Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Books by and about the 2016 presidential election |
What Happened , by Hillary Clinton (2017) |
Higher Loyalty , by James Comey (2018) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Hard Choices, by Hillary Clinton (2014) |
Becoming , by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |
(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)
Senior Citizens League Guide to the 2008 US Senate Campaigns

OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Budget & Economy
Vivian Davis Figures: Provide economic stimulus package for our nation�s elderly.
Jim Martin: Too many corporations use employee pensions to balance books.
Energy & Oil
Ted Stevens: Stop buying 12M barrels of foreign oil and produce our own.
Health Care
Allen Buckley: Medicare benefits need to be cut, to preserve Medicare.
Allen Buckley: Eliminate all Medicare Rx benefits but catastrophic coverage.
Bob Conley: Limit the scope of our government, including Medicare.
Carl Levin: Understand health care costs before addressing Means Testing.
Chris Lugo: Implement universal, single payer system like Canada.
Chris Rothfuss: Medicare should not be corporate welfare.
Dean Barkley: No logical reason why we pay highest drug costs in world.
Jay Wolfe: FairTax would correct Medicare Rx funding problems.
Jim Martin: Let Medicare negotiate for Rx drugs.
Lamar Alexander: Delay Medicare Rx price increases & keep physician payments.
Larry Stafford: Switch to a private �Medicare� insurance plan.
Mark Begich: Protect future Medicare with �medical home� model.
Mark Begich: Privatization undermines the integrity of Medicare.
Mark Udall: Close �donut hole� in Medicare prescription drug program.
Nick Carter: Negotiate on Rx drug prices; then means testing is ok.
Norm Coleman: Address fraud and abuse in our Medicare program.
Saxby Chambliss: Create incentives for competition & consumer driven approach.
Scott Kleeb: Enhance Medicare Rx program, and fill �donut hole�.
Steven Larrick: Support universal single-payer health care.
Ted Stevens: Pay Medicare doctors 35%, and means-test Medicare payments.
Tom Allen: Means testing undermines principle that everyone pays same.
Tom Allen: New Medicare prescription drug law is disastrous.
Vivian Davis Figures: Broaden Meals on Wheels, senior mobility units, and Medicare.
Homeland Security
Bob Conley: Military bases abroad are unconstitutional.
Allen Buckley: No benefits for illegal aliens.
Bob Conley: I am against entitlements for any foreign nationals.
Carl Levin: No benefits to foreign workers without Congress� approval.
Chris Lugo: Treat immigrant workers fairly with regards to benefits.
Chris Rothfuss: Don�t count illegal aliens� work toward retirement benefits.
Dean Barkley: Opposes Mexico Totalization Agreement & benefits to illegals.
Jack Reed: No benefits to foreign workers without Congress� approval.
Jim Martin: Totalization deal with Mexico OK, if illegals accounted for.
Lamar Alexander: No federal money to Mexico for multinational workers.
Larry Stafford: Non-citizens should not receive benefits.
Mark Begich: Reservations about denying illegals� retirement benefits.
Mark Udall: Block illegal immigrants from receiving benefits.
Nick Carter: Don�t scapegoat immigrants by denying them benefits.
Norm Coleman: No benefits to Mexican citizens without consulting Congress.
Saxby Chambliss: Illegal immigrants can�t collect Social Security benefits.
Scott Kleeb: Oppose giving benefit to illegal workers.
Ted Stevens: No Social Security benefits to illegal aliens.
Tom Allen: Guarantee that who receive benefits have paid into system.
Vivian Davis Figures: Providing benefits to non-citizens is simply irresponsible.
Ted Stevens: Make restoring US jobs a top priority.
Social Security
Allen Buckley: I do not support any Notch reform proposals.
Allen Buckley: Tie COLA to senior spending instead of labor cost increases.
Allen Buckley: Invest Trust Fund in stocks and bonds.
Bob Conley: No difference in benefits based on birth years.
Bob Conley: COLA should take into account the actual level of inflation.
Bob Conley: Total overhaul of Social Security program needed.
Carl Levin: Notch is unfair, but new law would create new unfairness.
Carl Levin: Study experimental indicators before changing COLA CPI.
Carl Levin: Private accounts would erode the system into a jackpot.
Chris Lugo: Support Social Security Notch reform.
Chris Lugo: Adjust COLA by CPI for Elderly Consumers.
Chris Lugo: Long term solvency sound; stop shifting Trust Fund money out.
Chris Rothfuss: No reasonable justification for Notch Baby disparity.
Chris Rothfuss: CPI-E would be a fairer COLA than CPI-W for seniors.
Chris Rothfuss: Raise the $102,000 taxable ceiling & raise retirement age.
Dean Barkley: COLA disparity is unfair.
Dean Barkley: Doing nothing will be a disaster: raise retirement age.
Jack Reed: Continue to consider solutions for Notch babies.
Jack Reed: Take away no more than 25% of a retiree�s annual COLA.
Jack Reed: Stand-alone private accounts hurt long-term solvency.
Jay Wolfe: Supports Notch reform and COLA reform.
Jay Wolfe: FairTax would reform & totally fund Social Security.
Jim Martin: Notch Reform: equitable benefits to all recipients.
Jim Martin: Base COLA increases on actual cost of necessities.
Jim Martin: Privatization of the system is the wrong answer.
Lamar Alexander: Never reduce guaranteed Social Security benefits.
Larry Stafford: Social Security system as designed is fundamentally flawed.
Larry Stafford: Sell SSA assets and replace system with private annuities.
Mark Begich: Treat �Notch babies� equally with all other seniors.
Mark Begich: Adjust Soc. Sec. cost of living by consumer price index.
Mark Begich: No privatization; no individual investment accounts.
Mark Udall: Notch reform: ensure that all receive equitable benefits.
Mark Udall: Let technical experts decide COLA rates.
Mark Udall: All options on the table for long-term solvency.
Nick Carter: Notch babies were a mistake; support Notch Reform.
Nick Carter: Base the Social Security COLA on the CPI-W.
Nick Carter: Ensure attempts to privatize Social Security are thwarted.
Norm Coleman: Introduced resolution to address notch benefit disparity.
Norm Coleman: Address growing financial needs of America�s seniors.
Norm Coleman: Individual retirement accounts as part of comprehensive plan.
Saxby Chambliss: No change warranted for �Notch Babies� benefits.
Saxby Chambliss: No change needed for senior CPI adjustment.
Saxby Chambliss: Allow younger workers voluntary personal retirement accounts.
Scott Kleeb: Supports COLA reform and Notch reform.
Scott Kleeb: Privatization only serves Wall Street, not Main Street.
Steven Larrick: Supports COLA reform and Notch reform.
Steven Larrick: Raise upper limit of taxable income, for long-term solvency.
Ted Stevens: Support Notch Reform as part of broader reform package.
Ted Stevens: Support COLA Reform as part of broader reform package.
Ted Stevens: Incentives for individuals to save for their own retirements.
Tom Allen: Cosponsored the Notch Fairness Act, fairness to notch babies.
Tom Allen: Adjust cost-of-living to take care of seniors.
Tom Allen: GOP raided trust fund to provide tax breaks for millionaires.
Vivian Davis Figures: Ensure that Notch Babies are not left behind.
Vivian Davis Figures: Adjust COLA based on senior�s CPI.
Vivian Davis Figures: Improve system solvency without reducing future benefits.
Tax Reform
Steven Larrick: We need a more progressive income tax.
The above quotations are from Senior Citizens League Guide to the 2008 US Senate Campaigns.
Other 2008 Senate debates:
- Interviews with Senate candidates (OnTheIssues SenateMatch series)
- Senior Citizens League Guide (Senate questionnaire on retirement topics)
- Scientists and Engineers for America Guide (Senate questionnaire on science & technology topics)
- Business Industry Political Action Committee (Senate questionnaire on business topics)
- Political Courage Test (Senate questionnaire on general topics)
- Citizens for Global Solutions (Senate questionnaire on international topics)
- This Is Not Florida How Al Franken Won the Minnesota Senate Recount,by Jay Weiner
- The Truth (With Jokes), by Al Franken (2006)
State-by-state debates:
- AK: Sen. Ted Stevens (R, incumbent) vs. Mayor Mark Begich (D)
- AL: Sen. Jeff Sessions (R, incumbent) vs. State Sen. Vivian Figures (D)
- CO: Rep. Mark Udall (D) vs. Rep. Bob Schaeffer (R)
- GA: Georgia Democratic primary debate
- IA: Sen. Tom Harkin (D, incumbent) vs. Christopher Reed (R)
- ID: Gov. Jim Risch (R) vs. Rep. Larry LaRocco (D) vs. Rex Rammell (I)
- IL: Sen. Dick Durbin (D, incumbent) vs. Dr. Steven Sauerberg (R)
- KS: Sen. Pat Roberts (R, incumbent) vs. Rep. Jim Slattery (D)
- KY: Sen. Mitch McConnell (R, incumbent) vs. Bruce Lunsford (D)
- LA: Sen. Mary Landrieu (D, incumbent) vs. John Neely Kennedy (R)
- MA: Sen. John Kerry (D, incumbent) vs. Jeff Beatty (R)
- ME: Sen. Susan Collins (R, incumbent) vs. Rep. Tom Allen (D)
- MN: Sen. Norm Coleman (R, incumbent) vs. Al Franken (D) & Sen. Dean Barkley (I)
- MS: Sen. Roger Wicker (R, incumbent) vs. Gov. Ronnie Musgrove (D)
- NC: Sen. Liddy Dole (R) vs. State Sen. Kay Hagan (D)
- NE: Gov. Mike Johanns (R) vs. Scott Kleeb (D)
- NE: Nebraska's Brand of Change, by Scott Kleeb
- NH: Sen. John Sununu (R, incumbent) vs. Gov. Jeanne Shaheen
- NJ: Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D, incumbent) vs. Rep. Dick Zimmer (R)
- NM: Rep. Steve Pearce (R) vs. Rep. Tom Udall (D)
- OK: Sen. Jim Inhofe (R, incumbent) vs. State Sen. Andrew Rice (D)
- OR: Sen. Gordon Smith (R, incumbent) vs. State Rep. Jeff Merkley (D)
- SD: Sen. Tim Johnson (D, incumbent) vs. Joel Dykstra (R)
- TX: Sen. Jon Cornyn (R, incumbent) vs. Rick Noriega (D)
- VA: Gov. Jim Gilmore (R) and vs. Gov. Mark Warner (D)