Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
Fire and Fury, by Michael Wolff (2018) |
Trump Revealed, by Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher (2016) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2016) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |
(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)
2006 Congressional National Political Awareness Test, by Project Vote Smart

OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Baron Hill: Personally opposes abortion, but its a private decision.
Baron Hill: Supports stem cell research on existing embyo lines.
David Loebsack: Dont chip away at Roe v. Wade.
Jason Altmire: Legal abortion only for incest, rape, or life of woman.
Phil Hare: Abortions always legal, except some partial birth abortions.
Tim Walz: Abortions should always be legal.
Tim Walz: Supports embryonic stem cell research.
Andrew Romanoff: I support Roe v.Wade.
Gary Perry: Restrict abortion, and no public funding.
Robert Fitzgerald: Expand stem cell research.
Leonard Schwartz: Abortion should be legal but not tax-funded.
Erik Fleming: Abortions should be legal only within the first trimester.
Kenneth Chase: Support stem cell research on existing lines of stem cells.
Scott Jameson: Abortion should be a state legislative issue.
Steve Osborn: Keep 1st trimester abortions legal; plus rape & health risk.
Barbara Radnofsky: Reduce economic necessity for abortions.
Bill Bowlin: Give reasons to choose to deliver, and medical care if not.
Bill Bowlin: Support existing stem cell research.
Peter Ricketts: Opposes embryonic stem cell research.
Budget & Economy
Zane Lawhorn: Reform entitlements & raise sin taxes to balance budget.
Brian Moore: Transfer defense-related spending to social programs.
Scott Jameson: Transition to a pay-as-you-go system.
Leonard Schwartz: Balance budget by eliminating non-essential expenditures.
Civil Rights
Chris Carney: Opposes gay marriage; supports equal gay rights.
Chris Carney: Consider many factors in state contracts, but not race.
David Loebsack: Continue affirmative action programs.
Jerry McNerney: Support affirmative action in public college admissions.
Phil Hare: No constitutional definition of marriage.
Phil Hare: Continue affirmative action.
Tim Walz: Continue Affirmative Action against unequal representation.
Andrew Romanoff: Recognize domestic partnerships between same-sex couples.
Andrew Romanoff: Apply affirmative action to state college admissions.
Brian Moore: Discontinue affirmative action programs.
Gordon Howie: No affirmative action in public employment or colleges.
Joaquin Castro: Supports affirmative action for all state decisions.
John Bel Edwards: Support affirmative action in government hiring and college.
Kyrsten Sinema: Include gender identity in anti-discrimination laws.
Kyrsten Sinema: Apply Affirmative Action to all state decisions.
Mark Pocan: Supports affirmative action in state hiring & colleges.
Scott D`Amboise: Treat all races and genders the same.
Howie Hawkins: Continue affirmative action programs.
Scott Jameson: No constitutional definition of marriage.
Mike McGavick: Supports affirmative action in government contracting.
Mike McGavick: Supports constitutional amendment defining marriage.
Leonard Schwartz: No constitutional nor governmental definition of marriage.
Alan Schlesinger: Discontinue affirmative action programs.
Erik Fleming: No constitutional amendment defining marriage.
Erik Fleming: Consider race for government contracting decisions.
Kenneth Chase: Constitutional amendment to define 1-man-1-woman marriage.
Kenneth Chase: Discontinue affirmative action programs.
Stan Jones: Constitutional definition of one-man-one-woman marriage.
Stan Jones: Discontinue affirmative action programs.
Allen McCulloch: Discontinue affirmative action programs.
Scott Jameson: Discontinue federal affirmative action programs.
Barbara Radnofsky: No constitutional definition of marriage.
Barbara Radnofsky: No amendment defining one-man-one-woman marriage.
Bill Bowlin: Define marriage as one man and one woman.
Bill Bowlin: Include sexual orientation in anti-discrimination laws.
Bill Bowlin: Ok to consider race and gender in government contracts.
Peter Ricketts: Reduce government regulation of the private sector.
Dwight Grotberg: Reduce government regulation of the private sector.
Bruce Guthrie: Reduce government regulation of the private sector.
Baron Hill: Prefers life sentence to death penalty.
Baron Hill: Life imprisonment must mean life imprisonment, forever.
Chris Carney: Supports death penalty for treason.
Chris Carney: Supports alternative sentencing & rehabilitation.
David Loebsack: Eliminate the death penalty.
David Loebsack: Support prison rehabilitation & drug treatment.
Jason Altmire: Supports the death penalty.
Jerry McNerney: Eliminate the death penalty.
Jerry McNerney: Provide inmates with job skills & alcohol treatment.
Phil Hare: Support the use of the death penalty.
Phil Hare: More community police; more prison rehabilitation.
Tim Walz: Eliminate the death penalty.
Tim Walz: Supports prison rehabilitation & job training.
Andrew Romanoff: End parole for repeat violent offenders.
Andrew Romanoff: Support the death penalty.
Brian Moore: Eliminate the federal death penalty.
Brian Moore: Reduce prison sentences for non-violent crime.
Cynthia Dill: Alternative penalties for non-violent offenders.
Gary Perry: Supports death penalty; opposes parole for violent offenders.
Gordon Howie: Supports death penalty; no parole for repeat offenders.
Joaquin Castro: More community centers; more job assistance for inmates.
John Bel Edwards: Rehab for criminals; enforce hate crime & white collar crime.
Mark Pocan: Alternative sentencing, plus rehab for criminals.
Scott D`Amboise: Supports the federal death penalty.
Scott D`Amboise: Stricter penalties for juveniles & corporate criminals.
Victor Mitchell: More prisons; less parole; harsher punishments.
Robert Fitzgerald: Eliminate the federal death penalty.
Dwight Grotberg: Support the use of the death penalty for federal crimes.
Bruce Guthrie: Eliminate the federal death penalty.
Bruce Guthrie: Reduce prison sentences for non-violent crimes.
Mike McGavick: Supports the death penalty.
Mike McGavick: Prosecute minors as adults for violent crime.
Leonard Schwartz: Eliminate the death penalty.
Leonard Schwartz: Stop imprisoning people for victimless activity.
Alan Schlesinger: Supports the federal death penalty.
Alan Schlesinger: Mandatory jail for drug pushers; but not non-violent crime.
Erik Fleming: Eliminate the federal death penalty.
Erik Fleming: Supports rehabilitation and addiction programs for inmates.
Kenneth Chase: Support the use of the death penalty for federal crimes.
Kenneth Chase: Mandatory jail for drugs; stricter white-collar penalties.
John Raese: Supports death penalty for federal crimes.
John Raese: Prosecute violent minors as adults.
Stan Jones: Supports the death penalty.
Allen McCulloch: Give inmates job training & drug rehab.
Scott Jameson: Reduce prison sentences for non-violent criminals.
Scott Jameson: Death penalty ok if no secret courts.
Steve Osborn: Supports death penalty.
Steve Osborn: Reduce penalties for non-violent crimes.
Barbara Radnofsky: Support the use of the death penalty for federal crimes.
Barbara Radnofsky: Support the use of the death penalty.
Barbara Radnofsky: Support prosecution of hate crimes.
Bill Bowlin: Supports use of death penalty.
Peter Ricketts: Supports the death penalty.
Chris Carney: Mandatory jail sentences for selling illegal drugs.
David Loebsack: Allow medical marijuana.
David Loebsack: More funding for Colombia to combat the war on drugs.
Jason Altmire: Mandatory jail sentences for selling illegal drugs.
Jerry McNerney: Support mandatory jail sentences for selling illegal drugs.
Phil Hare: Medical marijuana ok; but more penalties for distributors.
Tim Walz: Supports medical marijuana.
Andrew Romanoff: Restrict pseudophedrine sales; it can be used for meth.
Brian Moore: Decriminalize marijuana; end funding for war on drugs.
Gary Perry: Stricter penalties for drug crimes, especially meth.
Joaquin Castro: Strengthen sentences for drug-related crimes.
Kyrsten Sinema: Decriminalize marijuana possession.
Mark Pocan: Decriminalize possession of marijuana.
Scott D`Amboise: Mandatory jail sentences for selling illegal drugs.
Robert Fitzgerald: Eliminate war on drugs; decriminalize marijuana.
Dwight Grotberg: Mandatory jail sentences for selling illegal drugs.
Bruce Guthrie: Decriminalize marijuana; defund the Drug War.
Alan Schlesinger: Medical marijuana ok; more drug treatment programs.
Kenneth Chase: Mandatory jail for drugs; but medical marijuana ok.
John Raese: Mandatory jail sentences for selling illegal drugs.
Allen McCulloch: Mandatory jail sentences for selling illegal drugs.
Scott Jameson: Eliminate funding for the war on drugs.
Steve Osborn: Decriminalize marijuana and allow medicinal prescriptions.
Barbara Radnofsky: Increase border security to stop inflow of illegal drugs.
Barbara Radnofsky: More funding to Colombia to combat the war on drugs.
Barbara Radnofsky: Stop flow of illegal drugs at the border.
Bill Bowlin: Mandatory jail sentences for selling illegal drugs.
Peter Ricketts: More border security and stricter sentencing for drugs.
David Loebsack: Provide needed resources for failing schools.
Jason Altmire: More funds for school infrastructure & college loans.
Phil Hare: More school funding; more teacher mentoring.
Tim Walz: Vouchers for public schools; tax incentives for college.
Brian Moore: Supports public school vouchers.
Cynthia Dill: More funding for schools, teachers, and Head Start.
Gary Perry: Provide state funding to increase teacher salaries.
Gary Perry: Supports school prayer, and abstinence in sex ed.
Joaquin Castro: More funds for schools, teachers, and college.
Mark Pocan: More funding for public schools and teachers.
Peter Ricketts: Supports charters and vouchers for private schools.
Chris Lugo: Supports vouchers for private or religious school.
Dwight Grotberg: Supports vouchers for private or religious schools.
Bruce Guthrie: Supports vouchers and charter schools.
Leonard Schwartz: Vouchers as temporary transition to end government schooling.
Alan Schlesinger: Allow vouchers at private & parochial schools.
Kenneth Chase: Supports vouchers even for private & religious schools.
John Raese: Vouchers ok for public, private, & religious schools.
Scott Jameson: Vouchers ok for public, private, or religious school.
Steve Osborn: Vouchers ok for public, private, and religious schools.
Bill Bowlin: More funding for school infrastructure & college.
Energy & Oil
Jason Altmire: Increase fuel efficiency and develop alternative fuels.
Gary Perry: Supports traditional domestic energy like coal & oil.
Joaquin Castro: Supports alternative fuel plus traditional sources.
John Bel Edwards: More ethanol; more CAFE standards; more alternative fuels.
Scott D`Amboise: Explore for oil in ANWR.
Dwight Grotberg: Develop traditional energy resources; drill ANWR.
Bruce Guthrie: Develop alternative fuels to reduce pollution.
Alan Schlesinger: Encourage alternative fuels but also drill ANWR.
John Raese: Develop oil & coal; drill ANWR.
Stan Jones: Develop oil & coal; drill ANWR.
Scott Jameson: Develop alternative fuels and ethanol.
Steve Osborn: Increase development of oil, coal, and natural gas.
Bill Bowlin: Drill ANWR but also develop alternative fuels.
Scott D`Amboise: Relax restrictions on federal land for logging & recreation.
John Bel Edwards: Strengthen environmental enforcement for clean air.
Peter Ricketts: Compensate private landowners for enviro regulation cost.
Chris Lugo: Strengthen CWA, CAA, and emission controls.
Dwight Grotberg: Relax recreational & logging restrictions on federal lands.
Bruce Guthrie: Strengthen polluter pays laws & Clean Air Act.
Barbara Radnofsky: Strengthen emission controls and fuel efficiency standards.
Bill Bowlin: Strengthen Clean Water Act. & Clean Air Act.
Families & Children
Bill Bowlin: Include contraceptives with AIDS foreign aid.
Bill Bowlin: Limit violent and sexual content on television.
Foreign Policy
Scott D`Amboise: Decrease financial support of the United Nations.
Zane Lawhorn: The United Nations is Useless Nations.
Brian Moore: Pressure North Korea to abandon nukes; but no military force.
John Bel Edwards: Offer foreign aid for humanitarian crises, including AIDS.
Bo Heyward: America should leave the UN.
Chris Lugo: Ok to commit US troops & money to the UN.
Dwight Grotberg: Decrease financial support of the United Nations.
Bruce Guthrie: Scale back international aid, except for emergency aid.
Mike McGavick: Provide international aid for disasters & national security.
Mike McGavick: Use diplomacy & economic pressure on North Korea, not force.
Leonard Schwartz: Nuclear deterrence worked on USSR; do same for North Korea.
Stan Jones: Foreign aid is unconstitutional and must be eliminated.
Barbara Radnofsky: Supports US troops on UN peacekeeping missions.
Bill Bowlin: Maintain financial support of the United Nations.
Free Trade
Chris Carney: Opposes NAFTA & CAFTA, but supports GATT & WTO.
Jerry McNerney: Opposes NAFTA, CAFTA, and GATT.
Tim Walz: Opposes NAFTA and CAFTA, but stay in WTO.
Zane Lawhorn: Keep trade embargo against Cuba, and other violators.
John Bel Edwards: Support NAFTA, CAFTA, and WTO, but account for rights.
Scott D`Amboise: Opposes NAFTA; consider human rights in trade relations.
Tom Allen: Opposes CAFTA, but supports GATT & WTO.
Chris Lugo: Opposes GATT; withdraw from WTO.
Bruce Guthrie: Opposes NAFTA, CAFTA, and GATT.
Mike McGavick: Supports NAFTA, CAFTA, GATT, and WTO.
Leonard Schwartz: Free trade raises the standard of living.
Alan Schlesinger: Supports NAFTA, CAFA, GATT, and WTO.
Erik Fleming: Opposes NAFTA, CAFTA, and GATT.
Kenneth Chase: Supports NAFTA, CAFTA, GATT, and WTO.
John Raese: Suports NAFTA, CAFTA, and GATT.
Stan Jones: So called Trade Agreements are unconstitutional.
Allen McCulloch: Supports NAFTA and GATT, but with protections.
Scott Jameson: No NAFTA, no CAFTA, no WTO.
Bill Bowlin: Supports NAFTA, GATT, and WTO.
Bill Bowlin: Include human rights and environment in trade discussions.
Peter Ricketts: Supports NAFTA, CAFTA, GATT and WTO.
Peter Ricketts: Trade rules for labor & environment, but not human rights.
Government Reform
Chris Carney: Supports public funding for political camapigns.
Jason Altmire: Supports public funding for political camapigns.
Phil Hare: Supports public funding of campaigns.
Tim Walz: Public funding for political campaigns.
Zane Lawhorn: Public funding for federal candidates instead of PACs.
Andrew Romanoff: Limit all types of campaign contributions.
Gary Perry: Term limits for Governor but not legislature.
Gordon Howie: No limits on campaign contributions, expect disclosure.
Joaquin Castro: Limit campaign donations, plus full disclosure.
John Bel Edwards: Public funding for campaigns, but deregulate soft money.
Kyrsten Sinema: Contribution & spending limits on political campaigns.
Mark Pocan: Limit campaign contributions and campaign spending.
Peter Ricketts: No holiday for voting; no instant runoff voting.
Scott D`Amboise: Remove all contribution limits on federal campaigns.
Tom Allen: Supports public taxpayer funding for federal candidates.
Robert Fitzgerald: Public taxpayer funding for federal campaigns.
Dwight Grotberg: Increase allowable individual campaign contributions.
Jean Hay Bright: Generous allotment of campaign TV time, publicly-funded.
Bruce Guthrie: Increase individuals campaign donation limits.
Leonard Schwartz: Unregulated soft money; no contribution limits.
Alan Schlesinger: Public campaign financing; but no PAC contributions.
Erik Fleming: Support public taxpayer funding for federal campaigns.
Kenneth Chase: Support public taxpayer funding for federal campaigns.
John Raese: Increase limits on donations to political campaigns.
Stan Jones: Increase individual limits on campaign donations; & no PACs.
Allen McCulloch: Increase individual limits for campaign donations.
Scott Jameson: Removal all limits on campaign donations.
Steve Osborn: Increase individual limits for campaign donations.
Barbara Radnofsky: Public funding for candidates complying with spending limits.
Barbara Radnofsky: Support public taxpayer funding for federal campaigns.
Bill Bowlin: Let people contribute more to federal campaigns.
Gun Control
Baron Hill: Firm bleiever in the Second Amendment.
David Loebsack: Ban semi-automatics; require licenses & background checks.
Jerry McNerney: Strengthen restrictions on purchase & possession of guns.
Phil Hare: No armor piercing ammunition; yes child safety locks.
Tim Walz: Supports concealed carry.
Andrew Romanoff: Allow concealed carry; enforce existing gun laws.
Brian Moore: Restrict sales; require licensing; strengthen enforcement.
Dennis Kucinich: Ban sale or transfer of semi-automatic guns.
John Bel Edwards: Maintain restrictions & records of individuals and guns.
Kyrsten Sinema: Supports background checks, gun licenses, and enforcement.
Chris Lugo: Ban semi-automatics; require licenses & background checks.
Howie Hawkins: Strengthen existing federal gun restrictions.
Bruce Guthrie: Ease federal gun restrictions.
Mike McGavick: Allow concealed carry.
Alan Schlesinger: Ease federal gun restrictions.
Erik Fleming: Enforce existing laws; allow concealed carry.
Kenneth Chase: Not taking position on gun control issues.
Allen McCulloch: Ease restrictions on gun purchase & gun carrying.
Bill Bowlin: Licenses and permits ok; but allow concealed carry.
Peter Ricketts: Allow concealed carry.
Health Care
Baron Hill: Wary of universal government-run health care.
Tim Walz: Supports universal health care.
Zane Lawhorn: Supports MSAs, tort reform, and SCHIP.
Gary Perry: Supports managed care & tort reform.
Gordon Howie: Limit medical malpractice lawsuits; but support suing HMOs.
Leonard Schwartz: Health care is not a government responsibility.
Kenneth Chase: Healthcare is not a federal responsibility.
Scott Jameson: Health care is not a federal responsibility.
Peter Ricketts: Supports health savings accounts & limiting lawsuits.
John Bel Edwards: Universal health care with guaranteed coverage.
Homeland Security
Baron Hill: Strong military important post-9-11.
Baron Hill: Fight terrorism but do not sacrifice our personal freedoms.
Chris Carney: No random searches; no pre-emptive strikes without threat.
Jason Altmire: Military tribunals for terrorists ok.
Jerry McNerney: Pre-emptive military strikes OK; military tribunals OK.
Phil Hare: No phone-tapping; no random searches; no pre-emptive strikes.
Tim Walz: Supports military tribunals to try suspected terrorists.
Zane Lawhorn: Increase funding to states and cities for homeland security.
Scott D`Amboise: Military tribunals for terrorists; email searches for FBI.
Scott D`Amboise: Pre-emptive military strikes when national security threat.
Robert Fitzgerald: Reduce $ on missile defense; eliminate Homeland security $.
Mike McGavick: Military tribunals & other tools ok for terror.
Mike McGavick: Pre-emptive military strikes ok for national security.
Leonard Schwartz: Decrease defense spending & missile defense spending.
Leonard Schwartz: No phone taps; no random searches; no torture.
Alan Schlesinger: Torture ok; pre-emptive strikes ok; phone-tapping ok.
Alan Schlesinger: More spending on missile defense & new weapons.
Erik Fleming: No military tribunals; no email searches; no torture.
Kenneth Chase: No military tribunals & no torture; but reading email ok.
Kenneth Chase: Supports pre-emptive military strikes.
John Raese: Military tribunals & phone taps ok for war on terror.
Stan Jones: Fight terrorists with intel & law, not military.
Scott Jameson: Privacy protections have eroded; no military tribunals.
Barbara Radnofsky: Diplomatic methods first; last resort is coercion.
Barbara Radnofsky: No military tribunals for terrorists; but no torture either.
Barbara Radnofsky: Pre-emptive strikes must remain in our arsenal.
Barbara Radnofsky: Oppose military tribunals to try suspected terrorists.
Bill Bowlin: Greatly increase military hardware and new weaponry.
Bill Bowlin: Against greater discretion to read mail & tap phones.
Bill Bowlin: Decide torture & pre-emptive strikes case-by-case.
Peter Ricketts: Phone-taps ok; military tribunals ok; torture not ok.
Peter Ricketts: Supports policy of pre-emptive military strikes.
Baron Hill: Opposes amnesty for illegal immigrants.
Chris Carney: Establish English as the official national language.
David Loebsack: Supports temporary worker program; enforce employer laws.
Phil Hare: Decrease legal immigration; enforce against illegals.
Andrew Romanoff: Penalize businesses that hire undocumented immigrants.
John Bel Edwards: Establish English as the official national language.
Dwight Grotberg: Establish English as the official national language.
Bruce Guthrie: Increase legal immigrants; support temporary worker program.
Mike McGavick: Establish English as the official national language.
Leonard Schwartz: Focus immigration laws away from hard working people.
John Raese: Oppose amnesty; patrol borders; establish official English.
Stan Jones: Illegal immigration is an attack on our nation.
Scott Jameson: Eliminate access to public services for undocumented aliens.
Peter Ricketts: Secure the border and establish official English.
Jerry McNerney: Job anti-discrimination laws include sexual orientation.
Brian Moore: Increase the minimum wage.
Gary Perry: Opposes affirmative action for state contracts & colleges.
Chris Lugo: Increase the federal minimum wage.
John Raese: Reduce government regulation of private sector employment.
Scott Jameson: Eliminate all federal unemployment programs.
Barbara Radnofsky: Provide proper incentives for keeping US jobs at home.
Barbara Radnofsky: Stop rewarding companies for shipping American jobs overseas.
Bill Bowlin: Increase the minimum wage.
Social Security
Baron Hill: Opposes privatization of Social Security.
David Loebsack: Increase FICA cap to $150,000.
Tim Walz: Increase the payroll tax.
John Bel Edwards: Opposes raising retirement age; opposes private accounts.
Scott D`Amboise: Invest payroll tax in self-managed private accounts.
Dwight Grotberg: Allow investing portion of payroll tax in private accounts.
Leonard Schwartz: Social Security is a Ponzi scheme; privatize it.
John Raese: Self-investing in private accounts ok.
Allen McCulloch: Invest payroll tax in stocks & bonds; decide individually.
Steve Osborn: Let workers invest and manage private accounts.
Bill Bowlin: Total commitment to do the right thing.
Tax Reform
Chris Carney: Repeal Bushs tax cuts.
David Loebsack: Dont repeal the estate tax; do repeal Bush tax cuts.
Jason Altmire: Keep the estate tax; but not the Bush tax cuts.
Jerry McNerney: No estate tax repeal; no permanent Bush tax cut.
Phil Hare: Eliminate Bush tax cuts for earners over $200,000.
Tim Walz: Dont repeal the estate tax; do repeal Bush tax cuts.
John Bel Edwards: Keep the estate tax; don't keep Bush tax cuts.
Tom Allen: Restore PayGo rules; undo 2001 & 2003 tax cuts.
Robert Fitzgerald: No estate tax repeal; no permanent Bush tax cut.
Bruce Guthrie: Tax burden is unbearably high.
Erik Fleming: Permanent repeal of estate tax, but not Bush tax cuts.
Kenneth Chase: Make estate tax repeal & Bush tax cuts permanent.
Allen McCulloch: Make Bush tax cuts and estate tax cuts permanent.
Scott Jameson: Eliminate the inefficient & totalitarian personal income tax.
Barbara Radnofsky: Roll back the unfair tax cuts the very wealthiest.
Barbara Radnofsky: Keep inheritance tax for top .5% of estates.
Barbara Radnofsky: Roll back unfair tax cuts for the very wealthiest.
Barbara Radnofsky: Inheritance taxes only for the top 0.5% of estates.
Bill Bowlin: Lower taxes on low earners; higher taxes on high earners.
Bill Bowlin: Opposes making President Bushs tax cuts permanent.
David Loebsack: Supports net neutrality.
Jerry McNerney: Mandates against violent and sexual content on television.
Brian Moore: Moratorium on Internet tax; enforce Internet crime.
John Bel Edwards: Legislate how personal information is used on the Internet.
Robert Fitzgerald: Legislate online data collection; support Net Neutrality.
Bo Heyward: No regulation of Internet except for criminal activity.
Chris Lugo: Collect taxes on commercial Internet transactions.
Dwight Grotberg: Regulate Internet content; prosecute Internet crimes.
Scott Jameson: Continue moratorium on Internet taxation.
Bruce Guthrie: Continue the moratorium on Internet taxation.
Barbara Radnofsky: I strongly support net neutrality.
Barbara Radnofsky: Strongly supports net neutrality.
War & Peace
Baron Hill: War in Iraq was a mistake, and has been mismanaged.
Chris Carney: Withdraw one US battalion as each Iraqi battalion is trained.
Jason Altmire: No additional troops to Iraq.
Jerry McNerney: Withdraw US troops from Iraq.
Phil Hare: Iraq war needs an exit strategy.
Tim Walz: Stabilize Iraq, if possible, before withdrawing.
Tim Walz: Ensure an achievable mission in Iraq.
Zane Lawhorn: Don't leave Iraq until they pay us 3B bbl in oil.
John Bel Edwards: Engage Israel, Afghanistan, & North Korea, but out of Iraq.
Scott D`Amboise: Keep troops in Iraq until Iraqis can support themselves.
Leonard Schwartz: Withdraw US troops from Iraq; Bush lied.
Erik Fleming: Withdraw US troops from Iraq.
Kenneth Chase: Withdraw US troops from Iraq.
John Raese: Iraq exit strategy: We win, they lose.
Stan Jones: Withdraw from Iraq incrementally.
Scott Jameson: Withdraw from Iraq with specific dates & goals.
Barbara Radnofsky: Supports creation of a Palestinian state.
Bill Bowlin: Win the peace without question then begin exit.
Welfare & Poverty
Cynthia Dill: Increased work requirements for able-bodied recipients.
Joaquin Castro: Job training & childcare subsidies for welfare recipients.
John Bel Edwards: Supports poverty aid through religious & community groups.
Kyrsten Sinema: Marriage promotion for welfare recipients is offensive.
Mark Pocan: Training, transport, and childcare for welfare recipients.
Scott D`Amboise: Poverty aid thru religious or community-based organizations.
Dwight Grotberg: Allow federal poverty aid via religious organizations.
Howie Hawkins: Expand public works to guarantee an adequate income.
Bruce Guthrie: Keep federal welfare programs, for now.
Mike McGavick: Direct federal poverty aid through religious.
Mike McGavick: Drug screening & drug testing for welfare recipients.
Leonard Schwartz: Libertarians arent busybodies; you decide welfare spending.
Alan Schlesinger: Supports block grant welfare flexibility.
Erik Fleming: Direct federal poverty aid through religious organizations.
Kenneth Chase: Block grants and religious groups ok for welfare.
John Raese: Direct federal poverty aid through religious organizations.
Scott Jameson: Abolish all federal welfare programs.
Steve Osborn: Welfare via religious and non-profit groups.
Barbara Radnofsky: Supports flexible state block grants & workfare.
Bill Bowlin: State welfare flexibility in federal block grants.
Peter Ricketts: Focus welfare on states & religious non-profits.
The above quotations are from 2006 Congressional National Political Awareness Test, by Project Vote Smart.
- 2020 Political Courage Test: House and Senate
- 2018 State legislation: House, Senate, and Governor
- 2016 State legislation: Presidential, Gubernatorial, and State
- 2013-2014 Political Courage Test: Gubernatorial & Senate, plus legislative records
- 2011-12 State legislation: House and Senate plus legislative records
- 2009-10 Political Courage Tests: Senatorial, Gubernatorial, and State legislation
- 2008 Political Courage Tests: Presidential, Gubernatorial, and Senatorial
- 2006 Political Awareness Tests: Gubernatorial and Senatorial
- 2004 Political Awareness Tests: Presidential, Gubernatorial, and Senatorial
- 2002 Political Awareness Tests: Gubernatorial and Senatorial
- 2000 Political Awareness Tests: Presidential and Congress
- 1996-1998 Political Awareness Tests: House, Senate, and State
- Collections of Voter Guides:
- American Family Association iVoterGuides:
- Science Debate Voter Guides:
- CampusElect.org Voter Guides:
- AARP voter guides:
- Vote-USA.org voter guides:
- Miscellaneous voter guides: