During a sit-down with the New York Times in 2019, Ossoff said he supported the
Affordable Care Act with a public option over Medicare-for-All to save the private insurance market.
Source: Fox News on 2020 Georgia Senate race
, Nov 4, 2020
Improve ACA, not repeal it
Q: Support Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as ObamaCare?
Ossoff: Yes. Will "work to improve [ACA], not repeal it, so we can make affordable insurance and quality care available to all Americans."
Perdue: No. Voted to repeal ACA. "The poorest among us will continue to be fined because they can't afford ObamaCare."
Source: CampusElect on 2020 Georgia Senate race
, Nov 3, 2020
COVID: Trump's response "gross incompetence"
Q: Your opinion on COVID response?
Ossoff: Calls the Trump administration's handling of the pandemic "gross incompetence." "Tens of millions are losing jobs, essential workers are underpaid, under-protected and underinsured [while] help for
ordinary people and smaller firms has been meager and slow."
Perdue: Trump "has taken unprecedented action to protect the American people; now we're working to safely reopen [and] help small businesses continue to weather this crisis."
Source: CampusElect on 2020 Georgia Senate race
, Nov 3, 2020
COVID: out of control because government ignored science
On COVID: "We are in the middle of a grave public health crisis. It is spiraling out of control because Washington politicians downplayed the crisis, ignored the medical science, undermined the doctors and scientists who knew what they're doing,"
Ossoff said. "And senator David Perdue, in the middle of this health crisis, is still supporting efforts to repeal protections for Georgians with preexisting conditions."
Source: Associated Press on 2020 Georgia Senate race
, Oct 28, 2020
Expand Medicaid, invest in new public health clinics
We must expand Medicaid to ensure that every Georgian gets health insurance and to sustain rural hospitals. We need to invest in new public health clinics to ensure underserved and rural communities have access to healthcare.
We need to end price-gouging by insurance and drug companies who have bought off Congress.
Source: Atlanta magazine on 2020 Georgia Senate race
, Oct 23, 2020
Will oppose ongoing efforts to defund Medicare
Medicare is an absolutely vital program. It's a healthcare program that America's seniors rely upon, and I will vote to ensure they can continue to rely upon it. I will oppose efforts to weaken Medicare. I will oppose efforts to shift
the burden of health care costs further on to seniors. I'll work to empower Medicare to further lower health care costs--for example, by negotiating lower prescription drug costs. I will oppose ongoing efforts to defund Medicare.
Source: AARP Voter Guide on 2020 Georgia Senate race
, Oct 8, 2020
Empower Medicare to negotiate lower drug prices
The cost of medicine in America is an absolute scandal. The drug companies lobbied Congress so that Medicare can't negotiate lower prescription drug prices. They've bought off politicians, who let the drug companies keep price-gouging the
American citizens. Lowering the cost of medicine in America will be among my top priorities in the U.S. Senate. I will stand up to those drug company lobbyists, crack down on price gouging to empower Medicare to negotiate lower prices.
Source: AARP Voter Guide on 2020 Georgia Senate race
, Oct 8, 2020
More federal support for eldercare in America
I support expanding the Public Health Service, so that there are more doctors and nurses qualified in geriatrics and eldercare to help us staff elder care facilities. I support, as part of a significant health care reform package, more
federal support for eldercare in America so that America's seniors, regardless of wealth, can depend upon a dignified retirement where health is taken care of and where they have highly qualified professionals to attend to them as necessary.
Source: AARP Voter Guide on 2020 Georgia Senate race
, Oct 8, 2020
AdWatch: We were left unprepared for the pandemic
JON OSSOFF [off camera]: I'm Jon Ossoff and I approve this message.
IMAGE ONSCREEN: Still photos of Pres. Trump superimposed with Senator Perdue, with a moving graph and count of "Coronavirus Deaths in the US" from January to July.
TRUMP: In terms
of cases, it's very, very few.
PERDUE: Very, very few people have been exposed to it."
IMAGE: Chart at 7 deaths in February.
TRUMP: The risk to the American people remains very low.
PERDUE: The risk of this virus still remains low.
Chart at 34 deaths
TRUMP: We've had flus before
PERDUE: We've had ordinary flu seasons with more deaths
IMAGE: Chart at 11,455 deaths
TRUMP: Those numbers are nowhere near what was projected.
PERDUE: The numbers projected were supposed to
be much worse.
IMAGE: Chart at 97,592 deaths
TRUMP: It's going very well.
PERDUE: It's going very well.
IMAGE: Chart at 141,870 deaths
VOICEOVER: David Perdue ignored the medical experts; downplayed the crisis; and left us unprepared.
Ensure all Americans have insurance, for public option
This pandemic should be a massive wake-up call for those who doubt the necessity of ensuring all Americans have health insurance. I'll vote to protect and strengthen Medicare, and I support offering all Americans a public health insurance option as
an affordable alternative to private insurance. Your insurance will be your choice. Americans will be free to maintain exclusively private health insurance or to purchase supplemental private insurance on top of the public plan if they so choose.
Defend Medicare and Medicaid and affordable health care
It is in our strong national interest that every American have quality, affordable health care. Whether it's a newborn just home from the hospital, a mother battling cancer, or a veteran returned from overseas, our health isn't negotiable.
Our quality of life, our strength, and our prosperity depend on it. It's time to move beyond the tired, partisan debate over health care policy, agree on some basic principles, and solve problems:
No American should suffer or die from
preventable or treatable illness.
No American should be unable to make ends meet from out-of-control medical bills.
No business should go under or lay off employees because it can't keep up with health insurance premiums.
Jon will work to
defend Medicare and Medicaid, ensure young people can stay on their family plan, prevent discrimination against Americans with pre-existing conditions, and ensure veterans swiftly get the care and benefits they've earned.
Congressional candidate Jon Ossoff called on the other 17 candidates in the Sixth District race to unify in opposition to a provision of the American Health Care Act (AHCA) that would gut the health security infrastructure necessary to detect and fight
infectious disease outbreaks like Ebola and Zika.
The provision would slash funding for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), devastating efforts to protect Georgians and the nation from deadly pandemics.
The massive cuts would eliminate the Prevention and Public Health fund, which is critical to preventing outbreaks of dangerous diseases like Ebola and Zika.
"This is a national security issue," said
Ossoff. "No matter where candidates stand on the overall bill, we should unite to protect Georgia families from the deadly outbreak of diseases like Ebola and Zika," said Ossoff.
Ossoff opposes the PVS survey question on ObamaCare
Project Vote Smart inferred whether candidates agree or disagree with the statement, 'Health Care: Do you support repealing the 2010 Affordable Care Act ("ObamaCare")?'
PVS self-description: "The Political Courage Test provides voters with positions on key issues. Historically, candidates have failed to complete our test due to the advice they receive from their advisors and out of fear of negative attack ads."