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State of Connecticut Archives: on Jobs

Bob Stefanowski: Taxes must be lowered to attract businesses and create jobs

Connecticut used to be a beacon for business. For nearly 20 years, from 1976 through 1992, our state had the highest rate of job creation in the entire country. But after that, job creation slowed and came to a halt due to the passage of a state income tax. We can lead the nation again in job growth, but only if we lower our taxes, and reduce our regulatory burden to make people and businesses WANT to move here.
Source: 2018 CT Gubernatorial race website Sep 1, 2018

Christopher Shays: I was part of the solution in Congress on creating jobs

Shays repeatedly attacked McMahon's professional wrestling business and "job creator" claims. McMahon pivoted back to the main thrust of her campaign: that she's the candidate with the business acumen to fix the economy. "We need professionals from different walks of life," she said. "What we don't have in Washington are business people."

Switching to offense, McMahon said she is ready to help fix the country's economic and deficit problems created by longtime politicians such as Shays. "You have been part of the issue of killing jobs, not creating jobs," she said. "What we need to see in Washington are senators who have not been there and been part of the mess that you made."

Shays deflected some of the attacks on his record by touting his independent streak in Congress and a base of experience that would allow him to get right to work: "As most people will tell you, I was part of the solution, not part of the problem."

Source: The Day coverage of 2012 CT Senate debates Jun 14, 2012

David Walker: Reform public employee collective bargaining to avoid abuse

Collective Bargaining: Public employees should have the right to engage in collective bargaining; however, reforms as to the scope of bargaining and the arbitration process are needed to protect taxpayers from abuse.

Government employees should receive competitive compensation based on their skills, knowledge, experience and performance, as well as benefits that are affordable, sustainable and fair to the employees and retirees as well as to the taxpayers who must fund them.

Source: 2014 CT Lt. Gubernatorial campaign website, Jul 2, 2014

David Walker: Emphasize approaches that help people help themselves

Connecticut needs to have a reasonable and sustainable social safety net, one that focuses on people who are in need without discouraging work. We should also emphasize approaches that help people help themselves (e.g. effective training programs that are linked to real job opportunities) while taking additional steps to minimize fraud, waste, abuse and mismanagement.
Source: 2014 CT Lt. Gubernatorial campaign website, Jul 2, 2014

Linda McMahon: WWE has created 20 jobs annually for 28 years

McMahon said that as a businesswoman she is better able to represent the state in the U.S. Senate because she has experience creating jobs and Blumenthal doesn't. "Over the last 28 years, WWE has averaged creating 20 jobs a year, primarily in this state. And I can tell you that's what we need more of," McMahon said. "We need someone who knows how to create jobs in the private sector so that we can have an economic recovery."

"She talks about creating jobs," Blumenthal said. "Many of the jobs she's created at WWE have no health insurance, the wrestlers and others are hired as independent contractors." Blumenthal said the WWE is under investigation by the state for allegedly classifying wrestlers as independent contractors, denying health insurance benefits and dodging taxes. "Creating those kinds of jobs, without health insurance is certainly not something that I would brag about," he said.

Source: Connecticut Post coverage of 2010 CT Senate debate Oct 7, 2010

Linda McMahon: Minimum wage increases harm small businesses

When accused by Blumenthal of spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to lobby against efforts to crack down on adult entertainment being marketed to children, McMahon said she was pleased the company's programming has become PG-rated and said "it's insulting to the millions of people who watch WWE" for Blumenthal to suggest "it is somehow less than quality entertainment."

Outside the debate, hundreds of supporters for both candidates tried to shout down one another. Blumenthal supporters, many representing local labor unions, brought a huge inflatable "fat cat" with the name tag Linda McMahon around its neck. The cat held an inflatable worker, which hoisted a sign that read: "Don't cut my minimum wage," a reference to McMahon's recent comments about how future minimum wage increases should be closely scrutinized to make sure small businesses are not being harmed.

Blumenthal criticized WWE accepting $10 million in state tax credits and later laying off 10% of its work force in 2009.

Source: National Public Radio coverage of 2010 CT Senate debate Oct 12, 2010

Linda McMahon: We need to send job-creators to Washington

McMahon said she would bring the energy of an entrepreneur and the skills of a businesswoman to government. "We need to send job-creators to Washington,'' she said.

Shays questioned McMahon's conservative credentials, noting early in the night that she gave money to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee as recently as 2006. The DCCC spearheaded efforts to unseat Republicans such as Shays in Congress.

Source: Hartford Courant on 2012 CT Senate GOP primary debate Apr 19, 2012

Linda McMahon: Six-point jobs growth plan; cut taxes for the middle class

The candidates touched on the subjects of economic growth & tax rates. McMahon repeatedly emphasized her initiative in crafting a six-point jobs growth plan that would cut taxes for the middle class. If elected, she said, she would try to be a good colleague to her 2010 opponent. "It might be difficult to work with Senator Blumenthal, but he is a senator from Connecticut," McMahon said. "I would try very hard to work with Senator Blumenthal, and I think we might see eye-to-eye on some issues."
Source: Connecticut Day on 2012 CT Senate GOP primary debate Apr 19, 2012

Prasad Srinivasan: Renegotiate our union contracts with state employees

We should not be blaming state employees for the fiscal mess our politicians have created. But we do need their help to find a long-term solution. The compensation package for state employees needs to be in par with those in the private sector. We must renegotiate our union contracts and ensure that these contracts are approved by the Connecticut Assembly. Working together, we can find a solution that is fair to hard-working public servants but also fair to taxpayers.
Source: 2018 CT Governor campaign website Mar 11, 2017

Richard Blumenthal: Contractors without health insurance aren't good jobs

McMahon said that as a businesswoman she is better able to represent the state in the U.S. Senate because she has experience creating jobs and Blumenthal doesn't. "Over the last 28 years, WWE has averaged creating 20 jobs a year, primarily in this state. And I can tell you that's what we need more of," McMahon said. "We need someone who knows how to create jobs in the private sector so that we can have an economic recovery."

"She talks about creating jobs," Blumenthal said. "Many of the jobs she's created at WWE have no health insurance, the wrestlers and others are hired as independent contractors." Blumenthal said the WWE is under investigation by the state for allegedly classifying wrestlers as independent contractors, denying health insurance benefits and dodging taxes. "Creating those kinds of jobs, without health insurance is certainly not something that I would brag about," he said.

Source: Connecticut Post coverage of 2010 CT Senate debate Oct 7, 2010

Richard Blumenthal: More job training and more R&D tax credits

Much of the debate focused on jobs. McMahon spoke of the need to provide businesses with "an environment of certainty" when it comes to regulations and taxes, so owners know whether they can risk hiring more workers.

Blumenthal said the government can do a better job providing financing and loans to businesses, as well as providing job training and targeted tax deductions for research and development, startup companies and firms that hire new workers. He also called for closing loopholes that allow U.S. companies to send jobs overseas.

McMahon, who used a clip from Blumenthal's response from an earlier debate about how to create a job, [in which Blumenthal stumbled over how government should be involved,] as a political ad, chided her opponent for improving his answer during this latest debate. "I'm very happy you have a notion on how to create jobs," McMahon said.

Source: National Public Radio coverage of 2010 CT Senate debate Oct 12, 2010

  • The above quotations are from State of Connecticut Politicians: Archives.
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2016 Presidential contenders on Jobs:
Gov.Jeb Bush(FL)
Dr.Ben Carson(MD)
Gov.Chris Christie(NJ)
Sen.Ted Cruz(TX)
Carly Fiorina(CA)
Gov.Jim Gilmore(VA)
Sen.Lindsey Graham(SC)
Gov.Mike Huckabee(AR)
Gov.Bobby Jindal(LA)
Gov.John Kasich(OH)
Gov.Sarah Palin(AK)
Gov.George Pataki(NY)
Sen.Rand Paul(KY)
Gov.Rick Perry(TX)
Sen.Rob Portman(OH)
Sen.Marco Rubio(FL)
Sen.Rick Santorum(PA)
Donald Trump(NY)
Gov.Scott Walker(WI)
Gov.Lincoln Chafee(RI)
Secy.Hillary Clinton(NY)
V.P.Joe Biden(DE)
Gov.Martin O`Malley(MD)
Sen.Bernie Sanders(VT)
Sen.Elizabeth Warren(MA)
Sen.Jim Webb(VA)

2016 Third Party Candidates:
Gov.Gary Johnson(L-NM)
Roseanne Barr(PF-HI)
Robert Steele(L-NY)
Dr.Jill Stein(G,MA)
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