Filed lawsuits to overturn Biden victory over Trump in AZ
Oh, Kelli Ward will run, no doubt hoping the third time's the charm. Ward has been on fire of late--snapping at Republican Gov. Doug Ducey for following the law and certifying the election--and spouting all manner of claims of the many nefarious ways in
which Joe Biden stole the election from Donald Trump. It doesn't matter that she hasn't prevailed even once in court because really, it's not about the 2020 election anymore. It's about 2022. It's about keeping Republicans riled up in their absolute
belief that "patriots" were robbed of the White House by those cheating Democrats.
She may not have evidence but she has a killer platform on which to launch yet another run for the Republican nomination. And so she puts out a daily videos, railing
about fraud. And so she files lawsuit after lawsuit, hoping her righteous indignation will make up the lack of evidence. And so she keeps the party faithful riled, roiled and ready to repel the traitors who stand in her way.
Urged anti-closure protestors to dress as health workers
The chairwoman of the Arizona Republican Party Dr. Kelli Ward, a former state senator and primary care physician, tweeted that people participating in protests to end the government-imposed closures of regular business should wear scrubs and masks.
"Planning protest to #ReOpenAmerica? EVERYONE wear scrubs & masks--the media doesn't care if you are really in healthcare or not--it's the 'message' that matters," she wrote.
Ward's comments come a few days after she questioned the authenticity of a small group of health care workers in Colorado who counterprotested against people calling for the state to reopen.
"EVEN IF these 'spontaneously' appearing ppl at
protests against govt overreach (sporting the same outfits, postures, & facial expressions) ARE involved in healthcare - when they appeared at rallies, they were actors playing parts #Propaganda #FakeOutrage," Ward tweeted last week.
I believe that traditional principles and values strengthen our communities and make America stronger. And looking at my three beautiful kids,
I know it's time to step up and do something. I believe that traditional principles and values strengthen our communities and make America stronger.