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State of South Dakota secondary Archives: on Gun Control

Billie Sutton: Supports open carry for guns and extra handgun training

Q: Do you support our current open carry laws for all who are in our state?

Sutton: Yes.

A: Do you support our current Concealed Carry Weapons permit and process?

Sutton: Yes. I believe the current process is working well and I have not heard complaints from constituents.

A: Do you support the expanded permit and process?

Sutton: Yes, I am not aware of any issues with it. I like the expanded reciprocity as well as the increased training for handgun use.

Source: Rapid City Journal on 2018 South Dakota Gubernatorial race Mar 11, 2018

Billie Sutton: Don't allow concealed carry of guns at state capitol

Legislative Summary: House Bill 1156: To allow a concealed pistol in the Capitol with an enhanced concealed pistol permit.

Analysis by Sioux City Argus-Leader:The state Supreme Court chambers would be excluded and anyone who wanted to carry would need to register with Capitol security 24 hours beforehand. The bill's sponsor said the bill is aimed at ensuring security in the Statehouse by allowing those who've taken a handgun training and self-defense course and undergone an FBI background check to carry.

Veto Message: The law enforcement officers who protect our Capitol building have specialized training which is repeated on a regular basis. In contrast, South Dakotans who hold an enhanced concealed pistol permit were required to undertake approximately 8 hours of instruction, just once.

Legislative Outcome:Passed Senate 19-15-1 on 3/6/17; Sen. Sutton voted NO; Vetoed on 3/27/17; House Veto Sustained 42-27 on 3/27/17.

Source: Sioux City Argus-Leader on South Dakota voting record HB1156 Mar 6, 2017

Billie Sutton: Don't allow concealed carry of guns at state capitol

Legislative Summary: House Bill 1156: To allow a concealed pistol in the Capitol with an enhanced concealed pistol permit.

Analysis by Sioux City Argus-Leader:The state Supreme Court chambers would be excluded and anyone who wanted to carry would need to register with Capitol security 24 hours beforehand. The bill's sponsor said the bill is aimed at ensuring security in the Statehouse by allowing those who've taken a handgun training and self-defense course and undergone an FBI background check to carry.

Veto Message: The law enforcement officers who protect our Capitol building have specialized training which is repeated on a regular basis. In contrast, South Dakotans who hold an enhanced concealed pistol permit were required to undertake approximately 8 hours of instruction, just once.

Legislative Outcome:Passed Senate 19-15-1 on 3/6/17; Sen. Sutton voted NO; Vetoed on 3/27/17; House Veto Sustained 42-27 on 3/27/17.

Source: Sioux City Argus-Leader on South Dakota voting record HB1156 Mar 6, 2017

Brian Bengs: Gun owner; favors background checks

[On the 2nd Amendment]: "As I said, I'm a gun owner. I'll say I have somewhere in the neighborhood of 8 or 9 weapons at my house," said Bengs, again emphasizing his belief in background checks. "Are people still going to be able to get guns? Well if they are, they're going to have to jump through more hoops. It should not be easy for an Al Qaeda terrorist, as happened in 2019, to be able to walk into a gun store and say 'I'll take that one' and then go shoot up a Navy base."
Source: KELO on 2022 South Dakota Senate race May 26, 2022

Daniel Ahlers: Vetoed allowing concealed carry of guns at state capitol

Legislative Summary: House Bill 1156: To allow a concealed pistol in the Capitol with an enhanced concealed pistol permit.

Analysis by Sioux City Argus-Leader: The state Supreme Court chambers would be excluded and anyone who wanted to carry would need to register with Capitol security 24 hours beforehand. The bill's sponsor said the bill is aimed at ensuring security in the Statehouse by allowing those who've taken a handgun training and undergone an FBI background check.

Veto Message : The law enforcement officers who protect our Capitol building have specialized training which is repeated on a regular basis. In contrast, South Dakotans who hold an enhanced concealed pistol permit were required to undertake approximately 8 hours of instruction, just once.

Legislative Outcome: Passed Senate 19-15-1 on 3/6/17; Vetoed by Gov. Daugaard 3/27/17; House Sustained Veto 42-27 on 3/27/17; Rep. Ahlers voted NO on veto override.

Source: Sioux City Argus-Leader on South Dakota voting record HB1156 Mar 27, 2017

Dennis Daugaard: Vetoed allowing concealed carry of guns at state capitol

Legislative Summary: House Bill 1156: To allow a concealed pistol in the Capitol with an enhanced concealed pistol permit.

Analysis by Sioux City Argus-Leader: The state Supreme Court chambers would be excluded and anyone who wanted to carry would need to register with Capitol security 24 hours beforehand. The bill's sponsor said the bill is aimed at ensuring security in the Statehouse by allowing those who've taken a handgun training and self-defense course and undergone an FBI background check to carry.

Veto Message : The law enforcement officers who protect our Capitol building have specialized training which is repeated on a regular basis. In contrast, South Dakotans who hold an enhanced concealed pistol permit were required to undertake approximately eight hours of instruction, just once.

Legislative Outcome: Passed Senate 19-15-1 on Mar/6/17; Vetoed by Gov. Daugaard on Mar/27/17; House Veto Sustained 42-27 on Mar/27/17.

Source: Sioux City Argus-Leader on South Dakota voting record HB1156 Mar 27, 2017

Gordon Howie: Bumper sticker: God, Guns, and Gordon

It's a message appearing on car bumpers in South Dakota, and it has people smiling: "God, Guns, and Gordon." The Gordon Howie for Senate campaign just released the bumper sticker, and it is getting a warm reception across the state. "It makes people smile, but it also sends a message that is at the heart of our campaign," said Howie. "My campaign is about Faith, Freedom and a higher purpose. South Dakotans are God-fearing and gun-owning people, so I am not surprised that our bumper sticker is being so well received."

Howie will begin a tour of the State this week, to meet with supporters. "We will have plenty of our bumper stickers with us," he said. "It looks like we may have to re-order sooner than we thought."

"We are having fun delivering our message to South Dakota. While we are certainly dealing with serious issues, I think it is good to enjoy the process," Howie said. "Besides, what could be more fun than winning, when it means doing the right thing for our State and our Nation?"

Source: 2014 South Dakota Senate campaign press release Jun 23, 2014

Gordon Howie: Opposes more gun restrictions

Question topic: More restrictive gun control laws are needed now to protect public safety.

Howie: Strongly Disagree

Source: Faith2Action iVoterGuide on 2014 South Dakota Senate race Sep 30, 2014

Jamie R. Smith: We should have a concealed carry permit in the state

We asked Gubernatorial candidate Jamie Smith about gun violence. "I believe that we should have a concealed carry permit in the state. I believe it. Over 80% of South Dakotans believe that too. And we got rid of that. And I also voted against carrying in the Capitol, and the legislature again, in their extreme wisdom, decided no, we should do that even though the people that protect us, the Highway Patrol, thought that maybe that wasn't the best," said Smith.
Source: Dakota News Now on 2022 South Dakota Gubernatorial race Aug 5, 2022

Jamie R. Smith: Don't allow concealed carry of guns at state capitol

Legislative Summary:House Bill 1156: To allow a concealed pistol in the Capitol with an enhanced concealed pistol permit.

Analysis by Sioux City Argus-Leader: The state Supreme Court chambers would be excluded and anyone who wanted to carry would need to register with Capitol security 24 hours beforehand. The bill's sponsor said the bill is aimed at ensuring security in the Statehouse by allowing those who've taken a handgun training and self-defense course & undergone an FBI background check to carry.

Veto Message:The law enforcement officers who protect our Capitol building have specialized training which is repeated on a regular basis. In contrast, South Dakotans who hold an enhanced concealed pistol permit were required to undertake approximately 8 hours of instruction, just once.

Legislative Outcome: Passed Senate 19-15-1 on 3/6/17;State Rep. Jamie Smith voted NO; Vetoed on 3/27/17; House Veto Sustained 42-27 on 3/27/17.

Source: Sioux City Argus-Leader on South Dakota voting record HB1156 Mar 6, 2017

Jay Williams: Common sense measures like background checks

From his childhood experiences growing up on a farm in north central South Dakota, where the annual pheasant hunt brought hunters from all over the country, to the NRA gun safety course he took as a young person, Jay has had lots of experience with firearms. In the military he was exposed to many different kinds of weapons, including fully automatic machine guns. Today, mass shooters have demonstrated the danger that guns pose when they are in the wrong hands. Jay supports common sense measures like background checks to make sure guns are in the hands of responsible gun owners, not criminals or at-risk individuals.
Source: 2016 South Dakota Senate campaign web Apr 1, 2016

Kristi Noem: Won't cost you a penny to exercise 2d amendment rights

Let's also eliminate all fees for concealed carry permits in the state. We will pay the costs for federal background checks, as well. It will not cost you a penny to exercise your Second Amendment rights in South Dakota. Three years ago, Constitutional Carry was the very first bill that I signed as Governor. We guaranteed the right of our people to keep and bear arms. Together, we will continue to defend this key constitutional liberty.
Source: 2022 State of the State Address to South Dakota legislature Jan 11, 2022

Marty Jackley: Double headline - Already Done

[TV ad entitled "Running"; aired March 20, for 45 days] I'm Marty Jackley. [video on screen: Marty walking outdoors with a man in a baseball cap].

[Marty speaking to camera]: I ran track at Mines [photo: track team photo; subtitle: "1990 SDSMT Hall of Fame team"], then ran a business [photo: uniform emblazoned with "School of Mines and Technology, Track and Field"] before running for Attorney General to fight crime, drugs, and predators.

Now I'm running for governor. As a proven conservative I will:

  • strengthen education
  • create more opportunities
  • and higher wages for our kids
  • defend the Second Amendment
    [Subtitle: Defend 2nd Amendment
  • protect the right to life
    [Subtitle: Protect the unborn]
  • Cut spending
  • And run a tight ship in Pierre

    [Son enters video from back of room]: "Just don't run anywhere in those shorts, dad."

    [Marty holds up gold running shorts]: "What's wrong with these?" [Looks at camera and shrugs] Subtitle: Marty Jackley for governor.

    Source: OnTheIssues AdWatch on 2018 South Dakota Gubernatorial race Mar 20, 2018

    Rick Weiland: Universal background checks for guns

    Here in South Dakota, the only declared Democratic candidate so far is Rick Weiland, a small-business owner who has said he would fight corporate interests. Weiland also favors same-sex marriage and universal background checks for guns, and he is concerned about the weakening of Social Security and Medicare.

    Weiland has the support of his onetime boss, Tom Daschle, the former Senate majority leader (also a South Dakota Democrat), and of the party's more liberal base. But his candidacy has upset some in the Democratic establishment. Many South Dakota Democrats are hoping for a centrist to compete in a state where the number of registered independents has increased over the past five years. Daschle said he believed that Weiland would be able to earn the establishment's support. "I've been through this hundreds of times--a candidate has to prove himself or herself before they get support of the [Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee]. I believe Rick will be able to do that."

    Source: New York Times on 2014 South Dakota Senate debate May 28, 2013

    Steven Haugaard: Founders understood evil people/tyrants part of our world

    Every citizen has the constitutional right to protect themselves and their family. That right exists in regard to the private right to 'keep and bear arms'. Our founders understood that evil people and political tyrants are part of our world. We must always be vigilant to protect those rights.
    Source: 2022 South Dakota Gubernatorial website Feb 22, 2022

    Steven Haugaard: Allow concealed carry of guns at state capitol

    Legislative Summary: House Bill 1156: To allow a concealed pistol in the Capitol with an enhanced concealed pistol permit.

    Analysis by Sioux City Argus-Leader: The state Supreme Court chambers would be excluded and anyone who wanted to carry would need to register with Capitol security 24 hours beforehand. The bill's sponsor said the bill is aimed at ensuring security in the Statehouse by allowing those who've taken a handgun training and self-defense course and undergone an FBI background check to carry.

    Veto Message: The law enforcement officers who protect our Capitol building have specialized training which is repeated on a regular basis. In contrast, South Dakotans who hold an enhanced concealed pistol permit were required to undertake approximately 8 hours of instruction, just once.

    Legislative Outcome: Passed Senate 19-15-1 on 3/6/17; Steven Haugaard voted NO; Vetoed on 3/27/17; House Veto Sustained 42-27 on 3/27/17.

    Source: Sioux City Argus-Leader on South Dakota voting record HB1156 Mar 6, 2017

    • The above quotations are from State of South Dakota Politicians: secondary Archives.
    • Click here for definitions & background information on Gun Control.
    • Click here for other issues (main summary page).
    2016 Presidential contenders on Gun Control:
    Gov.Jeb Bush(FL)
    Dr.Ben Carson(MD)
    Gov.Chris Christie(NJ)
    Sen.Ted Cruz(TX)
    Carly Fiorina(CA)
    Gov.Jim Gilmore(VA)
    Sen.Lindsey Graham(SC)
    Gov.Mike Huckabee(AR)
    Gov.Bobby Jindal(LA)
    Gov.John Kasich(OH)
    Gov.Sarah Palin(AK)
    Gov.George Pataki(NY)
    Sen.Rand Paul(KY)
    Gov.Rick Perry(TX)
    Sen.Rob Portman(OH)
    Sen.Marco Rubio(FL)
    Sen.Rick Santorum(PA)
    Donald Trump(NY)
    Gov.Scott Walker(WI)
    Gov.Lincoln Chafee(RI)
    Secy.Hillary Clinton(NY)
    V.P.Joe Biden(DE)
    Gov.Martin O`Malley(MD)
    Sen.Bernie Sanders(VT)
    Sen.Elizabeth Warren(MA)
    Sen.Jim Webb(VA)

    2016 Third Party Candidates:
    Gov.Gary Johnson(L-NM)
    Roseanne Barr(PF-HI)
    Robert Steele(L-NY)
    Dr.Jill Stein(G,MA)
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    Page last updated: Feb 18, 2023
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