Expand ObamaCare�with more state & local regulation
Q: Do you support or oppose the statement, "Expand ObamaCare�"?
A: Support, but plans need to be differentiated more and not too many choices where the consumer gets overwhelmed, and more local and state regulated.
Source: OnTheIssues.org interview: GA 2019-2020 Senate candidate
, Oct 17, 2020
Supports ObamaCare, and bailouts during public health crises
Q: Do you support repealing the 2010 Affordable Care Act ("Obamacare")?
A: No.
Q: Do you support requiring businesses to provide paid medical leave during public health crises, such as COVID-19?
A: Yes. The government should provide funds or tax credits to offset the cost to businesses. These public health crises are not under the control of normal business operations.
Source: 2019-20 Georgia 2-year Senate PVS Political Courage Test
, Oct 10, 2020
Let ObamaCare plans cover abortion
Legislative Summary: A BILL relating to insurance, to provide opt out of funding abortions through qualified health plans: No abortion coverage shall be provided by a qualified health plan offered within the federal
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act [ObamaCare], except in the case of medical emergency.
OnTheIssues Interpretation: ObamaCare requires that healthcare plans fund abortions; this state law would remove that stipulation from
Georgia insurance plans offered under ObamaCare. Voting NO means abortion coverage would be required in healthcare plans.
Legislative Outcome: Passed Senate 37-18-1 on
March 18, vote #676; passed House 105-64-7 on March 18, vote #795; Rep. Stovall voted NO; signed by Gov. Deal April 21
Stovall supports the AFA survey question on universal coverage
The AFA inferred whether candidates agree or disagree with the statement, 'It is the government's responsibility to ensure everyone has health insurance'?
Self-description: (American Family Association helps produce iVoterGuides): "Grounded in God; rooted in research"; they "thoroughly investigate candidates"; when they cannot "evaluate with confidence, they receive an 'Insufficient' rating" (& we exclude)
Stovall opposes the AFA survey question on eliminating private insurance
The AFA inferred whether candidates agree or disagree with the statement, 'I support the elimination of private healthcare insurance'?
Self-description: (American Family Association helps produce iVoterGuides): "Grounded in God; rooted in research"; they "thoroughly investigate candidates"; when they cannot "evaluate with confidence, they receive an 'Insufficient' rating" (& we exclude)