Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
Fire and Fury, by Michael Wolff (2018) |
Trump Revealed, by Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher (2016) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2016) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |
(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)
OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
John Fleming: Abortion is a pernicious evil & a national sin.
Mark Zaccaria: Safe, legal, and rare: don't return to back alley abortions.
Mark Zaccaria: Make adoption a more palatable choice.
Alan Grayson: Increase federal funding for stem cell research.
Blaine Luetkemeyer: Support the unborn; oppose embryonic stem-cell research.
Bobby Bright: I believe in the sanctity of life.
Cynthia Lummis: Abortion is a sin against God.
Cynthia Lummis: No federal funding for embryonic stem cell research.
Duncan Hunter Jr.: Life begins at conception.
Eric Massa: Abortion should be safe, legal, and rare.
Eric Massa: I am pro-cure on stem cell research.
Glenn Thompson: Do everything to protect innocent, unborn life.
Glenn Thompson: Stop embryonic stem cell research.
Jared Polis: I am pro-choice.
Jim Himes: Protect a womans right to choose.
Mike Coffman: Fight to protect the right to life.
Pete Olson: Life begins at conception.
Steve Austria: Defend the unborn.
Joe Visconti: Life begins at conception.
Tom Tancredo: The unborn enjoy a God given right to life.
Budget & Economy
Mark Zaccaria: Do the right thing and cut pork, then cut all expenditures.
Tom Perriello: No bailouts for Wall Street at Main Street's expense.
Bob Barr: Earmarks are an outrageous abuse by Congressmen to buy votes.
Jackie Speier: $329M daily Iraq War cost weakens our national economy.
Ron Paul: Economic Revitalization Plan: Prescription for Prosperity.
Bill Foster: $9 trillion deficit is breathtakingly irresponsible.
Ron Paul: Prioritize spending based on Constitution--and lower it too.
Civil Rights
Cynthia Lummis: God defined marriage as between one man and one woman.
Duncan Hunter Jr.: Marriage is a sacred institution; not for same-sex.
Jared Polis: As a gay man, I support prohibiting discrimination.
Jim Himes: Supports marriage equality, with all other equal benefits.
Kathy Dahlkemper: Women have right to equal pay for equal work.
Paul Tonko: Voted for the NY same-sex marriage equality bill.
Pete Olson: Devoutly pro-traditional marriage.
Bob Barr: The Nanny State is getting increasingly intrusive.
Tom Tancredo: The states interest in marriage is procreation.
John Fleming: Corporate taxes are an onerous burden on businesses.
Bob Barr: Eliminate billions in corporate welfare.
Joseph Cao: Enforce and strengthen current laws.
Erik Paulsen: Authored law for DNA database for all felony arrests.
Tom Perriello: Get local police forces the resources they need.
Betsy Markey: Public education is one of Americas greatest successes.
Eric Massa: No taxpayer money to private schools via vouchers.
Gerry Connolly: Increase federal investments in education.
Kathy Dahlkemper: Increase our investment in both primary and higher education.
Kurt Schrader: Good schools are backbone of a strong community.
Tom Perriello: Ensure that all our children receive a quality education.
Woody Myers: Mother served as school principal during desegregation.
Jackie Speier: Stop punishing schools that are struggling.
Cynthia McKinney: Our public schools are in a serious state disrepair.
Cynthia McKinney: No Child Left Behind is an unfunded mandate.
Brian Schatz: Reform NCLB: more funding and redefine "success".
Ron Paul: Guarantee parity for home school diplomas.
Energy & Oil
Ann Marie Buerkle: Cap-and-trade is a national energy tax & destroys jobs.
Alan Grayson: Ban drilling for oil off Florida coasts.
Ann Kirkpatrick: Drill on public lands; drill offshore; keep oil in US.
Ben Ray Lujan: Shift $ from oil company tax breaks to renewable development.
Betsy Markey: Change to wind, solar and agricultural energy.
Bill Cassidy: New oil refineries; drill ANWR; drill offshore.
Blaine Luetkemeyer: Produce oil off-shore; start new refineries.
Bobby Bright: Drill ANWR & offshore, towards energy independence.
Brett Guthrie: Expand domestic oil production: drill in ANWR & offshore.
Dan Maffei: Tax windfall profits to invest in renewable fuels.
Debbie Halvorson: Commit our nation to clean and renewable sources of energy.
Eric Massa: Human activity is the primary cause of global climate change.
Frank Kratovil: First, use 68 million acres of undeveloped leased lands.
Glenn Thompson: Drill on the Outer Continental Shelf; drill in ANWR.
Harry Teague: Aggressively invest in alternative energy.
Jared Polis: Now is the time for carbon emission-reduction.
Jim Himes: We must become the agents of a green revolution.
John Adler: End tax subsidies to big oil companies.
John Boccieri: Invest in next-generation biofuels.
Kathy Dahlkemper: Address climate change & leave our children a world.
Kurt Schrader: Increase domestic energy production.
Lynn Jenkins: New oil refineries; drill ANWR; drill offshore.
Mark Schauer: Increase domestic oil production: drill in ANWR & offshore.
Martin Heinrich: Bush stood in way of development of clean, renewable energy.
Mike Coffman: More oil exploration and production.
Mike McMahon: Cut greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2050.
Parker Griffith: Support offshore drilling; support more refineries.
Paul Tonko: National carbon cap and trade program.
Pete Olson: More production of Americas oil, natural gas, and coal.
Steve Austria: Drill for oil & natural gas; develop nuclear.
Suzanne Kosmas: Sustained investment in sustainable energy alternatives.
Walt Minnick: Breaks & incentives given to big oil are flat-out wrong.
Jackie Speier: Cut carbon emissions by 80% by 2050.
Rob Wittman: Achieve energy independence for national security.
Cynthia McKinney: Protect ANWR; fund sustainable power sources.
Bill Foster: Global warming is our most serious environmental challenge.
Brian Schatz: Develop alternative energy to avoid melting polar ice caps.
Tom McClintock: Less bureaucracy in federal forests to reduce fire damage.
Mark Gordon: We understand responsibility of stewardship AND development.
Tom Perriello: Lifelong commitment to smart & green environmental policies.
Bob Latta: Sponsored Bald Eagle license plate to preserve eagle habitat.
Ron Paul: Property rights are the foundation of all rights.
Families & Children
Mark Gordon: Culture has lost track of old fashioned American values.
Foreign Policy
Erik Paulsen: Authored Chinese Mandarin curriculum program for schools.
Free Trade
Duncan Hunter Jr.: Fair Trade to protect from unfair competition.
Eric Massa: Failed free trade deals like NAFTA have sent jobs overseas.
Glenn Thompson: Make free trade and fair trade synonymous and ubiquitous.
John Boccieri: Put America first when it comes to trade.
Kathy Dahlkemper: NAFTA and CAFTA have failed our workers; amend them.
Travis Childers: Unfair trade deals caused current economic problems.
Ron Paul: NAFTA superhighway threatens widespread eminent domain.
Tom Tancredo: Fast track authority should not be renewed.
Government Reform
Joseph Cao: No retirement benefits for officials convicted of corruption.
Aaron Schock: Tired of campaign negativity & disgruntled with government.
Gary Peters: In Michigan Senate, returned operating budget to state.
Suzanne Kosmas: Pledges never to accept a pay raise & never to lobby.
Tom Perriello: Lobbyists and corporate PACs have broken Washington.
Rob Wittman: Fully disclose all earmarked funding.
Cynthia McKinney: Do better on govt contracting for small & minority business.
Gun Control
John Fleming: 2nd Amendment recognizes God-given right to self-defense.
Ann Kirkpatrick: Strongly supports the Second Amendment.
Bill Cassidy: Kansans cherish our right to keep and bear arms.
Blaine Luetkemeyer: Staunch supporter of our Second Amendment rights.
Bobby Bright: I am Pro-Gun Rights.
Cynthia Lummis: Gun ownership & hunting are parts of our culture & lifestyle.
Debbie Halvorson: Ardent supporter of the Second Amendment.
Duncan Hunter Jr.: The 2nd Amendment is clear: no laws to restrict firearms.
Eric Massa: Defend the Constitution, including the 2nd Amendment.
Frank Kratovil: Strong supporter of Second Amendment rights.
Glenn Thompson: Deep belief in individuals right to bear arms.
Gregg Harper: Work to protect our 2nd Amendment rights.
John Boccieri: Strong supporter of our Second Amendment rights.
Kathy Dahlkemper: Supports individuals freedom to keep and bear arms.
Lynn Jenkins: Kansans cherish our right to keep and bear arms.
Mike Coffman: Fight to protect the 2nd Amendment.
Pete Olson: Protect the Second Amendment.
Steve Austria: Fight for our Second Amendment rights.
Gary Trauner: Steadfastly and resolutely support Second Amendment.
Joe Visconti: Constitutional right to use firearms if necessary.
Tom Perriello: Supports individual right to bear arms.
Bob Latta: Legislator of the Year by League of Ohio Sportsmen.
Tom Tancredo: Completely support right to keep and bear arms.
Health Care
John Fleming: Private insurance driven by free market principles.
Joseph Cao: Develop a market-driven healthcare delivery system.
Mark Zaccaria: System works now, even for the uninsured.
Ann Kirkpatrick: Work toward access to quality affordable health care for all.
Ben Ray Lujan: Universal health care: affordability, accessibility, quality.
Bill Cassidy: Portable insurance; interstate competition; & pool insurance.
Blaine Luetkemeyer: More competition; more choice; no one-size-fits-all.
Brett Guthrie: More insurance competition helps lower costs.
Dan Maffei: Affordable and comprehensive health coverage for all.
Debbie Halvorson: Health Care--Affordable. Accessible. For everyone.
Duncan Hunter Jr.: Allow purchasing private market-based health plans.
Gerry Connolly: No denying coverage for pre-existing conditions.
Harry Teague: Healthcare is not a privilege, but a right.
Jared Polis: Enact efficient & rational universal quality health care.
Jim Himes: Create a basic coverage plan offered to everyone.
Kathy Dahlkemper: Cover all children while working toward universal coverage.
Kurt Schrader: Preserve the Oregon Health Plan.
Marcia Fudge: Advocate for quality, accessible & affordable healthcare.
Mike Coffman: Tax incentives for individuals to buy their own insurance.
Mike McMahon: Expand SCHIP; apply federal healthcare for all.
Paul Tonko: Health care is a right, not a privilege.
Mark Gordon: Competition and personal responsibility, not single-payer.
Travis Childers: Expand S-CHIP to provide affordable care to 1000s of kids.
Jackie Speier: We need universal access based on mandates.
Cynthia McKinney: Affordable health care is a matter of national security.
Cynthia McKinney: Against rationing or voucher-based system of insurance.
Bill Foster: Health care crisis is fundamentally an affordability crisis.
Brian Schatz: Fill in existing Medicare gaps; Part D was deceptive.
Homeland Security
John Fleming: Dems soft on national defense & undermine morale of troops.
Bobby Bright: No more base closings; rebuild and strengthen military.
Cynthia Lummis: Strengthen our military and our intelligence.
Donna Edwards: Re-direct resources from Iraq war to real security in US.
Duncan Hunter Jr.: Strengthen our military; obtain new weapons.
Eric Massa: Original FISA bill was fair; no illegal spying.
Gary Peters: Served in US Navy Reserves; signed back up after 9/11.
Gregg Harper: Support missile defense to fight War on Terror.
Harry Teague: Continue to invest in our national defense.
Jared Polis: Restore habeas corpus; end warrantless spying.
Parker Griffith: Strong national defense, and missile defense.
Pete Olson: Work tirelessly to strengthen our ability to defend America.
Steve Austria: Ensure Armed Forces have necessary tools to complete mission.
Tom McClintock: Return to Reagans idea of peace through strength.
Mark Gordon: Provide a national defense second to none.
Tom Perriello: Ensuring our troops are protected & then supported as vet.
Bob Barr: Restore habeas corpus and protect citizens from government.
Bob Barr: Restore military to defense; commit to non-intervention.
Rob Wittman: Ensure military funding needed for war on terror.
Rob Wittman: Terrorist networks must be disrupted.
Cynthia McKinney: Speak out against Pentagon waste, fraud, and abuse.
Cynthia McKinney: Allow concurrent veterans disability & retired pay.
John Fleming: No amnesty; secure borders; official English.
Ann Kirkpatrick: Greatly strengthen border security; install a Smart Fence.
Betsy Markey: Ensure our borders are protected and secure.
Blaine Luetkemeyer: Stop the flood of illegal immigrants crossing our borders.
Cynthia Lummis: Secure borders prevent eroding Americas economic strength.
Duncan Hunter Jr.: NO AMNESTY for illegals; and DOUBLE BORDER FENCE.
Frank Kratovil: Fight for the resources to secure our borders.
Gregg Harper: Enforce the laws; secure our borders, now.
Harry Teague: Tighten borders & provide path to citizenship.
Jared Polis: Respect the dignity and dreams of immigrants.
Jim Himes: Comprehensive reform with an earned path to citizenship.
John Adler: Seal the borders; oppose amnesty.
Kathy Dahlkemper: More enforcement at borders; no amnesty.
Leonard Lance: Get serious about securing our borders.
Lynn Jenkins: Illegal immigration is wrecking havoc; no amnesty.
Mike Coffman: Secure our borders and deny amnesty.
Parker Griffith: Close our borders; illegals cost us millions.
Pete Olson: Strengthen borders with fences, surveillance, and manpower.
Steve Austria: Oppose amnesty for illegal immigrants.
Tom McClintock: Complete border fence & enforce all our current laws.
Joe Visconti: Immediate steps to stop the invasion of illegal immigrants.
Mark Gordon: Enforce the law; deport the criminals; secure the borders.
Mark Gordon: Reform temporary work visas so they work for businesses.
Bob Barr: Be aggressive in securing our borders.
Rob Wittman: Oppose amnesty; wrong to reward illegal behavior.
Rob Wittman: Support fence construction where most illegal aliens cross.
Tom Tancredo: Exits race with victory on forcing focus on immigration.
Bill Foster: Immigrants will come as long as there are jobs offered.
Mike McMahon: Pay men and women equal and fair wages.
Tom Perriello: Guarantee a living wage and secure retirement.
Cynthia McKinney: Unions essential to protecting wages & worker safety.
Principles & Values
John Fleming: America was founded on Christian principles.
Mark Zaccaria: I'm running for You, to rein in government.
Aaron Schock: Republicans need Schock to the system to win again.
Erik Paulsen: Served in Minnesota House of Representatives since 1994.
Gary Peters: Family has lived in Oakland County for five generations.
Gregg Harper: Advocate one nation, under God; preserve Christian values.
Mark Gordon: Widower with two daughters; married single mom with two sons.
Travis Childers: Work across regional & party lines to get things done.
Cynthia McKinney: Advocate of Hip-Hop movement for social justice.
Social Security
Debbie Halvorson: Support and protect and oppose privatization.
Duncan Hunter Jr.: Give younger workers options for investing their own funds.
Eric Massa: Privatizing gambles your retirement on Wall Street.
Gregg Harper: Explore personal retirement accounts and other options.
Jared Polis: Oppose efforts to privatize Social Security.
Jim Himes: No reckless schemes like privatization.
Kathy Dahlkemper: Keep senior citizens secure from the gamble of privatization.
Mark Schauer: Strongly oppose any and all efforts to privatize.
Mike McMahon: Privatized investment accounts are simply unacceptable.
Suzanne Kosmas: Vigorously oppose any plan for privatization.
Travis Childers: Fight to protect Social Security & oppose privatization.
Brian Schatz: Fight the phony philosophy of privatization.
Dennis Kucinich: Strengthen protections for private pensions.
Tom Tancredo: There is no question that the system is broken.
Tax Reform
John Fleming: No new taxes; support the Fair Tax.
Blaine Luetkemeyer: Make Bush tax cuts permanent.
Brett Guthrie: Make permanent the Bush tax cuts.
Cynthia Lummis: Pledges to oppose all federal tax increase proposals.
Debbie Halvorson: Proposes Middle Class Tax Relief Package.
Duncan Hunter Jr.: Simplify taxes; reform AMT; abolish the death tax.
Glenn Thompson: For flat tax; against death tax.
Gregg Harper: Oppose all tax increases.
John Boccieri: Tax breaks for middle class, not Wall Street millionaires.
Kathy Dahlkemper: Require wealthiest 2% to give back portion of Bush tax cuts.
Leonard Lance: Believes in lower taxes and less government spending.
Lynn Jenkins: Strong believer in the economic power of lower taxes.
Martin Heinrich: Tax cuts for couples making less than $250,000.
Tom McClintock: Make permanent the Bush tax cuts.
Walt Minnick: Modify tax breaks given to the wealthiest Americans.
Bob Barr: The FairTax replaces the IRS plus payroll taxes.
Bob Barr: Repeal the 16th amendment & eliminate the income tax.
Rob Wittman: Hold the line on job-killing tax increases.
Bob Latta: Worked towards elimination of the Ohio estate tax.
War & Peace
Mark Zaccaria: We should leave Iraq & Afghanistan once we win.
Alan Grayson: The War in Iraq has not made us safer.
Ann Kirkpatrick: Withdrawing from Iraq and focus on Bin Laden.
Ben Ray Lujan: War in Iraq was misguided; bring our troops home.
Betsy Markey: Congress should limit Iraq funding to costs of withdrawal.
Bobby Bright: Support our troops continued involvement in Iraq.
Dan Maffei: Bring troops home from Iraq as safely & quickly as possible.
Debbie Halvorson: We were misled into an intractable war in Iraq.
Donna Edwards: We need political solution in Iraq, not military solution.
Eric Massa: Out of Iraq in less than 24 months.
Frank Kratovil: Carrots & sticks to get out of Iraq as soon as possible.
Gerry Connolly: End the war in Iraq and restore American credibility.
Glenn Thompson: Finish the war and Iraq can be a stabilizing force in region.
Harry Teague: We have achieved mission; bring troops home.
Jared Polis: Invasion of Iraq was a colossal mistake; out in 16 months.
Jim Himes: Invading Iraq was a grave strategic error.
John Adler: It is time to responsibly end this ill-advised war.
John Boccieri: Bring troops home from Iraq safely, honorably, and soon.
Kathy Dahlkemper: Long overdue to plan systematic withdrawal from Iraq.
Mark Schauer: We still have no exit strategy & no plan in Iraq.
Martin Heinrich: War in Iraq is a foreign policy disaster.
Mike McMahon: End misguided policies & remove troops & bases from Iraq.
Paul Tonko: End the war; bring our troops home safely.
Pete Olson: Iraq is central front of global war on terror.
Suzanne Kosmas: Pursue responsible redeployment, with benchmarks for success.
Walt Minnick: Time to begin a staged turnover to the Iraqi government.
Joe Visconti: Closure and victory in Iraq means a "work in progress".
Tom Perriello: Signed the Responsible Plan to End the War in Iraq.
Jackie Speier: Remove US troops & refocus on humanitarian reconstruction.
Bill Foster: End our involvement in the war in Iraq.
Brian Schatz: Bush had false pretenses & inadequate planning for Iraq war.
Welfare & Poverty
Woody Myers: As State Health Commissioner, administered WIC program.