50,000 arrests for marijuana possession unjust and wrong
In New York City, nearly 50,000 people were arrested last year for marijuana possession. Low-level marijuana possession arrests have disastrous consequences for individuals and their families. These arrests limit one's ability to qualify for student
financial aid and undermine one's ability to find stable housing and good jobs. What's more, recent studies demonstrate clear racial bias in arrests for low-level possession, with African-Americans arrested four times more frequently as whites--despite
roughly equal usage rates.
This policy is unjust and wrong. First-time offenses for possession of small amounts of marijuana are supposed to be punishable by fine only, unless publicly displayed. However, too many young African-Americans and
Hispanics--without prior convictions--are still arrested for marijuana possession after being stopped and frisked by police, who then treat it as public display. Bill de Blasio will direct the NYPD to stop these misguided prosecutions.