Don't let up on its defense spending, like pre-WWII
Lingle pressed Hirono on her vote that helped set up the so-called "fiscal cliff" scenario set to take effect in January if Congress can't reach a compromise on spending cuts and tax hikes. Lingle said Hirono shouldn't have supported cuts of $50 billion
per year to the military as part of the deal, because the cuts would have crushing effects in Hawaii given the large military presence here. "We can't do a pivot if we're cutting $50 billion" per year in defense, Lingle said.
Hirono said
Congress was right to raise the debt ceiling and needs to reach sensible compromise to avoid the deep cuts planned.
Lingle compared today's times with the period between WWI and WWII to say the US shouldn't let up on its defense
spending or become more isolated.
Hirono retorted that nobody's talking about weakening national defense, but Tea Party Republicans have said the US should worry more about itself than other countries.
Ensuring the safety and security of our citizens is a fundamental responsibility of government. As Senator, I will advocate for and work toward the preservation of America's security forces that will ensure stability and deterrence from armed aggression
in the Asia-Pacific region. Ensuring we have the appropriate level of military forces at a high state of readiness is in the best interest of Hawaii, our nation, and our allies in the Asia-Pacific region.
The Asia-Pacific region is critical to our
nation's long-term economic and security interests. Not only has defense spending by major countries in the Asia-Pacific region grown significantly in the past five years, but the region has seen an increase in cyber-warfare, bio-security and human
pandemic incidents in recent years, all of which represent threats to the US and to Hawaii. I will prioritize Defense and Homeland Security budgets to preserve and maintain resources in all of the forces in Pacific Command.