Trump tax cuts having a positive impact across the country
Q: Support administration's $1.9 trillion (2017) tax cuts?
Perdue: Yes. "The tax cuts passed by the
U.S. Senate are already having a positive impact across the country."
Ossoff: No. "We borrow trillions to cut taxes for the wealthy & powerful."
Source: CampusElect on 2020 Georgia Senate race
, Nov 3, 2020
Cut spending AND increase revenue
In a conversation with the Macon Telegraph's editorial board, the multi-millionaire businessman did not offer the categorical refusal to raise taxes that is now customary among Republican candidates. "Is it better to try to get out of the ditch by
curbing the growth of spending or increasing revenue?" an editorial board member asked.
"Both," Perdue replied emphatically.
"And that's a euphemism for some kind of tax increase?" the interviewer noted.
Perdue laughed and explained, "Well here's
the reality: If you go into a business--I was never able to turn around a company just by cutting spending. You had to figure out a way to get revenue growing. There are five people in the US Senate who understand what I just said. You know revenue is
not something they think about."
Perdue's spokesman claimed Perdue was only broadly talking about growing the economy. "David was stating a simple economic principle: If the economy is growing and more people were working, it generates more revenue."
No tax increase of any kind; overhaul the tax code
In the midst of a terrible economy, this would be the worst possible time to raise taxes on anyone. Too many families and too many businesses are struggling to get by. I will not support a tax increase of any kind.
Furthermore, the federal tax code is too complicated and misaligned. It should be completely overhauled as a means to promote growth and encourage more domestic economic investment.
Replace income tax & estate tax with 23% sales tax.
Perdue co-sponsored Fair Tax Act of 2011
Congress finds the Federal income tax--
retards economic growth and has reduced the standard of living
impedes the international competitiveness of US industry
reduces savings and investment by taxing income multiple times
slows the capital formation necessary for real wages to steadily increase
lowers productivity
imposes unacceptable and unnecessary administrative and compliance costs
is unfair and inequitable
unnecessarily intrudes upon the privacy and civil rights of US citizens
impedes upward social mobility.
Findings Relating to National Sales Tax- Congress finds further that a broad-based national sales tax on goods and services purchased for final consumption--
is similar in many respects to the sales and use taxes in place in 45 of the 50 States
will promote savings and investment
will promote fairness
will promote economic growth
will raise the standard of living
will increase investment
will enhance productivity and international competitiveness
will reduce administrative burdens on the American taxpayer
will improve upward social mobility; and
will respect the privacy interests and civil rights of taxpayers.
Subtitle A of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (relating to income taxes and self-employment taxes) is repealed.
Subtitle C of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (relating to payroll taxes and withholding of income taxes) is repealed.
Funding of Social Security Trust Funds [will be] from general revenue
Subtitle B of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (relating to estate and gift taxes) is repealed.
IMPOSITION OF SALES TAX: There is hereby imposed a tax on the use or consumption in the US of taxable property or services.
In the calendar year 2013, the rate of tax is 23% of the gross payments for the taxable property or service.
Congressional Summary: This bill imposes a national sales tax in lieu of the current income and corporate income tax, employment taxes, and estate and gift taxes. The rate of the sales tax will be 23% in 2017, with adjustments in subsequent years. U.S. residents receive a monthly sales tax rebate (Family Consumption Allowance) based upon family size and poverty guidelines. No funding is allowed for the operations of the Internal Revenue Service after FY2019. Finally, the FairTax terminates if the 16th Amendment to the Constitution (authorizing an income tax) is not repealed within 7 years.
Supporters reasons for voting YEA: Rep. MORAN: I am all on board on tax reform, but the best solution is not tinkering with the current system; it is an overhaul of the current Tax Code. The FairTax, in my view, brings two goals front and center: to pass on to the next generation of Americans the freedoms and liberties guaranteed by our Constitution, and the
opportunity for every American to live the American dream.
Opponents reasons for voting NAY: (by
Criticisms from The Left
The FairTax rate is really 30%, not the 23% proponents say.
It's an additional national sales tax.
It's really just a windfall tax cut for the rich.
A sales tax is regressive, and punishes the poor unfairly.
It's just a scheme to let corporations escape paying taxes.
Criticisms from The Right:
The FairTax does nothing to cut government spending.
The 23% rate is too high.
It 's the largest welfare increase in history [via the Family Consumption Allowance]
General criticisms
The FairTax will negatively impact the housing market [by removing the mortgage deduction].
Black market activity will increase.
The IRS won't really be abolished.
The Flat (Income) Tax is a better option.
It will be a nightmare to transition to The FairTax from an Income Tax.
Source: FairTax Act sponsored by 6 Senators and 64 Reps 15_S155 on Jan 13, 2015
Perdue supports the Christian Coalition survey question on tax cuts
The Christian Coalition inferred whether candidates agree or disagree with the statement, 'Make Federal Income Tax Cuts Permanent ?'
Self-description by Christian Coalition of America: "These guides help give voters a clear understanding of where candidates stand on important pro-family issues" for all Senate and Presidential candidates.
Perdue opposes the PVS survey question on tax increases to balance the budget
Project Vote Smart inferred whether candidates agree or disagree with the statement, 'Budget: In order to balance the budget, do you support an income tax increase on any tax bracket?'
PVS self-description: "The Political Courage Test provides voters with positions on key issues. Historically, candidates have failed to complete our test due to the advice they receive from their advisors and out of fear of negative attack ads."