Mark Begich on Foreign Policy
Democratic Jr Senator
Rebuild US reputation by diplomatic efforts
Q: What role should our nation play in the world today?A: The United States needs to rebuild its reputation in the international arena and increase our diplomatic efforts in conflict torn regions.
Doing so we help repair strategic alliances and support our economic military efforts.
Source: Citizens for Global Solutions: 2008 Senate questionnaire
, Sep 9, 2008
Pay dues to UN, and cooperate with ICC
Q: Do you support the full and timely payment of US assessments to the United Nations and its special fund for peacekeeping missions?A: Yes.
Q: Will you oppose legislation that withholds US dues to the UN?
A: Yes.
Q: Do you support US
cooperation with the International Criminal Court and ratification of the ICCs Rome Statute?
A: I do believe the US should cooperate with the Court but we must ensure that the Constitutional rights of US personnel are adequately protected.
Source: Citizens for Global Solutions: 2008 Senate questionnaire
, Sep 9, 2008
Supports adding 1% of US budget to international aid
Q: Will you actively work to allocate an additional one percent of the U.S. budget to Official Development Assistance in order to begin to match the commitments of our
G8 partners and other allies to help reduce hunger, poverty, disease and other agreed upon goals?A: Yes.
Source: Citizens for Global Solutions: 2008 Senate questionnaire
, Sep 9, 2008
Rated 0 by AAI, indicating a mixed Arab/Palestine voting record.
Begich scores 0 by AAI on Arab-Israeli issues
The Arab American Institute has compiled a Scorecard to catalogue the voting record of the 112th Congress on issues of importance to the Arab American community. Though not comprehensive, we have attempted to provide a snapshot of legislation concerning many of the primary issues concerning Arab Americans. For the Senate, we have included 10 items: two bills on the Arab Spring, three on Palestine, one on Lebanon, one regarding civil liberties, and two for immigration reform.
- S. Res. 44: (+) calls on former President Hosni Mubarak to immediately begin a peaceful transition to a democratic political system
- S. Res. 109: (+) honoring and supporting women in North Africa and the Middle East
- S. Res. 138: (-) calling on the United Nations to rescind the Goldstone report, formally known as the UN Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict, which accused the Israeli government of targeting Palestinian civilians.
- S. Res. 185: (-) reaffirming the commitment of the US to a
negotiated settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and calling for a US veto of any UN resolution on Palestinian statehood without a settlement.
- S. Con. Res. 23: (-) supporting Israel in maintaining defensible borders, and against Israel returning to the armistice lines that existed on June 4, 1967
- S. 558: (+) the Cluster Munitions Civilian Protection Act, to limit the use of cluster munitions in areas normally inhabited by civilians.
- S. 1125: (+) greater judicial review of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), and greater protections to individuals being monitored or gag-ordered by the FBI.
- S.1038, the PATRIOT Sunsets Extension Act, in opposition of PATRIOT Act extension.
- S. 723: (-) The Birthright Citizenship Act, limiting citizenship for millions of undocumented immigrants born in the US.
- S. 952: (+) the DREAM Act, allowing undocumented minors to become US citizens, provided they meet certain conditions, including good moral character
Source: AAI website 12-AAI-S on May 2, 2012
Integrate gender into diplomatic and foreign aid processes.
Begich co-sponsored Women, Peace, and Security Act
Expresses the sense of Congress that:
- implementation of the US National Action Plan on Women, Peace, and Security (NAP) is paramount in improving the lives of women around the world and increasing global stability and prosperity;
- It is US policy to implement NAP;
- The US Agency for International Development (USAID) should integrate gender into diplomatic and strategic and planning processes;
- federal agencies shall ensure that the tenets of NAP are incorporated into programs for conflict prevention, humanitarian and disaster response, peacekeeping, and democracy promotion;
- Federal agencies facilitate partner government efforts to improve women's inclusion in peace and security processes, conflict prevention, peace-building and decision-making institutions in conflict-affected environments.
White House Summary of NAP, December 2011:The goal of this National Action Plan is as simple as it is profound: to empower half the world's population
as equal partners in preventing conflict and building peace in countries threatened and affected by war, violence, and insecurity. Deadly conflicts can be more effectively avoided, and peace can be best forged and sustained, when women become equal partners. The National Action Plan is guided by the following five principles:
- the engagement and protection of women as agents of peace and stability
- building on goals for gender integration, gender equality, and women's empowerment
- guided by the principle of inclusion, seeking out the views and participation of a wide variety of stakeholders--women and girls, men and boys, and members of marginalized groups
- coordinate among all relevant departments and agencies of the US government, integrated into relevant United States foreign policy initiatives, and enhanced by engagement with international partners
- be accountable for the implementation of the policies and initiatives endorsed in this Plan.
Source: H6255/S3477 12-S3477 on Aug 1, 2012
Vigorous support for State of Israel against Hamas in Gaza.
Begich co-sponsored Resolution for Israeli Self-Defense
RESOLUTION expressing vigorous support and unwavering commitment to the welfare, security, and survival of the State of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state with secure borders:
- Whereas Hamas was founded with the stated goal of destroying the State of Israel;
- Whereas Hamas refuses to recognize Israel's right to exist, renounce violence, and accept previous agreements between Israel and the Palestinians;
- Whereas terrorists in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip have fired approximately 900 rockets and missile shells into Israel this year, an increase from roughly 675 attacks in 2011 and 350 in 2010;
- Whereas Israel, a fellow democracy, has an inherent right to self defense in the face of terrorist attacks:
Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the Congress:- expresses unwavering commitment to the security of the
State of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state with secure borders, and recognizes and strongly supports its inherent right to act in self-defense to protect its citizens against acts of terrorism;
- reiterates that Hamas must end Gaza-linked terrorist rocket and missile attacks against Israel, recognize Israel's right to exist, renounce violence, and agree to accept previous agreements between Israel and the Palestinians;
- urges the UN Security Council to condemn the recent spike in Gaza-linked terrorist missile attacks against Israel, which risk causing civilian casualties in both Israel and Gaza; and
- encourages the President to continue to work diplomatically with the international community to prevent Hamas and other Gaza-based terrorist organizations from retaining or rebuilding the capability to launch rockets and missiles against Israel.
Source: SR599/HR813 12-SRes599 on Nov 16, 2012
Page last updated: Apr 28, 2016