State of South Carolina secondary Archives: on Civil Rights
Barack Obama:
Put the Confederate flag in a museum, not the state house
Q: The NAACP has asked tourists, groups and sporting events not to come to South Carolina until the confederate flag has been removed from the statehouse grounds. Do you agree with that? Why are you, the candidates, in South Carolina if they support the
NAACP?A: I think that the Confederate flag should be put in a museum. Thats where it belongs. But weve got an enormous debate thats taking place in this country right now. And weve got to engage the people of South Carolina in that debate.
Source: 2007 South Carolina Democratic primary debate, on MSNBC
Apr 26, 2007
Brad Hutto:
Equal pay for equal work is the next women's milestone
Today marks the 94th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution guaranteeing women the right to vote. This marked a major milestone for equality in our country. I am committed to another equality milestone--equal pay for
equal work! And as South Carolina's new U.S. Senator I will work tirelessly to end this pointless discrimination.Right now in this country, women earn roughly 20% less than men doing the same job. You and I know this is wrong, plain and simple.
But Lindsey Graham seems to think it's just fine. Just this Spring, Graham voted against considering the Paycheck Fairness Act--a law that would have safeguard against wage discrimination based on gender.
I'll make equal work for equal pay a priority. As your next Senator, I'll not simply vote for but I will sponsor equal pay for equal work legislation.
Source: 2014 South Carolina Senate campaign website,
Sep 1, 2014
Catherine Templeton:
Proud of the Confederacy; don't rewrite history
Catherine Templeton made waves in her first public forum as gubernatorial candidate by saying she is "proud of the Confederacy" and pledged "we're not going to rewrite history" by removing Confederate monuments. Templeton's comments upset black leaders,
who are still stung by the vicious fight to remove the Confederate battle flag from the S.C. Statehouse grounds.A man who identified himself as a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans asked Templeton about her views on "Southern heritage" and
removal of monuments and memorials.
Templeton's answer was blunt: "Not on my watch. I don't think there's anything else to say about it," Templeton said. "You cannot rewrite history. I don't care whose feelings it hurts. You cannot rewrite history.
We're standing on the shoulders of giants in South Carolina," she added. "And it's why we are, who we are, where we are. And I very much respect the men who gave their homes, their fortunes & their lives to put us in this position."
Source: Post and Courier on 2018 South Carolina Governor race
Aug 2, 2017
Catherine Templeton:
Opposes accommodating transgender people
Templeton said she thinks transgender people should use the bathrooms matching their birth gender, not their identity. She stopped short of calling for a law to be passed. She also was asked to comment on
President Donald Trump`s tweet banning transgender people from serving in the military. "If you sign up and join as a man, you serve as a man. If you join as a woman, you serve as a woman. I don't think it's any more complicated than that."
Source: Gay Today on 2018 South Carolina Governor race
Aug 3, 2017
Catherine Templeton:
Transgender people should use bathroom matching birth gender
Templeton was asked if she would "stand up for the Lord's word," as in a theocracy, and back a law banning transgender people from using bathrooms matching their gender identity, or if she would "buckle like North Carolina."
Setting aside for the moment that North Carolina's HB2 compromise, HB142, is just more of the same anti-LGBTQ hatred with a slightly different name, it is important to note that South Carolina has so far killed any effort to see a similar bill come
to pass in South Carolina.
Both former Governor Nikki Haley and current Governor Henry McMaster have said there is no need for such a law.
Templeton said she thinks transgender people should use the bathrooms matching their birth gender, not their identity. She stopped short of calling for a law to be passed.
Source: on South Carolina voting record NC-HB142
Aug 3, 2017
Chris Dodd:
Supports civil unions but opposes gay marriage
Q: Your state of Connecticut has legalized civil unions for gay people. Is there a difference between gay marriage and civil unions? A: I always begin this question by asking people to consider what they would do in the case of their own children.
I have two very young daughters who one day may have a different sexual orientation than their parents. How would I like them treated as adults? What kind of homes, what kind of jobs, what kind of retirement would they be allowed to have?
I think if you ask yourself that question, you come to the conclusion that I hope most Americans would: that they ought to be able to have those loving relationships sanctioned. Im proud of the fact that my state has done so.
I believe that civil unions are appropriate and proper. I dont support same-sex marriage. And the distinction there is one of what the traditions are over the years. But, basically, thats a distinction I make. Strongly support those civil unions.
Source: 2007 South Carolina Democratic primary debate, on MSNBC
Apr 26, 2007
Henry McMaster:
No need for any new transgender bathroom law
Catherine Templeton was asked if she would "stand up for the Lord's word," as in a theocracy, and back a law banning transgender people from using bathrooms matching their gender identity, or if she would "buckle like North Carolina."
Setting aside for the moment that North Carolina's HB2 compromise, HB142, is just more of the same anti-LGBTQ hatred with a slightly different name, it is important to note that South Carolina has so far killed any effort to see a similar bill come
to pass in South Carolina.
Both former Governor Nikki Haley and current Governor Henry McMaster have said there is no need for such a law.
Templeton said she thinks transgender people should use the bathrooms matching their birth gender, not their identity. She stopped short of calling for a law to be passed.
Source: on South Carolina voting record NC-HB142
Aug 3, 2017
Herman Cain:
Ignoring DOMA is treasonous breach of presidential duty
Q: You said that the administration's decision not to defend the Defense of Marriage Act was "a breach of presidential duty bordering on treason." Pretty strong language; isn't this country moving toward acceptance of gay marriage? A:
The Defense of Marriage Act is the law of the land, signed in 1996 by Pres. Bill Clinton. In his oath of office the president says he is supposed to protect and uphold the laws of the USA. To me that is asking the Justice Department to not uphold the law
Source: 2011 GOP primary debate in South Carolina
May 5, 2011
Jaime Harrison:
Encourage voter drives among unregistered African Americans
He encouraged voter registration drives to continue, especially in the African American community. "There are almost 400,000 unregistered
African Americans in South Carolina," he said. "There are 40,000 unregistered African Americans in the Spartanburg and Greenville areas."
Source: on 2020 South Carolina Senate race
Dec 13, 2019
Jaime Harrison:
Opposes voters having to provide Social Security numbers
Harrison called the lawsuit "a strong step" in the fight to protect voting rights in the state. "This unconstitutional requirement has forced almost one million eligible South Carolina voters, including over 400,000 people of color, from being able to
register in the state. The people of South Carolina deserve better from their leaders," Harrison said in a statement. South Carolina is one of five states that require voters to provide their Social Security numbers.
Source: The Hill e-zine on 2020 South Carolina Senate race
Nov 25, 2019
Jaime Harrison:
HRC: Harrison among strongest advocate for LGBTQ equality
[Human Rights Campaign press release]: "Jaime Harrison has been among the strongest advocates for LGBTQ equality and we're proud to stand by his side as he runs for Senate," said the HRC President. "Harrison's demonstrated record of support for
LGBTQ people and families stands in stark contrast with his opponent, who has refused to support non-discrimination protections for LGBTQ people despite over 58% of South Carolinians supporting those protections."
Source: HRC press release: 2020 South Carolina Senate endorsements
Jan 23, 2020
James Clyburn:
Voted for Hate Crimes Act & to repeal Don't Ask, Don't Tell
South Carolina Equality endorses Jim Clyburn for Congress: "Congressman Clyburn voted for the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell and voted for the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Hate Crimes Act. As the 3rd-ranking Democrat in the US House,
Representative Clyburn has long stood for equal rights and knows the importance of standing on the right side of history."
SC Equality fights for full equality in South Carolina for all LGBTQ South Carolinians. The opportunities for advancing equality will only come once we have begun changing hearts and minds across the Palmetto state. SC Equality has made a difference on
this long hard road for equal rights. We will not rest until the day comes where we can stand up and say without hesitation EQUAL MEANS EVERYONE in South Carolina.
Source: South Carolina Equality: 2018 SC-6 House Endorsement
Nov 1, 2018
James Emerson Smith:
History of supporting LGBTQ rights earned their endorsement
The state's LGBTQ rights organization, SC Equality, announced that its political arm, SC Equality PAC, has endorsed James Smith for Governor. A long-time champion for LGBTQ equality in the SC House, Smith has been outspoken vocal supporter
and advocate for SC Equality. He recognizes that all South Carolinians deserve the same rights in our state and understands the critical need for legislation protecting LGBTQ South Carolinians in the workplace, housing and public accommodations.
Source: on 2018 South Carolina Governor race
May 30, 2018
Jay Stamper:
Asked by Party to exit race after supporting gay marriage
As many of you know, I recently came out in favor of marriage equality. I knew it was politically risky in a state like South Carolina, but I also knew it was the right thing to do.Several days after my announcement, a state party official summoned me
to his office. To my disbelief he tried to persuade me to drop out of the race. I said no thanks.
Apparently, certain well-connected "party elders" believe that my candidacy is a distraction that will only hurt Democratic gubernatorial candidate
Vincent Sheheen by highlighting his opposition to marriage equality and women's reproductive rights.
Now, my campaign is meeting resistance from the last place I expected: from within the state party establishment. I'm proud to be a Democrat. But the
party is more than just a handful of well-connected insiders sitting in an office building. It's you, it's me, it's millions of "ordinary" people across the country who believe in equal rights and equal opportunity for all. I'm not going to back down.
Source: Press release on 2014 South Carolina Senate race
Nov 1, 2013
Joe Cunningham:
Endorsed by South Carolina Equality for LGBTQ rights
South Carolina Equality endorses Joe Cunningham for Congress: "I believe in equal protection under the law for everyone. We have made so much progress towards equality under the law, but there is still much we can do to improve the climate for our
LGBTQ community. Let's pass the Equality Act and prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity with regard to employment, housing, credit, education, public spaces and services, federally funded programs, and jury service."
SC Equality fights for full equality in South Carolina for all LGBTQ South Carolinians. The opportunities for advancing equality will only come once we have begun changing hearts and minds across the Palmetto state. SC Equality has made a difference on
this long hard road for equal rights. We will not rest until the day comes where we can stand up and say without hesitation EQUAL MEANS EVERYONE in South Carolina.
Source: South Carolina Equality: 2018 SC-1 House Endorsement
Nov 1, 2018
John McCain:
Confederate flag on top of capitol was wrong; in front is ok
Q: Should South Carolina be free to fly the Confederate flag from state buildings. In 2000, you said yes. You have since called that one of your worst examples of political cowardice. That flag is still flying in front of the Statehouse. Should it come
down?A: It is not flying on top of the capitol. Yes, I was wrong when I said that I believed that it was up to the state of South Carolina. Now, after long negotiation amongst most parties, there is an agreement that that flag no longer flies on top
of the capitol of the state of South Carolina.
Q: It is flying in FRONT of the capitol now.
A: Almost all parties involved in those negotiations believe that that's a reasonable solution to this issue. I support it. I still believe that it should not
have flown over the capitol, and I was wrong when I said that it was a state issue. But now I think it has been settled, and I think it's time that we all moved on, on this issue -- especially the people of South Carolina.
Source: 2007 Republican Debate in South Carolina
May 15, 2007
Kevin Bryant:
No affirmative action in schools or government
Q: Should the state government consider race and gender in state government contracting and hiring decisions?A: No.
Q: Do you support affirmative action in public college admissions?
A: No.
Q: Should South Carolina continue affirmative action programs?
A: No.
Source: South Carolina Congressional 2008 Political Courage Test
Nov 1, 2008
Krystle Matthews:
Criticized Tim Scott for claiming America isn't racist
CP: Was there anything in particular that you took issue with [in Senator Tim Scott's response to the 2021 State of the Union address on April 28, 2021]KM: Saying America isn't racist. Do you know how many white people have inboxed me in the last
24 hours saying, "I'm white, and I know America is racist." And the god-awful pandering of the line, "cotton field to Congress," I mean ... Because Black people are not smart enough to know that he's pandering, right? We're smarter than that.
[Relevant excerpt from Tim Scott's speech that Matthews cites]: "Hear me clearly: America is not a racist country. It's wrong to try to use our painful past to dishonestly shut down debates in the present. We are not adversaries. We are family.
We are all in this together, and we get to live in the greatest country on earth. The country where my grandfather in his 94 years saw his family go from cotton to Congress in one lifetime."
Source: Charleston City Paper on 2022 South Carolina Senate race
May 5, 2021
Krystle Matthews:
Opposed transgender sports law, leave transgender kids alone
Democrats said Republicans should be ashamed for singling out people that much of society already treats badly. "Leave these transgender kids alone.
There are less than 1% of them," said Rep. Krystle Matthews a Democrat from Ladson.
Source: CBS News on 2022 South Carolina Senate race
Apr 5, 2022
Lee Bright:
Government shouldn't redefine marriage
Question topic: Marriage is a union of one man and one woman. No government has the authority to alter this definition.
Bright: Strongly Agree
Source: Faith2Action iVoterGuide on 2014 South Carolina Senate race
Jul 2, 2014
Nikki Haley:
No need for any new transgender bathroom law
Catherine Templeton was asked if she would "stand up for the Lord's word," as in a theocracy, and back a law banning transgender people from using bathrooms matching their gender identity, or if she would "buckle like North Carolina."
Setting aside for the moment that North Carolina's HB2 compromise, HB142, is just more of the same anti-LGBTQ hatred with a slightly different name, it is important to note that South Carolina has so far killed any effort to see a similar bill come
to pass in South Carolina.
Both former Governor Nikki Haley and current Governor Henry McMaster have said there is no need for such a law.
Templeton said she thinks transgender people should use the bathrooms matching their birth gender, not their identity. She stopped short of calling for a law to be passed.
Source: on South Carolina voting record NC-HB142
Aug 3, 2017
Rick Wade:
First all-black U.S. Senate race in recent memory
Democratic heavyweight Rick Wade will challenge Sen. Tim Scott (R) in 2014, sources tell FITS--setting up a high-profile (and potentially historic) matchup in the Palmetto State's "other" US Senate contest.Wade filed paperwork with the Federal
Election Commission (FEC) this week--and if he and Scott earn their respective party's nominations (as they are expected to do) it would set up the first all-black U.S. Senate race in recent memory. Maybe ever.
"A Scott-Wade matchup would allow
South Carolina to see a campaign unlike any it--and few if any other states--has ever seen: a bona fide race for U.S. Senate between two African-American candidates," a liberal columnist wrote earlier this year.
Richland County councilwoman Joyce
Dickerson--another black Democrat--has said she's running against Scott in 2014, but she's not viewed as a credible candidate.
We expect Wade--who helped lead Obama's 2008 minority turnout effort--to help mobilize black voters in a big way in 2014.
Source: FITS News on 2014 South Carolina Senate race
Dec 13, 2013
Ron Paul:
Government is totally unnecessary for gay marriage laws
Q: In Dec. 2007, you were asked if gays should be allowed to marry. You said, "Sure; they can do whatever they want and can call it whatever they want." Are you advocating legalizing gay marriage? A: As a matter of fact,
I spent a whole chapter in my new book on marriage. And I think it's very important seeing that I've been married for 54 years now. I think the government should just be out of it. I think it should be done by the church as a private contract and we
shouldn't have this argument of who's married and who isn't married. I have my standards but I shouldn't impose my standards on others. Others have their standards and they have no right to impose their marriage standards on me.
But if we want to have something to say about marriage, it should be at the state level and not at the federal level. Just get the government out of it. It's one area where it's totally unnecessary, and they've caused more trouble than necessary.
Source: 2011 GOP primary debate in South Carolina
May 5, 2011
Thomas Ravenel:
Government should stay out of our bedrooms &our boardrooms
Ravenel has consistently described himself as a fiscally conservative and socially moderate libertarian. He's pro-gay marriage and in favor of ending the war on drugs. "The government should be limited, small, and should stay out of both the bedrooms and
our boardrooms," he says in one episode.Ravenel, with a chiseled jaw and slicked-back hair straight out of central casting for a Southern politician, has good reason to hope that voters aren't overly concerned with what goes on in peoples' bedrooms.
Source: Mother Jones magazine on 2014 South Carolina Senate race
May 12, 2014
Thomas Ravenel:
Stay out of marriage, but if not, treat gays equally
On marriage equality, he says he'd rather see the government stay out of marriage altogether. "But if we're going to have equal treatment under the law, if you're going to give certain benefits to heterosexual couples that are married, likewise treatment
must be given to those who are gay and married," he said. "A lot of Republicans are intimidated by strident, hateful anti-gay rhetoric from religious right leaders. I'm not cowed by these people. I don't have to be."
Source: TheDailyBeast blog on 2014 South Carolina Senate race
Jul 4, 2014
Tim Scott:
Government shouldn't redefine marriage
Question topic: Marriage is a union of one man and one woman. No government has the authority to alter this definition.
Scott: Agree
Source: Faith2Action iVoterGuide on 2014 South Carolina Senate race
Sep 30, 2014
Tim Scott:
Require state employees to undergo implicit bias training
Gretchen Whitmer signed an executive directive ordering state employees to undergo "implicit bias training." According to the directive, current state employees will be required to undergo "implicit bias training" by the end of this year, while new
employees must complete the training as part of the hiring process. Whitmer's directive also called "to combat racism as a public health crisis."
Source: National Review on 2022 South Carolina Gubernatorial race
Sep 30, 2020
Page last updated: Feb 18, 2023