Q: What's your opinion of the statement, "EPA regulations are too restrictive"?
A: First, Congress has done a horrible job of keeping up with current technologies. Many laws are terribly out of date. First thing: update the laws.
Second, there needs to be a balance between research and innovation and EPA regulation. Due in part to Congress' failure to keep current, the balance has gone way too far towards regulation.
Third, millions of
Americans are crushed by these regulations. We need to balance the economic impact on the hard working women and men of this country against the benefit of the regulation.
Ensure enough water via recycling, storage & desalinization
Fix the Water Crisis: California has two natural threats: earthquakes and droughts. We can't stop earthquakes and droughts.
Through increased recycling, storage and desalinization, we can ensure we have enough water.
Source: 2016 Senate campaign website, SundheimForSenate.com
, Oct 9, 2015