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State of Delaware Archives: on Homeland Security

Chris Coons: Rejected debate hosted by "9-12 Patriots" issue groud

Chris Coons says he's not ducking anything, and he's ready for the tough the questions. "I'm looking forward to any debate that allows Christine O'Donnell and me to have Delaware's voters get a better understanding of our ideas."

Coons has agreed to eight debates before November 2nd. He says he rejected a debate hosted by the 9-12 Patriots for one reason only. "The 9-12 Patriots Group has endorsed her and is an issue group. We're looking for and have accepted opportunities for debates at independent venues like the University of Delaware, the Chamber of Commerce, the League of Women Voters."

And when it comes to Christine O'Donnell's decision to black out national media, Coons says she can do whatever she wants. "That's her choice. If my opponent decides to stop answering questions from the national media, I hope Delawareans will take that into account."

Source: WDEL 1150AM coverage of 2010 Delaware Senate debate Sep 22, 2010

Chris Coons: Reduce spending on C-17, F-35, & eliminate other platforms

I would support reductions in defense acquisition that the Pentagon itself has already said they no longer need. The C-17 program for example, or the 2nd engine for the F-35. There's a variety of platforms & programs that I think we can simply do away with, as we invest in making our defense and our military more modern, more flexible, more responsive to the real threats we face in the modern world. And we can continue to achieve some savings through the BRAC program [base closings].
Source: CNN's Wolf Blitzer moderating 2010 Delaware Senate debate Oct 13, 2010

Chris Coons: Swiftly repeal discriminatory "don't ask, don't tell"

Q: What are you planning on the issue of "don't ask, don't tell" and its possible repeal?

COONS: I would move swiftly as a senator to repeal don't ask, don't tell. I think it is discrimination, plain and simple. I've met with and spoken to veterans here in Delaware who've served our nation honorably for decades, several with top-secret clearances, but who could do so only at the expense of denying who they were and the relationships that they wanted to have. In my view, we should be making progress in this country towards recognizing the full range of human experience, and repealing don't ask, don't tell to me is an important next step in the civil rights movement.

O'DONNELL: The military already regulates personal behavior because it feels that it is in the best interests of our military readiness. I don't think that Congress should be forcing a social agenda onto our military. I think we should leave that to the military to decide.

Source: CNN's Wolf Blitzer moderating 2010 Delaware Senate debate Oct 13, 2010

Christine O`Donnell: Let military decide "don't ask, don't tell" on its own

Q: What are you planning on the issue of "don't ask, don't tell" and its possible repeal?

COONS: I would move swiftly as a senator to repeal don't ask, don't tell. I think it is discrimination, plain and simple. In my view, we should be making progress in this country towards recognizing the full range of human experience, and repealing don't ask, don't tell to me is an important next step in the civil rights movement.

O'DONNELL: The military already regulates personal behavior in that it does not allow affairs to go on within your chain of command. It doesn't allow, if you're married, to have an adulterous affair within the military. So the military already regulates personal behavior because it feels that it is in the best interests of our military readiness. I don't think that Congress should be forcing a social agenda onto our military. I think we should leave that to the military to decide.

Source: CNN's Wolf Blitzer moderating 2010 Delaware Senate debate Oct 13, 2010

Christine O`Donnell: Don't give terrorists Miranda-ized rights

Q: What opinions of late that have come from our high court do you most object to?

O'DONNELL: Oh, gosh. Give me a specific one, I'm sorry.

Q: Actually, I can't, because I need you to tell me which ones you object to.

O'DONNELL: I'm very sorry. Right off the top of my head, I know that there are a lot, but I'll put it up on my Web site, I promise you.

Q: Well, we know you disagree with Roe versus Wade.

O'DONNELL: Yes, but [the question was] a recent one.

Q: Well, that's relatively recent. But since then?

O'DONNELL: Oh, there are several, when it comes to pornography, and court decisions to give terrorists Miranda-ized rights. This California decision to overturn "Don't Ask/Don't Tell," I believe that there are a lot of federal judges wh are legislating from the bench.

Q: That wasn't the Supreme Court, it's a lower court.

O'DONNELL: That was a federal judge.

COONS: I think the Citizens United case takes a sort of logical extension in the law, but takes it to a ridiculous extreme.

Source: CNN's Wolf Blitzer moderating 2010 Delaware Senate debate Oct 13, 2010

Chuck Boyce: Fire unfit VA workers, but protect whisteblowers

Boyce supports S. 1094,the VA Accountability and Whistleblowers Protection Act, allowing VA administrators who are underperforming their duty to be held liable. The Secretary of Veterans Affairs would be given authority to assess all VA employees. "This bill is a piece of bipartisan legislation that will ensure unfit employees at the VA are terminated in addition to due process protections for whistleblowers," Boyce said.
Source: Authority Presswire on 2018 Delaware Senate race May 17, 2017

Gene Truono: Put country first: support strong national defense

Gene is committed to protecting our country. He will put the interests of United States of America and its people first by supporting a strong national defense.
Source: 2018 Delaware Senate campaign website Apr 4, 2018

Gene Truono: Honor the military by taking care of them

Gene is committed to honoring and supporting all of our military personnel and their families. No one makes a greater sacrifice or provides a better service to our country than our veterans, and in return we must always take care of them.
Source: 2018 Delaware Senate campaign website Apr 4, 2018

James DeMartino: Maintain the strongest, best equipped and trained military

The federal government exists to protect our rights as American citizens. This begins with the Constitutional obligation of the federal government to provide for the "common defense" of the United States. We must continually maintain the strongest, best equipped and trained military in the world. We must care for veterans who provided us the strongest military, sacrificed the most for national security and protected our way of life.
Source: 2020 Delaware Senate campaign website Aug 20, 2020

Kevin Wade: Welcome home America's veterans and serve them


Our freedoms are assured by the service and sacrifice of our men and women in uniform. These heroes stand watch protecting our families from those who intend to bring harm to our nation. On their return to civilian life, their example of duty and service transforms to a national obligation and duty to serve them as veterans.

As your U.S. Senator in Washington know that Kevin Wade is your friend, voice, and advocate. Kevin Wade will stand watch for you now. WELCOME HOME!
Source: 2014 Delaware Senate campaign website, Jul 27, 2014

Lauren Witzke: America's military should be strong for our defense

Lauren will put America First. Our military will be strengthened but used strictly for the defense of our nation at home. She will not support meddling in the affairs of foreign nations, and rejects regime change abroad. Foreign aid will be ended except in the events of natural disasters, and funds will be re-diverted towards Family Restoration efforts and American infrastructure.
Source: 2020 Delaware Senate campaign website Oct 10, 2020

Lauren Witzke: Bring our troops home; limit defense spending

Q: Do you support increasing defense spending?

A: No. I believe in bringing our troops home, and only fighting wars if they are authorized by Congress, unlike the 20-year war in the Middle East.

Source: 2020 Delaware Senate PVS Political Courage Test Oct 10, 2020

Rob Arlett: Keep Homeland Security and Defense Depts. properly funded

Rob will work tirelessly to ensure both the Departments of Defense and Homeland Security are adequately funded. Both departments are vital to maintaining our national defense and keeping our homeland secure. Delaware is home to several military installations including Dover Air Force Base and several Air and Army National Guard bases, all of which have been used for national and international security missions. Maintaining these installations are vital not only to Delaware, but to our nation.
Source: 2018 Delaware Senate Campaign website Sep 1, 2018

Rob Arlett: Strong military lineage; will fight to have their needs met

As a former U.S. Naval Reserve Intelligence Specialist, as well as a father, son, uncle, and brother to veterans, Rob will serve our many veterans, allowing a smooth transition back to civilian life and providing them and their families access to mental, physical and economic security. As a veteran small business owner, Rob is best equipped to be a Senator in Washington to push for veterans' issues ranging from health care to career placement.
Source: 2018 Delaware Senate Campaign website Sep 1, 2018

  • The above quotations are from State of Delaware Politicians: Archives.
  • Click here for definitions & background information on Homeland Security.
  • Click here for other issues (main summary page).
2016 Presidential contenders on Homeland Security:
Gov.Jeb Bush(FL)
Dr.Ben Carson(MD)
Gov.Chris Christie(NJ)
Sen.Ted Cruz(TX)
Carly Fiorina(CA)
Gov.Jim Gilmore(VA)
Sen.Lindsey Graham(SC)
Gov.Mike Huckabee(AR)
Gov.Bobby Jindal(LA)
Gov.John Kasich(OH)
Gov.Sarah Palin(AK)
Gov.George Pataki(NY)
Sen.Rand Paul(KY)
Gov.Rick Perry(TX)
Sen.Rob Portman(OH)
Sen.Marco Rubio(FL)
Sen.Rick Santorum(PA)
Donald Trump(NY)
Gov.Scott Walker(WI)
Gov.Lincoln Chafee(RI)
Secy.Hillary Clinton(NY)
V.P.Joe Biden(DE)
Gov.Martin O`Malley(MD)
Sen.Bernie Sanders(VT)
Sen.Elizabeth Warren(MA)
Sen.Jim Webb(VA)

2016 Third Party Candidates:
Gov.Gary Johnson(L-NM)
Roseanne Barr(PF-HI)
Robert Steele(L-NY)
Dr.Jill Stein(G,MA)
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