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State of Delaware Archives: on Energy & Oil

Chris Coons: Reduce CO2 by focus on energy efficiency and conservation

Q: Where do you think funding should be placed in order to move toward the US decreasing its carbon usage?

COONS: The most effective investment in reducing emissions of CO2 and other things that cause greenhouse gas warming is energy efficiency and conservation. There was a significant investment in the stimulus bill in getting municipalities, local governments, the private sector, to invest in efficiency and conservation. And those are investments that reduce emissions, put people to work, and can develop cutting edge technologies that make our systems operate better and to reduce, not just the emissions, but also the operating expenses.

O'DONNELL: The best way to address that is to talk about Cap and Trade because the winner of this Senate race can be immediately sworn in and serve it in Harry Reid's lame duck session and vote on Cap and Trade. While I do believe that we have to be good stewards of this earth, we don't need to do it at the expense of our citizens and Cap and Trade will do that.

Source: CNN's Wolf Blitzer moderating 2010 Delaware Senate debate Oct 13, 2010

Christine O`Donnell: Cap-and-trade is at the expense of our citizens

Q: Where do you think funding should be placed in order to move toward the US decreasing its carbon usage?

COONS: The most effective investment in reducing emissions of CO2 and other things that cause greenhouse gas warming is energy efficiency and conservation.

O'DONNELL: I think the best way to address that is to talk about the issue of Cap and Trade because the winner of this U.S. Senate race can be immediately sworn in and serve it in Harry Reid's lame duck session and vote on Cap and Trade. While I do believe that we have to be good stewards of this earth, we don't need to do it at the expense of our citizens and Cap and Trade will do that, whether it's farmers, senior citizens, or realtors who are concerned about its green compliance standards. Nobody wants this bill. This bill is a national energy tax that will ration energy use and increase our utility bills.

Source: CNN's Wolf Blitzer moderating 2010 Delaware Senate debate Oct 13, 2010

Chuck Boyce: Supports tax credits for clean energy

I fully support private sector solutions such as his to our global environmental problem by providing tax credits to companies that produce clean energy, and trickle down the same incentive to those that use it. Renewable energy is great for the environment AND the economy. Did you know clean energy jobs outnumber fossil fuel jobs by almost 3 to 1? Business magnate Elon Musk has helped propel green energy through his companies, SolarCity and Tesla.
Source: Facebook posting on 2018 Delaware Senatorial race Aug 7, 2017

Chuck Boyce: Clean energy jobs outnumber fossil fuel jobs by 3:1

Nationwide, clean energy jobs outnumber fossil fuel jobs by more than 3:1. In particular, the solar industry employed 43% of electric power sector's workforce in 2016. This type of private sector economic boom to our environmental troubles is the type of solution I would foster in the US Senate.
Source: 2018 Delaware Senatorial campaign website Feb 22, 2018

Jack Markell: Petroleum refinery reopening is a stride in jobs and economy

The reopening of the Delaware City petroleum refinery is the culmination of two years of teamwork. Now, hundreds will report to work here each day, better able to support their families and their neighborhood businesses.

The Delaware City refinery is a high-conversion heavy crude oil refinery with a processing capacity of 190,000 barrels per day. The refinery's production is sold in the U.S. Northeast via pipeline, barge, and truck distribution.

Source: 2011 gubernatorial press release, "Delaware City Refinery" Oct 7, 2011

Jessica Scarane: Transform energy system to end dependence on fossil fuels

of and dependence on fossil fuels
  • Eliminate carbon emissions from our transportation system
  • Support climate justice by repairing the disproportionate environmental damage done in indigenous, black, and other minority communities
  • Rebuild our infrastructure to create green buildings and ensure it can withstand the ramifications of climate change we're already facing
  • Provide assistance to states & municipalities that want to create publicly-owned, green utilities providers<
    Source: 2020 Delaware Senate campaign website Nov 30, 2019

    Jessica Scarane: Depend on green energy and end use of fossil fuels

    Climate change is an emergency at a global scale, and America needs to be a leader in combating it.
    Source: 2020 Senate campaign website Dec 13, 2019

    Jessica Scarane: Green New Deal:tackle climate change AND economic inequality

    Scarane said a lot of the problems she has dealt with through her volunteer activities are caused by "broken systems and power in our country that are allowing for the protection of very few and the abuse of very many."

    Scarane is a supporter of the 'green new deal' initiative that addresses climate change as well as economic inequality. She cited Delaware as one of the states that will be on the "front lines" of the effects of climate change because it lies so close to sea level.

    Source: WDEL Wilmington News Radio on 2020 Delaware Senate race Nov 18, 2019

    Jessica Scarane: Depend on green energy and end use of fossil fuels

    Climate change is an emergency at a global scale, and America needs to be a leader in combating it.

    Enact the Green New Deal and transform our energy system to end the extraction of and dependence on fossil fuels

    Source: 2020 Senate campaign website Dec 13, 2019

    Jessica Scarane: In favor of 'Green new deal' initiative

    Scarane is also a supporter of the 'green new deal' initiative that addresses climate change as well as economic inequality. She cited Delaware as one of the states that will be on the "front lines" of the effects of climate change because it lies so close to sea level.
    Source: WDEL News Radio on 2020 Delaware Senate race Nov 18, 2019

    John Carney: If Washington won't act on climate change, we will

    As a low-lying state, sea level rise and climate change pose an existential threat to our bay and coastal communities. Despite Washington's refusal to act, we've joined with 16 other states to form the U.S. Climate Alliance. We've committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 2025 to at least 26 percent below 2005 levels. And we've committed to accelerating policies to reduce carbon pollution and promote clean energy.
    Source: 2019 State of the State address to Delaware legislature Jan 17, 2019

    John Carney: Eliminate climate-changing hydrofluorocarbons in Delaware

    Governor Carney has directed the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control to propose regulations by March 2020 that will eliminate the use of dangerous hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) in Delaware. HFCs are used as replacements for ozone- depleting substances in air conditioning, refrigeration, foam-blowing, solvents, and aerosols, but they are significantly more potent than carbon dioxide in contributing to climate change.

    "Delaware is already feeling the effects of climate change. We are the lowest-lying state in the country, and our sea level is rising at twice the global average. For the sake of our economy and our environment, it's crucial we continue to address climate change with urgency," said Governor Carney. "My administration is moving toward eliminating hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) as an increasingly harmful element to our state and our environment."\

    Source: 2019 governor press release for 2020 Delaware governor race Jun 30, 2019

    John Carney: By 2035, 40% of state's energy from renewable sources

    Delaware has made great strides over the last decade to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels, and we should continue to be a leader on this issue. By 2035, we want 40 percent of Delaware's energy to come from renewable sources.
    Source: 2020 Delaware State of the State address Jan 23, 2020

    Kevin Wade: Lottery to distribute 600M acres of oil and gas resources

    Wade believes the people, not the government, should control the country's oil and gas resources. There are approximately 600 million acres over oil and gas reserves in the United States, with much of it located in the western region of the nation, Wade said. A lottery should be held to determine 60 million individuals to receive 10 acres each of this land, he said.

    These new owners of gas and oil rights can then do with them what they see fit, including allowing companies to drill, making a profit for the owners of the land, he said. According to Wade, Abraham Lincoln, among others, had a similar idea in the past. "Take it out of the hands of Washington, into the hands of the people," he said. "It's not radical or new."

    Source: Delaware State News on 2014 Delaware Senate race Aug 12, 2014

    Kevin Wade: More oil drilling on U.S. soil

    Wade said regulations on job creators should be cut, and more oil drilling should occur on U.S. soil.
    Source: Cape Gazette on 2012 Delaware Senate debate Oct 19, 2012

    Kevin Wade: Don't raise taxes on gas by 25 cents per gallon

    Carper said that in order to keep taxes lower, he has worked to "pull the plug" on outdated tax credits, and that he supports the Investment Tax Credit, which places incentives on companies' investments in technologies that can be sold around the world as commercial products and services.

    Wade criticized Carper's proposal to raise taxes on gas by 25 cents per gallon, which he called a result of Carper spending "too many years in Washington and too many years away from Delaware."

    Source: Newark Post on 2012 Delaware Senate debate Oct 19, 2012

    Lauren Witzke: No Paris Accord until China and India stop CO2 emissions

    Q: Do you support government funding for the development of renewable energy?

    A: No.

    Q: Do you support the federal regulation of greenhouse gas emissions?

    A: No. Despite withdrawing from the Paris Climate Accord, America's carbon emissions have dropped more drastically even than those countries in the Accord. Until China and India stop their pollution, penalizing American businesses which have, relative to the rest of the world, been good environmental stewards, does not make sense.

    Source: 2020 Delaware Senate PVS Political Courage Test Oct 10, 2020

    John Carney: Build out Delaware electric vehicle charging infrastructure

    We're the lowest-lying state in the nation. And the effects of climate change and sea level rise on Delaware communities are real. We're seeing them every day. That's why we need to take action. With the help of federal infrastructure funding, we will accelerate our efforts to build out Delaware's electric vehicle charging infrastructure. And we'll restore investments in the Clean Water Trust--to protect our waterways and drinking water.
    Source: 2023 State of the State Address to the Delaware legislature Jan 19, 2023

    • The above quotations are from State of Delaware Politicians: Archives.
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    Page last updated: Feb 18, 2023
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