America is made great by having government establish the legal conditions that enable private citizens to start, build, run, and frequent their own enterprises--not by having government orchestrate life. What does this mean?
Churches, charities,
civil associations--these are the lifeblood of society and the chief protection against the extremes of isolated individualism and all-encompassing statism.
Government should focus on promoting the conditions in which individuals, families, and local
communities can pursue happiness and thrive, not on creating the communities, guaranteeing happiness, or equalizing outcomes.
Government does not exist to solve every problem, could not do so if it tried, and often undermines freedom even when it
succeeds--and thus should tread lightly in domestic and economic matters.
Nothing can match the creativity and responsiveness of the private sector, and products and services do not become more efficient by being more heavily regulated.
Asked why he wants to run for the Senate, Sasse has an answer at the ready that makes him sound almost like a politician. "We need to tell the truth about entitlements and figure out how you create an opportunity society that has citizens, neighbors,
communities, businesses building the future , as opposed to the dependency-expansion culture we're living through in Washington right now," he says.
"The greatness of America is the greatness of the American people," he continues, "not the greatness of centralized bureaucracies in Washington, D.C. Why is Washington, D.C., a boomtown when the rest of the country has economic despair?
Why are housing prices going up in D.C. when everywhere else in the world they've had a horrible five years? The federal government ain't feeling the pain. They just keep on growing."
Sasse opposes the AFA survey question on reparations for slavery
The AFA inferred whether candidates agree or disagree with the statement, 'Reparations should be given to people on the basis of race'?
Self-description: (American Family Association helps produce iVoterGuides): "Grounded in God; rooted in research"; they "thoroughly investigate candidates"; when they cannot "evaluate with confidence, they receive an 'Insufficient' rating" (& we exclude)