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Bill Sponsorships
Policy Reports
Memberships / Affiliations
Group Ratings
Court Rulings
Senate Surveys

Bill Sponsorships:
Congressional bills 2011-2012
Congressional bills 2009-2010
2008 Presidential Contenders' bills
Congressional bills 1998-2008
2010 Senate signature bills
2008 Senate signature bills
2008 Presidential signature bills
Pres. Barack Obama's Senate signature bills
V.P. Joe Biden's Senate signature bills
Rep. Ron Paul's House signature bills
Sen. John McCain's Senate signature bills
Sen. Hillary Clinton's Senate signature bills

Congressional memberships 2012
Congressional memberships 2001-2011
112th Congress Committees
Congressional Caucuses
Congressional Group Ratings

Surveys: Collection of all surveys in one summary.
2012 Project Vote Smart
2012 Christian Coalition voter guide
2010 Christian Coalition voter guide
2010 voter guide
2010 Project Vote Smart
Contract From America
Contract With America

Reports & Letters:
Governmental Reports
Resolutions 2011
Letters 2011
Supreme Court Rulings
Supreme Court 2011:

2008 Presidential
2004 Presidential
2000 Presidential
2008 Issues
2004 Issues
2000 Issues

Senate Votes:
Through 2011
Through 2009
Through 2007
Through 2003

House Votes:
Through 2011


    This page contains bill sponsorships in the Senate and House. Bill sponsorships indicate the topics that legislators are most interested in, and spend the most time on.

09-HJR1 on Jan 6, 2009

Source: Joint Resolution for Amendment to the Constitution
Constitutional Amendment to prohibit outlays for a fiscal year (except those for repayment of debt principal) from exceeding total receipts for that fiscal year (except those derived from borrowing) unless Congress, by a three-fifths rollcall vote of each chamber, authorizes a specific excess of outlays over receipts.
  • Requires a three-fifths rollcall vote of each chamber to increase the public debt limit.
  • Directs the President to submit a balanced budget to Congress annually.
  • Prohibits any bill to increase revenue from becoming law unless approved by a majority of each chamber by rollcall vote.
  • Authorizes waivers of these provisions when a declaration of war is in effect or under other specified circumstances involving military conflict.
  • Amendment to the Constitution shall be valid when ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several States within seven years after the date of its submission for ratification

  • Topic: Budget & Economy
  • Headline: Balanced Budget Amendment with 3/5 vote to override
  • Headline 2: Sponsored Balanced Budget Constitutional Amendment

  • Key for participation codes:
  • Sponsorships: p=sponsored; o=co-sponsored; s=signed
  • Memberships: c=chair; m=member; e=endorsed; f=profiled; s=scored
  • Resolutions: i=introduced; w=wrote; a=adopted
  • Cases: w=wrote; j=joined; d=dissented; c=concurred
  • Surveys: '+' supports; '-' opposes.

Democrats participating in 09-HJR1

Dan Boren s1sOklahoma Democrat (Retiring 2012)
Leonard Boswell s1sIowa Democrat
Bobby Bright s1sAlabama Democrat (Unseated 2010)
Travis Childers s1sMississippi Democrat (until 2010)
Jim Cooper s1sTennessee Democrat
Chet Edwards s1sTexas Democrat (until 2010)
Ralph Moody Hall s1sTexas Democrat
Cynthia Lummis s1sWyoming Democrat
Betsy Markey s1sColorado Former Democrat (until 2010)
Jim Marshall s1sGeorgia Former Democrat (until 2010)
Mike McIntyre s1sNorth Carolina Democrat
Harry Mitchell s1sArizona Former Democrat (until 2010)
Collin Peterson s1sMinnesota Democrat/Farmer/Labor
Gene Taylor s1sMississippi Democrat (until 2010)

Republicans participating in 09-HJR1

Robert Aderholt s1sAlabama Republican
Todd Akin s1sMissouri Republican (Senate run 2012)
Rodney Alexander s1sLouisiana Republican
Steve Austria s1sOhio Republican (Retiring 2012)
Michele Bachmann s1sMinnesota Republican
Spencer Bachus s1sAlabama Republican
Gresham Barrett s1sSouth Carolina Republican (until 2010)
Roscoe Bartlett s1sMaryland Republican
Joe Linus Barton s1sTexas Republican
Judy Biggert s1sIllinois Republican
Brian Bilbray s1sCalifornia Republican
Gus Bilirakis s1sFlorida Republican
Rob Bishop s1sUtah Republican
Marsha Blackburn s1sTennessee Republican
Roy Blunt s1sMissouri Republican (until 2010)
John Boehner s1sOhio Republican
Jo Bonner s1sAlabama Republican
John Boozman s1sAR Republican Jr Senator
Charles Boustany s1sLouisiana Republican
Kevin Brady s1sTexas Republican
Paul Broun s1sGeorgia Republican
Henry Brown s1sSouth Carolina Republican (until 2010)
Vern Buchanan s1sFlorida Republican
Michael Burgess s1sTexas Republican
Richard Burr s1sNC Republican Sr Senator; previously Representative
Dan Burton s1sIndiana Republican (Retiring 2012)
Steve Buyer s1sIndiana Republican (until 2010)
Ken Calvert s1sCalifornia Republican
Dave Camp s1sMichigan Republican
Eric Cantor s1sVirginia Republican
Shelley Moore Capito s1sWest Virginia Republican
John Carter s1sTexas Republican
Bill Cassidy s1sLouisiana Republican
Jason Chaffetz s1sUT Former Republican Challenger (2011)
Saxby Chambliss s1sGA Republican Sr Senator
John Howard Coble s1sNorth Carolina Republican
Tom Coburn s1sOK Republican Jr Senator; previously Representative
Mike Coffman s1sColorado Republican
Tom Cole s1sOklahoma Republican
Mike Conaway s1sTexas Republican
John Cornyn s1sTX Republican Jr Senator
Michael Crapo s1sID Republican Sr Senator
Ander Crenshaw s1sFlorida Republican
John Culberson s1sTexas Republican
Geoff Davis s1sKentucky Republican (Retiring 2012)
Nathan Deal s1sGA Republican Governor
Jim DeMint s2pSC Republican Jr Senator; previously Representative
Charles Dent s1sPennsylvania Republican
Mario Diaz-Balart s1sFlorida Republican
Charles Djou s1sHawaii Republican (until 2010)
Jimmy Duncan s1sTennessee Republican
Vernon Ehlers s1sMichigan Republican (until 2010)
Jo Ann Emerson s1sMissouri Republican
John Ensign s1sNV Republican Jr Senator
Michael Enzi s1sWY Republican Sr Senator
Mary Fallin s1sOK Republican Governor
Jeff Flake s1sArizona Republican (Senate run 2012)
John Fleming s1sLouisiana Republican
Randy Forbes s1sVirginia Republican
Jeff Fortenberry s1sNebraska Republican
Virginia Foxx s1sNorth Carolina Republican
Trent Franks s1sArizona Republican
Elton Gallegly s1sCalifornia Republican (Retiring 2012)
Scott Garrett s1sNew Jersey Republican
Jim Gerlach s1sPennsylvania Republican
Phil Gingrey s1sGeorgia Republican
Louie Gohmert s1sTexas Republican
Bob Goodlatte s2pVirginia Republican
Lindsey Graham s1sSC Republican Sr Senator
Kay Granger s1sTexas Republican
Samuel Graves s1sMissouri Republican
Tom Graves s1sGeorgia Republican
Gregg Harper s1sMississippi Republican
Doc Hastings s1sWashington Republican
Dean Heller s1sNevada Republican (Resigned 2011)
Jeb Hensarling s1sTexas Republican
Wally Herger s1sCalifornia Republican (Retiring 2012)
Peter Hoekstra s1sMI Republican Challenger
Duncan Hunter s1sCalifornia Republican (Retiring 2008)
Bob Inglis s1sSouth Carolina Republican (until 2010)
James Inhofe s1sOK Republican Sr Senator
Johnny Isakson s1sGA Republican Jr Senator; previously Representative
Sam Johnson s1sTexas Republican
Timothy Johnson s1sIllinois Republican
Walter Beaman Jones s1sNorth Carolina Republican
Jim Jordan s1sOhio Republican
Steve King s1sIowa Republican
Jack Kingston s1sGeorgia Republican
John Kline s1sMinnesota Republican
Jon Kyl s1sAZ Republican Jr Senator (Retiring)
Doug Lamborn s1sColorado Republican
Leonard Lance s1sNew Jersey Republican
Tom Latham s1sIowa Republican
Steven LaTourette s1sOhio Republican
Bob Latta s1sOhio Republican
Chris Lee s1sNew York Republican (Resigned 2011)
George Lemieux s1sFL Republican Challenger
Frank LoBiondo s1sNew Jersey Republican
Frank Dean Lucas s1sOklahoma Republican
Blaine Luetkemeyer s1sMissouri Republican
Dan Lungren s1sCalifornia Republican
Connie Mack s1sFL Former Republican Senator (until 2000)
Donald Manzullo s1sIllinois Republican
Kenny Marchant s1sTexas Republican
John McCain s1sAZ Republican Sr Senator
Kevin McCarthy s1sCalifornia Republican
Michael McCaul s1sTexas Republican
Tom McClintock s1sCA03 Former Republican Challenger (2003)
Thad McCotter s1sMichigan Republican
Patrick McHenry s1sNorth Carolina Republican
John McHugh s1sNew York Republican/Conservative
Buck McKeon s1sCalifornia Republican
Cathy McMorris-Rodgers s1sWashington Republican
John Mica s1sFlorida Republican
Candice Miller s1sMichigan Republican
Gary Miller s1sCalifornia Republican
Jeff Miller s1sFlorida Republican
Jerry Moran s1sKansas Republican (until 2010)
Tim Murphy s1sPennsylvania Republican
Sue Myrick s1sNorth Carolina Republican
Randy Neugebauer s1sTexas Republican
Pete Olson s1sTexas Republican
Erik Paulsen s1sMinnesota Republican
Mike Pence s1sIndiana Republican (Gov. run 2012)
Joseph Pitts s1sPennsylvania Republican
Todd Platts s1sPennsylvania Republican (Retiring 2012)
Ted Poe s1sTexas Republican
Bill Posey s1sFlorida Republican
Tom Price s1sGeorgia Republican
Dennis Rehberg s1sMontana Republican (Senate run 2012)
Hal Rogers s1sKentucky Republican
Dana Rohrabacher s1sCalifornia Republican
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen s1sFlorida Republican
Peter Roskam s1sIllinois Republican
Ed Royce s1sCalifornia Republican
Paul Ryan s1sWisconsin Republican
Steve Scalise s1sLA Republican challenger
Jean Schmidt s1sOhio Republican
Aaron Schock s1sIllinois Republican
James Sensenbrenner s1sWisconsin Republican
Jeff Sessions s1sAL Republican Sr Senator
Pete Sessions s1sTexas Republican
John Shadegg s1sArizona Republican
John Shimkus s1sIllinois Republican
Bill Shuster s1sPennsylvania Republican
Mike Simpson s1sIdaho Republican
Adrian Smith s1sNebraska Republican
Christopher Smith s1sNew Jersey Republican
Lamar Smith s1sTexas Republican
Cliff Stearns s1sFlorida Republican
John Sullivan s1sOklahoma Republican
Lee Terry s1sNebraska Republican
Glenn Thompson s1sPennsylvania Republican
Mac Thornberry s1sTexas Republican
Todd Tiahrt s1sKansas Republican (until 2010)
Mike Turner s1sOhio Republican
Fred Upton s1sMichigan Republican
David Vitter s1sLA Republican Jr Senator; previously Representative
Greg Walden s1sOregon Republican
Zach Wamp s1sTennessee Republican (until 2010)
Lynn Westmoreland s1sGeorgia Republican
Ed Whitfield s1sKentucky Republican
Joe Wilson s1sSouth Carolina Republican
Robert Wittman s1sVirginia Republican
Frank Wolf s1sVirginia Republican
Bill Young s1sFlorida Republican
Don Young s1sAlaska Republican

Independents participating in 09-HJR1

Ginny Brown-Waite s1sFlorida Former GOP (until 2010)
Michael Castle s1sDE 2010 Senate Challenger (lost GOP primary); currently US Rep.
Brad Ellsworth s1sIN 2010 Democratic Challenger
Parker Griffith s1sAlabama Former GOP (until 2010)
Darrell Issa s1sCA03 Former Initiator of Gubernatorial Recall (2003)
John Linder s1sGeorgia Former GOP (until 2010)
Adam Putnam s1sFlorida Former GOP (until 2010)
George Radanovich s1sCalifornia Former GOP (until 2010)

Total recorded by OnTheIssues:

Democrats: 14
Republicans: 167
Independents: 8

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