Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Books by and about the 2016 presidential election |
What Happened , by Hillary Clinton (2017) |
Higher Loyalty , by James Comey (2018) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Hard Choices, by Hillary Clinton (2014) |
Becoming , by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |
(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)
Survey of 2008 Senate campaign websites
 (Click for external website)
OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Chellie Pingree: Strongly pro-choice; fight for contraceptive equality.
Jason Chaffetz: All human life is sacred.
Lindsey Graham: Protect the sanctity of life.
Roger Wicker: Wrote a bill that declares human life begins at conception.
Jeff Merkley: 100 percent ratings from NARAL and Planned Parenthood.
Jeff Merkley: Led the fight to pass the Access to Birth Control Act.
Bob Tingle: Opposed to EMBRYONIC stem cell research.
Rex Rammell: Adamantly against abortion at any stage of pregnancy.
Rand Knight: Fully fund embryonic stem cell research.
Rand Knight: Keep politicians out of womens personal decisions.
Dave Brownlow: Roe v. Wade is a usurpation of Constitutional authority.
Dave Brownlow: Abortion is a holocaust.
Christopher Reed: Its a baby, not a choice.
Dale Cardwell: Reproductive self-determination is implicit in Constitution.
Jay Wolfe: I am Pro-Life, from conception until natural death.
Jay Wolfe: No embryonic stem cell research.
Rick Sikma: Inalienable rights exist for the unborn, from conception.
Steve Scalise: 100% pro-life.
Bob Marshall: Abortions result in higher health care costs for all.
Bob Marshall: Adult stem cell therapy more effective than embryonic.
Bob Marshall: Authored bill banning partial birth abortion.
Christine O`Donnell: Deal With Delaware: I will always vote in favor of life.
Don Cazayoux: I am pro-life; rooted in my faith.
George Eichhorn: 100% right-to-life voting record.
Jack Hoogendyk: Constitutionally guaranteed right to life from conception.
Jack Hoogendyk: Supports adult stem cell research but not embryonic research.
Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer: Abortion should be safe and legal.
Michael Lange: Support parental rights and right-to-life.
Steven Rathje: I will only vote to confirm constructionist judges.
Dave Cuddy: Opposes abortion except for incest, rape, or maternal life.
Joel Dykstra: Life begins at conception.
Jeanne Shaheen: Invest in emerging industries like stem cell research.
Mike Johanns: Dont let judges decide on partial birth abortion.
Richard Durbin: Preserve womens reproductive rights.
Steven Rathje: Opposed to any embryonic stem cell research.
Steven Rathje: Pro-life, from the very beginning to the very end.
Alan Keyes: Principles in Declaration of Independence prohibit abortion.
Alan Keyes: Embryonic stem cell research experiments with human life.
Fred Thompson: Appoint only strict constructionist judges.
Corrogan Vaughn: Believes in the sanctity of all human life.
Budget & Economy
Chris Young: End the Federal Reserve & support a strong dollar.
Bob Schaffer: Balance the budget; oppose automatic pay raises in Congress.
Mark Pryor: Remain committed to balancing our budget.
Jack Reed: Reached compromise for the passage of the housing bill.
Michael Enzi: Voted for a one-year moratorium on Congressional earmarks.
Norm Coleman: Address the housing crisis through a number of initiatives.
Rex Rammell: Limit federal spending to what the Constitution allows.
Jon Roland: Return to gold and silver currency standard.
Dave Brownlow: An economic tsunami of debt is heading toward our shores.
Scotty Boman: End the Federal Reserves Inflation Tax: return to gold.
Bruce Lunsford: Crack down on unfair mortgage lending practices.
Bruce Lunsford: Making the farm bill work for family farms.
Bruce Lunsford: Help rural business develop.
Chris Rothfuss: Execute a long term plan to eliminate our national debt.
John Frohnmayer: With $9 trillion deficit, doing nothing is not an option.
Andrew Rice: Governments basic functions must be well funded.
Kay Hagan: Will work towards a balanced budget and fiscal constraints.
Mark Begich: No secret earmarks; full online disclosure.
Al Franken: Fully fund the Veterans Administration budget.
Scott Kleeb: Return to pay-as-you-go budgeting rules.
Don Cazayoux: Support pay-go policies with fiscal conservative Blue Dogs.
Jack Hoogendyk: Pay down the National Debt until it reaches zero.
Jim Slattery: Replace reckless spending with tough pay as you go policy.
Mark Begich: As mayor: bond rating up; jobs increased; taxes down.
Greg Fischer: Decisions shouldnt be affected by moneyed special interests.
Kay Hagan: Keep track of every penny spent.
Kirk Bushman: Absolutely necessary to balance the budget via spending cuts.
Erik Fleming: Bankruptcy restrictions put more strain on working families.
Jeanne Shaheen: Crack down on no-bid contracts; limit pork barrel spending.
John Neely Kennedy: As state treasurer, manages $5B bank account.
Mike Johanns: Government does not create wealth; people do.
Steven Rathje: Supports line-item veto & balanced budget amendment.
Vivian Davis Figures: Comprehensive home rescue plan to avoid foreclosure.
Alan Keyes: Economics should be based on family household management.
Fred Thompson: Trillions in debt will cause fiscal tsunami in a few years.
Fred Thompson: Market-based budgetary reform: avoid pending fiscal crisis.
Corrogan Vaughn: Require a balanced budget; support line item veto.
Civil Rights
Chellie Pingree: No discrimination based on gender identity & orientation.
Chellie Pingree: Work towards pay equity for women.
Jason Chaffetz: Committed to values & principles of traditional marriage.
Chris Rothfuss: All citizens must be exactly equal in eyes of government.
Tom Harkin: Close the Guantanamo Bay detention facility.
Mark Udall: Support civil union; let states decide on gay marriage laws.
James Inhofe: Authored an amendment to make English the national language.
Lindsey Graham: Support the constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage.
Vic Vickers: Never burn down the barn of liberties to get one rat.
Max Baucus: Strong voice for Montanas Indian tribes.
Jeanne Shaheen: Supported the 2007 civil unions law in New Hampshire.
Rex Rammell: Establish the sanctity of marriage in Constitution.
Bob Conley: Strengthen our families.
Rand Knight: Treat people equally, regardless of sexual orientation.
Rand Knight: No federal or state Constitutional definition of marriage.
Dave Brownlow: Let churches define marriage without government involvement.
Dave Brownlow: Separate Marriage & State: let churches marry whom they want.
Dale Cardwell: Same-sex civil unions ok; but not marriage.
Jay Wolfe: Defend the fundamental institution of marriage.
Rebekah Kennedy: Suspending Habeas Corpus is unconstitutional & intolerable.
Rebekah Kennedy: The freedom to marry is a fundamental right, even for gays.
Steven Sauerberg: All legal immigrants must learn to read & write English.
Steve Scalise: Authored constitutional amendment to protect marriage.
Bob Marshall: Marshall-Newman Marriage Amendment defined one-man-one-woman.
George Eichhorn: Marriage should be between one man and one woman.
Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer: Equal marriage rights for GLBT people.
Steve Novick: Society is for more than rich, white, straight men.
Mark Warner: Eliminated Family Rule, so unrelated couples can buy homes.
Mark Warner: Project Genesis: faith-based African-American home program.
Mike Johanns: Nebraska values include traditional marriage.
Steven Rathje: Defend the sanctity of marriage.
Tom Harkin: Authored the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act.
Alan Keyes: We cannot cure a past injustice with another injustice.
Alan Keyes: Preferential affirmative action patronizes blacks & women.
Alan Keyes: Wrong to treat sexual behavior like race.
Alan Keyes: Marriage exists for the sake of procreation.
Alan Keyes: Massachusetts gay marriage required judges legislating.
Alan Keyes: Separation of church & state misinterprets Constitution.
Corrogan Vaughn: Marriage is between a man and woman.
Rudy Garcia: Decentralize wealth and curtail corporate subsidies.
Bob Conley: Families suffer as fat cat corporations make record profits.
Jim Martin: Strong consumer protection laws against special interests.
Kathy Cummings: Compel corporate responsibility to health & safety.
Bob Conley: Legal immigration is corporate welfare.
Bruce Lunsford: Ensure fair competition with corporate agribusiness.
Jeff Merkley: Hard look at abusive practices in the credit card industry.
Jeff Merkley: Ban the predatory practices of the mortgage lenders.
Jeff Merkley: Capped payday loan rates.
Jeff Merkley: Capped the amount check cashers can charge.
Jeff Merkley: No approval if a borrower cant afford the loan.
Jeff Merkley: End billion dollar giveaways to oil companies.
Jeff Merkley: Stop companies from setting up offshore tax shelters.
Lee Jones: Fight corporate greed & overturn rural economic disparity.
Jim Neal: Reward corporate patriotism that invest in America.
Mark Warner: More state contracts for minority & women-owned businesses.
John McCain: People worry about corporations unduly influencing elections.
John Edwards: Support organized labor against mistreatment by corporations.
John Neely Kennedy: Support death penalty for convicted child rapists.
Bob Tingle: As pro-life, opposed to the death penalty.
Jon Roland: Repeal statutes restricting firearms and drug control.
Dave Brownlow: Immoral prison industry creates an American Gulag.
Dick Zimmer: Signature achievement is Megans Law for sex offendors.
Dick Zimmer: No frills prisons: no luxuries at taxpayer expense.
Don Cazayoux: Crack down on sexual predators and other violent criminals.
George Eichhorn: Supports truth in sentencing measures.
Mark Begich: Added city police; pushed anti-gang & cyber-crime units.
Mark Warner: 2004: much-needed funding for law enforcement.
Pat Roberts: Increase law enforcement opportunities and education.
Alan Keyes: Death penalty sometimes essential to respect for life.
Alan Keyes: Opposes lowering age for trying children as adults.
Fred Thompson: 3,500 distinct crimes means over-federalization of law.
Max Baucus: End methamphetamine and drug abuse in our communities.
Bob Tingle: Supports Personal Use of Marijuana Act.
Dave Brownlow: The war on drugs has been a spectacular failure.
Dave Brownlow: Tobacco & obesity kill many more people than drug abuse.
Mark Warner: Restricted meth ingredients and reduced meth labs.
Joe Biden: Increase penalties for dealing drugs near schools.
John McCain: Mexico should extradite drug dealers to the US.
Jason Chaffetz: Federal government shouldnt be in public education business.
Jim Gilmore: Hired 4,000 new teachers for public schools.
Chris Rothfuss: Repeal NCLB: stop punishing our educators.
John Barrasso: Local control is paramount for improving education.
Mark Begich: Local control and accountability of Americas schools.
Dick Durbin: Modify and fully fund No Child Left Behind.
Dave Cuddy: Supports home-schooling and school vouchers.
Gordon Harold Smith: Increased critical funding for Head Start.
Mary Landrieu: Strongly believes in early childhood education.
Max Baucus: Fought for programs that help Montana schools.
Norm Coleman: Led the effort to expand Pell Grant awards.
Thad Cochran: Support statewide pre-kindergarten education in Mississippi.
Tom Allen: Fully support increased funding full Pell Grants.
Christine O`Donnell: Federal funding provides better continuity.
Christopher Reed: Keep God in our daily lives.
Dave Cuddy: Supports home-schooling & state voucher systems.
John Barrasso: Parents & teachers decide about schools, not bureaucrats.
Jim Martin: Support struggling school systems instead of NCLB.
Andrew Rice: Shift emphasis away from punishing underperforming school.
Rand Knight: Dont cut funding to underperforming schools.
Bruce Lunsford: Fight for full funding of special education programs.
Bruce Lunsford: Provide a strong education in math and science.
Bruce Lunsford: Open the doors to higher education.
Bruce Lunsford: Early investment equals future success.
Bruce Lunsford: Fundamentally overhaul No Child Left Behind.
Chris Rothfuss: Need to pay our teachers more and keep them highly trained.
Jay Wolfe: Educational choice for public, private and home schools.
Jeff Merkley: History making efforts that improved education in Oregon.
Jeff Merkley: Completely overhaul No Child Left Behind.
Jeff Merkley: Fully fund public schools.
Jeff Merkley: Head Start Programs must be fully funded.
Jeff Merkley: Increase the size and number of Pell Grants available.
Jeff Merkley: Create a broad-based college tuition tax break.
Jeff Merkley: Let parents get involved in their childs education.
Jeff Merkley: Fully fund Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.
John Frohnmayer: Education is local, but the federal government can help.
Kenneth Eaton: Properly fund our schools from the federal level.
Rick Noriega: Address our crumbling school system.
Rick Sikma: Prayer should be allowed in public schools.
Kay Hagan: For incentives and more competitive salaries for teachers.
Kay Hagan: Fix the problems with No Child Left Behind.
Steven Sauerberg: No unfunded mandates for our public school system.
Steven Sauerberg: Dont simply throw money at education problems.
Al Franken: No Child Left Behind law must be dramatically reformed.
Al Franken: Ideas for educational reforms that measure performance.
Al Franken: Fight to end unfunded mandates on education.
Al Franken: Invest in early childhood education.
Al Franken: Restore Pell Grants.
Scott Kleeb: Support early childhood education and quality childcare.
Scott Kleeb: Reform No Child Left Behind.
Scott Kleeb: Bring more qualified teachers into the classroom.
Bob Marshall: Parents should decide schooling, not feds.
Dick Zimmer: Local communities should run public schools.
Don Cazayoux: Raised teacher pay; provided 4-year-olds early education.
Jack Hoogendyk: Abolish Department of Education; parents direct education.
Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer: Increase state & federal funding for public education.
Jeff Beatty: Excellence in public education is a national priority.
Michael Lange: Parents and local school boards should run schools.
Steven Rathje: Supports vouchers, home-schooling, and local control.
Joel Dykstra: Update education delivery with competition & accountability.
Steve Novick: Dont pull the rug out from under our public schools.
Jim Neal: No Child Left Behind is a failed initiative.
Al Franken: Forgive loans for pledge to teach in under-served areas.
Al Franken: Improve low-performing schools instead of punishing them.
Al Franken: Fully fund our public schools.
Bart Baron: Rethink elementary & secondary education.
Kay Hagan: Increase teacher pay, reduce class size.
Mark Warner: 2004: 14 of 32 failing schools graduated from NCLB program.
Mark Warner: 2002 PASS initiative included private & faith-based groups.
Bob Schaffer: Helped open Colorados first charter school.
Dale Cardwell: Public education is a cornerstone of American success.
Erik Fleming: Supports charters & tuition tax credits, but not vouchers.
John Neely Kennedy: More funding for pre-K education.
Mark Udall: Good public education is key to childrens economic future.
Vivian Davis Figures: Low cost college loans to families in need.
Vivian Davis Figures: More teacher funding; smaller classes; more modernizations.
Ed O`Reilly: Committed to quality public education.
Alan Keyes: Prohibiting school prayer is symptom of deeper problem.
Alan Keyes: Parents & local citizens know better than educrat masters.
Alan Keyes: Sex education is private responsibility; not for school.
Fred Thompson: Promote voucher programs & charter schools.
Fred Thompson: Best reforms are not federal but local, like charters.
Ed O`Reilly: No unfunded mandates and edicts from Washington.
Energy & Oil
Chellie Pingree: Require portion of electricity come from clean energy source.
Mitch McConnell: Gas Price Reduction Act: drill offshore; harness oil shale.
Pat Roberts: Increase oil and gas production at home.
Tom Harkin: Convert the nations vehicle fleet to flex-fuel vehicles.
Bob Schaffer: Encourage renewable energy development and alternative fuels.
Ted Stevens: Find and use all forms of energy.
Christine O`Donnell: Increase oil refinery capacity; drill offshore for oil.
Jeff Sessions: More nuclear and more supply of oil and gas to meet demand.
John Barrasso: Recognize the importance of domestic energy production.
John Sununu: Increase domestic fuel exploration.
Roger Wicker: Co-authored a bill for more offshore drilling.
Steve Pearce: Nuclear energy is cheap, clean and ready now.
Tom Allen: Close the Enron Loophole: prevent energy speculation.
Christine O`Donnell: Build more oil refineries to reduce gas prices.
Dean Barkley: Congress ignores energy independence & global warming.
Bob Conley: Extract oil offshore and from ANWR.
Jim Martin: We must reduce our greenhouse gas emissions.
John Barrasso: Favor investment in coal and natural gas production.
Bob Tingle: Drill here and drill now.
Rex Rammell: Support all forms of energy production, especially nuclear.
Rand Knight: Clean energy means cutting carbon emissions.
Dave Brownlow: Global Warming is all a hoax.
Bob Conley: Using alternative energy reduces gas prices.
Bob Tuke: Dependence on foreign oil hurts security & climate.
Bruce Lunsford: Work towards energy independence.
Chris Rothfuss: Make Wyoming a leader in energy policy.
Christopher Reed: Tap into domestic oil like ANWR.
Dale Cardwell: Break our addiction on oil.
Jay Wolfe: Drill ANWR; drill federal lands; build new refineries.
Jeff Merkley: Set a 25 percent renewable energy national standard by 2025.
Jeff Merkley: Invest in research for conservation, alternative energy.
John Frohnmayer: Reduce dependence on oil; invest in wind, Waves, & biomass.
Mike Padgett: Pain at the gas pump while oil industry gets tax breaks.
John Frohnmayer: Raise Federal gasoline taxes to pay for high speed rail.
Rick Sikma: Develop ANWR urgently; construct new oil refineries.
Andrew Rice: Invest in switchgrass and natural gas resources.
Kay Hagan: Increase funding for R&D of renewable energy sources.
Mark Begich: Open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
Mark Begich: Alaska is ground zero for global warming.
Steven Sauerberg: Stop filling Petroleum Reserve; increase domestic oil supply.
Steven Sauerberg: End dependence on foreign oil: clean coal, wind & solar.
Steven Sauerberg: Increase research into alternative fuels.
Steven Sauerberg: Increase fuel economy standards on cars and trucks.
Larry LaRocco: Fund R&D for alternative energy technology.
Larry LaRocco: Geothermal energy provides low-cost heat in buildings.
Larry LaRocco: Nuclear power plays a key role in energy independence.
Larry LaRocco: Solar is an economical & green energy source.
Larry LaRocco: Diversifying our energy portfolio strengthens the economy.
Larry LaRocco: Use manure and agricultural plant material to make ethanol.
Larry LaRocco: Wind technology is close to being cost-effective.
Larry LaRocco: A direct energy investment of $300 billion over 10 years.
Scott Kleeb: Develop a new energy economy.
Scott Kleeb: Renewable energy create new industries and jobs.
Scott Kleeb: Grant program for early adopters of energy efficiency codes.
Scott Kleeb: Encourage next generation bio-fuels.
Bruce Lunsford: Develop clean coal technologies.
Bruce Lunsford: Set standards for fuel efficiency in cars and buildings.
Dick Zimmer: More nuclear plants; more energy exploration.
Jack Hoogendyk: Expand oil production and expand nuclear energy.
Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer: Seriously address global warming; 80% GHG reductions by 2030.
Jim Slattery: More fuel efficient cars & clean energy technology.
Kenneth Eaton: Speedy transistion to Zero Emission Vehicles.
Vernon Jones: Unaddressed, global warming will be catastrophic.
Dave Cuddy: Develop ANWR; support market-driven alternatives.
Joel Dykstra: Develop domestic reserves in ANWR & offshore.
Lee Jones: Invest in green technology like ethanol and wind energy.
Steve Novick: Comprehensive approach to reduce global warming.
Jim Neal: Emphasize solar, wind, biofuels, and nuclear.
Andrew Rice: Advocate for reduced carbon emissions.
Al Franken: Investing in renewable energy is win-win-win-win-win.
Al Franken: Apollo project for renewable energy development.
Bart Baron: Get off the back of the auto & oil industries.
Greg Fischer: Achieve energy independence & take better care of earth.
Kirk Bushman: Reduce dependency on foreign energy, with Montana coal.
Larry LaRocco: We owe it to our children to curb greenhouse gas emissions.
Mark Warner: Drastically reduced emissions from VA coal power plants.
Scott Kleeb: Moral test of our lifetime is combating climate change.
Erik Fleming: Opposed to drilling ANWR; supports bio-diesel & alternatives.
Greg Orman: Auto emissions contribute to environmental decline.
Greg Orman: Energy-saving lights reduce over a million tons of emissions.
Jeanne Shaheen: Independence from foreign oil and reverse global warming.
Jeff Merkley: Sustainable, renewable energy to combat global warming.
Mark Udall: Immediate response to global climate change.
Mark Udall: Being green is MAKING green.
Mike Ciresi: Develop homegrown, clean-energy tech & green collar jobs.
Mike Johanns: Expand domestic oil production; reduce refinery regulations.
Rick Noriega: Invest in wind, solar, geothermal, and biomass.
Steven Rathje: Build nuclear plants; drill ANWR; expand refinieries.
Steven Sauerberg: Increase domestic oil supply including refining capacity.
Tom Harkin: Rapidly increase renewable fuels from corn and soybean.
Vivian Davis Figures: Break our addiction by investing in renewable energy.
Fred Thompson: Invest in alternative fuels; with R&D to reduce CO2.
Ed O`Reilly: Renew America with energy conservation & renewable energy.
Rudy Garcia: Make food instead of bio-fuel and instead of GMOs.
Mark Udall: Expand funding for work towards mitigating climate change.
Carl Levin: Championed Great Lakes; restoring brownfield; & Smart Growth.
Frank Lautenberg: Bushs offshore drilling plan is dangerous for New Jersey.
Gordon Harold Smith: Preserve and protect Mt. Hood and the Columbia River Gorge.
Jack Reed: More federal funds for public transit.
Steve Pearce: Strike a balance between the environment and the economy.
Thad Cochran: Opposed the Climate Security Act of 2008.
Tim Johnson: Doubled the Renewable Fuel Standard.
Tom Allen: Opposed budgets that have slashed environmental funding.
Max Baucus: Consistently fought to increase access to public lands.
Rex Rammell: If we cant own public lands, we should be able to use them.
Kathy Cummings: Establish and fund Green Collar Jobs Corps.
Dave Brownlow: Clean up depleted uranium from our weapons in Iraq.
Bruce Lunsford: Pursue policies to protect Kentuckys environment.
Jay Wolfe: Faithful care of green space & our natural treasures.
Jeff Merkley: Supports 80% reduction in carbon emissions by 2050.
Jeff Merkley: Incentives to cities for the reduction of emissions.
Rebekah Kennedy: protect our land, air & water from all sources of pollution.
John Frohnmayer: Put federal forests into local trust, for sustainability.
Andrew Rice: Global warming is real; our quality of life is at risk.
Kay Hagan: Will push for increased water conservation efforts.
Mark Begich: Implemented energy efficiency and conservation in Anchorage.
Steven Sauerberg: Protect Lake Michigan by restricting waste dumped into it.
Larry LaRocco: Reduce the threat of global warming.
Scott Kleeb: Implement a market-based cap-and-trade system.
Scott Kleeb: Confront deforestation and promote carbon sequestration.
Steve Scalise: Full funding of 100-year flood protection.
Michael Lange: Protect private property rights, period.
Steve Novick: Good environmental enforcement protects our natural heritage.
Kirk Bushman: No additional wilderness area in Montana.
Mark Warner: Tougher discharge regulations on Chesapeake Bay.
Mark Udall: Moral obligation to be good stewards of natural environment.
Mary Landrieu: Coastal wetlands erosion is an unfolding catastrophe.
Ed O`Reilly: Preservation of the basic resources for all life essential.
John McCain: Economic & environmental interests not mutually exclusive.
Corrogan Vaughn: Encourage alternative fuels, wind & solar.
Families & Children
Max Baucus: Co-sponsored legislation to protect women from violence.
Jeff Merkley: Tax credits to families to make child care affordable.
Mary Landrieu: Supports adoption and foster care reform.
Fred Thompson: Promote culture of life & strengthen families.
Hillary Clinton: Support new parents to promote healthy child development.
Joe Biden: Fought for Family and Medical Leave, up to 12 unpaid weeks.
Foreign Policy
James Inhofe: Withhold 20% of US funding from the UN.
Bob Tingle: I strongly support Israel, our close friend and ally.
Kathy Cummings: End US interference in other countries affairs.
Dave Brownlow: Get US out of UN, & UN out of US.
Dave Brownlow: Let Israelis and Palestinians solve problems on their own.
Scotty Boman: Committed to Non-Initiation of Force.
Chris Rothfuss: Diplomacy is the only solution to global terrorism.
Jay Wolfe: Maintain US sovereignty; exit the World Court.
John Frohnmayer: Teaching students Farsi & Arabic is best military investment.
John Frohnmayer: Teach Farsi, Arabic, & Mandarin in grade schools.
Kay Hagan: Need cooperation around the world to defeat terrorism.
Steven Sauerberg: We must vigorously support Israel.
Steven Sauerberg: Protect Afghanistan from degenerating into terrorist haven.
Mark McBride: Not our role to install democracy around the world.
Al Franken: Convene a regional conference in the Middle East.
Scott Kleeb: Continue to see Israels security as connected to our own.
Lee Jones: Bring America back to international high moral standing.
Bart Baron: Stop arming China; trade wont stop their authoritarianism.
Erik Fleming: Fully fund our financial obligation to the U.N. annually.
Mike Ciresi: Address underlying causes that cause terrorism.
Alan Keyes: Commitment to Israel is a moral obligation.
Alan Keyes: United Nations: source of dangerously naive globalist dreams.
Ed O`Reilly: Ongoing dialogue with Syria and Iran.
Free Trade
Chris Young: Opposes the North American Union and globalization.
Nick Carter: Support fair trade policy which protects American jobs.
Pat Roberts: We must aggressively open markets for our goods.
Christine O`Donnell: No global taxes to the UN.
Scott Jameson: Opposes the Trans Texas Corridor, NAFTA Superhighway.
Kay Hagan: Oppose trade deals that are bad for North Carolina workers.
Rand Knight: Embrace a mirror trade system: partners meet our standards.
Dave Brownlow: Terminate NAFTA, GATT, WTO and MFN.
Dave Brownlow: Support free and fair trade, plus anti-dumping laws.
Bob Conley: No to trade agreements that send our jobs overseas.
Bob Conley: America First trade policies.
Bob Tuke: Moratorium on all new Free Trade agreements.
Chris Rothfuss: Strongly support country of origin labeling.
Jeff Merkley: Oppose trade agreements that use NAFTA as a model.
Jeff Merkley: Cancel or fix unfair trade deals.
Jeff Merkley: End federal giveaways to companies that ship jobs overseas.
Jeff Merkley: Strengthen the Buy American Act.
Jeff Merkley: Oppose giving the President fast track trade authority.
Mike Padgett: Promote fair trade with tax policy to keep jobs in US.
Mark McBride: I am not a free trader; nothing in life is free.
Mark McBride: NAFTA, CAFTA and the WTO need to go away.
Scott Kleeb: Trade should spread standards, not just enrich us.
Bob Marshall: Impose tariffs that equalize the trade playing field.
Bruce Lunsford: Ensure that all trade agreements protect workers.
Bruce Lunsford: Distinguish American products with Country-of-Origin labels.
Don Cazayoux: Supports fair trade; oppose tax giveaways for jobs overseas.
Jack Hoogendyk: Mirror trade policy of other nations.
Michael Lange: We need trade agreements that place America first.
Steve Novick: Give the little guy a fairer break in trade policies.
Jim Neal: Export American values, not American jobs.
Al Franken: Im a fair trader; enforce labor, safety, & environment.
Bart Baron: Renegotiate trade treaties for a level playing field.
Bart Baron: What we need is not free trade but FAIR trade.
Bart Baron: Be fearful of Fast Track Authority.
Dale Cardwell: Make sure that free trade only happens when its fair trade.
Dale Cardwell: Keep American jobs in the US with fair trade.
Jeff Merkley: Include real & enforceable labor & environmental standards.
Mike Johanns: Open up new markets for agricultural & beef exports.
Richard Durbin: Vigorous enforcement against unfair importation & dumping.
Tom Allen: Level the playing field; we have tipped the balance away.
Vivian Davis Figures: Level the playing field for American workers and companies.
Joe Biden: Opposes fast-track to protect labor rights.
Alan Keyes: We gave away portion of sovereignty when we entered WTO.
Alan Keyes: One-on-one trade agreements; with tariffs for dumping.
Alan Keyes: North American Union Superhighway subverts sovereignty.
Alan Keyes: Free trade gives excessive authority to international groups.
Ken Blevens: Law of the Sea Treaty diminishes our sovereignty.
Government Reform
Jason Chaffetz: Run campaigns %& budgets as fiscal conservative.
Chris Rothfuss: Change for a Buck: fight special interest influence.
Ted Stevens: Earmarks make sure Alaskas needs are met.
James Inhofe: Opposes the Democratic ethics reform bill.
Tom Udall: Support an independent, non-partisan ethics commission.
Vic Vickers: Will not accept a single penny from any special interest.
Larry LaRocco: Congress has not been accountable; checks & balances failing.
Dean Barkley: Big money has captured our political process.
Bob Kelleher: Political priority: more accountable government.
Rand Knight: Establish an Independent Ethics Commission for politicians.
Rand Knight: Re-adhere to the Geneva Convention.
Rebekah Kennedy: Cynical politicians exploited 9-11 to increase their power.
Mark Begich: Brought greater openness to city government.
Mark Begich: Increase financial transparency for Senate staff.
Mark Begich: Senate lobbying disclosures should include family ties.
Mark Begich: Campaign transparency with sortable online database.
Mark Begich: No secret meetings; full appointment disclosure for Senators.
Mark Begich: No more automatic pay raises for Senators.
Mark Begich: No revolving door for former senate staff to lobby.
Mark Begich: No campaign fundraising through private foundations.
Mark Begich: Support an Independent Office of Public Integrity.
Al Franken: Investigate the misappropriation of billions on Iraq.
Larry LaRocco: Unlock the partisan gridlock in Washington.
Scott Kleeb: More disclosure and transparency in appropriations.
Steve Scalise: Ban cash contributions in federal elections.
Bob Marshall: Equal airtime for all candidates for office.
Christine O`Donnell: Deal With Delaware: I will limit myself to two terms.
Don Cazayoux: Stronger lobbying and ethics laws.
Josh Lanier: Big money deforms our elections.
Andy Martin: Investigated corrupt judges and forced their resignations.
Bob Schaffer: Pledged term-limit of 3 terms, & stepped down after 3 terms.
Jeff Sessions: Committed to principled, non-activist judges.
Alan Keyes: Campaign finance reform violates freedom of association.
Alan Keyes: Avoid incumbency protection: no union or corporate donors.
Alan Keyes: Terri Schiavo case was about judicial power over executive.
Fred Thompson: Political expediency ignored limited federalist government.
Fred Thompson: Strong states work a lot better than central planning.
Corrogan Vaughn: Performed socially & politically via faith-based communities.
Gun Control
Jason Chaffetz: Support Second Amendment rights.
Jim Gilmore: Virginia Exile: get guns out of the hands of criminals.
Nick Carter: Restricting access to guns is not a solution.
Mark Begich: Strongly supports Constitutional right to bear arms.
Bob Schaffer: Fought to uphold the Second Amendment.
Mark Pryor: Our Second Amendment rights must be protected.
Mark Udall: Prevent criminals from buying and carrying deadly weapons.
Frank Lautenberg: No guns for domestic abusers.
Kay Hagan: I am a strong supporter of Second Amendment right.
Rex Rammell: Gun ownership saves more lives than all criminal laws.
Dave Brownlow: Any ban on any gun directly conflicts with Constitution.
Rick Sikma: 2nd Amendment is an important part of inalienable rights.
Don Cazayoux: Strongly support the Second Amendment.
George Eichhorn: Preserve and protect our 2nd Amendment.
Jack Hoogendyk: Rated A by the National Rifle Association.
Jeff Beatty: Supports the Second Amendment.
Ken Blevens: Avid supporter of the second amendment.
Michael Lange: Absolute and complete support of the second amendment.
Dave Cuddy: Full recognition of 2nd Amendment rights.
Joel Dykstra: No need for additional laws or restrictions on guns.
Mark Begich: Lifetime member of NRA.
Mark Udall: Hunting & angling tradition generates income and jobs.
Mike Johanns: I support the Second Amendment.
Steven Rathje: The 2nd Amendment defends the other 26.
Alan Keyes: Gun control agenda mistrusts ordinary citizens.
Alan Keyes: Fundamental DUTY of free citizens to keep & bear arms.
Fred Thompson: Strongly supports the Second Amendment.
John Edwards: In rural America, hunting and gun ownership is a way of life.
John McCain: Prosecute criminals, not citizens for gun ownership.
John McCain: Dont hold gun manufacturers liable for crimes.
John McCain: Opposes restrictions on assault weapons and ammunition types.
Corrogan Vaughn: Constitutional right to bear arms.
Health Care
Jason Chaffetz: Insure all Americans with private health insurance.
Saxby Chambliss: Supported the Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit plan.
Dave Cuddy: Allow retirees to opt out of Medicare.
Gordon Harold Smith: Strengthened and protected federal health care programs.
John Barrasso: Ensure Wyoming is fairly reimbursed by Medicare and Medicaid.
John Rockefeller: Worked to improve prescription drug coverage.
Mary Landrieu: Supported the creation and expansion of health care for kids.
Michael Enzi: Support mental health parity legislation.
Roger Wicker: Led effort to derail $7.4 million Medicare cuts.
Steve Pearce: Tax deduction for those who purchase their own insurance.
Thad Cochran: Proposed an 18 month fix for physician Medicare payment.
Tim Johnson: Co-sponsored legislation to reduce the cost of health care.
Tom Udall: Allow every citizen over the age of 55 to buy into Medicare.
Jim Martin: Affordable health care for all is an achievable goal.
Nick Carter: Healthcare for all citizens at an affordable price.
Andrew Rice: Access to quality affordable health care for every American.
Rex Rammell: Opt out of Medicare with Health Savings Accounts.
Bob Kelleher: Health care for everyone is a Christian ideal.
Rand Knight: Fully accessible health insurance for all Americans.
Dave Brownlow: Congress has no Constitutional authority over health care.
Dave Brownlow: High health care costs are symptom of federal meddling.
Bob Tuke: National health care insurance exchange.
Bruce Lunsford: Make Medicare and prescription drug benefit work for seniors.
Bruce Lunsford: McConnell gets first-class healthcare paid for by you and me.
Bruce Lunsford: Start our children on the path to good health.
Chris Rothfuss: The way to get everyone health care is to control costs.
Christopher Reed: No socialized medicine.
Jay Wolfe: Let market forces drive down the cost of medicine.
Jeff Merkley: Address the nursing shortage.
Jeff Merkley: Support Healthy Americans Act: universal comprehensive care.
Jeff Merkley: Take on insurance & pharmaceutical companies.
Jeff Merkley: Provide affordable quality health care to all Americans.
Jeff Merkley: Fully fund the VA health care system.
Jeff Merkley: Provide children with the health care they need.
Mike Padgett: Private sector cant make health accessible and affordable.
Rebekah Kennedy: Replace failed private health system with national program.
John Frohnmayer: Replace private insurance with single payer system.
Kay Hagan: Keep fighting to extend health coverage to children.
Kay Hagan: Allow the government to negotiate for lower drug costs.
Kay Hagan: We must reduce our nursing shortage.
Mark Begich: Increase Medicare reimbursements and affordable health care.
Mark Begich: Favors expanding Alaskas Denali KidCare program.
Steven Sauerberg: Portability, competition, and accessibility for health care.
Steven Sauerberg: Individual ownership through tax rebates and health vouchers.
Steven Sauerberg: Healthy living tax credits.
Steven Sauerberg: Simple paperwork plus accountability.
Steven Sauerberg: Penalties for denial of coverage by insurance companies.
Steven Sauerberg: End frivolous lawsuits with administrative health courts.
Steven Sauerberg: Eliminating fraud and waste in Medicare.
Al Franken: We need to go to universal health care.
Al Franken: Address the quality and cost of care.
Al Franken: Kids without health insurance grew to 8.3 million in 2005.
Larry LaRocco: Address our nursing shortage, starting with nursing teachers.
Larry LaRocco: Preventative care for better health, and lower costs.
Larry LaRocco: Everyone should have affordable & portable health insurance.
Larry LaRocco: Health insurance equal to that given Members of Congress.
Larry LaRocco: Allow people to keep their current health insurance.
Larry LaRocco: Reduce the shortage of physicians.
Larry LaRocco: Increase access to medical school loans.
Larry LaRocco: Control the cost of malpractice insurance for physicians.
Scott Kleeb: High-quality and affordable coverage for all Americans.
Scott Kleeb: Healthcare plan similar to what all Members of Congress have.
Scott Kleeb: Reward employer who ensure that their employees.
Steve Scalise: Give individuals and families more healthcare choice.
Bob Marshall: Tax credit for individuals buying private insurance.
Bruce Lunsford: Let Medicare negotiate re-importation from Canada.
Dick Zimmer: Consistently opposes government-run national health care.
Don Cazayoux: Expand SCHIP to ensure that all children have insurance.
George Eichhorn: Competitive consumer-directed care over socialized medicine.
Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer: Universal, single-payer comprehensive health care.
Jim Slattery: Expand SCHIP and affordable health care.
Josh Lanier: Supports single payer universal system.
Kenneth Eaton: Federal guidelines to ensure proper medical care.
Vernon Jones: Put quality of life over profit margins.
Joel Dykstra: No big government take-over of health care.
Lee Jones: Bring affordable and accessible healthcare to all.
Michael Cone: Single Payer Health Insurance to everyone.
Steve Novick: Fight for comprehensive national health reform.
Jim Neal: Transition to health care instead of sick care.
Jim Neal: Dont turn Medicare over to giant insurance companies.
Al Franken: Full funding for state-based coverage, but not single payer.
Al Franken: Universal health care as soon as possible.
Bart Baron: Limit medical liability lawsuits but not right to se.
Bart Baron: Health has become big business, with insurers as customer.
Kay Hagan: Bridge the gap on health care.
Mark Warner: As governor, 138,000 more children covered by insurance.
Dale Cardwell: Our health care system is in crisis; provide baseline care.
Erik Fleming: No need for universal program if we work with industry.
Greg Orman: Commitment to research to cure numerous diseases.
Greg Orman: Affordable healthcare coverage for all is our goal.
Jeanne Shaheen: We need a universal health care system to cover everyone.
Jeff Merkley: Health care for all Americans.
Mark Udall: Make Congress healthcare options available to all.
Pat Roberts: Attract health care providers in underserved areas.
Rick Noriega: Guaranteed coverage via public-private partnerships.
Saxby Chambliss: Fight the federal takeover of health care.
Tom Allen: Negotiate lower prices for drugs; ensure healthcare for all.
Vivian Davis Figures: If America is wealthiest nation, why not healthiest nation?
Ed O`Reilly: First-rate healthcare is a fundamental and basic right.
Alan Keyes: Euthanasia violates unalienable right to life.
Alan Keyes: Consumer in charge; no government-controlled health care.
Fred Thompson: One-size-fits-all programs are inefficient & inadequate.
Fred Thompson: Competition, free-market solutions & personal responsibility.
Corrogan Vaughn: Provide affordable healthcare to citizens.
Ken Blevens: SCHIP is part of a socialist agenda.
John Edwards: We need universal health insurance.
Homeland Security
Rudy Garcia: Demilitarize by stopping nukes & reducing bases.
Jason Chaffetz: Ensure that our troops have the best equipment & training.
Chris Rothfuss: Federal Government has been assaulting our privacy rights.
Mark Begich: Repeal the Patriot Act.
Dick Durbin: $15 billion investment for homeland security.
Mark Pryor: We must take better care of our veterans.
Al Franken: Renew our commitment to our men and women in uniform.
Carl Levin: Fight to improve the quality of services for veterans.
Jack Reed: Federal aid for homeless veterans.
John Rockefeller: Increased the budget for the VA by over $2 billion.
John Sununu: Support the PATRIOT act with additional civil safeguards.
Lindsey Graham: Ensure terrorists cannot sue American troops.
Mary Landrieu: Co-sponsored the 21st Century GI Bill.
Norm Coleman: Established a reintegration program for returning troops.
Tim Johnson: Support full and mandatory VA funding and the new GI bill.
Christopher Reed: Peace through strength; deal with enemies harshly & swiftly.
Jim Martin: Sustainable military presence in the Middle East.
Andrew Rice: Shift defense resources from Iraq to destroying terrorists.
Kathy Cummings: End torture; warrantless spying; & stifling of dissent.
Dave Brownlow: We spend more money on military than rest of world combined.
Dave Brownlow: Real threat is elaborate deception concocting war on terror.
Dave Brownlow: 9-11 investigation needed for mysterious collapse of WTC7.
Dave Brownlow: Do you feel safer with feds snooping around your affairs?
Bob Conley: Overseas occupations are breaking our military.
Bob Conley: Repeal Big Brother legislation & restore Constitution.
Bruce Lunsford: We must fully fund the veterans health care system.
Bruce Lunsford: Open the doors to the Veterans Administration.
Bruce Lunsford: Ease the transition home for veterans.
Bruce Lunsford: McConnell voted against giving troops body armor, I wouldnt.
Chris Rothfuss: Disservice to diminish freedom in name of security.
Christopher Reed: The war on terror must be won, to ensure our way of life.
Jeff Merkley: Honor Americas veterans and take good care of them.
Jeff Merkley: Extend full VA and other benefits to National Guard members.
Jeff Merkley: A tragic shortfall in recent years in veterans health care.
Jeff Merkley: Allow disabled veterans to collect their full retirement pay.
Jeff Merkley: Increase funding for mental health services to veterans.
Jeff Merkley: Expand educational opportunities for veterans.
Jeff Merkley: Create a GI Bill for the 21st Century.
John Frohnmayer: Know our Constitution & Bill of Rights in war on terror.
Michael Cone: A Stronger America: military & economic.
Bob Kelleher: Solve unemployment with military & civil draft at age 18-25.
Bob Kelleher: Cancel Star Wars--its an hallucination.
Andrew Rice: 9/11: Pressured US government to stay focused on terrorism.
Andrew Rice: Fight to improve the veterans health care system.
Andrew Rice: Conditions at Walter Reed Hospital are unacceptable.
Kay Hagan: Support better pay for our brave service members.
Kay Hagan: Increase funding for veterans health care and benefits.
Kay Hagan: More funding to respond to emergencies and natural disaster.
Mark Begich: Pledges full support for the 21st Century GI Bill.
Steven Sauerberg: Stay on offense against the terrorists.
Steven Sauerberg: Support military spending and increase intelligence funding.
Steven Sauerberg: Keep Weapons of Mass Destruction out of terrorists hands.
Steven Sauerberg: Fight for the benefits our brave soldiers deserve.
Steven Sauerberg: Increase the amount of education funding veterans receive.
Mark McBride: Reduce size of VA and operate it more efficiently.
Mark McBride: Close 700 US military bases overseas.
Mark McBride: Create military to unequivocally end any national threat.
Mark McBride: US must be the Power that no one will engage.
Al Franken: Better screenings for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Al Franken: Respect the sacrifice made by military families.
Al Franken: Do for the VA bureaucracy what we did for VA hospitals.
Al Franken: Help veterans re-integrate into their communities.
Al Franken: We must renew our commitment to our veterans.
Larry LaRocco: Reducing foreign oil dependence improves national security.
Larry LaRocco: Address the needs of our troops and their families.
Scott Kleeb: Give our troops needed armor, equipment, and health care.
Scott Kleeb: Strengthen diplomatic corps, but also add 92,000 soldiers.
Steve Scalise: Military protects homeland from radical Islamic terrorism.
Allen Buckley: Keep US military strong, but solely for defense.
Allen Buckley: Bush has overreached in expanding executive power.
Bob Marshall: No draft; we already have no military rival.
Dick Zimmer: Transfer funds from Peace Dividend to veterans.
Don Cazayoux: Secure our ports and our nuclear & chemical plants.
George Eichhorn: Intelligence services and military have been under-funded.
Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer: 57% to military & 4% to education is wrong priority.
Josh Lanier: Close Guantanamo; oppose torture.
Michael Lange: Primary federal responsibility is military readiness.
Dave Cuddy: We can preserve our freedoms with Patriot Act.
Mark Begich: Increased Anchorages support for military personnel.
Steve Novick: End rollback of our constitutional rights.
Andrew Rice: As 9/11 family, pressured Washington to focus on terrorism.
Al Franken: Create a new G.I. Bill to pay for 100% of college.
Greg Fischer: Lead world with diplomacy, not just military might.
Mark Warner: Remove the ghost fleet of 100 aging ships in James River.
Erik Fleming: No base closings in US, but close bases overseas.
Jeff Sessions: A strong national defense is the top priority.
Mike Johanns: Islamic terrorists hate America; we must stand strong.
Steven Rathje: Remove handcuffs from those who track down terrorists.
Tom Harkin: Shut down Guantanamo Bay prison.
Fred Thompson: Iraq & Afghanistan are central front of global war on terror.
Fred Thompson: Build larger, more capable, and more modern military.
Fred Thompson: Supports missile defense system & enhanced intelligence.
Corrogan Vaughn: Secure our borders and coastlines.
Corrogan Vaughn: Increase force structure to meet future challenges.
Jason Chaffetz: Reject amnesty & secure the border.
Nick Carter: Path to citizenship for hard working, law abiding immigrants.
Nick Carter: Current immigration policies help large corporations.
Pat Roberts: Ensure that our borders are secure.
Saxby Chambliss: Secure our borders; opposed to any amnesty.
Ted Stevens: Protect our borders; no amnesty & strong enforcement.
Christine O`Donnell: Employer penalties for hiring illegal aliens.
Jeff Sessions: Led the effort in the Senate to defeat the amnesty bills.
John Barrasso: Block illegal immigrants from securing a drivers license.
John Sununu: Ban access to benefits by illegals; oppose sanctuary cities.
Michael Enzi: Voted in favor of the Secure Fence Act.
Christine O`Donnell: Make English Americas ONE official language.
Jim Martin: Secure our borders & crack down on employers.
Bob Tingle: Seal our borders; come down hard on illegal employers.
Rex Rammell: Build border fence; enforce against illegals working.
Rand Knight: Illegal play a crucial role in Georgias economy.
Dave Brownlow: Our borders are a virtual sieve.
Bob Conley: Secure our borders; focus on corporate greed.
Christopher Reed: Punish those who cross the border illegally.
Jay Wolfe: Regain physical control of our borders.
John Frohnmayer: Border fences never worked historically.
Mike Padgett: Immigration reform thats fair, tough, & practical.
Rick Sikma: Benefits to illegal aliens must be denied.
Kay Hagan: Work towards a practical solution to end illegal immigration.
Steven Sauerberg: No amnesty; no citizenship without punitive measures.
Steven Sauerberg: Triple funding for the US border patrol.
Steven Sauerberg: Deport illegal aliens who commit felonies.
Mark McBride: Permanently bar criminals from entering America.
Al Franken: Support guest worker programs for seasonal jobs.
Larry LaRocco: For Secure America through Verification & Enforcement Act.
Larry LaRocco: Tough & realistic approach: comprehensive but no deportation.
Steve Scalise: Seal our borders; its a matter of national security.
Steve Scalise: Amnesty is not an option.
Bob Marshall: Refuse amnesty; construct border fence.
Dick Zimmer: Supports border fence; opposes amnesty.
Don Cazayoux: Secure our borders; crack down on employers of illegals.
Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer: Control border but provide clear path to legalization.
Jeff Beatty: No amnesty nor social services for illegals.
Jim Risch: I oppose amnesty in any form.
Josh Lanier: 4-point comprehensive immigration reform plan.
Kenneth Eaton: No deportation; embrace immigrants & correct our mistakes.
Michael Lange: No amnesty; no benefits to illegals; no-brainer.
Vernon Jones: Supports comprehensive immigration reform & work visas.
Dave Cuddy: No amnesty; no social services; yes border security.
Joel Dykstra: Start by enforcing the laws we already have.
Steve Novick: We need comprehensive immigration reform.
Al Franken: Enforce immigration law at the worksite, not at the border.
Al Franken: We need comprehensive immigration reform.
Bart Baron: Three-year moratorium on all immigration.
Kirk Bushman: Illegal immigration needs to be stopped immediately.
Larry LaRocco: Current policy has led to broken borders.
Mark Warner: Federal failure on immigration means states must take action.
Dale Cardwell: Secure our borders against cheap exploited labor.
Erik Fleming: Allow immigrant kids educational opportunities.
Erik Fleming: I do not support English-only legislation.
Erik Fleming: Does not support vigilante groups like the Minutemen.
Mike Johanns: Secure our borders; no amnesty; verifiable job enforcement.
Pat Roberts: First step is securing our borders.
Rick Noriega: Secure our border, with more than just a fence.
Saxby Chambliss: Halt the immigration problem at border, where it originates.
Steven Rathje: No amnesty; no temporary worker program.
Steven Sauerberg: Oppose amnesty; immediately deport illegal immigrants.
Alan Keyes: Enforce existing laws against illegal immigration.
Alan Keyes: Sovereignty is betrayed when our borders are not defended.
Alan Keyes: Immigration, yes; colonization, no: oppose guest workers.
Fred Thompson: Secure our borders and end sanctuary cities.
Fred Thompson: Immigration reform failed because feds lost credibility.
John Edwards: Enforce borders & employers, and allow earning citizenship.
Corrogan Vaughn: Establish English as the official language.
Corrogan Vaughn: Strictly limit and enforce number of immigrants.
Corrogan Vaughn: Use troops to enforce borders against illegal immigration.
Ken Blevens: Enforce present law & deport illegal aliens.
Mitch McConnell: Married to Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao.
Carl Levin: Need an Apollo-style comprehensive manufacturing initiative.
Max Baucus: Montana has created 35,000 new jobs since 2002.
Bruce Lunsford: Invest in Kentuckys workforce.
Bruce Lunsford: Develop a workforce for 21st century jobs.
Bruce Lunsford: Favor the right to a living wage and safe working conditions.
Jeff Merkley: Support an Employee Free Choice Act.
Jeff Merkley: Fight for inflation-indexed minimum and prevailing wage laws.
Jeff Merkley: Assist workers and communities get training and education.
Bob Kelleher: Require US corporations to pay same salaries overseas.
Kay Hagan: Fight for increases in the minimum wage.
Al Franken: Preserve occupational safety and prevailing wage laws.
Al Franken: Im a member of four unions.
Al Franken: A hard days work should earn a decent days pay.
Steven Rathje: Outsourcing is a way to keep jobs in Iowa.
Mark Warner: No employment discrimination based on sexual orientation.
Alan Keyes: We need family farms to sustain character, not to feed us.
Corrogan Vaughn: Personally acquainted with unemployment benefits system.
Principles & Values
Rudy Garcia: Priorities on grassroots democracy & social justice.
Rudy Garcia: Priorities on grassroots democracy & social justice.
Rudy Garcia: Democracy is not a spectator sport.
Chris Young: Impeach Bush.
Mitch McConnell: 2006: elected Senate Republican Leader of 110th Congress.
Jeff Sessions: Bring Washington the values that make Alabama great.
Max Baucus: Sign on Senate desk says it all: Montana Comes First.
Rex Rammell: Ten Principles to Govern America, based on Gods inspiration.
Scotty Boman: Promote Libertarian ideals of Peace, Liberty, and Prosperity.
Chris Rothfuss: We have all grown tired of bitter partisan politics.
Jay Wolfe: Our Judeo-Christian heritage makes our nation great.
John Frohnmayer: Impeach Pres. Bush on constitutional, not partisan grounds.
Mark Begich: Served 10 years on Anchorage Assembly and 5 years as Mayor.
Michael Cone: Populists represent people against the Aristocrats.
Mike Padgett: Small business owner, then public service since 1984.
Kay Hagan: You do not make a difference standing on the sideline.
Kirk Bushman: Proud and committed fourth-generation Montanan.
Scott Kleeb: Fourth generation Nebraskan raised on homesteading stories.
Susan Collins: 1994: Lost race as first woman to run for Maine governor.
Susan Collins: 1980s: served on staff of Maine Sen. Bill Cohen for 11 years.
Vivian Davis Figures: Put Alabamians and Americans first again.
Rudy Giuliani: 12 Commitments to the American People.
Corrogan Vaughn: Born in Virginia; raised in Baltimore.
Corrogan Vaughn: Diagnosed with a brain tumor in 1990.
Corrogan Vaughn: Commander-in-Chief should be about People And Principles.
Ed O`Reilly: Graduated UMass; then firefighter, lobsterman & lawyer.
Ed O`Reilly: Elected to Gloucester City Council & School Committee.
John Edwards: We must fight multiple causes of poverty in US.
Social Security
Chellie Pingree: Oppose any effort to weaken or privatize vital program.
Mark Begich: Elderly are entitled to solvent & reliable Social Security.
Jim Martin: Protect seniors from consumer fraud.
Rex Rammell: Opt out of Soc. Sec. with Individual Retirement accounts.
Vernon Jones: Reform & improve Social Security as we know it today.
Rand Knight: Opposes privatization unless it guarantees retirement income.
Dave Brownlow: Social Security is a Ponzi Scheme.
Bruce Lunsford: I will oppose all attempts to privatize Social Security.
Kay Hagan: Protect Social Security benefits.
Steven Sauerberg: Create more jobs to fund Social Security benefits.
Steven Sauerberg: Ensure the solvency of the Social Security system.
Bruce Lunsford: Protect Pensions from Corporate Greed.
Don Cazayoux: No privatizing the trust between the generations.
George Eichhorn: Allow younger workers to choose investment accounts.
Steve Novick: Stop borrowing from Trust Fund; deliver promised benefits.
Jim Neal: Protect Social Security from privatization schemes.
Al Franken: Ill scream if Republicans ever try to privatize again.
Bart Baron: Privatization entails too much risk.
Kirk Bushman: Keep entitlement programs viable & financially responsible.
Erik Fleming: No privatizing; no personal investment accounts.
Vivian Davis Figures: Challenge every effort to privatize Social Security.
Alan Keyes: Keep promises but give choice of market investments.
Tax Reform
Chellie Pingree: Repeal Bush tax cuts; close tax loopholes.
Jason Chaffetz: Signed the taxpayer protection pledge: no increases.
Nick Carter: Apply estate tax only to estates over $50 million.
Mark Begich: Extend tax cuts; and end the AMT.
Tom Udall: Cut taxes for the middle class instead of the wealthy.
Mark McBride: FairTax is a $400B economic stimulus package.
Jim Martin: Lower taxes on middle class, with fiscal discipline.
Jeanne Shaheen: Support middle class tax cuts to help working families.
Jeff Merkley: Repeal $18 billion in tax breaks given to big oil companies.
Bob Tingle: Replace federal Income Tax with the Fair Tax.
Rex Rammell: Permanent Bush tax cuts & permanent death tax repeal.
Jon Roland: Replace income tax with non-consumer purchase tax.
Rand Knight: Oppose the Bush Tax Cuts.
Dave Brownlow: Serious question whether any of our wages are taxable.
Andrew Rice: Governments basic functions must be well funded.
Bob Tuke: Repeal Bush tax cuts that favor wealthy Americans.
Chris Rothfuss: We dont need more taxes.
Christopher Reed: Taking back the current tax cuts is bad for America.
Jay Wolfe: Immediate and permanent end to the death tax.
Jay Wolfe: Supports FairTax; and making Bush tax cuts permanent.
Mike Padgett: Shift tax burden back from middle class to wealthy.
Rick Noriega: Stimulus compromise: too much compromise;too little stimulus.
Rick Sikma: Lower taxes to boost economy.
Andrew Rice: Has not supported a tax increase; does support investment.
Kay Hagan: Support tax cuts for middle class families.
Steven Sauerberg: Enact the summer holiday gas tax.
Steven Sauerberg: Make the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts permanent.
Larry LaRocco: Provide a tax credit to producers of renewable energy.
Scott Kleeb: Tax relief for middle class families.
Scott Kleeb: Simplify the tax code.
Steve Scalise: Never voted for a tax increase and never will.
Steve Scalise: Signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge.
Bob Marshall: Replace tax increases with simple flat tax.
Bruce Lunsford: Let Bush tax cuts for top income brackets expire.
Christine O`Donnell: Deal With Delaware: I will never vote to increase taxes.
Dick Zimmer: Pledged to vote against any broad-based tax increase.
Don Cazayoux: Tax cuts for working families, not millionaires.
George Eichhorn: Lower taxes and burdens that limit economic growth.
George Eichhorn: Abolish the death tax and the marriage penalty.
Jack Hoogendyk: Lower corporate taxes; keep tax cuts; end death tax.
Jeff Beatty: When taxes are cut, you get more take home pay.
Jim Risch: Earned nickname taxpayers friend by fighting tax increases.
Josh Lanier: Broader progressive tax system, not FairTax.
Joel Dykstra: Bush tax cuts have sparked prosperity that continues today.
Michael Cone: FairTax reforms basis from income to consumption.
Steve Novick: Restore fairness to our tax code, instead of Bush tax cuts.
Andrew Rice: No tax increases in Oklahoma, but no tax cuts either.
Mark Warner: 2003 tax package raised some taxes & removed low-income tax.
Dale Cardwell: Bush tax policy concentrates wealth & unbalances economy.
Greg Orman: Re-write the tax code to eliminate its complexity.
Mark Udall: Bush tax cuts were reckless and unfair.
Mike Johanns: As governor I opposed higher taxes; will do same in Senate.
Richard Durbin: Call on the wealthiest people to pay their fair share.
Steven Rathje: Make Tax Cuts Permanent.
Steven Rathje: End the Death Tax.
Steven Sauerberg: Trust families with more of their own money.
Vivian Davis Figures: End tax loopholes for big corporations and the super rich.
Alan Keyes: Income tax is a failed socialist experiment.
Alan Keyes: Replace income tax with a national sales tax.
Fred Thompson: Tax code is broken: dissolve the IRS as we know it.
Corrogan Vaughn: Implement FairTax; no new unfunded programs.
Mark Begich: Warrantless wiretapping infringes on constitutional rights.
Tom Harkin: Support the Internet Freedom Preservation Act.
Frank Lautenberg: Authored the Lautenberg Amtrak Bill on the Right Track.
John Rockefeller: Provide grants for internet connections at public schools.
Bruce Lunsford: Make substantial investments in new research and development.
Jeff Merkley: Invest in public transportation infrastructure.
Bob Kelleher: Charge import duty on computer source code written overseas.
Steven Sauerberg: Enhance our nations rail capacity.
Al Franken: Invest in our nations physical infrastructure.
Larry LaRocco: Use technology for better & less expensive health care.
Steve Novick: Support net neutrality.
John Neely Kennedy: Innovative financing proposal to fund the completion of I-49.
Tom Harkin: Sponsored Internet Freedom Preservation Act (net neutrality).
John Edwards: One America, Many Voices: let Americas many voices be heard.
John Edwards: Fairness Doctrine: define public interest obligations.
War & Peace
Chellie Pingree: Congress should deauthorize & stop funding the war.
Christine O`Donnell: Strategy for bringing troops home from Iraq: Victory.
Ray Metcalfe: Remove troops from Iraq as rapidly as safe.
Chris Rothfuss: Take the battle to the terrorists.
Dick Durbin: Ensure that the military are given the resources they need.
Saxby Chambliss: Continue to support Bushs new initiatives and the Iraq war.
Christine O`Donnell: Strategy to bring troops home from Iraq: its called victory.
Max Baucus: Tireless efforts to support the brave soldiers in Iraq.
Jim Martin: Its time to start bringing our troops home.
Jim Slattery: Iraq War is based on assumptions that defy common sense.
Rex Rammell: Subdue hatred & extremism in Iraq & for long haul.
Rex Rammell: No nation building; let Iraqis run Iraq for better or worse.
Kathy Cummings: Bush Regime lied about Iraq WMDs, and Durbin knew.
Bob Kelleher: Its time to transfer control to the Iraqi government.
Rand Knight: Bring US involvement in Iraq to a close.
Dave Brownlow: Occupation of Iraq is immoral and illegal.
Dave Brownlow: Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11; troops home immediately.
Dave Brownlow: Declare victory in Afghanistan and bring our troops home.
Dave Brownlow: Bush leads list of gangsters threatening Iran.
Scotty Boman: Opposed to preemptive unconstitutional War in Iraq.
Bob Conley: End the occupation of Iraq now.
Bruce Lunsford: Must concentrate on defeating Al Qaeda and the Taliban.
Chris Rothfuss: Answer to global terrorism isnt in Iraq.
Chris Rothfuss: Al Qaeda arrived in Iraq after we did.
Dale Cardwell: Set benchmarks & draw down 1 to 2 brigades per month.
Jay Wolfe: Strategy for Iraq: we win and they lose.
Jeff Merkley: Signed onto A Responsible Plan to End the War in Iraq.
Jeff Merkley: Opposed the war from the start.
John Frohnmayer: Regime change never worked historically.
Michael Cone: Americans have paid war surtaxes in past wars.
Nick Carter: No end for Iraq War in sight, at $2B a week.
Vernon Jones: Shift responsibility of Iraq to Iraqi people & government.
Rebekah Kennedy: I will never vote to give another dime to fight the Iraq war.
Rick Sikma: Efficient and orderly withdrawal from Iraq, on a deadline.
Andrew Rice: Implement an orderly redeployment of US troops in Iraq.
Andrew Rice: Refocus on identifying and destroying terrorist cells.
Kay Hagan: A responsible withdrawal to re-focus on defeating al Qaeda.
Mark Begich: We must responsibly re-deploy out of Iraq.
Steven Sauerberg: No timeline for withdrawal in Iraq.
Mark McBride: Error in Iraq was not enough troops.
Al Franken: Convince the Iraqi government that were leaving by leaving.
Al Franken: The litany of mistakes in Iraq is endless.
Larry LaRocco: Protect our strategic interests with a withdrawal timetable.
Larry LaRocco: Chart a new bipartisan direction for the war in Iraq.
Scott Kleeb: Make it clear there will be no US permanent bases in Iraq.
Scott Kleeb: Pursue a new accord on Iraqs Constitution and governance.
Scott Kleeb: Address the humanitarian crisis of 2,000,000 Iraqi refugees.
Scott Kleeb: Deal strongly and effectively with Iran.
Allen Buckley: War in Iraq has made terrorism problem worse.
Bob Marshall: We must stabilize Iraq, instead of cut-and-run.
Bruce Lunsford: Carefully and responsibly redeploy our troops out of Iraq.
Dick Zimmer: No arbitrary deadline for withdrawal from Iraq.
Don Cazayoux: Bring our troops home from Iraq responsibly.
George Eichhorn: Premature withdrawal from Iraq has devastating consequences.
Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer: Bush had no exit strategy because never plans to leave Iraq.
Jeff Beatty: Prays for the success of our troops in Iraq.
Josh Lanier: Bring the foreign policy disaster in Iraq to an end.
Kenneth Eaton: Bring military & contractors home as soon as possible.
Dave Cuddy: No timetable for withdrawal from Iraq.
Joel Dykstra: Must succeed in Iraq so al Qaeda doesnt attack us at home.
Mark Warner: Sensible timeline to bring troops home from Iraq.
Steve Novick: It is time to bring our troops home from Iraq.
Jim Neal: Bring the troops home from Iraq.
Andrew Rice: Force Bush to implement an orderly redeployment from Iraq.
Al Franken: Start bringing our troops home from Iraq.
Andy Martin: Strong opponent of plans to invade Iraq since 2002.
Larry LaRocco: Withdrawal timetable against delusional policy of escalation.
Erik Fleming: No more pre-emptive unilateral occupation like Iraq.
Greg Orman: Develop a safe exit strategy.
Jeanne Shaheen: End the devastating, mismanaged war in Iraq.
Jeff Merkley: Redeploy American combat troops out of Iraq.
John Kerry: We stood up to Bushs aimless and failed course in Iraq.
Mark Udall: Our soldiers performed magnificently; now bring them home.
Mary Landrieu: New course for our strategy in Iraq, with benchmarks.
Mike Ciresi: Defend our country & get our troops out of Iraq.
Mike Johanns: No surrender and retreat in Iraq.
Rick Noriega: New direction in Iraq.
Saxby Chambliss: Support our troops, and win in Iraq.
Steven Rathje: Leaving before securing Iraq will only embolden the enemy.
Tom Allen: US involvement in the war in Iraq.
Tom Harkin: Redeploy US troops out of Iraq within 120 days.
Vivian Davis Figures: Bring our troops home from Iraqs civil war.
Alan Keyes: Would not have chosen Iraq; would not have asked UN either.
Alan Keyes: After military victory, should have had UN nation-building.
Corrogan Vaughn: Bring troops home when mission is accomplished.
Ken Blevens: Opposed the preemptive war in Iraq since the beginning.
Ed O`Reilly: Begin withdrawing our troops today.
Ed O`Reilly: Keep focused on international approach to Afghanistan.
John Edwards: Stop escalation of war & restore USs moral leadership.
Welfare & Poverty
Bruce Lunsford: Improve rural quality of life.
Bob Kelleher: First priority is hunger.
Al Franken: Guarantee the retirement benefits our workers have earned.
Steve Novick: Poverty Agenda: rebuild this nations middle class.
Fred Thompson: 1990s welfare reform worked because it empowered states.
Corrogan Vaughn: Worked in faith based communities via National Baptists.
The above quotations are from Survey of 2008 Senate campaign websites.