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Bill Sponsorships
Policy Reports
Memberships / Affiliations
Group Ratings
Court Rulings
Senate Surveys

Bill Sponsorships:
Congressional bills 2011-2012
Congressional bills 2009-2010
2008 Presidential Contenders' bills
Congressional bills 1998-2008
2010 Senate signature bills
2008 Senate signature bills
2008 Presidential signature bills
Pres. Barack Obama's Senate signature bills
V.P. Joe Biden's Senate signature bills
Rep. Ron Paul's House signature bills
Sen. John McCain's Senate signature bills
Sen. Hillary Clinton's Senate signature bills

Congressional memberships 2012
Congressional memberships 2001-2011
112th Congress Committees
Congressional Caucuses
Congressional Group Ratings

Surveys: Collection of all surveys in one summary.
2012 Project Vote Smart
2012 Christian Coalition voter guide
2010 Christian Coalition voter guide
2010 voter guide
2010 Project Vote Smart
Contract From America
Contract With America

Reports & Letters:
Governmental Reports
Resolutions 2011
Letters 2011
Supreme Court Rulings
Supreme Court 2011:

2008 Presidential
2004 Presidential
2000 Presidential
2008 Issues
2004 Issues
2000 Issues

Senate Votes:
Through 2011
Through 2009
Through 2007
Through 2003

House Votes:
Through 2011


    This page contains bill sponsorships in the Senate and House. Bill sponsorships indicate the topics that legislators are most interested in, and spend the most time on.

11-HR140 on Jan 5, 2011

Bill Sponsorship: Birthright Citizenship Act
Source: H.R.140
Congressional Summary: Acknowledging the right of birthright citizenship established by section 1 of the 14th amendment to the Constitution, amends the Immigration and Nationality Act to consider a person born in the United States "subject to the jurisdiction" of the United States for citizenship at birth purposes if the person is born in the United States of parents, one of whom is:
  1. a U.S. citizen or national;
  2. a lawful permanent resident alien whose residence is in the United States; or
  3. an alien performing active service in the U.S. Armed Forces.

Constitutional Authority Statement: Congress has the power to enact this legislation pursuant to the following: Section 5 of the Amendment XIV to the Constitution and Section 8 of Article I of the Constitution.

OnTheIssues Explanation:The relevant part of this law is what is NOT in the list above: illegal aliens or undocumented workers. Those groups are this bill's target: it addresses the issue of "anchor babies," wherein non-citizen mothers cross the US border and give birth in the US and thereby establish citizenship for their newborn. If passed, this bill will likely face a Supreme Court challenge on its constitutionality, since the 14th Amendment defines citizens as "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States." That clause was written after the Civil War to establish citizenship for former slaves; this bill reinterprets that clause to mean that not everyone born in the US automatically becomes a citizen. The cited authorization of the 14th Amendment is "Section 5. The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article."

Also see the related House of Representatives bill 2013 H.R.140.
Updated to include 2017 version, H.R.140

    Participating counts on VoteMatch question 12. Question 12: Pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens Scores: -2=Strongly oppose; -1=Oppose; 0=neutral; 1=Support; 2=Strongly support.
  • Topic: Immigration
  • Headline: Redefine "birthright citizenship" to exclude illegal aliens (Score: -2)
  • Headline 2: Sponsored bill so "birthright citizenship" excludes illegals (Score: -2)

    Participating counts on AmericansElect question 4.
  • Headline: Redefine "birthright citizenship" to exclude illegal aliens (Answer: D)
  • Headline 2: Sponsored bill so "birthright citizenship" excludes illegals (Answer: D)
  • AmericansElect Quiz Question 4 on Immigration: When you think about illegal immigration, which of the following solutions come closest to your opinion?
    • A: All illegal immigrants should be able to stay in the US legally
    • B: Most illegal immigrants should be able to stay in the US, with some exceptions
    • C: Most illegal immigrants should be deported, with some exceptions
    • D: All illegal immigrants should be deported
    • E: Unsure

  • Key for participation codes:
  • Sponsorships: p=sponsored; o=co-sponsored; s=signed
  • Memberships: c=chair; m=member; e=endorsed; f=profiled; s=scored
  • Resolutions: i=introduced; w=wrote; a=adopted
  • Cases: w=wrote; j=joined; d=dissented; c=concurred
  • Surveys: '+' supports; '-' opposes.

Democrats participating in 11-HR140

Ralph Moody Hall s1oTexas Democrat until 2004; now GOP 

Republicans participating in 11-HR140

Brian Babin s1oTexas Republican House MemberJan 3, 2017
Roscoe Bartlett s1oMaryland Republican 
Brian Bilbray s1oCalifornia Republican 
Paul Broun s1oGA Republican Challenger 
Dan Burton s1oIndiana Republican (Retiring 2012) 
Ken Calvert s1oCalifornia Republican 
John Campbell s1oCalifornia Republican (retiring 2014) 
John Carter s1oTexas Republican 
Mike Coffman s1oColorado Republican 
Mike Conaway s1oTexas Republican 
John Culberson s1oTexas Republican 
Warren Davidson s1oOhio RepublicanJan 6, 2017
Blake Farenthold s1oTexas RepublicanJan 3, 2017
John Fleming s1oLA Republican Senate candidate 
Scott Garrett s1oNew Jersey Republican 
Phil Gingrey s1oGA Republican Challenger 
Louie Gohmert s1oTexas Republican 
Paul Gosar s1oArizona RepublicanJan 3, 2017
Duncan Hunter s1oCalifornia Republican (Retiring 2008) 
Sam Johnson s1oTexas Republican 
Walter Beaman Jones s1oNorth Carolina Republican 
Steve King s2iIowa Republican 
Jack Kingston s1oGA Republican Challenger 
Doug Lamborn s1oColorado Republican 
David McKinley s1oWest Virginia Republican 
Gary Miller s1oCalifornia Republican (retiring 2014) 
Bill Posey s1oFlorida Republican 
Dana Rohrabacher s1oCalifornia RepublicanJan 3, 2017
Dennis Ross s1oFlorida Republican 
Steve Scalise s1oLA Republican challenger 
Jean Schmidt s1oOhio Republican (Lost 2012 Primary) 
Lamar Smith s1oTexas RepublicanJan 3, 2017
Marlin Stutzman s1oIN Republican Senate candidate 
Allen West s1oFlorida Republican 
Lynn Westmoreland s1oGeorgia Republican 
Steve Womack s1oArkansas Republican 
Rob Woodall s1oGeorgia Republican 

Independents participating in 11-HR140

Total recorded by OnTheIssues:

Democrats: 1
Republicans: 37
Independents: 0

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