Jihadi terrorists are face of evil that threatens our nation
Allen Weh released a campaign ad that features an image of the ISIL fighter who beheaded American journalist James Foley. Weh's advertisement includes images of war, Pres. Obama playing golf, and Weh's opponent, Sen. Tom Udall, giving interviews as
chaotic images of conflict flash across the screen. Foley is not shown in the ad, but it does briefly show an image of his killer, dressed in black & wielding a knife. "To change Washington, you must change your Senator," the ad reads.
"Out of respect
for the Foley family, no picture of James Foley was used," Weh's campaign manager said.
"Using James Foley for shock value is offensive to Mr. Foley's family, and voters," Udall's campaign manager said.
"Tom Udall feigned outrage over the inclusion
of a now familiar image of this Jihadi terrorist, who is clearly the face of the evil that threatens our nation. Sen. Udall's comments about our diplomacy being 'good' reflect his naivete and inexperience in matters of national security."