OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Laura Kelly: Endorsed by Planned Parenthood.
Mark West: Oppose abortion, but give options to women in crisis.
Jared Henderson: Supports available legal abortion but won't run on the issue.
Carl Brewer: Supports reproductive rights.
Jeff Colyer: Staunchly anti-abortion.
Wink Hartman: Protect life from conception to natural death.
Chris Koster: Planned Parenthood didn't illegally dispose of fetal tissue.
Kris Kobach: Planned Parenthood like Nazi doctor.
Asa Hutchinson: Human life begins at conception.
Budget & Economy
Greg Orman: Economic development plan instead of lazy tax cuts.
Mark West: Market-led recovery better than stimulus.
Jared Henderson: Bring new ideas and out-of-the-box thinking to economy.
Wink Hartman: Run Kansas like a business.
Wink Hartman: Low balanced budget without political gridlock.
Ron Estes: We returned $65 million to Kansans to help grow the economy.
Asa Hutchinson: Free enterprise is key to national prosperity.
Mike Ross: AdWatch: Voted for $7 trillion in new debt and bailouts.
Asa Hutchinson: AdWatch: Worked for lobbying firm after leaving Congress.
Mike Ross: AdWatch: Trillions of things in common with Pelosi & Obama.
Civil Rights
Mark West: No authority over relationships between same-sex adults.
Jeff Colyer: No commitment to protecting LGBT workers from discrimination.
Jeff Colyer: No executive order banning LGBT worker discrimination.
Kathleen Sebelius: 2007: Prohibit discrimination on basis of gender identity.
Kris Kobach: Do nothing to protect the rights of LGBT workers.
Sam Brownback: 2015: Repeal ban on gender identity discrimination.
Jared Henderson: Supports LGBT citizens but not for across the board revamps.
Carl Brewer: Protect civil rights, not judge morality.
Catherine Hanaway: Support SJR39: Religious liberty trumps gay marriage.
Chris Koster: Oppose SJR39: gay discrimination isn't religious liberty.
Eric Greitens: Anti-gay "religious liberty" amendment threatens jobs.
John Brunner: Let clergy choose to decline to perform gay marriages.
Chris Koster: Judges can allow same-sex marriage despite voter amendment.
Asa Hutchinson: Government shouldn't redefine marriage.
Asa Hutchinson: Marriage should be only one-man-one-woman.
Frank Gilbert: State should stay out of the marriage business.
Mike Ross: Personally opposes gay marriage, but abide by Supreme Court.
Laura Kelly: Experiment of no taxes on businesses drained our budget.
Jared Henderson: Give right tools to right people, & jobs will flourish.
Mark West: Fewer non-violent offenses, but respect victims rights.
Carl Brewer: Ensure safety with adequate funding and staffing.
Asa Hutchinson: Four executions in 8 days; keep protocol of lethal injection.
Carl Brewer: Legalize recreational marijuana to diversify farm crops.
Greg Orman: Legalize medical marijuana & decriminalize recreational use.
Jeff Colyer: No proof that marijuana treats any medical conditions.
Kris Kobach: Skeptical of medical marijuana; we can't limit it.
Laura Kelly: Supports medical marijuana and treatment over incarceration.
Mark West: Marijuana is not a gateway drug.
Chris Koster: Helping meth cooks get ingredients leads to jail.
Laura Kelly: Expand pre-K programs; fully fund our K-12 schools.
Mark West: De-link funding from standardized tests; then vouchers ok.
Jared Henderson: Education is the catalyst to strong economy and prosperity.
Kris Kobach: End in-state tuition for illegal immigrants.
Wink Hartman: Solemn state responsibility to ensure education resources.
Carl Brewer: Same resources for urban/rural schools as wealthy districts.
Asa Hutchinson: Post the Ten Commandments in public school buildings.
Mike Ross: AdWatch: Unwavering commitment to our children and schools.
Mike Beebe: Teach science and math using new, national methods.
Energy & Oil
Laura Kelly: For alternative energy that benefits the state, like wind.
Mark West: Government shouldn't play favorites in energy market.
Laura Kelly: Opposes cuts to EPA's funding; environment needs protection.
Mark West: Fight EPA regulatory over-reach.
Carl Brewer: Community partnerships to clean up polluted Superfund sites.
Mike Beebe: Important to preserve forests to protect jobs.
Families & Children
Kris Kobach: Gay marriage makes it worse for traditional families.
Asa Hutchinson: Reform divorce laws to increase waiting period.
Foreign Policy
Mark West: Just because something is American doesn't make it better.
Asa Hutchinson: Eradicate North Korean leadership, but no assassinations.
Free Trade
Mark West: Support & expand free trade.
Jeff Colyer: Devastating impact on Kansas if NAFTA were to go away.
Mike Beebe: Cuba's interest in AR exports is good for the state.
Government Reform
ACLU: Disallow checking citizenship papers to register to vote.
Kris Kobach: Found in contempt for checking voter citizenship to register.
Mark West: Make voter registration easier.
ACLU: Enforce voter registration despite Kansas contempt.
Kris Kobach: Contempt of court for blocking new voter registration.
Kris Kobach: Tighten restrictions on voting.
Jeff Colyer: Supports voter ID requirements.
Kris Kobach: Vice-chair of Presidential Commission on Election Integrity.
Kris Kobach: Fight widespread voter fraud with strict voting laws.
Wink Hartman: Replace dysfunction in Topeka with stability.
Asa Hutchinson: Photo ID for voting.
Asa Hutchinson: 1999: Brought articles of impeachment against Bill Clinton.
Mike Ross: Left Congress due to growing acrimony of national politics.
Gun Control
Laura Kelly: Supports common sense gun safety measures and safeguards.
Mark West: Absolute right to gun ownership.
Jared Henderson: No guns on campus; won't commit yet on open carry.
Kris Kobach: Opposes restrictions on guns.
Chris Koster: Supported voter amendment on right to bear arms.
Asa Hutchinson: Opposes more gun restrictions.
Health Care
Mark West: Oppose ObamaCare.
Jared Henderson: Support Arkansas Works; concentrate on reducing premiums.
Jeff Colyer: Helped privatize Medicaid as KanCare.
Jeff Colyer: Open meetings on KanCare instead of invitation-only.
Carl Brewer: We all deserve health care, even the poor.
Wink Hartman: Medicaid expansion is important, but Kansas can't fund it.
Mike Beebe: Expand state Medicaid, but with low-income private option.
Asa Hutchinson: A lot of budget "fuzziness" if private option is not renewed.
Mike Ross: Voted for ObamaCare early on but now consistently against it.
Mike Ross: Voted against individuals keeping health insurance plans.
Mike Beebe: Provide better care without federal Affordable Care Act.
Homeland Security
Mark West: Military expansion results in international police.
Laura Kelly: Wants immigration reform that has clear path to citizenship.
Mark West: Pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens.
Jared Henderson: We can learn and grow by listening to the immigrants stories.
Carl Brewer: Compassionate resolution to immigration issue.
Kris Kobach: Crack down on illegals in Kansas.
Jeff Colyer: Fought in-state tuition for children of illegal immigrants.
Kris Kobach: Kansas shouldn't be the sanctuary state of the Midwest.
Laura Kelly: Endorsed by United Steelworkers:fighter for working families.
Mike Parson: Low unemployment rate now, but new skills needed to move up.
Mark West: No discriminatory hiring practices but no affirmative action.
Local Issues
Asa Hutchinson: Shift lottery authority to new state agency.
Frank Gilbert: Do away with the lottery; not the right way to fund schools.
Mike Ross: Opposed lottery initially; but now let's make it better.
Principles & Values
Mark West: No religious viewpoint should be publicly imposed.
Carl Brewer: Bring everyone to the table, across party lines.
Carl Brewer: Hobby is competitive barbecuing: his sauce "Brewer's Best".
Social Security
Mark West: System going bankrupt; cautious transition to privatization.
Tax Reform
Laura Kelly: No more tax cuts; restore balance to the tax system.
Jared Henderson: Fight against raising grocery tax, to protect families.
Mark West: Lower taxes on everyone.
Jared Henderson: Supports the Republican low and middle class income tax cuts.
Kris Kobach: Cut taxes; cut budget.
Kris Kobach: Keep tax cuts despite state's budget hole.
Sam Brownback: 2012 "march to zero" income tax cuts overturned.
Jeff Colyer: Low taxes & smallest possible government.
Wink Hartman: Simplify the tax-code and promote pro-growth policies.
Asa Hutchinson: Don't raise any taxes, while reducing individual tax rate.
Frank Gilbert: Don't raise any taxes, and eliminate income tax.
Mike Ross: I support lower tax rates.
Asa Hutchinson: Tax reduction will spur job growth.
Greg Orman: $80M for roads to make Kansas the epicenter of distribution.
War & Peace
Mark West: Avoid foreign entanglements.
Welfare & Poverty
Mike Parson: Ending low-income housing tax credit would hurt veterans too.
Carl Brewer: Grew up in daily, anxious poverty.