
Michael Franken: Biden's doing the right thing on Ukraine.
Michele Bachmann: Iran is a state sponsor of terror; can't be a nuclear power.
Michele Bachmann: Leaving Iraq now invites in Iran as hegemon.
Mike Huckabee: We made Saudis rich; pressure them to help win with honor.
Mike Huckabee: Eradicate ISIS like you would eradicate any cancer.
Mitt Romney: It's time for people of America to show a surge of support.
Mitt Romney: Keep option to attack Al Qaeda in Pakistan, but don't say it.
Mitt Romney: We should withdraw from Afghanistan after 2012.
Mitt Romney: Disagree with Israelis in private; stand with them in public.
Newt Gingrich: Wrong to intervene in Libya; covert action more effective.
Patty Judge: Containment of ISIS and terrorists, by targeted air strikes.
Patty Judge: Deploy military only after diplomacy, dialogue, & sanctions.
Patty Judge: Supports Iranian nuclear deal.
Pete Buttigieg: No Iranian nukes, via reinstating joint nuclear deal.
Pete Buttigieg: If troops go to war, will include 3-year sunset clause.
Rick Santorum: We should withdraw from Afghanistan more slowly.
Rick Santorum: Iran has been at war with us since 1979.
Rick Santorum: Iran must be confronted to stop them from getting nukes.
Rick Santorum: ISIS caliphate is like a kingdom based on religious law.
Ron Paul: Iraq war is illegal; undeclared wars never end & we lose.
Ron Paul: Neocons promoted Iraq war for years; not about Al Qaida.
Ron Paul: Of course Iran wants nukes; talk to them like we did USSR.
Ron Paul: I worry about war propaganda will lead to war against Iran.
Ron Paul: Let locals settle Israel-Palestine issue; no world police.
Roxanne Conlin: Oppose addition of 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan.
Rudy Giuliani: Winning in Iraq is one battle in overall terrorist war.
Rudy Giuliani: Keep option open to attack Al Qaeda in Pakistan unilaterally.
Sam Brownback: We need a political surge to match the military surge.
Sam Clovis: Pursue active enemies with all available dispatch.
Terry Branstad: Remain vigilant in support of 3,000 National Guard overseas.
Tim Pawlenty: We should withdraw from Afghanistan more slowly.
Tom Steyer: Set a strategy: What are we trying to accomplish in Mideast?
Tom Steyer: It isn't so much about experience; it's about judgement.
Tom Tancredo: We are in a war with radical Islam; Iraq is one battle.
Tom Tancredo: Stop restricting army with rules of engagement.
Tom Tancredo: If Islamic terrorists threaten nukes, we nuke Mecca & Medina.
Tommy Thompson: Iraqi parliament incapable of partitioning Iraq.
Welfare & Poverty
Alison Grimes: Shameful to oppose food stamp program during recession.
Dennis Kucinich: Address poverty with full employment economy & social reform.
George W. Bush: Armies of compassion' are next step of welfare reform.
Hillary Clinton: Partner with faith based community in empowerment zones.
Jack Hatch: More TANF; more job training programs.
Jim Carlin: Goal of welfare system should be keeping families together.
Kim Reynolds: The safety net has become a hammock.
Mike Huckabee: Poor people don't know how to get out of the hole.
Mitch McConnell: Opposed Farm Bill due to too-generous food stamp program.
Rick Santorum: No compromise on core principles; compromise on all else.
Sam Clovis: Don't trading spending cuts for entitlement reform.
Tom Fiegen: Address childhood hunger & childhood poverty.
Michael Franken: Reduce inflation without catering to corporations.
The above quotations are from State of Iowa Politicians: Archives.