State of Nevada Archives: on Crime
Adam Laxalt:
Penalties for criminals; justice for victims
One of the things I'm most proud of during my time as Attorney General is the tremendous success my office has had in promoting the safety of Nevada's communities. We have taken important and effective steps to increase penalties for criminals, to
secure justice for their victims, and to protect the most vulnerable of our citizens. As your Governor, I will continue to promote policies that keep Nevadans safe from dangerous criminals, including drug traffickers and sex offenders.
Source: 2018 Nevada Gubernatorial website
Nov 7, 2017
Adam Laxalt:
Increased penalties for Medicaid crimes & human trafficking
The Nevada Attorney General's office, frustrated at not having bills heard before the Legislature, sent two letters in conjunction with two law enforcement groups on requesting hearings on a package of public safety. Laxalt requested hearings on four
bills:- Assembly Bill 53 which increases the penalties of some Medicaid crimes
- Assembly Bill 55 which addresses the sexual assault kit backlog
- Assembly Bill 58 which increases penalties for repeat domestic violence abusers
- Assembly
Bill 73 which adds "human trafficking" to the definition of victim in statute and makes knowingly soliciting a child 14 and under for prostitution a sex trafficking crime
"These common sense criminal justice proposals are the result of collaboration
among law enforcement and other stakeholders over the past two years, and are deserving of the Legislature's consideration," the letter reads. "We respectfully request they be scheduled for hearings and passed at the earliest possible opportunity."
Source: Reno Gazette-Journal: Nevada voting record AB53/55/58/73
Apr 4, 2017
Bob Beers:
Don't let defendant inform grand jury charges were dismissed
Analysis by "Nevada Appeal", June 4, 2007:AB364 would allow a defendant in a criminal proceeding to file a statement with the grand jury if charges against him had earlier been dismissed in a preliminary hearing. That statement could
include the fact that a judge had dismissed the charges for lack of evidence or other legal problems. [The lead sponsor] said the change would provide defendants with some fairness by essentially requiring district attorneys to bring new evidence before
a grand jury after losing in a preliminary hearing, [and noted that] even the district attorneys had agreed they could live with the change.
Veto Message:The grand jury system is a fair and workable system that protects the rights of
defendants and there is no compelling need to change it.
Legislative Outcome:Jun/4/07 Senate 8-13-0 (sustained veto); State Sen. Bob Beers voted NO on override; Jun/4/07 Assembly 31-11-0 (overrode veto).
Source: NV Appeal on Nevada State Legislature voting records AB364
Jun 4, 2007
Brian Sandoval:
Reform juvenile justice system to reduce recidivism
A group of legislators, judges and policy makers studied our juvenile justice system and concluded it is in need of reform. They found that state and county agencies spent $95 million on the supervision of justice-involved youth, yet across our state
there is no standardized method to track outcomes, or ensure that evidence-based practices are being utilized.We know that some youth have multiple encounters with the courts, often leading to long-term supervision & incarceration. We can do better.
That's why I'm introducing the Juvenile Justice System Reform Act, which streamlines and standardizes criteria to match youth with the most effective services.
To that end, my budget includes $1.5 million to implement a statewide risk assessment program. These changes should result in reduced recidivism rates and improved outcomes for youth involved in the juvenile justice system.
Source: 2017 State of the State address to Nevada Legislature
Jan 17, 2017
Brian Sandoval:
Veto repeal banning sex offenders within 500 feet of school
Las Vegas Sun 6/11/15:Revising provisions governing sex offenders and offenders convicted of a crime against a child. SB99 would have repealed a provision banning Tier III sex offenders from going within 500 feet of a school,
playground or other place used primarily by children.Excerpts from veto message:
Senate Bill 99 allows sex offenders who have committed the most heinous sexually-motivated crimes to have greater access to places where children frequent in Nevada. It places our children at greater risk of harm.
Legislative outcome:
Passed Senate 19-0-2 on May/29/15; Passed Assembly 40-0-2 on May/31/15; Vetoed by Governor Brian Sandoval on Jun/10/15
Source: Las Vegas Sun on Nevada legislative voting record SB99
Jun 10, 2015
Catherine Cortez Masto:
Supports peer-to-peer counseling & privacy for law officers
Cortez Masto introduced legislation to encourage the adoption of law enforcement peer counseling programs and protect the privacy of officers. "Peer-to-peer counseling provides valuable mental health support to law enforcement, but a lack of resources
and concerns over confidentiality remain barriers to entry for too many departments," said Senator Cortez Masto. " It's time we support public safety officers across the country who are bravely seeking the mental health care they need."
Source: Senate press release for 2022 Nevada Senate race
Mar 11, 2020
Dina Titus:
Let defendant inform grand jury if charges were dismissed
Analysis by "Nevada Appeal", June 4, 2007:AB364 would allow a defendant in a criminal proceeding to file a statement with the grand jury if charges against him had earlier been dismissed in a preliminary hearing. That statement could
include the fact that a judge had dismissed the charges for lack of evidence or other legal problems. [The lead sponsor] said the change would provide defendants with some fairness by essentially requiring district attorneys to bring new evidence before
a grand jury after losing in a preliminary hearing, [and noted that] even the district attorneys had agreed they could live with the change.
Veto Message:The grand jury system is a fair and workable system that protects the rights of
defendants and there is no compelling need to change it.
Legislative Outcome:Jun/4/07 Senate 8-13-0 (sustained veto); State Sen. Dina Titus voted YES on override; Jun/4/07 Assembly 31-11-0 (overrode veto).
Source: NV Appeal on Nevada State Legislature voting records AB364
Jun 4, 2007
Jacky Rosen:
Fund law enforcement as robustly as necessary
US Senator Dean Heller toured the Washoe County Sheriff's Office crime lab. Heller says it is vital to get caught up on the backlog of untested sexual assault kits in Washoe County. "We're helping survivors," Heller says. "They need to know that we're
doing everything we possibly can."[Opponent Jacky] Rosen shared a similar sentiment, saying law enforcement should have all the necessary resources they need. "When I'm there I'm going to continue to fund them as robustly as necessary," Rosen says.
Source: KOLO-8 News Now NBC on 2018 Nevada Senate race
Aug 24, 2018
Jim Gibbons:
Don't let defendant inform grand jury charges were dismissed
Analysis by "Nevada Appeal", June 4, 2007:AB364 would allow a defendant in a criminal proceeding to file a statement with the grand jury if charges against him had earlier been dismissed in a preliminary hearing. That statement could
include the fact that a judge had dismissed the charges for lack of evidence or other legal problems. [The lead sponsor] said the change would provide defendants with some fairness by essentially requiring district attorneys to bring new evidence before
a grand jury after losing in a preliminary hearing, [and noted that] even the district attorneys had agreed they could live with the change.
Veto Message:The grand jury system is a fair and workable system that protects the rights of
defendants and there is no compelling need to change it.
Legislative Outcome:Jun/4/07 Senate 8-13-0 (sustained veto); Jun/4/07 Assembly 31-11-0 (overrode veto).
Source: NV Appeal on Nevada State Legislature voting records AB364
Jun 4, 2007
Joe Heck:
Don't let defendant inform grand jury charges were dismissed
Analysis by "Nevada Appeal", June 4, 2007:AB364 would allow a defendant in a criminal proceeding to file a statement with the grand jury if charges against him had earlier been dismissed in a preliminary hearing. That statement could
include the fact that a judge had dismissed the charges for lack of evidence or other legal problems. [The lead sponsor] said the change would provide defendants with some fairness by essentially requiring district attorneys to bring new evidence before
a grand jury after losing in a preliminary hearing, [and noted that] even the district attorneys had agreed they could live with the change.
Veto Message:The grand jury system is a fair and workable system that protects the rights of
defendants and there is no compelling need to change it.
Legislative Outcome:Jun/4/07 Senate 8-13-0 (sustained veto); State Sen. Joe Heck voted NO on override; Jun/4/07 Assembly 31-11-0 (overrode veto).
Source: NV Appeal on Nevada State Legislature voting records AB364
Jun 4, 2007
Joe Lombardo:
Defunding the police is a radical, left-wing effort
Defunding the police is a radical, left-wing effort focused on improving the lives of criminals while putting the rest of us at greater risk. Joe will fight any effort to defund the police.In the Army, Joe took an oath to protect and defend this
country and our constitution. As a police officer.and later as Sheriff.he took another oath to protect our community and our values. Safe from Antifa. Safe from Anarchy. Safe from Socialism.
Joe has and will always support police reforms that focus on better recruitment and more extensive vetting and training of officers trusted with protecting our communities. He believes that all police departments could benefit from a multicultural
advisory council that works to help law enforcement better understand and integrate with diverse communities. Joe has been a vocal advocate for finding more effective ways to handle mental health, social welfare, and victim advocacy calls.
Source: 2021 Nevada Governor campaign website
Oct 21, 2021
Joe Lombardo:
Enact more severe penalties for violence on school grounds
Most importantly, I'm calling on the Legislature to enact more severe penalties for anyone--parents, students, teachers, and staff included--who commits a violent act on school grounds. Our state must maintain a culture that has zero-tolerance for
school violence, so that we keep all individuals safe at school. Families already have enough to worry about--they shouldn't be afraid every morning when their kids leave for school.
Source: 2022 Nevada Governor campaign website
Apr 20, 2022
Joe Lombardo:
Sentencing reform directly related to increased crime rate
On sentencing reform, Lombardo was critical of a 2019 bill (AB236) that reduced penalties for some lower-level crimes and increased access to "diversion" programs that offer offenders treatment and services in lieu of time behind bars. "All that
I do know is since sentencing has been reformed, lessening of sentences associated with particular crimes, and particular crimes of violence, the crime rate has increased," Lombardo said. "Is that directly related? Yeah, in my opinion, it is."
Source: The Nevada Independent on 2022 Nevada Gubernatorial race
Mar 30, 2022
Joe Lombardo:
Supports the death penalty, as long as there's due process
Lombardo also
said he "supports the death penalty, as long as there's due process."
Source: The Nevada Independent on 2022 Nevada Gubernatorial race
Mar 30, 2022
John Jay Lee:
Audit the cost of capital punishment
AB501: Provides for an audit of the fiscal costs of the death penalty.Analysis by Center Right NV blog: AB501 calls for the legislative auditor to examine the costs of capital cases compared to non-death penalty cases. The study
includes pre-trial, trial and appeal costs, plus how much it costs to keep an inmate on death row.
Veto message analysis by Nevada Prison Watch blog analysis of Veto Message: Sandoval was not convinced it would be a fair audit. "The bill
lists the costs to be assessed in determining the overall fiscal impact of the imposition of the death penalty, but it does not specify how it is these costs will be assessed," the governor said. Sandoval said that death row inmates
make "individualized litigation choices" that drive up the costs of their cases.
Legislative Outcome: Passed Assembly 28-14-0 on Apr/25/11; Passed Senate 11-10-0 on May/28/11; Senator Lee voted YES; Vetoed by Gov. Sandoval on May/31/11.
Source: Analysis of Nevada legislative voting record AB501
May 28, 2011
John Jay Lee:
Doesn't know how child porn got on his iPad, called police
Lee addressed the 2014 story surrounding child pornography found on his iPad. He said he opened a link that contained the pornography and went to police as soon as he realized the material was on his computer. Both the North Las Vegas Police Department
and the Federal Bureau of Investigation looked into the situation, and the FBI ruled it did not have enough information to file any charges. "I did not do anything wrong, and I look forward to putting an end to that story," Lee said.
Source: Las Vegas Review-Journal on 2022 Nevada Gubernatorial race
May 16, 2021
John Jay Lee:
Let defendant inform grand jury if charges were dismissed
Analysis by "Nevada Appeal", June 4, 2007:AB364 would allow a defendant in a criminal proceeding to file a statement with the grand jury if charges against him had earlier been dismissed in a preliminary hearing. That statement could
include the fact that a judge had dismissed the charges for lack of evidence or other legal problems. [The lead sponsor] said the change would provide defendants with some fairness by essentially requiring district attorneys to bring new evidence before
a grand jury after losing in a preliminary hearing, [and noted that] even the district attorneys had agreed they could live with the change.
Veto Message:The grand jury system is a fair and workable system that protects the rights of
defendants and there is no compelling need to change it.
Legislative Outcome:Jun/4/07 Senate 8-13-0 (sustained veto); State Sen. John Jay Lee voted YES on override; Jun/4/07 Assembly 31-11-0 (overrode veto).
Source: NV Appeal on Nevada State Legislature voting records AB364
Jun 4, 2007
Kenny Guinn:
Supports the death penalty
Indicate which principles you support to address crime. - Support the death penalty.
- Prosecute juveniles who commit murder or other serious violent crimes as adults.
Source: 1998 Nevada Gubernatorial National Political Awareness Test
Nov 1, 1998
Kenny Guinn:
End parole for repeat violent felons
Indicate which principles you support to address crime. - End parole for repeat violent felons.
- Implement penalties other than incarceration for certain non-violent offenders.
Increase state funds for programs which rehabilitate and educate inmates during and after their prison sentences.
Source: 1998 Nevada Gubernatorial National Political Awareness Test
Nov 1, 1998
Mark Amodei:
Support the use of the death penalty in Nevada
Amodei indicates he supports the following principles concerning crime: - Support the use of the death penalty in Nevada.
Ban the use of racial profiling by law enforcement officers.
- Increase state funding for additional security of critical infrastructure against terrorist attacks.
Source: Nevada Congressional 2002 National Political Awareness Test
Nov 1, 2002
Mark Amodei:
End parole for repeat violent offenders
Amodei indicates he supports the following principles concerning crime: - Support programs to provide prison inmates with vocational and job-related skills and job-placement assistance when released.
End parole for repeat violent offenders.
- Implement penalties other than incarceration for certain non-violent offenders.
- Increase state funding for community centers and other social agencies in areas with at-risk youth.
Source: Nevada Congressional 2002 National Political Awareness Test
Nov 1, 2002
Michele Fiore:
Support our office; FUND the police!
We need to make our streets safe and support our officers in protecting our communities.
VOTE Michele Fiore in 2022 and FUND the police!
Source: 2022 Nevada Gubernatorial campaign website
Jun 26, 2022
Michele Fiore:
Repeal law banning sex offenders within 500 feet of school
Las Vegas Sun 6/11/15:Revising provisions governing sex offenders and offenders convicted of a crime against a child. SB99 would have repealed a provision banning Tier III sex offenders from going within 500 feet of a school,
playground or other place used primarily by children.Excerpts from veto message:
Senate Bill 99 allows sex offenders who have committed the most heinous sexually-motivated crimes to have greater access to places where children frequent in Nevada. It places our children at greater risk of harm.
Legislative outcome:
Passed Senate 19-0-2 on May/29/15; Passed Assembly 40-0-2 on May/31/15; State Rep. Michele Fiore voted YES; Vetoed by Governor Brian Sandoval on Jun/10/15
Source: Las Vegas Sun on Nevada legislative voting record SB99
May 31, 2015
Ruben Kihuen:
End the for-profit prison industry in America
Reforming the way our police interact with citizens is just one small step. Fundamentally we must reform the way our system works. Currently the for-profit prison industry makes nearly $5 billion a year incarcerating disproportionately young minority
men. No one should profit off of the imprisonment of any person. Period.In Congress, I will:- Sponsor legislation to end for-profit prisons in America.
Work on criminal justice reform legislation that ensures that young men in this country are not caught in the revolving door of prison.
- Use Congress' oversight ability to ensure the Justice Department properly investigates and
holds police departments accountable in cases of corruption and excessive force including more citizens review boards like we have here in Las Vegas.
- Work to end the practice of selling excess military supplies to local police departments.
Source: 2016 Nevada House campaign website
Nov 8, 2016
Ruben Kihuen:
Require police body cameras, to address injustice
I grew up in the heart of North Las Vegas, and I have seen first-hand the distrust between police and the minority communities they are meant to serve. As we see more police overreactions like Ferguson and Baltimore and unjust killing of young minority
men, we must take immediate, tangible action to address injustice.That's why in the legislature I supported legislation to require police to wear body cameras. This commonsense step helps protect our citizens and our police.
Source: 2016 Nevada House campaign website
Nov 8, 2016
Ruben Kihuen:
Repeal law banning sex offenders within 500 feet of school
Las Vegas Sun 6/11/15:Revising provisions governing sex offenders and offenders convicted of a crime against a child. SB99 would have repealed a provision banning Tier III sex offenders from going within 500 feet of a school,
playground or other place used primarily by children.Excerpts from veto message:
Senate Bill 99 allows sex offenders who have committed the most heinous sexually-motivated crimes to have greater access to places where children frequent in Nevada. It places our children at greater risk of harm.
Legislative outcome:
Passed Senate 19-0-2 on May/29/15; State Sen. Ruben Kihuen voted YES; Passed Assembly 40-0-2 on May/31/15; Vetoed by Governor Brian Sandoval on Jun/10/15
Source: Las Vegas Sun on Nevada legislative voting record SB99
May 29, 2015
Steve Sisolak:
More prisons; more death penalty; more mandatory minimums
Sisolak supports the following principles regarding crime in Nevada.- Increase state funds for construction of state prisons and for hiring of additional prison staff.
- Expand and promote "community policing" programs.
- Support "truth in
sentencing" for violent criminals so they serve their full sentences with no chance of parole.
- Expand the use of the death penalty for additional circumstances relating to murder.
- Implement penalties other than incarceration for non-violent
- Require mandatory life sentences for 3rd-time, violent felons.
- Inform communities when a convicted sex offender moves into the community.
- Increase state funds for programs which rehabilitate and educate inmates during and after their
prison sentences.
- Strengthen penalties & sentences associated with drug-related crimes.
- Limit the number of appeals allowed for inmates on death row.
- Strengthen victims'-rights laws to enable victims to recover more damages from offenders.
Source: 1996 Nevada National Political Awareness Test
Nov 1, 1996
Steve Sisolak:
Ease cash bail requirements to reduce incarceration
Q: Criminal Justice: Ease cash bail requirements to reduce incarceration?Adam Laxalt (R): Unknown.
Steve Sisolak (D): Yes, though for more minor offences.
Source: 2018 Issue Guide on Nevada Governor race
Oct 9, 2018
Steve Sisolak:
Help inmates ready to go straight
I am recommending we add new staff who will focus on supporting mental health and substance abuse programs and handling the increased caseload in the Parole and Probation division. This will be coupled with an increased investment in a pilot program
aimed at providing education and skills training for inmates. In the first year of this program, over 80 percent of the inmates enrolled graduated with either credits going towards a traditional college degree or a pre-apprenticeship experience.
Source: 2019 State of the State address to the Nevada legislature
Jan 16, 2019
Steve Sisolak:
Limit no-knock warrants, investigate civil rights violations
Sisolak signed a pair of police reform bills that will limit no-knock warrants and give the attorney general's office the power to investigate patterns of civil rights violations by police departments. Sisolak said that the bills represent a step
forward by addressing "long-stemming injustices in our country.""Nevadans deserve to feel safe in their own homes and communities, and it's critical that they trust that those charged with protecting them do so with integrity," he added.
The signing of the two bills came a year after the day of the death of George Floyd, who was killed by a Minnesota police officer. Senate Bill 50 puts new restrictions on when a court could approve a no-knock warrant.
Assembly Bill 58 gives the attorney general's office the authority to conduct "pattern and practice" investigations to probe civil rights complaints made against police departments and make recommendations on changes for the departments.
Source: Las Vegas Review-Journal on Nevada legislative voting record
May 25, 2021
Steven Horsford:
Let defendant inform grand jury if charges were dismissed
Analysis by "Nevada Appeal", June 4, 2007:AB364 would allow a defendant in a criminal proceeding to file a statement with the grand jury if charges against him had earlier been dismissed in a preliminary hearing. That statement could
include the fact that a judge had dismissed the charges for lack of evidence or other legal problems. [The lead sponsor] said the change would provide defendants with some fairness by essentially requiring district attorneys to bring new evidence before
a grand jury after losing in a preliminary hearing, [and noted that] even the district attorneys had agreed they could live with the change.
Veto Message:The grand jury system is a fair and workable system that protects the rights of
defendants and there is no compelling need to change it.
Legislative Outcome:Jun/4/07 Senate 8-13-0 (sustained veto); State Sen. Steven Horsford voted YES on override; Jun/4/07 Assembly 31-11-0 (overrode veto).
Source: NV Appeal on Nevada State Legislature voting records AB364
Jun 4, 2007
Joe Lombardo:
Make it harder--not easier--to commit a crime in Nevada
I will be introducing legislation that makes it harder ?not easier--to commit a crime in the state of Nevada. My bill will include:- Protecting businesses by lowering the felony theft threshold;
- Empowering judges and probation officers
to impose tougher sanctions for parole violations;
- Strengthening drug laws by reducing weights for possession and trafficking, while increasing penalties;
- Fentanyl possession in any amount should be a category B felony,
Source: 2023 State of the State Address to the Nevada legislature
Jan 23, 2023
Page last updated: Feb 18, 2023