Launch $800M program for fast, affordable internet access
This is the year we finish connecting over 70,000 households and businesses completing $320 million in Next Level Broadband investment, and that's before we launch an even larger,
$800 million federally backed program for every Hoosier who still lacks fast, affordable internet access.
Source: 2024 State of the State Address to Indiana legislature
, Jan 9, 2024
Require Computer Science to graduate from high school
We must improve policies around 3rd grade reading to make sure that every child master's this essential skill. We must prepare our students for a digitally driven world by requiring Computer Science to graduate from high school.
We must work with our public universities to make college more accessible by creating more three-year and associate degree options.
Source: 2024 State of the State Address to Indiana legislature
, Jan 9, 2024
We're investing in infrastructure in all 92 counties
It's been said that investment is the strongest sign of a promising future. Well, investment loves Indiana, and we have a race plan in place to help all 92 counties reach their Next Level aspirations. That includes finishing I-69 next year, connecting
Evansville to Indianapolis three years ahead of schedule, double-tracking the South Shore rail line in northwest Indiana, and connecting homes, and schools, and businesses via broadband internet--even on our most remote terrain.
Source: 2023 State of the State Address to the Indiana legislature
, Jan 10, 2023
Forbes calls state national model for boosting broadband
To fortify our information highways, we've made the largest investment in broadband in our state's history. Since the Next Level Connections program was announced in 2018, we've allocated $350 million to provide everyone, wherever they live in Indiana,
with access to affordable, quality broadband and the limitless opportunity it affords. This most recent round saw more than $600 million in requests from nearly every county in the state. It's no surprise that Forbes calls us a national model.
Source: 2022 State of the State Address to the Indiana legislature
, Jan 11, 2022
Additional $100 million to boost broadband connectivity
We've distributed $61 million to K-12 schools and higher education institutions to improve remote learning during the pandemic.
But connectivity is just as essential for workers, entrepreneurs, and farmers.
Our Next Level Broadband program to date will provide access to more than 21,000 homes and businesses, including health clinics, fire departments and police stations.
The additional $100 million I'm requesting will enable us to continue making progress, bringing improved speed to all corners of our state for all Hoosiers.
High-tech is key to unlocking 21st century economy
Because we've created one of the best business climates in the country, we've become national leaders in business growth. Businesses and jobs that a dozen years ago were going to Austin or Boston or the Silicon Valley are now coming to Indiana. Because
we saw that innovation and high-tech were keys to unlocking the 21st century economy, we aggressively pursued them. And today, those investments have ignited new high-tech jobs all across our state.
Businesses from around the world are coming to
Indiana now because our costs of living and doing business are low and the quality of our workforce is high. This is great news for Hoosier workers. But we know the world will not stand still, and those who don't keep up will be left behind.
For all our growing strength in high tech too many Hoosier businesses are having trouble finding the skilled workers they need to grow--not just potential scientists and engineers but also coders, machinists, mechanics and welders.
Invest a little more to keep the Crossroads of America
My second pillar [for economic growth] is a sustainable plan to fund our roads and bridges for the next 20 years. We're able to drive the goods we produce and grow to 80% of the nation's population within 24 hours. For Indiana, The Crossroads of America
is more than a motto. It's a mission.
I will work with you to establish a plan that preserves what we have, finishes commitments we have made, and invests in the new projects for the future that ensures Indiana remains The Crossroads of America.
These include projects in every quadrant of our state: upgrades of US 30 from Ft. Wayne to Valparaiso, and 31 to South Bend, additional lanes on I-70 and I-65, and completing I-69 from Evansville to Ft. Wayne.
The fact is, existing sources of revenue
are just not keeping up. If we ask Hoosiers to invest a little more, to meet the need, the return is going to be well worth it--for them, for our communities, and for our economy.