GOP's 2013 government shutdown caused S.D. suffering
As a child, when I behaved badly, my Mom would admonish me not to be a "dog in the manger". She related the fable in which the dog, who could not eat the oats in the manger, nonetheless lay in the manger to prevent the horse from eating. With his dogged
steadfast refusal to let the horse eat, both the dog & the horse starved to death.
Mom's admonition not to be a "dog in the manger" is especially relevant today. John Thune's party, with his participation, engages in classic dog-in-the-manger behavior.
In 2013, John Thune's party was responsible for shutting down the Federal Government in an attempt to repeal the Affordable Care Act. John Thune participated in this government shutdown while farmers and ranchers in western South Dakota were
suffering from the effects of an historic blizzard and were in need of the government's help.
Thune and his Republican Senate cohorts refuse to even hold hearings on the President's Supreme Court nominee, thus leaving the court short handed.
John Thune has spent the past twelve years raising millions of dollars for his campaign, but Jay hasn't had that chance. Jay has spent his time working hard for the people of South Dakota.
Instead of building a war chest for himself, Jay has brought millions of dollars into the South Dakota economy with his small business.
Campaign spending is out of control, but this is South Dakota's chance to prove what really matters.
When Jay gets to Washington, he'll fight for a campaign finance system that doesn't favor Washington insiders and that limits the influence of corporate and ultra-wealthy contributers.