State of South Carolina secondary Archives: on Gun Control
Bill Richardson:
The 2nd Amendment is precious
Q: You are currently the NRA�s favorite presidential candidate declared in either party, based on their rating system. Did anything about the massacre at Virginia Tech make you rethink any part of your position on guns?
A: The first point I�d want to
make is my sincerest condolences to the families of those loved ones that perished. It was an unspeakable tragedy. You�re right; I�m a Westerner. The 2nd Amendment is precious in the West. But I want to just state for the record, a vast majority of gun
owners are law-abiding. This is an issue that deals with two fundamental problems in our system. The first is mental illness. We should ensure that all federal and state initiatives deal with making sure those with mental illnesses cannot get a gun.
We should find ways to ensure that our schools get the help that they need to detect these mentally ill patients. Secondly, I�m for instant background checks. We have to make sure states are properly funded to be able to detect those problems.
Source: 2007 South Carolina Democratic primary debate, on MSNBC
Apr 26, 2007
Elizabeth Warren:
Treat gun violence as the public health emergency it is
We have to think of it the way we thought about auto violence decades ago. The point is, we tried; we studied; we collected data; and then we tried some more. Things that didn't work, we abandoned, and things that did, we doubled down on.
That's what I want to see us do on guns. I want to see us do the things that are obvious, the background checks, get assault weapons off our streets. But I want us to treat this as the public health emergency that it is.
Source: CNN Town Hall on eve of 2020 South Carolina primary
Feb 26, 2020
Hillary Clinton:
Background check system could prevent Virginia Tech massacre
Q: Did any role that federal government plays fail those students at Virginia Tech?
A: Yes. You know, I remember very well when I accompanied Bill to Columbine after that massacre and met with the family members of those who had been killed and talked
with the students, and feeling that we had to do more to try to keep guns out of the hands of the criminal and of the mentally unstable. And during the Clinton administration, that was a goal--not to, in any way, violate people's
Second Amendment rights, but to try to limit access to people who should not have guns. Unfortunately, we saw the tragedy unfold at Virginia Tech. We now know that the background check system didn't work,
because certainly this shooter, as he's called, had been involuntarily committed as a threat to himself and others. And, yet, he could walk in and buy a gun.
Source: 2007 South Carolina Democratic primary debate, on MSNBC
Apr 26, 2007
Hillary Clinton:
FactCheck: VA Tech shooter not declared a danger to others
Hillary Clinton slipped up in her description of the Virginia Tech killings, overstating what a Virginia court had found about the shooter's mental state in 2005. Clinton said the shooter "had been involuntarily committed as a threat to himself & others.
And, yet, he could walk in and buy a gun."
That's only half true. It's correct that Seung-hui Cho had a court-documented history of mental illness that should have precluded his purchase of a firearm. And he was indeed found to present "an imminent
danger to himself as a result of mental illness" in a ruling dated December 14, 2005. But the Judge did not check a box that would have declared Cho "an imminent danger to others." Moreover, the judge declined to involuntarily commit
Cho and sent him to outpatient counseling. Clinton's confusion on this might stem from bad reporting by some news outlets that said Cho was found to be a danger to himself and others.
Source: FactCheck on 2007 South Carolina Democratic debate
Apr 26, 2007
Jaime Harrison:
Endorsed by Everytown for Gun Safety for gun-sense majority
Everytown for Gun Safety threw its support behind 11 Democratic Senate candidates including Jaime Harrison in South Carolina.
"Everytown is going all-in to flip the Senate and elect leaders who will treat America's gun violence epidemic
like the crisis it is," the Everytown President said. The group has targeted a number of key races in the House and Senate, emphasizing the need to protect what it calls a "gun sense majority," which is mostly comprised of Democratic candidates.
Source: The Hill e-zine on 2020 South Carolina Senate endorsements
Jun 9, 2020
Joe Biden:
Keep assault weapons ban; close gun show loophole
Q: How many of you, in your adult lifetime, have had a gun in the house?
[Show of hands]: Senator Gravel, Senator Biden, Senator Dodd, Governor Richardson, Congressman Kucinich.
Q: Sen. Biden, what could the federal government have done to save
those kids at Virginia Tech?
A: What they could have done is three things.
In the so-called Biden crime bill, we put 100,000 cops on the street. I've worked with law enforcement for the past 30 years, with armor-piercing bullets, waiting
periods, etc. But the one thing that's clear: We should not have let the assault weapons ban lapse.
We should close this so-called gun show loophole, so you can't go into a gun show and buy a gun that you couldn't buy walking into a gun shop.
We have let the country down in the way in which we have not focused on mental illness. We should know that your kid is safe at college. If teachers determine that a child is a danger, the school should be able to take them off the campus.
Source: 2007 South Carolina Democratic primary debate, on MSNBC
Apr 26, 2007
Joyce Dickerson:
Right to guns, but address issues of gun violence
Both Joyce Dickerson and Harry Pavilack said they favor the right to have guns, both that there are issues associated with gun violence that need to be addressed. Pavilack cited the power of the gun industry, while Dickerson focused her attention on
avoiding future violence by adequately treating the mentally ill.
"I have a gun. I don't know how to shoot it, but I have one," Pavilack said.
"I believe South Carolina is ready for a woman like me," Dickerson said. "I have paid my dues."
Source: Augusta Chronicle on 2014 South Carolina Senate race
May 29, 2014
Kevin Bryant:
Wants schools to have ability to shoot back in defense
The one thing in common among the school shootings that have horrified America was not the type of weapon or type of school, is that no one was shooting back. I filed 2 bills last year to address school safety in a straightforward and common sense
manner. One bill codifies flexibility for already existing state school funds in order to allow schools to use those funds for school safety. My other bill removes the current mandate that allows only active law enforcement to enter with a weapon.
Source: South Strand News OpEd: 2018 South Carolina Governor race
Feb 13, 2018
Krystle Matthews:
Gun owner, strong advocate for gun reform laws
U.S. Senate Democratic candidate Krystle Matthews: "I'm a strong advocate for gun reform laws. I'm a gun owner, but common sense has got to kick in when we keep losing our most vulnerable,
our children. I'm a mother of five. Red flags, background checks, online sales -- there are many ways we can be better, we MUST be wiser." Matthews is running to take on Scott in November.
Source: Charleston City Paper on 2022 South Carolina Senate race
Jun 1, 2022
Lee Bright:
Opposes more gun restrictions
Question topic: More restrictive gun control laws are needed now to protect public safety.
Bright: Strongly Disagree
Source: Faith2Action iVoterGuide on 2014 South Carolina Senate race
Jul 2, 2014
Mia McLeod:
AR-15s shouldn't be in the hands of civilians
McLeod said that South Carolina doesn't have to "reinvent the wheel" when it comes to guns.
She said that AR-15s shouldn't be in the hands of civilians and that she believes in so-called "red flag" laws.
Source: WAMU on 2022 South Carolina Gubernatorial race
Jun 14, 2022
Mitt Romney:
Supports Second Amendment rights but also assault weapon ban
Q: As governor you signed into law one of the toughest restrictions on assault weapons in the country.
A: Let's get the record straight. First of all, there's no question that I support 2nd Amendment rights, but I also support an assault weapon ban.
Look, I've been governor in a pretty tough state. You've heard of blue states. In the toughest of blue states, I made the toughest decisions and did what was right for America. I have conservative values.
Source: 2007 Republican Debate in South Carolina
May 15, 2007
Richard Burr:
Hunter and sportsman; teach heritage & respect for firearms
Ever since I was a young man, I have been a hunter and a sportsman. I believe in teaching the next generation of Americans proper respect for firearms and about the heritage and freedom that our forefathers gave us with the Second Amendment.
I am also one of the leading supporters of Second Amendment rights in the House of Representatives. Like my friends at the National Rifle Association, I believe that gun-banning is wrong and I have always fought to protect the rights of gun owners.
That is why I have consistently received "A" ratings from the National Rifle Association while serving in Congress.
When guns get into the hands of criminals,
I also believe in punishing them to the full extent of what the law will allow. I have consistently voted to strengthen the ability of law enforcement to deal with criminals and those who bring firearms onto school property.
Source: on 2010 South Carolina Senate incumbents
Nov 24, 2010
Thomas Dixon:
Close the gun show loophole and the Charleston Loophole
Gun Violence Prevention:
Brady Background Checks need to be expanded to cover all gun sales regardless of where they occur and whom they are between. This means closing the "gun show loophole" that currently allows online and low volume sellers
to sell guns legally without running a background check on the buyer.
The "Charleston Loophole" must also be closed. This loophole allows people who have not passed background checks to obtain firearms after waiting only 3 days.
Source: 2016 South Carolina Senate campaign website
Aug 8, 2016
Tim Scott:
Don't rush to judgment on gun control after school shootings
Q: [In the wake of the recent school shootings], let me ask you about the whole business with the National Rifle Association. Their idea seems basically to be just add armed security to all of our nations' schools. Do you think that's feasible?
To rush to judgment, I think, is a bit premature on what we should do. We should take a very serious look at whatever it takes to keep our kids safe at school. We don't know what that is yet.
Q: But would you be in favor of changing some laws, like, for example, banning these assault weapons?
SCOTT: I would love to see what comes out of the committee [which Obama has just appointed], with Vice President Biden putting together
a holistic approach, looking at the opportunities to seriously address all the issues of mental illness to other issues, understanding what happened and why. After we have those answers, we'll be in a much better position to decide the path forward.
Source: CBS "Face the Nation" on 2014 South Carolina Senate race
Dec 23, 2012
Tim Scott:
Opposes more gun restrictions
Question topic: More restrictive gun control laws are needed now to protect public safety.
Scott: Disagree
Source: Faith2Action iVoterGuide on 2014 South Carolina Senate race
Sep 30, 2014
The above quotations are from State of South Carolina Politicians: secondary Archives.
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