I will enhance funding for immigrant and refugee services, increase health care options for undocumented adults, improve the U-Visa certification process for victims of violent crimes, provide access to financial aid for
undocumented students, oppose a federal registry program based on race, religion, and country of origin, and I will sign pro-immigrant laws like the Illinois Trust Act.
JB Pritzker released the following statement on World Refugee Day:
"Who we are as Americans is being tested by how we treat the thousands of families fleeing for their lives, seeking refuge in the land of the free," said JB Pritzker. "But
Bruce Rauner and Donald Trump have not only turned a blind eye, but actively refused refugees from entering our state and country.
Whether it's Rauner rejecting Syrian refugees or Trump separating families and banning Muslims, these silent partners closing our doors to mothers, fathers, and children is a grave moral failing. We are a state and nation of immigrants, and we
must welcome all with open arms. When I'm governor, I will fiercely fight against inhumanities like separating families at our border and denying refugees a new place to call home because the core values of this country depend on it."
Will not be complicit in shameful, draconian policies
We stood up for human rights and civil rights when we put Donald Trump on notice that Illinois will not be complicit in his shameful and draconian immigration policies.
We opted in--to welcoming refugees to Illinois--continuing a proud tradition in this state that stretches back to my great grandparents, welcomed here a century ago after fleeing anti-Semitism in Europe.
Source: 2020 Illinois State of the State address
, Jan 29, 2020
Protect immigrant families by ending cooperation with ICE
Legislative Summary: HB1637: The Attorney General shall propose new rules related to limiting assistance with immigration enforcement to the fullest extent possible consistent with federal and State law to ensure that facilities remain
safe and accessible to all Illinois residents, regardless of immigration status.
Analysis by Lawndale News: Its chief aim is to protect families from being torn apart by U.S. immigration and ending all cooperation in the case of this
practice of family separation. Further, this Act will end the practice of Illinois counties informing U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) of any undocumented in Illinois jails in an effort to prevent deportation proceedings.
Such an Act would end any and all partnerships in Illinois with ICE.
Legislative Outcome: House 67-50-1 on May/27/19; Passed Senate 35-19-5 on May/30/19; Signed by Governor J. B. Pritzker on Jun/21/19