Protecting Vetera
Source: VoteSmart Maryland 2018 Political Courage Test
Jul 4, 2018
Ben Jealous:
Medicare-for-all is the answer to make healthcare affordable
We must stop rising premiums and lower skyrocketing drug prices. The only solution for Maryland's healthcare crisis is a Medicare-for-All System. We must create a healthcare system that ensures residents are protected. I'll do what it
takes to make sure premiums don't bankrupt our families and strangle small businesses. My commitment to a Medicare-for-All system is grounded in a belief that healthcare is a moral and economic imperative that we can no longer ignore.
Source: 2018 Maryland Gubernatorial campaign website,
Jun 26, 2018
Richard Madaleno:
Prohibit price gouging for generic drugs
OnTheIssues Q: what are your views on Health Care issues?- Voted YES on increasing access to contraceptive drugs
- Voted YES on prohibiting price gouging for generic drugs
Source: OnTheIssues interview of 2018 Maryland Governor candidate
Jun 1, 2018
Shawn Quinn:
Oppose ObamaCare
Q: Do you support or oppose the statement, "Expand ObamaCare"?
A: Oppose
Source: OnTheIssues interview of 2018 Maryland Governor candidate
May 13, 2018
Arvin Vohra:
Lower medical costs come from price competition
Q: Do you support or oppose the statement, "Expand ObamaCare"?A: Strongly oppose. Lower medical costs come from price competition, as has happened with laser eye surgery. Laser eye surgery is not covered by government insurance.
Its price has dropped like a rock. EpiPen is covered by government; its price has skyrocketed. The free market lowers medical costs; government increases them.
Q: So what would you do with ObamaCare, repeal or replace, or some combination?
A: If elected, I will sponsor legislation to end the FDA, repeal Obamacare,
abolish Medicare, abolish Medicaid, eliminate restrictions on foreign doctors practicing in America, and cut taxes accordingly.
Source: OnTheIssues interview of 2018 Maryland Senate candidate
Mar 30, 2018
Arvin Vohra:
Wants to eliminate the FDA and Medicare part D
When we eliminate the FDA, you get access to life-saving drugs faster. Previously inflated costs due to the ineffective requirements of the FDA will be eliminated and drug development companies will enter the market once again, seeking to
develop cures and improved treatments for cancers and rare diseases. When we eliminate Medicare part D, we decrease the costs of drugs to the consumer and taxpayers. So you will have safer drugs in your hands a decade sooner, also be more affordable.
Source: 2018 Maryland Senate campaign website
Dec 12, 2017
Maya Cummings:
Universal health care is the goal
Provide universal health care, public health, and wellness options that close disparities, address behavioral and mental health,
and promote healthy and longer lives.
Source: 2018 Maryland Gubernatorial website
Oct 15, 2017
Richard Madaleno:
Single-payer would be ideal outcome
I guarantee you this: When I am governor, no matter what Republicans in Congress do, Maryland will treat health care as a human right, and Maryland will ensure that every person has access to affordable health care.
Like many Marylanders, I believe single-payer is the ideal outcome. But states can't do single-payer alone, it has to be national.
Source: 2018 Maryland Gubernatorial website
Aug 8, 2017
Alec Ross:
Favors public option over single payer
Ross has expressed support for a state-run public option. A single-payer system is one in which the government provides health coverage for everyone,
whereas a public option would mean the state setting up a health program to compete with private insurance.
Source: Washington Post on 2018 Maryland gubernatorial race
Jul 26, 2017
Sam Faddis:
More than 50% of Marylanders are on brink of losing coverage
Q: What are the three main issues facing the voters in the State of Maryland that you intend to address and how?
Faddis: Jobs, the economy, and healthcare. The healthcare we were promised is collapsing and more than 50% of Marylanders are on the brink of losing coverage.
Source: Special Forces News on 2018 Maryland Senate race
May 31, 2017
Chelsea Manning:
Expand healthcare to include prisoners & transgenders
"Health-care is something that prisoners have a right to," Manning said, when asked why taxpayers should cover the cost of hormone therapy,
going on to explain that "trans health-care is necessary because if we don't get our treatment, we die."
Source: The Daily Beast on 2018 Maryland Senate race
May 16, 2017
Jamie Raskin:
Long-time champion of single-payer health care
A long-time champion of single-payer health care, Jamie says, "In a modern democracy, good health care is not only a basic right of citizenship, it is a precondition for effective citizenship." Jamie wants to see the health care system "organized
rationally around the health needs of the people and promoting excellent nutrition and preventive care." He says that "the Affordable Care Act, with its ban on denying coverage to people with a preexisting condition and its policy of continuing
to cover young people in their 20s, is a big improvement over the old system and should be defended against continuing right-wing attacks." But Jamie knows we can do even better. He will work for a more cost-efficient system that reduces serious
health inequities in the country, upholds women's reproductive freedom, and promotes healthy nutrition and diet, exercise, and preventive health care for all Americans.
Source: 2016 Maryland House campaign website
Nov 8, 2016
Margaret Flowers:
Full-time advocate for single payer health care system
Margaret Flowers is a Maryland pediatrician and mother of three. After graduating from the University of Maryland School of Medicine in 1990, Margaret worked first in hospitals in Carroll County and and then in private practice.
In 2007 she stopped practicing medicine to start advocating full-time for a state and federal single payer health care system. "I view the struggle for health care as part of a broader social, racial, economic and environmental justice movement."
Source: 2016 Maryland Senate campaign website
Feb 3, 2016
Larry Hogan:
Beat cancer with chemotherapy while in office
In June 2015, after barely five months in office, Republican Gov. Larry Hogan called a press conference on a hot summer afternoon to share the news that he had just been diagnosed with "a very advanced and very aggressive" form of cancer: non-Hodgkin's
lymphoma. It had been discovered in late stage three, when survival rates for that type of cancer are normally in the 50 to 70% range. To lighten the mood in the room, the affable Hogan wisecracked, "The best news is that my odds of getting through this
in beating this are much, much better than the odds I had of beating Anthony Brown," as the audience laughed and aides applauded. The quip under scored that Hogan surprise victory in deep blue Maryland over Brown--Lieutenant Governor under two-term
Democratic Gov. Martin O'Malley--ranked as one of the major upsets nationwide in 2014. Hogan won over many constituents with his show of stoic courage and dealing with six separate rounds of five-day-a-week, 24-hour-a-day chemotherapy.
Source: Almanac of American Politics on 2018 Maryland Governor race
Oct 5, 2015
Benjamin Cardin:
We need to move forward, not repeal ObamaCare
The candidates debated the federal health care law. Bongino supports repealing it. Bongino said the law places too much power in the hands of bureaucrats. "You're going to have a system of low-income and lower-middle-income folks who are relegated to
government clinics, government clinics providing substandard care who may have health insurance, but will certainly not have health care," Bongino said.Cardin, a strong supporter of the law, noted the consequences of repeal, including the loss of a
popular provision that allows parents to keep their children on their policies until the age of 26. He also said restrictions on pre-existing conditions would return. "We need to move forward, not repeal ObamaCare," Cardin said.
Sobhani said he supported some aspects of the health care law, including the end of restrictions on pre-existing conditions. However, he believes more effort should be made to include input from patients and doctors.
Source: Cumberland Times-News on 2012 Maryland Senate debate
Oct 25, 2012
Dan Bongino:
ObamaCare places too much power in the hands of bureaucrats
The candidates debated the federal health care law. Bongino supports repealing it. Bongino said the law places too much power in the hands of bureaucrats. "You're going to have a system of low-income and lower-middle-income folks who are relegated to
government clinics, government clinics providing substandard care who may have health insurance, but will certainly not have health care," Bongino said.Cardin, a strong supporter of the law, noted the consequences of repeal, including the loss of a
popular provision that allows parents to keep their children on their policies until the age of 26. He also said restrictions on pre-existing conditions would return. "We need to move forward, not repeal ObamaCare," Cardin said.
Sobhani said he supported some aspects of the health care law, including the end of restrictions on pre-existing conditions. However, he believes more effort should be made to include input from patients and doctors.
Source: Cumberland Times-News on 2012 Maryland Senate debate
Oct 25, 2012
Rob Sobhani:
Build on ObamaCare so it's not all government controlled
Bongino supports repealing ObamaCare. Cardin, a strong supporter of ObamaCare, noted the consequences of repeal, including the loss of a popular provision that allows parents to keep their children on their policies until the age of 26. He also said
restrictions on pre-existing conditions would return. "We need to move forward, not repeal ObamaCare," Cardin said. Sobhani said he supported some aspects of the health care law, including the end of restrictions on pre-existing conditions.
However, he believes more effort should be made to include input from patients and doctors. "Because at the end of the day, it's between a doctor and a patient, and we've got to build out from that relationship a health care system that, as
I said, supports some of what President Obama is trying to do but also trying to make sure that it's not all government controlled," Sobhani said.
Source: Cumberland Times-News on 2012 Maryland Senate debate
Oct 25, 2012
Rob Sobhani:
Invest $500M in Maryland hospitals for R&D
I will invest $500 million in Maryland healthcare facilities and hospitals to make Maryland the world's capitol for cancer and Alzheimer's research and treatment.
Not only will this expand our economy, it will also save lives.
Source: 2012 Senate campaign website,
Oct 15, 2012
Dan Bongino:
Health research is the solution, but not by gov't
Q: When it comes to rising health care costs, would you say research to improve health and prevent disease is part of the problem or part of the solution?
Bongino selected, "Part of the solution."
Bongino added, "Investing in research and development that will prevent and cure disease is integral to the long term sustainability of health care in the
United States. Sponsoring public and private research will avert massive costs and suffering.
Limiting wasteful bureaucracy in the public sector while simultaneously incentivizing research in the private sector will produce progress and tangible results."
Source: Your Candidates Your Health: 2012 Maryland Senate debates
Jun 15, 2012
Jamie Raskin:
Voted YES on establishing an ObamaCare healthcare exchange
HB 443 Establishes State Health Insurance Exchanges
Bill Passed House (94-44-3); passed Senate (35-11-1); Sen. Raskin voted YEA.Highlights: - Establishes a health benefit exchange to meet all functions required by the Patient Protection and
Affordable Care Act
- Defines "exchange" to include the following parts:
- The "individual exchange"; and
- The Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP Exchange).
- Defines "individual exchange" as the division of the exchange that serves the
individual health insurance market
- Requires carriers approved by the exchange to offer qualified health care plans for qualified individuals and employers
- Specifies that when a carrier sets a community rate for a health benefit plan the rate must
be based on a rating methodology based on the experience of all risks covered by the health benefit plan and may only use the following factors to adjust the community rate: Age; Geography; and "Health Status".
Source: VoteSmart synopsis of 2011-2012 Maryland legislative records
Mar 26, 2012
Kathy Szeliga:
Voted NO on establishing an ObamaCare healthcare exchange
HB 443 Establishes State Health Insurance Exchanges
Bill Passed House (94-44); Rep. Kathy Szeliga voted Nay.Highlights: - Establishes a health benefit exchange to meet all the minimum functions required by the Patient Protection and Affordable
Care Act
- Defines "exchange" to include the following parts:
- The "individual exchange"; and
- The Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP Exchange).
- Defines "individual exchange" as the division of the exchange that serves the
individual health insurance market
- Requires carriers approved by the exchange to offer qualified health care plans for qualified individuals and employers
- Specifies that when a carrier sets a community rate for a health benefit plan the rate must
be based on a rating methodology based on the experience of all risks covered by the health benefit plan and may only use the following factors to adjust the community rate: Age; Geography; and "Health Status".
Source: VoteSmart synopsis of 2011-2012 Maryland voting records
Mar 26, 2012
Kelly M. Schulz:
Voted NO on establishing an ObamaCare healthcare exchange
HB 443 Establishes State Health Insurance ExchangesBill Passed House (94-44); Del. Kelly Schulz voted Nay.
Highlights:- Establishes a health benefit exchange to meet all the minimum functions required by the Patient Protection and Affordable
Care Act
- Defines "exchange" to include the following parts:
- The "individual exchange"; and
- The Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP Exchange).
- Defines "individual exchange" as the division of the exchange that serves the individual
health insurance market
- Requires carriers approved by the exchange to offer qualified health care plans for qualified individuals and employers
- Specifies that when a carrier sets a community rate for a health benefit plan the rate must be based
on a rating methodology based on the experience of all risks covered by the health benefit plan and may only use the following factors to adjust the community rate: Age; Geography; and "Health Status".
Source: VoteSmart synopsis of 2011-12 Maryland voting records HB443
Mar 26, 2012
Richard Madaleno:
Voted YES on establishing an ObamaCare healthcare exchange
HB 443 Establishes State Health Insurance Exchanges
Bill Passed House (94-44-3); passed Senate (35-11-1); Sen. Madaleno voted YEA.Highlights: - Establishes a health benefit exchange to meet all functions required by the Patient Protection and
Affordable Care Act
- Defines "exchange" to include the following parts:
- The "individual exchange"; and
- The Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP Exchange).
- Defines "individual exchange" as the division of the exchange that serves the
individual health insurance market
- Requires carriers approved by the exchange to offer qualified health care plans for qualified individuals and employers
- Specifies that when a carrier sets a community rate for a health benefit plan the rate must
be based on a rating methodology based on the experience of all risks covered by the health benefit plan and may only use the following factors to adjust the community rate: Age; Geography; and "Health Status".
Source: VoteSmart synopsis of 2011-2012 Maryland legislative records
Mar 26, 2012
Mary Landrieu:
Supported the creation and expansion of health care for kids
Landrieu fought for common-sense solutions to expand access to health care. She has co-sponsored a bipartisan plan to ensure all Americans have affordable care. An independent analysis found that the plan would save American taxpayers nearly $1.5 trillio
over the next decade. Landrieu supported the creation & expansion of the state childrens health insurance program that serves 115,000 Louisiana children. Landrieu worked to make health care more affordable--crossing party lines to back a prescription
drug bill that provided relief to seniors, voting for tax credits to offset the cost of health care and supporting legislation to make it easier for small businesses to offer care to their employees. Landrieu used her seniority and position on key Senate
committees to secure necessary funding for Louisiana health facilities, bringing millions of dollars to the state. Landrieu is a strong supporter of community health care clinics, co-sponsoring legislation to reauthorize funding for the centers.
Source: 2008 Senate campaign website,
Aug 12, 2008
Page last updated: Oct 13, 2021