No rioters came to Houston because of Second Amendment
When we saw riots all across the country, I remember there were reports that riots were going to come into. Mostly peaceful, fiery, but mostly peaceful. There were reports, riots were going to come into the suburbs. I got to tell you, in Houston, where
I live, there weren't any rioters. Because, let's be very clear, if there had been, they would discover what the state of Texas thinks about the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.
Source: Remarks by Senator Cruz at 2021 CPAC Conference
, Feb 26, 2021
Jurisdictions with strict gun control have high crime rates
Virtually all the Democrat proposals were directed at restricting the constitutional rights of law-abiding citizens. That may be a political objective for the Democrats, but it is singularly ineffective for reducing violent crimes.
If you look at the data, virtually all the jurisdictions with the strictest gun control law have the highest crime rates and murder rates.
Conversely, the jurisdictions with the mildest gun control laws have among the lowest crime rates and murder rates. Many rural states such as Montana, Idaho, New Mexico, North Dakota, and
West Virginia have among the highest gun ownership rates and the lowest murder and manslaughter rates, according to recent data.
Source: 2018 Issue Guide on Texas Senate race
, Oct 9, 2018
Purpose of Second Amendment is protection against tyranny
[Former Congressman and radio talk-show host] Joe Walsh took to Twitter [prior to the 2016 election] to announce his post-election day plans. "On November 9th," he wrote, "if Trump loses, I'm grabbing my musket. You in?"
It may be tempting to write
off Walsh's latest proclamation. But this sentiment--that a Donald Trump loss might justify the violent overthrow of a Hillary Clinton administration--is a longtime GOP talking point. The NRA has longed peddled the "insurrectionist" theory of the Second
Amendment, arguing that the right to bear arms was intended to protect citizens against a tyrannical ruler.
This insurrectionist theory has gained a foothold in the Republican Party. During his campaign for the presidential nomination, Texas
Republican Ted Cruz asserted that the Second Amendment provides "a Constitutional right to protect your children, your family, your home, our lives, and to serve as the ultimate check against governmental tyranny--for the protection of liberty."
Lack of individual right to guns leads to confiscation
The court could rule that not a single person in this room has any right under the Second Amendment and the government could confiscate your guns. In any Republican primary, everyone is going to say they support the Second Amendment.
But the voters are savvier than that. They recognize that people's actions don't always match their words. I've got a proven record fighting to defend the Second Amendment.
Source: Fox Business Republican 2-tier debate
, Jan 14, 2016
Obama is coming for our guns
Friend, I own guns. I'm planning on keeping them.But there's a problem: Obama is coming for our guns. You see: Obama's aides have alerted the press that if Congress won't cooperate--
Obama will use executive actions to, "keep guns out of the hands of criminals and others who shouldn't have access to them," it reads. By "others who shouldn't have...them," Obama means you and me.
Source: Washington Post 2015 coverage of 2016 presidential hopefuls
, Oct 16, 2015
Enforce gun laws on dangerously mentally ill
On December 14, 2012, a lone gunman walked into Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, and opened fire on classrooms of little children.
He murdered twenty children and six adults. It was the deadliest shooting at school in American history.
The president could have come out and pressed for stronger law enforcement efforts targeting violent criminals and dangerous individuals with significant mental illnesses. Had he done so, the effort would have been met with
bipartisan agreement and swift action in Congress. Instead, the president decided to use this tragedy as an excuse to further his long-standing goals of restricting the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens.
The first "assault weapons" ban was passed in the 1990s. It was one of the least effective pieces of legislation Congress has ever passed. After that legislation expired in 2004, the Department of Justice studied its effect & concluded it had precisely
ZERO impact on preventing violent crime.
I recall in the middle of the debate, my wife asked quite innocently, "Should people really be carrying machine guns everywhere they go?" She was surprised when I told her that fully automatic weapons have
been effectively illegal for general possession since 1934.
With a confused look, she then asked, "Well, what is an assault weapon then?" I replied that the most accurate definition of an assault weapon under the Democrats' legislation is "any gun
that looks scary." The definition has nothing to do with the firing capacity of the weapon. It has nothing to do with the lethality of the weapon. It simply has to do with whether the gun looks like the sort of weapon our soldiers carry into battle.
Criminals like nothing better than unarmed victims
It's also worth noting that gun control laws are notoriously ineffective. Facts matter, and cities with the strictest gun control regularly have among the highest murder rates. Thus, D.C. and Chicago have for decades had horrendous crime rates, even
though both have been at the extreme vanguard of taking away their residents' gun rights. In contrast, Texas cities like Dallas and Houston and
El Paso--where citizens are often armed and able to protect themselves--have murder rates that are a fraction of Chicago's and Washington's.
Similarly, Australia recently followed the path of President Obama and the Democrats, responding to a
terrible shooting by banning handguns altogether. The results have been disturbing. Since banning handguns, sexual assaults and rapes in Australia have skyrocketed, because there are a few things a criminal likes better than an unarmed victim.
2nd Amendment is ultimate check against government tyranny
"The Second Amendment to the Constitution isn't for just protecting hunting rights, and it's not only to safeguard your right to target practice," Cruz has said, per the
New York Times. "It is a Constitutional right to protect your children, your family, your home, our lives, and to serve as the ultimate check against governmental tyranny--for the protection of liberty."
[Other Republicans assert similar sentiments]: Rick Santorum has said, "The Second Amendment is there to protect the First Amendment!"
Rand Paul is an ardent defender of the Second Amendment. Rick Perry is an NRA supporter and Second Amendment advocate
Sybrina Fulton, the mother of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, who was shot and killed by George Zimmerman in Florida in early 2012 when Martin was walking through Zimmerman's neighborhood, later appeared on
Capitol Hill for a hearing on the controversial "Stand Your Ground" laws.
When it came time for Senator Cruz to speak, he began by offering his condolences for the Fulton family's loss, but then moved on to defend the trial-by-jury process that found Zimmerman not guilty of murder.
Cruz concluded his argument by stating, "The notion that Stand Your Ground laws are some form of veiled racism may be a convenient political attack but it is not borne out by the facts remotely."
Served as lawyer for the National Rifle Association
In the late 1990s, after his clerkships, Cruz came at crossroads in his law career. He turned down an offer from a big firm with a big signing bonus to join a boutique firm then known as Cooper & Carvin, in Washington.
The firm was nine
months old and had only six lawyers. Cruz was the first new associate the partners recruited. Cooper has long been the outside counsel to the National Rifle Association, and, he recalled, "Ted was basically my lieutenant on all N.R.A. matters."
Source: Cruzing to the White House, by Mario Broes, p. 41
, Mar 7, 2014
Prosecute felons who try to illegally purchase guns
Here are three facts that Obama does not want to address:
The Obama administration has not made it a priority to prosecute felons and fugitives who try to illegally purchase guns. Indeed, in 2010, 48,321 fugitives and felons tried to illegally
purchase firearms. The Obama administration prosecuted just 44. Forty-four out of 48,321.
Under Obama, gun crime prosecutions hit a decade low in 2011--down 30% from their record high in 2004.
Obama's budgets have slashed funding for school safety.
If the objective were to stop violent gun crime, the approach would be to target felons, gun-crime prosecution and school safety.
And that's exactly what the Grassley-Cruz bill would have done. It allocated $50 million to create a task force to
prosecute felons and fugitives trying to illegally purchase guns; it provided $45 million to increase gun-crime prosecution in the 15 most dangerous US cities; and it restored $300 million in school-safety funding that the Obama budget had cut.
Source: Houston Chronicle op-ed by Sen. Ted Cruz
, May 7, 2013
Target violent criminals with serious mental illnesses
There are two basic approaches to gun legislation: We can target violent criminals and those with serious mental illnesses or we can restrict the rights of law-abiding citizens. Obama and Sen. Harry Reid favor the latter. But the former is what actually
The Grassley-Cruz legislation had the most bipartisan support of all the gun proposals. But the Democrats, led by Reid, filibustered and killed the bill. Why? They wanted instead to pass legislation that would extend the background check system
to private sales. Their bill would not have allocated one penny to prosecuting felons, fugitives or gun crimes. And gun registration has historically been the predicate for gun confiscation.
Americans are understandably reluctant to take any steps down
a path toward a federal gun registry. Instead, we should protect the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms for law-abiding citizens. And we should do what works: targeting felons, fugitives and gun crime and improving school safety.
Source: Houston Chronicle op-ed by Sen. Ted Cruz
, May 7, 2013
Opposes unreasonable and burdensome gun restrictions
Ted Cruz has led the way in defense of our right to keep and bear arms.
Authored a brief on behalf of 31 states supporting the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms
Argued against unreasonable and burdensome gun restrictions
Honored by a 2008 resolution passed by the National Board of the NRA, thanking Ted for leading the States before the Supreme Court in the DC gun case, and noting that his "efforts made this victory for the American people possible."
Cruz opposes the CC Voters Guide question on the Second Amendment
Christian Coalition publishes a number of special voter educational materials including the Christian Coalition Voter Guides, which provide voters with critical information about where candidates stand on important faith and family issues.
The Christian Coalition Voters Guide summarizes candidate stances on the following topic: "Further restrictions on the right to keep and bear arms"
Source: Christian Coalition Voter Guide 12-CC-q10 on Oct 31, 2012
Oppose the United Nations' Arms Trade Treaty.
Cruz signed Letter to Pres. Obama from 50 Senators
Dear President Obama:
We write to express our concern and regret at your decision to sign the United Nations` Arms Trade Treaty. For the following reasons, we cannot give our advice and consent to this treaty:
The treaty violates a 2009 red line laid down by your own administration: `the rule of consensus decision-making.` In April 2013, after the treaty failed to achieve consensus, it was adopted by majority vote in the UN General Assembly.
The treaty allows amendments by a 3/4 majority vote. When amended, it will become a source of political and legal pressure on the US to comply in practice with amendments it was unwilling to accept.
The treaty includes only a weak, non-binding reference to the lawful ownership and use of firearms, and recognizes none of these activities, much less individual self-defense, as fundamental individual rights. It encourages governments to collect the identities of individual end users of imported firearms at the national level,
which would constitute the core of a national gun registry
The State Department has acknowledged that the treaty is `ambiguous.` By becoming party to the treaty, the US would therefore be accepting commitments that are inherently unclear.
The criteria at the heart of the treaty are vague and easily politicized. They will steadily subject the US to the influence of internationally-defined norms, a process that would impinge on our national sovereignty.
The treaty criteria as established could hinder the US in fulfilling its strategic, legal, and moral commitments to provide arms to key allies such as Taiwan and Israel.
We urge you to notify the treaty depository that the US does not intend to ratify the Arms Trade Treaty, and is therefore not bound by its obligations. As members of the Senate, we pledge to oppose the ratification of this treaty, and we give notice that we do not regard the US as bound to uphold its object and purpose.
Source: Letter to Obama from 50 Senators 13-UNATT on Sep 25, 2013
Reciprocity across state lines for concealed carry.
Cruz signed Press release on bill S.446 sponsored by 40 Senators
Press release in support: Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-MS) cosponsored legislation to allow law-abiding citizens with concealed carry privileges to take firearms across state lines. Hyde-Smith has added her support to the Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act (S.446), which would allow qualified individuals to carry a concealed handgun into another state in accordance with that state`s laws. Concealed carry permits are not transferrable between states under current law.
`For law-abiding gun owners with concealed carry permits, this legislation would affirm their ability to exercise their Second Amendment rights in other states with right-to-carry laws,` Hyde-Smith said. `This is sensible legislation that recognizes states` authority to issue firearms licenses and permits, while supporting the rights of gun owners.`
Boston Globe Op-Ed (12/14/17) in opposition, by Mayor Marty Walsh:
We`re grateful for the common-sense laws that help us do our jobs. We will fight any national policy that threatens to send us backward. That includes a bill called the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act. It would force each state to recognize the concealed-carry standards of every other state, even those with dramatically weaker standards for who can get their hands on a gun. Given that the gun lobby has blocked the creation of a national database, it would be extremely difficult for local police to determine whether those out-of-state permits were even legitimate. Law enforcement all over the country strongly opposes this legislation.
If the US Senate passes Concealed Carry Reciprocity, people from other states who have criminal histories, who would never pass a background check in Massachusetts, would be able to carry a loaded, concealed gun into our neighborhoods. We know this is a bad idea. Our police officers, our neighbors, and the responsible gun owners of Boston agree.
Source: Press release on bill S.446 sponsored by 40 Senators 18LTR-CCCR on Apr 26, 2018