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State of California secondary Archives: on Tax Reform

Carly Fiorina: Tax burden is already too high

Q: What would you say to increasing the tax burden?

FIORINA: The tax burden is already too high. The tax burden must be cut, must be lowered. That is the only way we can get our economy growing again by creating jobs, and that means cutting taxes and w must actually cut federal spending. Now, once again, this is an area where Tom Campbell and I apparently disagree fundamentally. In 1989, when he was a congressman, he proposed a gas tax increase in congress. In 1997, he was the only Republican to vote against tax cuts. Last year, he proposed a $16 billion tax increase for California. He has said that he wants to increase the gasoline tax by 32 cents a gallon to close the California budget deficit. We already have the highest gas tax in the nation at 65 cents.

CAMPBELL: That's absolute inaccurate. The NTU in the 102nd Congress rated me #1 most fiscally responsible based on the amount of net cuts that I co-sponsored. I have never proposed that taxes be increased to close the federal budget.

Source: Hogue News 1380 KTKZ coverage of 2010 CA Senate debate Mar 7, 2010

Carly Fiorina: I will vote against every tax increase; cut waste instead

FIORINA: Tom Campbell, I will ask you again, why will you not sign the taxpayer protection pledge?

CAMPBELL: The reason is clear because, for example, suppose there is another airline crisis involving security and in order to beef up security we need to put a tax on airline tickets. Are you going to vote no if that money? Would you vote no on a special tax on airline tickets to beef up security on airlines?

FIORINA: I would, yes, and the reason I would vote no is because there is absolutely no reason that our federal government, which is now $12.5 trillion in debt, cannot trim spending from the waste bloat that sits in the federal government bureaucracy to deal with its most important priority, which is to protect the men and women of this country.

Q: Concluding remarks?

FIORINA: I will fight for every job; I will vote against every tax increase; I will champion reduced regulation, lower taxes and lower government spending. We must take our government back and make it work.

Source: Hogue News 1380 KTKZ coverage of 2010 CA Senate debate Mar 7, 2010

David Hadley: Oppose sales and income tax hikes in Proposition 30

The recipient of an "A" grade by the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association for his outstanding legislative record, David Hadley will fight any attempt to gut the 1978 Prop. 13 property tax savings law because it not only helps homeowners, but also those who pay rent.

A fiscal conservative, David Hadley has voted against raising our taxes and he opposed the sales and income tax hikes contained in Proposition 30. He's against the crony capitalists who receive subsidies, tax credits and carbon offsets at the expense of hard-working families.

And, it's no surprise David Hadley voted for an earned income tax credit for the working poor, supported a program that helps taxpayers who are overcharged by the Franchise Tax Board and voted against allowing local governments to raise the cap on sales tax hikes.

Source: 2018 CA gubernatorial campaign website May 2, 2017

Elizabeth Emken: Protect the social safety net and entitlement programs

It is the job of Congress to provide this oversight and scale back agencies that do not provide appropriate return on our massive taxpayer investment.

Congress must make the distinction on priority spending in government, work within a budget, and stop spending now the future taxes our children have yet to earn and pay. I will insist on Congressional oversight of bureaucratic spending and a renewed focus on results. The immediate answer is to reduce spending and regulatory burdens. There is no agency that cannot be reduced in some form. At the same time, economic growth is imperative. We cannot pay this debt down without robust growth that produces more revenue.

Source: Sacramento Bee Voter Guide: 2012 CA Senate debate May 31, 2012

Gavin Newsom: Repealed taxes on diapers, menstrual products

While Newsom has made a habit of talking about mothers, teachers and nurses in many of his public remarks--he's also touted repealing taxes on diapers and menstrual products-- the GOP candidates seemed to avoid explicit attempts to win over female voters.
Source: Cal Matters on 2021 CA recall race Aug 5, 2021

Herman Cain: 9-9-9 economic plan: 9% income tax + 9% sales tax

Here's how I would fix this economy, first, eliminate the current tax code. It is a drain on entrepreneurs, it is the biggest barrier that's holding this economy back, and what I would do is to propose a bold plan.

I call it my 9-9-9 economic growth plan. Throw out the current tax code, a 9% tax on corporate income, a 9% tax on personal income and a 9% national sales tax. If 10% is good enough for God, 9% ought to be good enough for the federal government. This will replace all federal income taxes. It'll replace all federal income taxes.

It will also replace the payroll tax, so everybody gets some skin in the game. And it replaces the capital gains tax.

This economy is on life support. We do not need a solution that just trims around the edges. This is a bold plan and a bold solution. Additionally, with something as simple as 9-9-9, it gives us a easy mechanism to help those cities that are the most blighted in terms of empowerment zones.

Source: 2011 GOP debate in Simi Valley CA at the Reagan Library Sep 7, 2011

Jay Obernolte: Failed notion that high taxes & big government improve life

Facebook posting: "A great piece about how California's high cost of living (taxes, regulations etc) is resulting in higher rates of poverty. I've fought against the failed notion that high taxes and big government would improve our quality of life and plan to continue that fight in Washington."

From campaign website "Californians pay some of the highest taxes in the nation and our government wastes much of that money. Jay will fight taxes and hold government accountable."

From campaign website "In Congress, he will continue to hold government accountable and work to keep taxes low."

Source: Facebook posting on 2020 CA PVS Political Courage Test Nov 3, 2020

John Chiang: No gimmicks to balance budget on backs of taxpayers

John Chiang has adamantly opposed balancing the state budget with one-time gimmicks accounting tricks and massive borrowing. He stood up to the Governor and the legislature and opposed the efforts to balance the budget on the backs of those who can least afford it. He supports efforts to hold the politicians accountable for their failure to pass a sensible budget on time.
Source: Campaign website for CA Treasurer Nov 1, 2014

John Cox: I will reduce California's sky-high sales taxes, gas taxes

With some of the highest taxes in the country, CA is chasing away businesses and innovators. Every Californian, regardless of income, race, or geographical location has felt the ridiculous strain of tax policy in our state. I will reduce California's sky-high sales taxes, vehicle license fees, and gasoline taxes. Taxes, along with housing costs, drastically impact the cost of living in California.
Source: Campaign website for 2021 CA recall race Feb 15, 2021

Jon Huntsman: Let's take a pledge to not take any pledges, including taxes

Q: Everyone up here has taken a pledge not to raise taxes. Dangerous business to you?

HUNTSMAN: I'd love to get everybody to sign a pledge to take no pledges. I have a pledge to my wife, and I pledge allegiance to my country, but beyond that, no pledges. I think it diminishes the political discussion. I think it jeopardizes your ability to lead once you get there. And I started when I first ran for governor in 2004, as someone who wanted to pin me down on taxes, I said, no thanks, I'm not going to sign it. I didn't raise taxes. We had historic tax cuts in our state. So look at somebody's record. That's always a pretty good indicator and barometer of where they're likely to go.

Source: 2011 GOP debate in Simi Valley CA at the Reagan Library Sep 7, 2011

Kevin Faulconer: He will veto any tax increase that comes to his desk

As governor, Kevin Faulconer will fight so you can keep more of the money you earn. He will veto any tax increase that comes to his desk. And he will defend Proposition 13 to support homeowners and small businesses. You work hard to live within your means, and he will run a fiscally responsible government that does the same.
Source: Campaign website for 2021 CA recall race Feb 14, 2021

Kevin Faulconer: Helping Our Heroes: exempt military retirement from taxes

Faulconer's "Helping Our Heroes" plan proposes to exempt military retirement from income taxes. "It's a very straightforward plan to make California more affordable and livable for the men and women who served our nation," Faulconer told Fox News. "It's a plan to make sure that veterans are taxed less and housed more." Faulconer said he would double the amount for disabled veterans property tax exemption to $200,000 and roughly $400,000 for low-income veterans.
Source: Fox News on 2021 CA recall race May 26, 2021

Rocky Chavez: Californians pay an overall tax rate near 50%: too high!

This is why I signed the Americans for Tax Reform pledge which states that I will never vote for a tax increase.

On the contrary, I will work to reduce your tax burden by introducing legislation that is aimed at reducing state income taxes across the board. I will also work to protect Proposition 13 from liberal politicians who seek to increase the property taxes that you pay on your home or business.

Source: 2012 CA State Senate campaign website, Nov 1, 2012

Tom Campbell: $600 billion to cut in Obama's budget; don't increase taxes

Q: What would you say to increasing the tax burden?

FIORINA: The tax burden is already too high. The tax burden must be cut, must be lowered. That is the only way we can get our economy growing again by creating jobs, and that means cutting taxes and w must actually cut federal spending. Now, once again, this is an area where Tom Campbell and I disagree fundamentally. In 1989, he proposed a gas tax increase. In 1997, he was the only Republican to vote against tax cuts. Last year, he proposed a $16 billion tax increase for the people of California.

CAMPBELL: That's absolute inaccurate. In the 102nd Congress, the National Taxpayer Union rated me #1 most fiscally responsible based on the amount of net cuts that I co-sponsored. Sen. Barbara Boxer was in congress with me and she was 412th when I was #1. I have never proposed that taxes be increased to close the federal budget. What I have proposed is that you go into Pres. Obama's proposed budget and you can find more than $600 billion to cut.

Source: Hogue News 1380 KTKZ coverage of 2010 CA Senate debate Mar 7, 2010

Tom Campbell: Won't sign taxpayer protection pledge; we need flexibility

FIORINA: Tom Campbell, I will ask you again, why will you not sign the taxpayer protection pledge?

CAMPBELL: The reason is clear because, for example, suppose there is another airline crisis involving security and in order to beef up security we need to put a tax on airline tickets. Are you going to vote no if that money? Would you vote no on a special tax on airline tickets to beef up security on airlines?

FIORINA: I would, yes, and the reason I would vote no is because there is absolutely no reason that our federal government, which is now $12.5 trillion in debt, cannot trim spending from the waste bloat that sits in the federal government bureaucracy to deal with its most important priority, which is to protect the men and women of this country.

Q: Concluding remarks?

FIORINA: I will fight for every job; I will vote against every tax increase; I will champion reduced regulation, lower taxes and lower government spending. We must take our government back and make it work.

Source: Hogue News 1380 KTKZ coverage of 2010 CA Senate debate Mar 7, 2010

  • The above quotations are from State of California Politicians: secondary Archives.
  • Click here for definitions & background information on Tax Reform.
  • Click here for other issues (main summary page).
2016 Presidential contenders on Tax Reform:
Gov.Jeb Bush(FL)
Dr.Ben Carson(MD)
Gov.Chris Christie(NJ)
Sen.Ted Cruz(TX)
Carly Fiorina(CA)
Gov.Jim Gilmore(VA)
Sen.Lindsey Graham(SC)
Gov.Mike Huckabee(AR)
Gov.Bobby Jindal(LA)
Gov.John Kasich(OH)
Gov.Sarah Palin(AK)
Gov.George Pataki(NY)
Sen.Rand Paul(KY)
Gov.Rick Perry(TX)
Sen.Rob Portman(OH)
Sen.Marco Rubio(FL)
Sen.Rick Santorum(PA)
Donald Trump(NY)
Gov.Scott Walker(WI)
Gov.Lincoln Chafee(RI)
Secy.Hillary Clinton(NY)
V.P.Joe Biden(DE)
Gov.Martin O`Malley(MD)
Sen.Bernie Sanders(VT)
Sen.Elizabeth Warren(MA)
Sen.Jim Webb(VA)

2016 Third Party Candidates:
Gov.Gary Johnson(L-NM)
Roseanne Barr(PF-HI)
Robert Steele(L-NY)
Dr.Jill Stein(G,MA)
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