Our economy has just had a heart attack, and without a full recovery it will not have the strength to carry us where we need to go. Full recovery requires both an extensive exam and a health-wise strategy to repair our economic ills and help our country
grow toward a sustainable economic livelihood.
We simply do not need any more witch doctor ideologues who, instead of using an informed diagnosis, chant slogans trying to invoke the spirits of free markets, economic stimulus, & government rightsizing.
Modern medicine is not simple, and neither is our economy.
Right now, we have an opportunity to set the country's direction for strong and sustainable growth over the next few decades. For the most part,
our economy has indeed carried on in spite of the actions of government and powerful interests. After decades of charlatan medicine, now is precisely the time for an independent diagnosis.
Source: Skarin article on Independent Voter Network
, Feb 26, 2014
Top priority: national debt; fiscal conservative
Skarin changed his voter status to unenrolled years ago, and in the last election for governor voted for Republican Gabriel Gomez as a sort of protest against the state Democratic Party establishment, even though he said he probably agreed more with
Markey's positions.
As far as political positions go, Skarin sometimes sounds like a conventional liberal, and sometimes like a fiscal conservative. Combatting global climate change and the national debt are Mr. Skarin's top priorities.
Source: Worcester Telegram on 2014 Massachusetts Senate race
, Feb 14, 2014