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State of Arizona Archives: on Immigration

Andy Biggs: Protect innocent US citizens from violent illegal immigrants

Source: 2016 Arizona House campaign website Nov 8, 2016

Blake Masters: Not clear we need a million new legal immigrants every year

We need to completely end illegal immigration using every tool at hand: physical walls, surveillance technology, thousands more border patrol agents, and mandatory E-Verify for employers. We need to rework our legal Immigration system. When so many already existing Americans are struggling, it's not clear that we need a million new legal immigrants every year. We must reform our heavily abused asylum system and rethink our foreign worker visa programs entirely.
Source: 2021 Arizona Senate campaign website Jul 19, 2021

David Garcia: Will overcome DACA repeal

President Obama, pushed by a courageous and dynamic group of immigrant youth and in the face of legislative intransigence, granted administrative relief to these young people we call DREAMers. These young people have changed me. The termination of DACA is heartbreaking. But we will not despair. The same tenacity and grit our immigrant community showed when it won DACA will win out in this moment too.
Source: 2018 Arizona Gubernatorial website Sep 1, 2017

David Garcia: In-state tuition and driver's licenses for DREAMers

Q: Support legal status for "DACA" recipients or "Dreamers," who grew up in the US after being brought here illegally as children?

Doug Ducey (R): No. His administration refused to grant drivers licenses to DACA recipients, but later was overruled by a federal judge.

David Garcia (D): Yes. Treat "like any other young Arizonans." Ensure "basic supports like in-state tuition or a driver's license are not obstacles to becoming the future business & civic leaders."

Source: 2018 Issue Guide on Arizona Governor race Oct 9, 2018

Deedra Abboud: Banning refugees morally unacceptable

[Asked about Syrian refugees and Russia's involvement in the Syrian war, Abboud said,] "We have a president who wants to ban refugees," Abboud said. "Ban refugees who are experiencing atrocities that, thank God, America has really never experienced. And we never want to experience those. But at the same time, we have a president that is singularly partnershiping with Russia to bomb the very people who are already dying on the ground and we are denying refuge to."
Source: The Arizona Republic on 2018 Arizona gubernatorial race Apr 10, 2017

Deedra Abboud: Protect immigrants through commonsense government reform

Our state has been on the front lines of the fight to protect American immigrant families. With years of working in civil rights defense, Deedra is committed to continue her work to defend attacks from the federal government to lock up, break up and ban immigrant families. She strongly believes that Arizona's values of compassion and justice can lead the country to commonsense immigration reform.

Arizona's history is rich with contributions from generations of immigrants who have long made Arizona their home. A legal means must be provided to recognize people brought to this country as children are not criminals and see themselves as Americans. We should develop a pathway to legal status, at a minimum for those without criminal convictions, so people living in our state are no longer hiding in the shadows.

Source: 2018 Arizona Senate campaign website Jul 17, 2017

Deedra Abboud: Rejects governments heartless immigration tactics

Deedra is committed to continue her work to defend attacks from the federal government to lock up, break up and ban immigrant families. She strongly believes that Arizona's values of compassion and justice can lead the country to commonsense immigration reform. A legal means must be provided to recognize people brought to this country as children are not criminals and see themselves as Americans. We should develop a pathway to legal status, at a minimum for those without criminal convictions.
Source: 2018 Arizona Senate campaign website Dec 12, 2017

Deedra Abboud: Pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens

Q: Do you support or oppose the statement, "Pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens"?

A: Support

Source: OnTheIssues interview of 2018 Arizona Senate candidate Mar 5, 2018

Doug Ducey: Increase the criminal penalties against human smuggling

This is not just a public safety crisis; it's a humanitarian crisis. And the human traffickers that prey on the desperation of people looking for a better life need to pay the consequences. It's time for us to increase the criminal penalties against human smuggling and provide more funding to border counties to ensure prosecution and incarceration.

Border security is national security, and the lack of action from D.C. puts every American at risk. Texas Governor Greg Abbott and I are teaming up to form the American Governor's Border Strike Force--a commitment between states to do what the Biden administration is unwilling to do: Patrol and secure our border.

Source: 2022 State of the State Address to the Arizona legislature Jan 10, 2022

Donald Trump: 10-point plan: wall; zero tolerance; biometrics; E-Verify

  1. We will build a great wall along the southern border. And Mexico will pay for it.
  2. We are going to end catch and release.
  3. Zero tolerance for criminal aliens. Zero. They don't come in here. We're going to triple the number of ICE deportation officers. We're also going to hire 5,000 more Border Patrol agents.
  4. Block funding for sanctuary cities. No more funds.
  5. Cancel unconstitutional executive orders and enforce all immigration laws.
  6. Suspend issuance of visas to any place where adequate screening cannot occur.
  7. Ensure that other countries take their people back when they are deported.
  8. We will finally complete the biometric entry-exit visa tracking system which we need desperately. The politicians are all talk, no action, never happens.
  9. Turn off the jobs and benefits magnet. We will ensure that E-Verify is used to the fullest extent possible under existing law.
  10. Reform legal immigration to serve the best interests of America and its workers.
Source: on Campaign speech in Phoenix Arizona Aug 31, 2016

Doug Marks: DREAMers are victims, not criminals

Q: Do you support or oppose the statement, "Pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens"?

A: Open, Dreamers are victims not criminals

Source: OnTheIssues interview of 2018 Arizona Senate candidate Mar 5, 2018

Doug Ducey: Better border security without comprehensive reform

Arizona state treasurer and businessman Doug Ducey claimed victory on Tuesday in the race to be the Republican nominee to replace outgoing Governor Jan Brewer, who has clashed repeatedly with the White House over illegal immigration.

With the vote decided, Brewer joined Ducey on the victory platform, despite having backed [Ducey's opponent] Smith, praising his candidacy in an effort to unify the party for the race ahead.

Ducey campaigned on rejuvenating the state's economy, improving education and shaking free of federal constraints. While calling for better border security, he avoided demands for comprehensive immigration reform and providing a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants that might alienate some voters.

Source: Reuters coverage of 2014 Arizona gubernatorial race Aug 27, 2014

Doug Ducey: Refused to grant drivers licenses to DACA recipients

Q: Support legal status for "DACA" recipients or "Dreamers," who grew up in the US after being brought here illegally as children?

Doug Ducey (R): No. His administration refused to grant drivers licenses to DACA recipients, but later was overruled by a federal judge.

David Garcia (D): Yes. Treat "like any other young Arizonans." Ensure "basic supports like in-state tuition or a driver's license are not obstacles to becoming the future business & civic leaders."

Source: CampusElect 2018: Arizona legislative voting records Oct 9, 2018

Doug Ducey: Supports ballot initiative to ban sanctuary cities

If anyone needed a reminder, that here in Arizona, we respect the rule of law: last fall the voters of Tucson demonstrated that loud and clear. And now it's time for all Arizonans to make their voices heard and enshrine it in our Constitution. This November let's give all Arizona voters the opportunity to say YES to the rule of law and NO to sanctuary cities.
Source: 2020 Arizona State of the State address Jan 13, 2020

Frank Riggs: Invest in fencing and additional border resources

Fred DuVal: The presumptive Democratic nominee sees border security as a national issue, promising to take up the issue with the federal government and continue to push the Comprehensive Immigration Reform bill.

Frank Riggs, Republican: The veteran and former police officer says he will also invest in fencing and providing additional resources to border sheriffs.

the heads of smugglers, providing amnesty to informants, and legalizing marijuana to reduce cartel profits.

Source: Arizona Republican on 2014 Arizona gubernatorial race Jul 7, 2014

Fred DuVal: Comprehensive immigration reform will benefit economy

Our State and nation have a long history of benefitting economically and culturally from the contributions of people from diverse nations. When comprehensive immigration reform is passed in Washington, our economy will be better off for it. Until then, we should take action to ensure that immigrant Arizonans who have been granted a legal right to work here are able to reach their full potential in our workforce by having access to in-state tuition and driver's licenses.
Source: 2014 Arizona gubernatorial campaign website, Jul 2, 2014

Fred DuVal: Push for Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Fred DuVal: The presumptive Democratic nominee sees border security as a national issue, promising to take up the issue with the federal government and continue to push the Comprehensive Immigration Reform bill.

Frank Riggs, Republican: The veteran and former police officer says he will also invest in fencing and providing additional resources to border sheriffs.

the heads of smugglers, providing amnesty to informants, and legalizing marijuana to reduce cartel profits.

Source: Arizona Republican on 2014 Arizona gubernatorial race Jul 7, 2014

Fred DuVal: End the callous ban on driver's licenses for DREAMers

Q: Would you approve any state privileges (like a driver's license), to undocumented immigrants? (Do not include state university tuition for dreamers)

A: I've been traveling around Arizona and talking with CEO's and small business owners for more than a year, and none of them understand why we're still defending a callous ban on driver's licenses for DREAMers. DREAMers are smart, talented, and driven young people, who have only known America as home. They just want the opportunity to contribute to their communities. I've been traveling around Arizona talking with CEO's and small business owners and none of them understand why Jan Brewer is still pursuing this wrongheaded policy. As governor, the very first thing I will do after taking the oath of office will be to rescind Governor Brewer's executive order and give our DREAMers the opportunity they deserve.

Source: KSAZ Fox 10 Phoenix on 2014 Arizona governor race Jul 28, 2014

Gary Johnson: Would veto Arizona SB 1070 as Latino racial discrimination

Johnson opposed Arizona SB 1070, and says he would have vetoed it were he the governor, though he understands and supports the spirit behind it. He says that the bill was devastating to drawing business to Arizona and believes the bill will create racial discrimination.

The Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act (Arizona SB 1070) was the broadest and strictest anti-illegal immigration measure during 2010. Federal law requires all aliens over the age of 14 to register with the US government after 30 days, and to have registration documents in their possession at all times. The Arizona act additionally made it a state misdemeanor crime for an alien to be in Arizona without carrying the required documents, required that state law enforcement officers attempt to determine an individual's immigration status during a "lawful stop, detention or arrest", when there is reasonable suspicion that the individual is an illegal immigrant.

Source: Wikipedia articles on Johnson's positions & Arizona SB 1060 May 2, 2016

George W. Bush: Temporary workers ok, but no amnesty

Q: What should we do about the 8,000 people cross our borders illegally every day?

BUSH: We're increasing the border security of the US. There ought to be a temporary worker card that allows a willing worker and a willing employer, so long as there's not an American willing to do that job, to join up. I don't believe we ought to have amnesty. I don't think we ought to reward illegal behavior. There are plenty of people standing in line to become a citizen. If they want to become a citizen, they can stand in line, too. And here is where my opponent and I differ. In September 2003, he supported amnesty for illegal aliens.

KERRY: We need a guest-worker program. We need is to crack down on illegal hiring. And thirdly, we need an earned-legalization program for people who have been here for a long time, stayed out of trouble, got a job, paid their taxes, and their kids are American. We got to start moving them toward full citizenship, out of the shadows.

Source: Third Bush-Kerry Debate, in Tempe Arizona Oct 13, 2004

Howard Dean: Concerned about immigrants dying in desert crossings

Former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean learns of Latin Americans dying in the Southwestern desert and calls for stricter labor and environmental standards in Mexico and other countries to help stifle illegal immigration. "Developing countries must have the same human-rights standards that we do," Dean said. "That will stop illegal immigration. Because when you allow labor standards and environmental standards in developing countries, you raise the standard of living and help create the middle class."
Source: Chip Scutari, The Arizona Republic Oct 8, 2003

Jan Brewer: Feds refuse to pay for costs of illegal immigration

Our federal government has reached new levels of arrogance, foolishness and disregard for the Constitution. The biggest external threat to our budget comes from the federal government--oppressive health care mandates, job-killing environmental restrictions, and continual refusal to pay for costs associated with illegal immigration. And they're just getting warmed up!

The federal government is also failing to control our southern border and refusing to pay for its failure. As you know, I have ordered the Arizona Department of Corrections to return to the custody of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement--as soon as possible--all non-violent criminal aliens for immediate deportation as allowed under existing law.

The cost of incarcerating these criminal aliens is not Arizona's responsibility. It is Washington's legal and moral obligation. This is both insult and injury to Arizona taxpayers. Enough is enough. Secure our border.

Source: Arizona 2010 State of the State Address Jan 11, 2010

Jan Brewer: Supreme Court ok's immigration status checks

Arizona SB 1070 was the broadest and strictest anti-illegal immigration measure during 2010. Federal law requires all aliens over the age of 14 to register with the US government after 30 days, and to have registration documents in their possession at all times. The Arizona act additionally made it a state misdemeanor crime for an alien to be in Arizona without carrying the required documents, required that state law enforcement officers attempt to determine an individual's immigration status during a "lawful stop."

Critics of the legislation say it encourages racial profiling, while supporters say the law prohibits the use of race as the sole basis for investigating immigration status.

The Act was signed into law by Gov. Brewer in April 2010. A federal judge blocked the law's most controversial provisions. In June 2012, the Supreme Court upheld the provision requiring immigration status checks during law enforcement stops but struck down three other provisions.

Source: Wikipedia article on Arizona SB 1060 May 2, 2016

Janet Napolitano: Keep up intense pressure on border criminals

There is no more fundamental function of government than to protect the public. In the past six years, crime in Arizona has gone down in nearly every category. We have built the nation's first state anti-terrorism center and prepared ourselves to be read for any disaster. We secured increased federal resources at the border, and state task forces have arrested hundreds of human smugglers. We have used innovative methods to attack the tools of the smuggling trade, such as money laundering and fraudulent identification. We have made Arizona the most innovative and active state in the nation in addressing--head-on--the consequences of our nation's broken borders.

We have to keep up this intense pressure on the border criminals who use violence and fraud to smuggle people and drugs into our country. This effort includes a bill I am presenting to you today that goes after those criminals by broadening the human trafficking laws we use to crack down on those who smuggle people across the border.

Source: Arizona 2009 State of the State Address Jan 12, 2009

Jeff Flake: Secure the border; then comprehensive reform

Q: You've been a proponent of comprehensive immigration reform in the past, but you've since come out in favor of securing the border before undertaking other reforms. Why?

A: We have to have comprehensive reform. But those of us who have pursued it have realized that that is a dead-end. We have beat our heads against the wall for a long time. And until we have a more secure border, nobody's going to trust the federal government to move on with the other elements of comprehensive reform.

Q: What about opposition among many Latinos to S.B. 1070?

A: Well, one thing I can tell you is Arizonans are incensed when the president tries to sue the state for trying to do the job that the federal government just won't do. But it's not just rounding up those who are illegal that's the issue; that hasn't been the problem. It's what do you do when you've got them. What do you do to have a humane but effective policy to adjudicate the cases that are already here. And that's the bigger issue.

Source: Washington Post "Ten Questions" 2012 Arizona Senate debate May 2, 2012

Jeff Flake: SB1070 was imprudent & unconstitutional, but let it stand

Q: Was S.B. 1070 a bill you supported?

A: Well, I was at the federal level when it was passed here. And I made comments when it was initially passed--the first version that they put out had some language that could be construed as unconstitutional, certainly. And I said at that time that that was imprudent. And then, the legislature went back in and removed that offending provision. But I've just never been able to get excited about SB 1070, because I've known that that hasn't been the issue. We're able to find those who are here illegally easily enough. It's, what do you do when you've got them?

Q: What action should the Supreme Court take on S.B. 1070?

A: I hope they let it stand. I think all Arizonans are incensed when the federal government tries to sue the state for doing what they simply failed to do. So, I hope they let it stand, but when they do, they'll quickly realize that that was not the issue. The bigger issue is what do you do with a population that's already here?

Source: Washington Post "Ten Questions" 2012 Arizona Senate debate May 2, 2012

Jeff Flake: Replicate operational security from Yuma Sector

Q: What about immigration reform?

A: On the border, we have now--and have had for a couple of years--operational security in the Yuma Sector. If we can just get the Tucson Sector to look like the Yuma Sector, then we have some political space where people will say, alright, let's solve the other attendant issue--employer-enforcement issues, some mechanism to deal with those who are here illegally now, some robust temporary-worker plan that can account for the labor needs we have, particularly in the ag sector, and then some way to deal with those issues like kids who were brought here when they were 2 years old and can't finish school. Those are all issues we're going to have to deal with. But I can tell you, it's a dead end until we can get better border security. Until then, we're just not going to get there.

Q: What does "there" look like?

A: It looks like the Yuma Sector. If somebody crosses illegally, we have a reasonable expectation of catching them.

Source: The Sahuarita Sun on 2012 Arizona Senate debates May 29, 2012

Jeff Flake: Revamp guest-worker programs; it fails our needs

The focus of the debate was on rural issues, including migrant workers. The moderators asked Flake and Carmona where they stood on guest-worker programs. "We do need to revamp it," Flake said. "We simply don't have a program that's robust enough to take care of the needs that we have."

Carmona said comprehensive immigration reform should include visas, day-worker programs "that don't impede commerce but actually enhance commerce." They both agreed that border security needs to be stepped up..

Source: KYMA-TV-11 on 2012 Arizona "Rural Issues" Senate debate Oct 26, 2012

Jeff Flake: Was part of bipartisan Gang of Eight on immigration reform

On Capitol Hill, Flake also was a leading conservative proponent for comprehensive immigration reform. Shortly after winning a Senate seat, he joined the bipartisan "Gang of Eight," which in 2013 collaborated on a plan to increase border security and establish a pathway to citizenship for an estimated 11 million illegal immigrants in the country at the time. Those efforts were unsuccessful.
Source: Arizona Republic on 2021 Ambassadorial Confirmation Hearing Jul 13, 2021

Jim Huffman: More resources focused on securing our borders

The recent litigation in Arizona is symptomatic of a larger problem: The federal government has failed to enforce existing laws placing an undue burden on states. Federal and state governments should be working with each other to solve this problem, not sitting on opposite sides in a courtroom. We need more resources focused on securing our borders and developing reliable guest worker programs. The federal government is failing to control our borders."
Source: Press release, "Arizona Ruling" Jul 28, 2010

Jim Lamon: United States should not accept Afghan refugees

The United States should not accept Afghan refugees, including translators and others who helped the American military during the 20-year war, Lamon said, staking out a hardline stance against a group of immigrants that has had widespread support from both parties. "They should go to countries that are friendly to them and us," Lamon said. "We cannot continue to be the world's refugee camp."
Source: Associated Press on KTAR 92.3 FM: 2022 Arizona Senate race Sep 16, 2021

Jim Lamon: Rescind all Chinese Visas, end birthright citizenship

    I will work to achieve three major objectives in the US Senate regarding Border Control:
  1. Stop the inflow of illegal immigrants:
  2. Resolve the issue of illegal residents:
  3. Stop the importation of "allies of convenience" with promises of citizenship, like the chaotic Afghan evacuation.
Source: 2022 Arizona Senate campaign website Apr 20, 2022

Jim Pederson: The borders are broken; #1 priority for AZ

Q: You said the current immigration system is a failure. How does your plan differ from Sen. Kyl's?

PEDERSON: This has to be the #1 priority for AZ. We have 4,000 illegal entries into Arizona every day. The borders are broken. We used to have a guest worker program; people came across the border to work, and then went back home. Now it's a one-way street. People come in and they don't go back. The impact on AZ is estimated to be hundreds of millions per year. The taxpayers of this state should be outraged about the impact on our hospitals, our schools, our law enforcement, our prisons. Let's get practical. Let's get real.

KYL: The question was, I recall, what's your plan. I didn't hear anything about a plan. I only heard that our borders are broken. I still haven't heard Mr. Pederson's plan. It's one thing to talk tough about securing the border, it's quite another to have a realistic plan for how to do it, without giving citizenship to all of the illegal aliens.

Source: Arizona 2006 Senate debate at KPHO in Phoenix Oct 15, 2006

Jim Pederson: Aliens volunteering for "Mandatory Departure" is impractical

PEDERSON: In Kyl's bill, there's a section called "Mandatory Departure." An undocumented person is supposed to report to Customs, voluntarily, and voluntarily agree to be deported. How does that work? Practical? No. Let's get at this problem and solve it.

KYL: We just passed a bill for $13 billion for better border control. Much of that will go to enhancing our Border Patrol, and building fencing and vehicle barriers.

PEDERSON: You say you voted on bills. How many of your bills got passed for the benefit of the people of Arizona? Not one! I'm going to go back there and solve this problem for the people of Arizona in a practical, aggressive way.

KYL: My opponent said "Not one." The bill I just mentioned is now law. My amendment to double the number of border agents is also now law.

Source: Arizona 2006 Senate debate at KPHO in Phoenix Oct 15, 2006

JL Mealer: Charge illegal immigrants with state crimes

Fred DuVal: The presumptive Democratic nominee sees border security as a national issue, promising to take up the issue with the federal government and continue to push the Comprehensive Immigration Reform bill.

Frank Riggs, Republican: The veteran and former police officer says he will also invest in fencing and providing additional resources to border sheriffs.

the heads of smugglers, providing amnesty to informants, and legalizing marijuana to reduce cartel profits.

Source: Arizona Republican on 2014 Arizona gubernatorial race Jul 7, 2014

Joe Arpaio: Traffic stops ok based on ethnicity, to find illegals

In traffic stops, workplace raids, and neighborhood sweeps, Arpaio ordered deputies to target residents solely based on their ethnicity. In the civil rights case against him, the federal court found that Arpaio systematically targeted Latinos for traffic stops and illegally detained them. After he was ordered to stop his illegal immigration policies, Arpaio deliberately left his unconstitutional practices in place, leading first to a civil contempt proceeding and then to his contempt conviction.
Source: ACLU commentary on 2018 Arizona Senate race Aug 22, 2017

Joe Arpaio: Enthusiastically supports wall along the southern border

Rep. Martha McSally has switched support [from the GOP compromise immigration bill] to the Securing America's Future Act, which would do away with the diversity visa program and impose tougher border enforcement provisions. McSally is running against Kelli Ward, a former state senator, and Joe Arpaio, the former Maricopa County sheriff. Both are immigration hardliners who have enthusiastically supported President Donald Trump's call for a wall along the southern border.

Arpaio's campaign manager attacked McSally's shifting support on immigration-related legislation. "It's no shock that McSally has been changing positions on key policy issues since she decided to run for higher office," he said in a written statement. "But for her to flip-flop so late in the game is just embarrassing."

Source: The Arizona Republic on 2018 Arizona Senate race May 11, 2018

John Kerry: Temporary workers ok, and earned amnesty ok

Q: What should we do about the 8,000 people cross our borders illegally every day?

BUSH: We're increasing the border security of the US. There ought to be a temporary worker card that allows a willing worker and a willing employer, so long as there's not an American willing to do that job, to join up. I don't believe we ought to have amnesty. I don't think we ought to reward illegal behavior. There are plenty of people standing in line to become a citizen. If they want to become a citizen, they can stand in line, too. And here is where my opponent and I differ. In September 2003, he supported amnesty for illegal aliens.

KERRY: We need a guest-worker program. We need is to crack down on illegal hiring. And thirdly, we need an earned-legalization program for people who have been here for a long time, stayed out of trouble, got a job, paid their taxes, and their kids are American. We got to start moving them toward full citizenship, out of the shadows.

Source: [Xref Bush] Third Bush-Kerry Debate, in Tempe Arizona Oct 13, 2004

John McCain: Campaign ad: "Complete the danged fence!"

In the face of Hayworth's challenge, McCain abandoned his longtime support for comprehensive immigration reform that would recognize reality and provide an eventual path to citizenship for the 11 million illegal aliens already living in the country. Instead, he offered full-throated backing for the border fence he once mocked--"Complete the danged fence!," he demanded in an ad--and sought political cover in the form of an endorsement by his former running mate, Sarah Palin. [Prior to 2004], McCain went to work with Democrats such as the late Ted Kennedy to bring sanity, and humanity, to the nation's long-running debate over illegal immigration. In 2006, I watched McCain tell a group of sensible, blue-suited Republican businessmen in Milwaukee, who asked about immigration, "By the way, I think the fence is least effective. But I'll build the goddamned fence if they want it."
Source: Vanity Fair on 2010 Arizona Senate Republican Primary Debate Nov 1, 2010

John McCain: TV ad: Obama makes protecting AZ border incredibly difficult

In his re-election campaign in Arizona, McCain has often seemed to be running as much against Obama as against his actual opponents. In July he began airing a campaign commercial featuring Paul Babeu, the sheriff of Pinal County, southeast of Phoenix, and the president of the Arizona Sheriff's Association, who has endorsed McCain. "President Obama has made protecting our border incredibly difficult," Babeu says in the ad. "But Arizona has a senator with the courage and character to stand up to a president who is wrong. John McCain. A president versus a senator: doesn't seem like a fair fight. Unless that senator is John McCain."

When the president went to Capitol Hill in May to address the Senate Republicans, McCain accused the president of misrepresenting Arizona's Draconian new immigration law (which McCain had endorsed, and which Obama's Justice Department was preparing to challenge).

Source: Vanity Fair on 2010 Arizona Senate Republican Primary Debate Nov 1, 2010

John McCain: 10-point plan to secure border; then try legal-worker deal

McCain talked about his 10-point plan to secure the border, saying only after that happens can the country address a temporary legal-worker program. "If we don't secure the borders first, we will find ourselves with another group of people who have come to this country illegally, and then we'll have to do it all over again."

Glassman said that while he supports securing the border, it won't work unless there is a way for people to cross legally for work.

Source: Arizona Daily Star coverage of 2010 Arizona Senate debate Sep 27, 2010

Jon Kyl: $13B for Border Patrol and border fencing

Q: You said the current immigration system is a failure. How does your plan differ from Sen. Kyl's?

PEDERSON: This has to be the #1 priority for AZ. We have 4,000 illegal entries into Arizona every day. The borders are broken. We used to have a guest worker program; people came across the border to work, and then went back home. Now it's a one-way street. People come in and they don't go back. The impact on AZ is estimated to be hundreds of millions per year. The taxpayers of this state should be outraged about the impact on our hospitals, our schools, our law enforcement, our prisons. Let's get practical. Let's get real.

KYL: The question was, I recall, what's your plan. I didn't hear anything about a plan. I only heard that our borders are broken. I still haven't heard Mr. Pederson's plan. It's one thing to talk tough about securing the border, it's quite another to have a realistic plan for how to do it, without giving citizenship to all of the illegal aliens.

Source: Arizona 2006 Senate debate at KPHO, Phoenix (X-ref Pederson) Oct 15, 2006

Jon Kyl: My amendments and "Mandatory Departure" are now law

PEDERSON: In Kyl's bill, there's a section called "Mandatory Departure." An undocumented person is supposed to report to Customs, voluntarily, and voluntarily agree to be deported. How does that work? Practical? No. Let's get at this problem and solve it.

KYL: We just passed a bill for $13 billion for better border control. Much of that will go to enhancing our Border Patrol, and building fencing and vehicle barriers.

PEDERSON: You say you voted on bills. How many of your bills got passed for the benefit of the people of Arizona? Not one! I'm going to go back there and solve this problem for the people of Arizona in a practical, aggressive way.

KYL: My opponent said "Not one." The bill I just mentioned is now law. My amendment to double the number of border agents is also now law.

Source: Arizona 2006 Senate debate at KPHO, Phoenix (X-ref Pederson) Oct 15, 2006

Justin Olson: Finish the wall; verify immigration status for jobs

It is absolutely inhumane that the Biden administration is enticing illegal immigrants to put themselves, and, worse yet, their young children, in harm's way to take advantage of Biden's open border policies. Justin Olson has a multi-part plan to secure our borders. It includes finishing the wall, properly equipping the U.S. Border Patrol, requiring all U.S. employers to verify immigration status with E-Verify, and enacting employer sanctions for those that do not comply.
Source: 2022 Arizona Senate campaign website Mar 16, 2022

Karrin Taylor Robson: Arizona will construct border wall wherever possible

Walls work--that is the lesson of the Trump administration. Under my leadership, Arizona will construct border wall wherever possible, including on state land and in collaboration with willing land owners and tribal governments. We will also join Texas and other states that have filed suit against the Biden administration for its illegal and unconstitutional termination of wall construction already approved and ordered by Congress. It's time to finish the wall!

[Sanctuary cities are] not just San Francisco. Democrat-led cities across the nation have enacted sanctuary policies to stymie immigration enforcement and prevent local police from collaborating with federal authorities, even in the case of dangerous criminals. These policies put our communities at-risk. As Governor, I will cut the funding of any county, city or town that enacts a sanctuary policy.

Source: 2022 Arizona Governor campaign website Jun 24, 2022

Katie Hobbs: We have to fix our broken immigration system

"As governor, it is so important when we're talking about border issues that we are working in partnership with the federal government," Hobbs said. "We have to fix our broken immigration system and that is not something I can do. It is something that's going to take an act of Congress. And so I'll continue to work in partnership with our congressional delegation to help get that done in a way that is best for Arizona, for Arizonans."
Source: KTAR on 2022 Arizona Gubernatorial race Jun 2, 2021

Kelli Ward: No citizenship for lawbreakers

National Security starts with border security. We can never be secure as a nation as long as we have wide open borders and a dysfunctional immigration system. We cannot reward breaking our laws with citizenship, ever. Our porous border is directly endangering Arizona children and families. Kelli looks forward to fighting alongside President Donald Trump to stop illegal immigration and secure America's borders, our top national security priorities.
Source: 2018 Arizona Senatorial website Oct 1, 2017

Kelli Ward: Consistent pro-border, pro-law message

Rep. Martha McSally has switched support [from the GOP compromise immigration bill] to the Securing America's Future Act, which would do away with the diversity visa program and impose tougher border enforcement. McSally is running against Kelli Ward and Joe Arpaio, the former Maricopa County sheriff. Both are immigration hardliners who have enthusiastically supported President Donald Trump's call for a wall along the southern border.

Ward's lead strategist said McSally's move illustrates what he describes as a political "identity crisis" that has plagued her since she launched her campaign."She has to run on her record and she's never gone through the ringer statewide like she is now," he told The Arizona Republic. "Unfortunately for her, I think she's being exposed." He said Ward will continue to press her consistent "pro-border, pro-law" message, one he says will play well with voters over a candidate who "seems to sway on the issues when it's to their political" benefit.

Source: The Arizona Republic on 2018 Arizona Senate race May 11, 2018

Kelli Ward: No amnesty & no compromise on immigrant family separation

Facing a national uproar [over family separations when detaining illegal immigrants], House GOP leaders included a provision in the immigration proposal that would require families to be kept together for as long as they are in the custody of the Homeland Security Department. The proposed fix won approval from moderate House Republicans, but not from Republican Senate candidates.

"We're studying the proposal," said Arizona Rep. Martha McSally, who is viewed as the GOP establishment's favorite in one of the top Senate races. "I try not get swayed by what the emotions are or the pressure. I really try to look at the policy issues."

Kelli Ward, one of McSally's main opponents in the Arizona Senate primary on Aug. 28, was more scathing in her assessment. "Compromising on the rule of law to grant amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants is the wrong path to take," she said of the House plan. "Congress should focus on border security and stop talking about amnesty as a solution."

Source: Minneapolis Star-Tribune on 2018 Arizona Senate race Jun 17, 2018

Kyrsten Sinema: Support Recognizing America's Children Act (GOP compromise)

Rep. Martha McSally asked the House of Representatives for unanimous consent to formally drop her co-sponsorship of a bill called the Recognizing America's Children Act (RAC). The RAC Act now has 35 co-sponsors, including Rep. Kyrsten Sinema, the only Democrat to sign on to it.

Her staff said McSally "wanted to clarify" that she now wants another bill, called the Securing America's Future Act. That bill, which would do away with the diversity visa program and impose tougher border enforcement provisions, has 95 co-sponsors, all of whom are Republicans. It would grant "contingent nonimmigrant status" to those brought to the U.S. as children if they meet certain conditions rather than citizenship. [Rep. Kyrsten Sinema does not co-sponsor the Securing America's Future Act].

Source: The Arizona Republic on 2018 Arizona Senate race May 11, 2018

Mark Brnovich: Oppose open borders; support law enforcement

Arizonans want safety and security for their families. Ensuring that is one of the responsibilities of government, but one our elected officials ignore, choosing to politicize our safety with calls for open borders and the defunding of police. We're going to put safety and security before politics. As Attorney General, I've defended Arizona's border security in court, taking on the Obama and Biden Administrations for their handling of the border. I'll take that same fight to Washington.
Source: 2021 Arizona Senate campaign website Jul 20, 2021

Mark Kelly: Secure the southern border without demonizing migrants

Kelly laid out some of his political positions. He talked about the need to combat climate change and deal with immigration. "You know, it is long past time we fix our broken immigration system. Join us. And if you believe that securing our border, but doing it smartly and not demonizing people and breaking up families, join this mission," he said. Kelly is hoping to unseat Republican Sen. Martha McSally. Gov. Doug Ducey appointed her to the seat held by John McCain in December.
Source: Arizona Public Media on 2020 Arizona Senate race Feb 25, 2019

Mark Kelly: Strong, effective border security; protect DREAMers

Mark believes that we need a strong, secure border and to fix our broken immigration system. Mark believes that any system starts with strong border security; this includes more investments in technology, well staffed ports of entry and border patrol agents on the border, and, where effective, physical barriers and fencing. Mark supports protecting DREAMers who were brought here as children, have been educated here, and played by the rules.
Source: 2020 Arizona Senate campaign website Jan 15, 2020

Mark Kelly: Senate should pass path to citizenship for DREAMers

Kelly said the Senate should immediately pass legislation that provides a path to citizenship for the "Dreamers." He likened young peoples' contributions to this country to those of his own children. "Dreamers have grown up here, gone to school here, and are contributing to their communities--just like my kids," Kelly said in a written statement. "That Dreamers could once again face uncertainty over their status is a total failure by Washington and bad for Arizona."
Source: Arizona Republic on 2020 Arizona Senate race Nov 12, 2019

Mark Kelly: Better border technology, not wall; citizenship for DREAMers

Kelly said he supports better technology to help achieve improved security, but not primitive technology such as a wall. Kelly said he supported a stand-alone bill that would allow young undocumented immigrants who came to the U.S. as children to gain legal status and citizenship. "We have to address this issue of DACA recipients and give them some certainty in their lives," Kelly said.
Source: Arizona Republic on 2020 Arizona Senate debate Oct 6, 2020

Mark Kelly: Not for open borders but have to treat people fairly

On border security: "I'm completely on the record--I'm not for open borders. I think we need border security. We also have to treat people fairly," he said.
Source: KTAR News 92.3-FM on 2020 Arizona Senate race Feb 21, 2020

Martha McSally: Border is still not secure; it's a national security threat

I have spent a lot of time with the rancher community on our border and it's clear that our border is still not secure. Transnational criminal organizations are trafficking drugs, money, people, and weapons through the border and into and through our communities. This is a public safety and national security threat.

The recent influx of tens of thousands of unaccompanied children who easily crossed the border is the latest evidence that shows how unsecure our border really is.

The barriers and fences already in place are delaying the illegal activity, but they are not enough and they are not everywhere. We should be using intelligence-driven operations to identify corridors of activity, and then strategically utilize sensors, airborne assets, radar, and manpower to detect, monitor, and intercept illegal activity at the border.

As a Member of Congress, I will fight to secure our border.

Source: 2014 Arizona House campaign website, Nov 4, 2014

Martha McSally: Reduce legal immigration; no pathway to citizenship

Martha McSally has dropped her support for immigration-reform legislation that offers a pathway to citizenship for undocumented dreamers in favor of a less generous alternative that also would sharply reduce legal immigration.

McSally instead is backing a bill that calls for allowing undocumented immigrants brought to the United States as children to apply for "contingent non-immigrant status," rather than giving them a shot at becoming legal permanent residents and eventually full US citizens.

McSally asked the House of Representatives for unanimous consent to formally drop her co-sponsorship of a bill called the Recognizing America's Children Act. McSally now wants another bill, called the Securing America's Future Act. That bill, which would do away with the diversity visa program and impose tougher border enforcement provisions. It would grant "contingent nonimmigrant status" to those brought to the U.S. as children if they meet certain conditions rather than citizenship.

Source: The Arizona Republic on 2018 Arizona Senate race May 11, 2018

Martha McSally: Study proposals to deal with immigrant family separation

The administration adopted a "zero tolerance" approach at the Southern border, which is leading to an increase in the number of detained immigrants being separated from their children.

Trump has tried to blame Democrats for his own administration's policy, tweeting that they "can fix their forced family breakup at the Border by working with Republicans on new legislation, for a change!"

Facing a national uproar, House GOP leaders included a provision in the immigration proposal that would require families to be kept together for as long as they are in the custody of DHS.

The proposed fix won approval from moderate House Republicans locked in difficult re-election battles, but not from Republican Senate candidates running competitive races in GOP-leaning states. None spoke in support of the bill.

"We're studying the proposal," said Arizona Rep. Martha McSally. "I try not get swayed by what the emotions are or the pressure. I really try to look at the policy issues."

Source: Minneapolis Star-Tribune on 2018 Arizona Senate race Jun 17, 2018

Martha McSally: Extend DACA protections but no path to citizenship

Q: Immigration: Support path to citizenship for "DACA" recipients or "Dreamers," who grew up in the US after coming here as children?

Martha McSally (R): Formerly supported citizenship options. Now supports extending DACA protections but no path to citizenship.

Kyrsten Sinema (D): Yes. "Congress must act to secure our borders & provide an earned path to citizenship for Dreamers."

Source: 2018 Issue Guide on Arizona Senate race Oct 9, 2018

Martha McSally: Secure the border to keep out drugs & human trafficking

Q: President Trump said this week about the Central American migrant caravan, "You got some bad people in those groups...This country doesn't want them.". Do you support the president's policy on migration, to prevent that caravan from coming in?

MCSALLY: I share the president's frustration that the Democrats are obstructing on this issue. I represent a Southern border district. And on the border right now we're dealing with a cartel activity, continuing to traffic opioids and other drugs and human trafficking into our communities. This is a public safety and a national security issue. A number of people are being trafficked by the cartels, taking advantage of the loopholes in our laws, so that they know they're going to be released right into the interior of the US, never to show up for their court date. This isn't working. And my bill that I worked really closely with the White House on closed these loopholes. Only Congress can do it This is a unifying issue across Arizona.

Source: Fox News Sunday interviews for 2018 Arizona Senate race Oct 21, 2018

Martha McSally: 2015: Supported merit-based entry with keeping DREAMers

Q: You supported an immigration bill in 2015, in which you opposed defunding DACA, and, in fact, you supported a path to citizenship for the DREAMers. Now you oppose the migrant caravan coming in as refugees. Have you been inconsistent on this issue?

MCSALLY: I have been consistently leading on this issue as the Border Security Subcommittee chair. This is a difficult issue. But when the president kicked DACA to Congress, appropriately, we worked together, to lead, to identify a solution that secures the border, closes these legal loopholes, moves us more towards a merit- based system, and does something on DACA. This is what we worked on to bring to the floor. Unfortunately, we couldn't get it passed. But we're going to keep working on it, because the border still needs to be secured. These loopholes still need to be closed. And I'm going to continue to lead on this when I'm in the Senate. Even though Washington, D.C., moves on the other topics, we still have to address this issue.

Source: Fox News Sunday interviews for 2018 Arizona Senate race Oct 21, 2018

Martha McSally: Citizenship for DREAMers if tied to wall, closing loopholes

McSally said she supports providing a pathway to citizenship to so-called "DREAMers," but suggested she would support a DACA bill only if it was tied to providing funding for a border wall and more border security and closing "loopholes" for asylum-seeking families. McSally said. "We have got to address the root issues as well, which is why we are in this situation in the first place. That is why it's so important for us to continue to secure the border, complete the border wall system."
Source: Arizona Republic on 2020 Arizona Senate debate Oct 6, 2020

Matt Salmon: I believe in strong borders and an Arizona-first agenda

Salmon is a staunch Republican, labeling himself a "proven and committed conservative fighter" on his website. "I'm 100% pro-life. I was A-rated by the NRA. And I believe in strong borders and an Arizona-first agenda," Salmon said in a video announcing his campaign. "But today, the Arizona values we cherish, they're under attack from Washington and from liberals here at home." He added that Arizonans "can't allow liberal politicians to turn Arizona into California."
Source: ASU State Press on 2022 Arizona Gubernatorial race Jun 17, 2021

Mick McGuire: No border, no security; No security, no country

Secure The Border: Border security must be our top priority. We have to finish building the wall and provide resources to states in support of our border patrol to stop illegal crossings and the flood of drugs over the border. No border, no security. No security, no country. It's that simple. I will always fight for the resources to keep our nation safe.
Source: 2022 Arizona Senate campaign website Dec 28, 2021

Newt Gingrich: By 2014, finish job of constructing a double border fence

Q: Gov. Rick Perry said this: "if you build a 30-foot wall, the 35-foot ladder business gets really good." You signed a pledge to construct a double fence. Why is Gov. Perry wrong?

GINGRICH: He's not wrong. They'd have to have two 35-foot ladders because it's a double fence. Look, the fact is I helped Duncan Hunter pass the first fence bill in San Diego when I was Speaker of the House. It turned out it worked. It worked dramatically. However, it stopped. The further we have gone with the fence, the fewer the people have broken into California. I would finish the job by January 1, 2014, I would initiate a bill that would waive all federal regulations, requirement and studies. I would ask Gov. Brewer, Gov. Martinez, Gov. Brown, and Gov. Perry to become the co-leaders in their state. We would apply as many resources as are needed to be done by Jan. 1, 2014, including moving half of the 23,000 DHS personnel from the DC area to Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. This is a doable thing.

Source: CNN's 2012 GOP Debate on eve of Arizona Primary Feb 23, 2012

Richard Carmona: Vitriolic 'deport everybody' message loses Hispanics

A new GOP effort led by Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) to produce a scaled-back version of the DREAM Act is nothing more than election-year politics, argues Democratic Senate candidate Richard Carmona (Ariz.).

Carmona had some blunt criticism for Republicans on the topic of illegal immigration. "Why do you think they're reworking their initial vitriolic, far-right, 'deport everybody' message?" he asked. "Why? Do you think that all of a sudden there's an epiphany and their hearts have opened up to people who are struggling? I don't think so. I think it's a political calculation--that they recognized they cannot win their races and stay in office unless they embrace the Hispanic community. So, I really feel it's very disingenuous."

The original DREAM Act would grant young people who were brought illegally to the US as children a path to citizenship provided that they attend college or serve in the military. Rubio's plan would provide not a path to citizenship but rather non-immigrant visas.

Source: Washington Post blog on 2012 Arizona Senate debate Apr 26, 2012

Richard Carmona: Dynamic interdiction plus prevention

Q: Immigration reform, what's it look like?

A: There are too many important issues that we have to deal with as a state and as a nation to be bickering about who's to blame for this. There are simple ways to solve this problem if we will allow the politics to be left at the door.

Q: You said it starts with a secure border. Explain that.

A: A secure border is really a dynamic concept. If you looked at the concept of a secure border 20 years ago, it was boots on the ground. As we've evolved we have sensors, we have electronic surveillances, we have drones, we have human intelligence working both sides of the border. So it's a lot more complex and layered system that protects our nation. So, do I know what will be best in five or 10 years? No, but I know that as long as there is demand to come here or to bring drugs in, people will always try to counteract our defense mechanism. The other side is, of course, prevention. It just can't be interdiction, it has to be prevention as well.

Source: The Sahuarita Sun on 2012 Arizona Senate debates May 29, 2012

Richard Carmona: Comprehensive immigration reform ties into the economy

Both contenders said the economy and border security are major issues for the Desert Southwest. Carmona said, "Comprehensive immigration reform ties into the economy, it ties into jobs, it ties into a workforce that can go back and forth, so I will spend time on that."

Carmona said immigration reform will help boost commerce. "It's an important thing, because without comprehensive immigration reform, comprehensive tax reform, our small businesses are going to continue to suffer," Carmona said.

Source: KYMA-TV-11 on 2012 Arizona "Rural Issues" Senate debate Oct 26, 2012

Richard Carmona: More visas for day-workers to enhance commerce

The focus of the debate was on rural issues, including migrant workers. The moderators asked Flake and Carmona where they stood on guest-worker programs. "We do need to revamp it," Flake said. "We simply don't have a program that's robust enough to take care of the needs that we have."

Carmona said comprehensive immigration reform should include visas, day-worker programs "that don't impede commerce but actually enhance commerce." They both agreed that border security needs to be stepped up..

Source: KYMA-TV-11 on 2012 Arizona "Rural Issues" Senate debate Oct 26, 2012

Rodney Glassman: Path to citizenship, including fine & back-of-the-line

McCain talked about his 10-point plan to secure the border, saying only after that happens can the country address a temporary legal-worker program.

Glassman said that while he supports securing the border, it won't work unless there is a way for peopl to cross legally for work. And he backed a path to citizenship for those already here, saying they'd have to submit to background checks, learn English, pay a fine and go to the back of the line.

Source: Arizona Daily Star coverage of 2010 Arizona Senate debate Sep 27, 2010

Ruben Gallego: Only workable solution is comprehensive immigration reform

We know that children of immigrants who study hard and want the same opportunity I got to go to college can't go because of a decision made by their parents years ago. We know that the federal government is breaking up families rather than going after actual criminals. We know that workers playing a vital role in our economy don't get the protections all working Americans should.

Our immigration issues are so multifaceted that the only solution that will work is comprehensive immigration reform. Everyone seems to recognize this, but yet again Congress isn't doing anything. In Arizona, I've been a passionate advocate for comprehensive reform. In Washington, I'll take it to the next level. To me, we can't call any immigration bill comprehensive reform unless we:

  • Enact the DREAM Act
  • Stop deporting non-criminals and breaking up families
  • Provide temporary protected status for those already living here who do follow the law
  • Develop a pathway to citizenship
  • Secure the border.
Source: 2014 Arizona House campaign website, May 31, 2014

Tom O`Halleran: Support the DREAM Act and broad consensus on reforms

While there is broad consensus on the steps that we can take to improve our system, immigration reform has stalled because of a lack of will among some politicians and others who would rather have a political issue to complain about than actually solve our problem. The security of our citizens and the rule of law are too important to be stalled based on purely political considerations. Congress has an obligation to act and fix this problem.

Tom supports immigration reform that secures our border, keeps families together, and meets the needs of our economy. Tom also supports the DREAM Act, which allows young people who were brought to this country as children the chance to pursue their education or join the military.

The broken immigration system disproportionately affects Arizona and fixing it is critical to our economy. Tom will work toward reform that keeps our communities safe, our economy strong, and our families together.

Source: 2016 Arizona House campaign website Nov 8, 2016

Blake Masters: Drugs and crime are just pouring over the border

Masters wasted little time framing Mark Kelly as a rubber stamp for President Joe Biden and did it in blunt language. "Our border is in chaos, we've got drugs and illegal aliens just pouring in, crime is up, the cost of groceries. Actually, the cost of everything you need to live keeps going up and up," Masters said.

"It wasn't like this two years ago. What changed? Joe Biden took over, and in Washington, Mark Kelly backs Joe Biden every single time, without thinking twice, without thinking of Arizona."

At one point during an exchange on migrants and drug trafficking at Arizona's border with Mexico--which all candidates agree is unacceptable--Masters suggested Kelly is the "worst senator of all time" and should resign.

Source: The Arizona Republic on 2022 Arizona Senate race Oct 7, 2022

Kari Lake: We're going to protect our own border from invasion

LAKE: If you know the Constitution, you know that Article 4, Section 4 calls for the federal government to protect us from invasion, and under Joe Biden's lack of leadership, we just aren't seeing that. We have an invasion at our border, these Narco terrorist groups have operational control. They're using Arizona to smuggle people, to traffic children and to traffic fentanyl. We're going to invoke our Article 1, Section 10, authority to protect our own border.

KATIE HOBBS: My opponent's positions on this issue are nothing but empty rhetoric. She's not offering real solutions. When she talked about invoking the constitutional authority of the state, she's talking about declaring an invasion at our Southern border. That would do absolutely nothing to increase border security, but it would bring untold levels of chaos into our state. It's not a real solution.

Source: CBS Face the Nation on 2022 Arizona Gubernatorial race Oct 9, 2022

Kari Lake: A lot of fraudulent asylum claims are being made

The vast majority of the people coming across don't really meet the criteria for asylum. There's a lot of fraudulent asylum claims that are being made. I'm really concerned about the people of Arizona. We have had five million people come in, and we have had a million of them called got-aways. That means we're not even processing them. They want to avoid capture because they have criminal records. We need to vet people coming into our country.
Source: CNN SOTU interviews on 2022 Arizona Gubernatorial race Oct 16, 2022

Katie Hobbs: We've had a pretty bad immigration policy for decades

We are a border state, and immigration is a very important issue to Arizona voters. As a border state, we have borne the brunt of decades of inaction in Washington from both parties to address both border security and comprehensive immigration reform. We need the federal government to step up. We've had a pretty bad immigration policy for decades. We need to get comprehensive immigration reform done. Both parties in Congress have been dragging their feet to get this done.
Source: CBS Face the Nation on 2022 Arizona Gubernatorial race Oct 9, 2022

Katie Hobbs: $40M for scholarships regardless of immigration status

But we're not stopping there. In line with the will of Arizona's voters in passing Proposition 308 this past November, my budget allocates $40 million to create the Promise for DREAMers Scholarship Program to cover all students, regardless of immigration status.
Source: 2023 State of the State Address to the Arizona legislature Jan 9, 2023

Katie Hobbs: Support border communities, push for immigration reform

Speak to leaders in border communities and across our state and it's clear they need real solutions after decades of failed leadership by both parties. We must take a holistic, realistic, and humane approach to help solve this issue. That means supporting sheriffs and local law enforcement in impacted communities--and it also means supporting community centers and hospitals. While optimistic, I will also continue to push Congress to do its job and pass comprehensive immigration reform.
Source: 2023 State of the State Address to the Arizona legislature Jan 9, 2023

  • The above quotations are from State of Arizona Politicians: Archives.
  • Click here for definitions & background information on Immigration.
  • Click here for other issues (main summary page).
2016 Presidential contenders on Immigration:
Gov.Jeb Bush(FL)
Dr.Ben Carson(MD)
Gov.Chris Christie(NJ)
Sen.Ted Cruz(TX)
Carly Fiorina(CA)
Gov.Jim Gilmore(VA)
Sen.Lindsey Graham(SC)
Gov.Mike Huckabee(AR)
Gov.Bobby Jindal(LA)
Gov.John Kasich(OH)
Gov.Sarah Palin(AK)
Gov.George Pataki(NY)
Sen.Rand Paul(KY)
Gov.Rick Perry(TX)
Sen.Rob Portman(OH)
Sen.Marco Rubio(FL)
Sen.Rick Santorum(PA)
Donald Trump(NY)
Gov.Scott Walker(WI)
Gov.Lincoln Chafee(RI)
Secy.Hillary Clinton(NY)
V.P.Joe Biden(DE)
Gov.Martin O`Malley(MD)
Sen.Bernie Sanders(VT)
Sen.Elizabeth Warren(MA)
Sen.Jim Webb(VA)

2016 Third Party Candidates:
Gov.Gary Johnson(L-NM)
Roseanne Barr(PF-HI)
Robert Steele(L-NY)
Dr.Jill Stein(G,MA)
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