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State of Georgia Archives: on Welfare & Poverty

Allen Buckley: Entitlements spending needs to be reasonably reduced

Q: What government spending would you reduce in order to balance the budget?

A: Entitlements spending needs to be reasonably reduced. Eliminate the Department of Education, saving $71B/year. Per the CBO, on average, federal workers make 17% more than their private sector counterparts. Their compensation needs to be frozen until is 90% of private sector pay, saving $30B/y. We should cut discretionary spending by

Source: AFA iVoterGuide on 2019-20 Georgia 2-year Senate Nov 3, 2020

Derrick Grayson: Welfare policy rips black families apart, like slavery

Derrick Grayson, the only black candidate in the Republican U.S. Senate field, is taking the side of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, who ruminated on whether African-Americans were better off under slavery than in the current welfare state.

Grayson says: "When he talked about black people being enslaved, I have been saying this for the last eight years--by liberal Democrat policies. I can say it, but a white person can't? A white person say it, the press is going to use it. Under slavery, families were ripped apart, and it was a desire of black men & black women to be together with their loved ones. Family meant something. Well, what did government policies do? It broke up the black family, told the black family: `Hey, if you want to receive this welfare check, the man can't be in the household.' In 1965, prior to that [welfare policy], illegitimacy in then black community was less than 13%. Today it's over 70%. Government liberal Democrat policies: The man was just simply telling you the truth."

Source: Atlanta Journal-Constitution on 2016 Georgia Senate race May 1, 2014

Hunter Hill: Require drug testing for food stamp recipients

Legislative Summary: A BILL to require drug testing for applicants for food stamps; to provide requirements; to provide that any person who fails such drug test shall be ineligible to receive food stamps; to provide for reapplication; to provide for children's food stamps; and to provide for confidentiality of records. The term 'established drug test' means the collection and testing of bodily fluids administered in a manner equivalent to that required by the Federal Workplace Drug Testing Program. However, where possible and practicable, a swab test shall be used in lieu of a urinalysis. Drug tests may be conducted when any information obtained by the department that reasonable suspicion exists.

Legislative Outcome: Passed Senate 21-32-3 on March 20, vote #729, Sen. Hunter Hill voted YES; passed House 100-67-13 on March 20, vote #729; signed by Gov. Deal April 29.

Source: Georgia legislative voting records: HB 772 Mar 20, 2014

Jason Carter: No mandatory drug testing for food stamp recipients

Legislative Summary: A BILL to require drug testing for applicants for food stamps; to provide requirements; to provide that any person who fails such drug test shall be ineligible to receive food stamps; to provide for reapplication; to provide for children's food stamps; and to provide for confidentiality of records. The term 'established drug test' means the collection and testing of bodily fluids administered in a manner equivalent to that required by the Federal Workplace Drug Testing Program. However, where possible and practicable, a swab test shall be used in lieu of a urinalysis. Drug tests may be conducted when any information obtained by the department that reasonable suspicion exists.

Legislative Outcome: Passed Senate 21-32-3 on March 20, vote #729; passed House 100-67-13 on March 20, vote #728; Sen. Jason Carter voted NO; signed by Gov. Deal April 29.

Source: Georgia legislative voting records: HB 772 Mar 20, 2014

Jim Martin: Supports workfare, but expand TANF for state services

Source: 2000 Georgia National Political Awareness Test Nov 1, 2000

Nathan Deal: Require drug testing for food stamp recipients

Legislative Summary: A BILL to require drug testing for applicants for food stamps; to provide requirements; to provide that any person who fails such drug test shall be ineligible to receive food stamps; to provide for reapplication; to provide for children's food stamps; and to provide for confidentiality of records. The term 'established drug test' means the collection and testing of bodily fluids administered in a manner equivalent to that required by the Federal Workplace Drug Testing Program. However, where possible and practicable, a swab test shall be used in lieu of a urinalysis. Drug tests may be conducted when any information obtained by the department that reasonable suspicion exists.

Legislative Outcome: Passed Senate 21-32-3 on March 20, vote #729; passed House 100-67-13 on March 20, vote #729; signed by Gov. Deal April 29.

Source: Georgia legislative voting records: HB 772 Apr 29, 2014

Raphael Warnock: COVID exacerbates inequality in economics & health care

Inequality in economics and health care multiplies in the midst of a crisis. These are tragic consequences that people in Black and brown and rural and poor communities experience every day, compounded and exacerbated by problems like COVID-19. It's no secret that a lack of access to health care and other economic challenges have resulted in a higher incidence of chronic illnesses that make individuals more likely to become seriously ill, and ultimately die, from coronavirus.
Source: American Independent on 2019-20 Georgia 2-year Senate race Apr 14, 2020

Raphael Warnock: Created community financial literacy center

Warnock: I believe in our free enterprise system, and my dad was a small business owner. During the Great Recession I was leading my church to build a community center, where we had a financial literacy center that taught people how to repair their credit, how to create a business, how to buy a home, how to participate in our free enterprise system. Kelly Loeffler, on the other hand, was teaching the big banks how to hide their investments offshore in the Cayman Islands.
Source: Senate Runoff: 2019-20 Georgia 2-year Senate debate Dec 6, 2020

Stacey Abrams: Help working poor get a leg up

Stacey would tackle poverty among working families by establishing a state Earned Income Tax Credit, bridging transition from welfare to work without immediately eliminating benefits, and expanding access to childcare tax credits and subsidies. She will also continue fighting to protect workers from misclassification as independent contractors and abusive on-call scheduling, providing families with predictable workweeks and predictable paychecks.
Source: 2018 Georgia Governor website Aug 17, 2017

Stacey Abrams: No mandatory drug testing for food stamp recipients

Legislative Summary: A BILL to require drug testing for applicants for food stamps; to provide requirements; to provide that any person who fails such drug test shall be ineligible to receive food stamps; to provide for reapplication; to provide for children's food stamps; and to provide for confidentiality of records. The term 'established drug test' means the collection and testing of bodily fluids administered in a manner equivalent to that required by the Federal Workplace Drug Testing Program. However, where possible and practicable, a swab test shall be used in lieu of a urinalysis. Drug tests may be conducted when any information obtained by the department that reasonable suspicion exists.

Legislative Outcome: Passed Senate 21-32-3 on March 20, vote #729; passed House 100-67-13 on March 20, vote #729; Rep. Stacey Abrams voted NO; signed by Gov. Deal April 29.

Source: Georgia legislative voting records: HB 772 Mar 20, 2014

Stacey Abrams: Reducing the top not enough on income inequality

We have to recognize that income inequality is a danger because of what it signals to our economy. We need to be increasing access to economic security, we need to be taking aggressive steps to ensure that more people can make more money and do more things, but I disagree sometimes with the notion that if we just reduce the top then that's enough, because if we reduce the top but we don't increase the bottom and we don't strengthen the middle, then we're going to be in the same place again.
Source: Council on Foreign Relations on 2022 Georgia Governor race May 10, 2019

Valencia Stovall: No mandatory drug testing for food stamp recipients

Legislative Summary: A BILL to require drug testing for applicants for food stamps; to provide requirements; to provide that any person who fails such drug test shall be ineligible to receive food stamps; to provide for reapplication; to provide for children's food stamps; and to provide for confidentiality of records. The term 'established drug test' means the collection and testing of bodily fluids administered in a manner equivalent to that required by the Federal Workplace Drug Testing Program. However, where possible and practicable, a swab test shall be used in lieu of a urinalysis. Drug tests may be conducted when any information obtained by the department that reasonable suspicion exists.

Legislative Outcome: Passed Senate 21-32-3 on March 20, vote #729; passed House 100-67-13 on March 20, vote #865; Rep. Stovall voted NO; signed by Gov. Deal April 29.

Source: Georgia legislative voting records: HB 772 Mar 20, 2014

Vernon Jones: Supports federal block grants and local welfare control

Source: Georgia Congressional Election 2008 Political Courage Test Jul 2, 2008

Zell Miller: Supports welfare reform and welfare to work

We have been successful in helping Georgians move off the welfare rolls and into the job market -- a decrease of 57,000 households since we began welfare reform. However, the ones who remain on the rolls are those with the fewest skills and the least work experience. So we want to use $30 million of the savings to expand the Welfare-to-Work program for hard-to-place recipients, and provide child care for an additional 12,625 children.
Source: Budget Address, Georgia Jan 13, 1998

  • The above quotations are from State of Georgia Politicians: Archives.
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2016 Presidential contenders on Welfare & Poverty:
Gov.Jeb Bush(FL)
Dr.Ben Carson(MD)
Gov.Chris Christie(NJ)
Sen.Ted Cruz(TX)
Carly Fiorina(CA)
Gov.Jim Gilmore(VA)
Sen.Lindsey Graham(SC)
Gov.Mike Huckabee(AR)
Gov.Bobby Jindal(LA)
Gov.John Kasich(OH)
Gov.Sarah Palin(AK)
Gov.George Pataki(NY)
Sen.Rand Paul(KY)
Gov.Rick Perry(TX)
Sen.Rob Portman(OH)
Sen.Marco Rubio(FL)
Sen.Rick Santorum(PA)
Donald Trump(NY)
Gov.Scott Walker(WI)
Gov.Lincoln Chafee(RI)
Secy.Hillary Clinton(NY)
V.P.Joe Biden(DE)
Gov.Martin O`Malley(MD)
Sen.Bernie Sanders(VT)
Sen.Elizabeth Warren(MA)
Sen.Jim Webb(VA)

2016 Third Party Candidates:
Gov.Gary Johnson(L-NM)
Roseanne Barr(PF-HI)
Robert Steele(L-NY)
Dr.Jill Stein(G,MA)
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