Michael Bennet on Principles & Values
Democratic Presidential Challenger; CO Senator
Moral obligation to beat Trump, but don't impeach
Q: Should President Trump be impeached?BENNET: We are four months away from the Iowa Caucuses. And I just want to make sure whatever we do doesn't end up with an acquittal by Mitch McConnell in the Senate, which it surely would. And then President
Trump would be running saying that he had been acquitted by the United States Congress. I believe we have a moral obligation to beat Donald Trump. He has to be a single-term president. And we can't do anything that plays into his hands.
We need to be smart about how we're running or we're going to give him a second term. We can't do it.
Secretary Julian CASTRO: Senator, I think that folks are making a mistake by not pursuing impeachment. The Mueller Report clearly details that he
deserves it. And what's going to happen in the fall of 2020, if they don't impeach him, is that he's going to say, "You see? The Democrats didn't go after me on impeachment, and you know why? Because I didn't do anything wrong."
Source: July Democratic Primary debate, on impeaching Trump
, Jul 31, 2019
Jewish mother survived Holocaust in Warsaw Ghetto
Michael Bennet said in the first round of Democratic primary debates about Trump's policy of separating children from their parents at the Mexican border, "When I see these kids at the border, I see my mom, because I know she sees herself, because she
was separated from her parents for years during the Holocaust in Poland." Does that mean Michael Bennet's mother is a Holocaust survivor from the Warsaw Ghetto and therefore that Bennet is Jewish? We checked.Yes, Bennet's mother, Susanne Christine
Klejman, was born in the Warsaw Ghetto (where Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany imprisoned Polish Jews during WWII), in 1938. Her parents survived and she emigrated to America in 1950.
Bennet's father, Douglas Bennet, is a Christian. Under Jewish religious
law, anyone born to a Jewish mother is automatically Jewish, including those with Christian fathers. Michael Bennet married his wife via an Episcopal priest, and says he believes in God, but observes neither Jewish nor Christian religious rituals.
Source: OnTheIssues FactCheck on June Democratic Primary debate
, Jun 27, 2019
Socialist policies are like giving candy to voters
Q [to Bernie Sanders]: What is your response to those who say nominating a "socialist" would re-elect Donald Trump?SANDERS: [Trump is trying] to throw 32 million people off their health care 83% of tax benefits go to the top 1%.
Q: [to Bennet]: You
have said, "It's possible to write policy proposals that have no basis in reality. You might as well call them candy." Were you referring to any proposal in particular?
facing as a country is, 40 years of no economic growth for 90% of the American people; and we've got the worst income inequality that we've had in 100 years. Where I disagree is on his solution of Medicare for all. Health care is a right. We need to get
to universal health care. I believe the way to do that is by finishing the work we started with ObamaCare and creating a public option. Bernie mentioned taxes that we would have to pay. Because of those taxes, Vermont rejected Medicare for all.
Source: June Democratic Primary debate (second night in Miami)
, Jun 27, 2019
Improvement with each generation now at risk
My mom and her parents came to the United States to rebuild their shattered lives, in the only country that they could. Three hundred years before that, my parents' family came searching religious freedom here. The ability for one generation to do
better than the next is now severely at risk in the United States. I believe we need to build a broad coalition of Americans to beat Donald Trump, end the corruption in Washington, and build a new era of American democracy and American opportunity.
Source: June Democratic Primary debate (second night in Miami)
, Jun 27, 2019
Government no longer plans for the next generation
[Publicity blurb from Sen. Bennet's "Land of Flickering Lights":]:"We had become the land of flickering lights, in which the standard of success was not what we were doing for the next
generation of Americans, or to enhance our role in the world, but instead whether we had kept government open for another few minutes."
Source: Sen. Bennet's "Land of Flickering Lights"
, Jun 25, 2019
Appointed for vacancy as "accidental Senator"
After a number of years in the private sector reorganizing distressed companies, in 2003 I became chief of staff to Denver's mayor John Hickenlooper. Shortly thereafter the board of education selected me to become the superintendent of
Denver's public schools, a job that brought me face-to-face with America. Five years later, Barack Obama was elected president, and he soon nominated Ken Salazar, one of Colorado's senators, as a secretary of the interior.
This created a vacancy, and to my surprise Governor Bill Ritter appointed me to fill it. I had never run for office. Polls pegged my name recognition in Colorado at 3 percent. I was not an obvious choice.
A national political website greeted the news of my appointment with the encouraging headline: WTF?!! Colorado's Republican Party chairman derisively referred to me as "the accidental senator."
Source: Land of Flickering Lights, by Michael Bennet, p. 4-5
, Jun 25, 2019
Continue investigations; see if public supports impeachment
The majority of people say that the House should continue to investigate, and then we should make a decision down the road, about whether to impeach, I think that's exactly right. Mueller should testify. We should have the full, unredacted report.
It seems fairly clear, from the evidence, that he has committed impeachable offenses. But we need to go through a process here and see if the American people can be convinced that that's actually the right outcome.
Source: Meet the Press 2019 interview of 2020 presidential hopefuls
, May 5, 2019
Born in India, to diplomat & Jewish Holocaust survivor
Bennet was born in New Delhi, India, the son of Susanne Christine (ne Klejman) and Douglas J. Bennet. His father, who was born in New Jersey, served as an aide to Chester Bowles, then the U.S. ambassador to India. Bennet's father was Christian and his
mother is a Jewish Holocaust survivor who was born in Poland and emigrated to the United States with her family in 1950. Her parents survived imprisonment in the Warsaw Ghetto.
Bennet's father ran the United States Agency for International Development under President Jimmy Carter, served as President and CEO of National Public Radio (1983-93), and Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs
in the Clinton Administration (1993-95). His grandfather Douglas Bennet was an economic adviser in Franklin D. Roosevelt's administration. Bennet's mother is a retired elementary school librarian.
Source: Wikipedia.com, "Michael Bennet: Early Life and Education"
, May 2, 2019
Family includes Mayflower descendants & Holocaust survivors
One fun thing about Michael Bennet:
Bennet is the son of Mayflower descendants on his father's side and Holocaust survivors on his mother's.
Source: Axios.com on 2020 Democratic primary
, Apr 22, 2019
Most Democrats are not socialists and should say so
He warns that Democrats shouldn't make it easy for Donald Trump to write them off as socialists (he jumped up and applauded when the president said "America will never be
a socialist country" in his State of the Union address, realizing only later that Bernie Sanders was right behind him, scowling in his seat).
Source: The Atlantic, "Stop the Rage" on 2020 Democratic primary
, Mar 2, 2019
No particular religion nor congregation but believes in God
Q: What is Michael Bennet's religion?A: Bennet does not affiliate with a particular religion but says he believes in God.
Q: Where does Michael Bennet worship?
A: Bennet does not worship with a congregation. He and his wife were married by an
Episcopal priest.
Q: What religion was Michael Bennet born into?
A: Bennet's father is a Christian and his mother is Jewish. "I was raised with two different heritages, one was Jewish and one was Christian,"
Bennet has said. "I am proud that both heritages are part of me, and I believe in God." His maternal grandparents and his mother escaped from Poland during the Holocaust.
COMMENTS: "I'm not concerned about that at all," Bennet said of discussing his Jewish history, "just because I think we've moved beyond that in our politics."
Source: National Review on 2020 presidential hopefuls
, Oct 28, 2010
Raised in two different heritages, Jewish and Christian
From a profile in the Rocky Mountain News archives: His father, Douglas J. Bennet, is Christian but also did not actively worship.Under Jewish doctrine, Judaism is passed down through the mother. Bennet is Jewish because his mother is. But even in
Poland, the Klejmans were not observant, and he did not grow up practicing that religious tradition.
"I was raised with two different heritages, one was Jewish and one was Christian," Michael Bennet said. "I am proud that both heritages are part of
me, and I believe in God."
Colorado voters typically have paid little attention to religion. Gov. Bill Ritter's Catholicism became an election issue only after he announced positions that Denver Archbishop Charles Chaput publicly condemned.
In last year's primaries, Republican presidential contender Mitt Romney swept Colorado, though his Mormon background raised concerns elsewhere.
Source: National Review on 2020 presidential hopefuls
, Oct 28, 2010
Pragmatism and independent thinking at national level
Michael Bennet's desire to represent Colorado in the US Senate is deeply rooted in a moral obligation to leave this country in a better place for his children, and a fear that we will fail in that obligation if we do not take a fresh approach to
Washington. He believes that the pragmatism and independent thinking that have been so essential to making Colorado such an incredible place to live are also the values we must embrace at a national level to achieve the fundamental change we need.
Source: 2010 Senate campaign website, bennetforcolorado.com, "About"
, Dec 25, 2009
Editor-in-Chief of The Yale Law Journal
Michael earned his bachelor's degree with honors from Wesleyan University and his law degree from Yale Law School, where he was Editor-in-Chief of The Yale Law Journal.
Source: Biography on www.senate.gov
, Jan 23, 2009
Married with three school-age daughters
Michael married Susan Daggett, a successful natural resources lawyer, in 1997. Michael and Susan are the proud parents of three daughters, Caroline (9), Halina (7), and Anne (4).
Source: Biography on www.senate.gov
, Jan 23, 2009
Voted YES on confirming of Sonia Sotomayor to Supreme Court.
Yesterday, the Senate Judiciary Committee kicked off the confirmation hearings for Supreme Court Nominee, Judge Sonia Sotomayor. In her opening statement, Judge Sotomayor pledged a "fidelity to the law:"
"In the past month, many Senators have asked me about my judicial philosophy. It is simple: fidelity to the law. The task of a judge is not to make the law--it is to apply the law. And it is clear, I believe, that my record in two courts reflects my rigorous commitment to interpreting the Constitution according to its terms; interpreting statutes according to their terms and Congress's intent; and hewing faithfully to precedents established by the Supreme Court and my Circuit Court. In each case I have heard, I have applied the law to the facts at hand."
Reference: Supreme Court Nomination;
Bill PN506
; vote number 2009-S262
on Aug 6, 2009
Question Trump on Emoluments clause.
Bennet signed questioning Trump on Emoluments clause
Excerpts from Letter from 17 Senators to Trump Organization: The Trump Organization's continuing financial relationship with President Trump raises concerns about whether it is a pass-through for income that violates the Constitution's two Emoluments Clauses: Article I, Section 9, Clause 8 on foreign Emoluments; and Article II, Clause 7 on domestic Emoluments. Please answer the following questions to help Congress understand:
- When the Trump Organization receives income from a government agency, how is that income segregated & reported?
- How does the Trump Organization determine if income is derived from foreign governments?
- Trump promised to "donate all profits from foreign government payments made to his hotels to the US Treasury." Has the Trump Organization created a mechanism to make such payments?
- What is the estimated value of the 38 Chinese trademarks recently awarded to the Trump Organization? And the reported 157 pending trademark applications in
36 countries?
Legal Analysis: (Cato Institute, "Emoluments Clause vs. Trump Empire," 11/29/16): The wording of the Emoluments clause points one way to resolution: Congress can give consent, as it did in the early years of the Republic to presents received by Ben Franklin. It can decide what it is willing to live with in the way of Trump conflicts. If it misjudges public opinion, it will pay a political price at the next election.
FOIA argument: (ACLU Center for Democracy, "FOIA Request," 1/19/17): We filed our first Freedom of Information Act request of the Trump Era, seeking documents relating President Trump's conflicts of interest relating to his business connections. When Trump took the oath of office, he didn't take the steps necessary to ensure that he and his family's business interests comply with the Constitution. Some have even argued that upon taking the oath of office, the new president is already violating the Emoluments Clause.
Source: Letter from 17 Senators 17LTR-EMOL on May 18, 2017
Certify 2020 Presidential election as fully & fairly counted.
Bennet voted NAY blocking certification of the Electoral vote
Explanation of 1/6/21 Electoral Certification, by Emily Brooks, Washington Examiner:Sen. Ted Cruz and Rep. Paul Gosar led an objection to counting Electoral College votes from the state of Arizona, the first formal objection to state results in a series of moves that will delay the certification of Joe Biden as the winner of the 2020 presidential election over President Trump. Cruz is advocating for an `emergency 10-day audit` of election returns in disputed states. The usually ceremonial joint session of Congress that convenes to count and accept Electoral College votes will be put on hold as the House and Senate separately debate the objection.
Timeline of 1/6/21 by Wikipedia:- 1:12 PM: Gosar and Cruz object to certifying the votes. The joint session separates into House and Senate chambers to debate the objection.
- 1:35 PM: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) warns that refusing to certify the results of the
presidential election under false pretenses would push American democracy into a `death spiral`.
- 2:12 PM: The first rioter enters the Capitol through a broken window, opening a door for others
- 2:24 PM: President Trump tweets, `Mike Pence didn't have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify.`
- 4:17 PM: Trump denounces the riots, but maintaining the false claims that the election was stolen
- Around 5:40 PM: As the interior of the Capitol is cleared of rioters, leaders of Congress state that they will continue tallying electoral votes
- 8:06 PM: The Senate reconvenes, with Vice President Pence presiding.
- 10:15 PM: The Senate votes 93-6 against the objection (Senate rollcall #1).
- 11:30 PM: The House votes 303-121 to reject the objection (House rollcall #10).
Source: Congressional vote 21-Cert on Jan 6, 2021
Create Commission to investigate Jan. 6 Capitol riots.
Bennet voted YEA creating a January 6th Commission
Bill summary:The select committee must (1) conduct an investigation of the relevant facts and circumstances relating to the attack on the Capitol; (2) identify, review, and evaluate the causes of and the lessons learned from this attack; and (3) submit a report containing findings, conclusions, and recommendations to prevent future acts of violence, domestic terrorism, and domestic violent extremism, and to improve the security of the U.S. Capitol Complex and other American democratic institutions.
CBS News summary, by Grace Segers on June 30, 2021:H.R. 3233 would have created a bipartisan, independent commission to investigate the root causes of the breach of the U.S. Capitol, modeled after the 9/11 Commission.
On May 28, the House passed the bill by a vote of 222 to 190, including 35 Republican votes. It then failed in the Senate, where it received an insufficient number of Republican votes to advance.
In response, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced on June 24 that the House would establish a select committee [appointed by House Democrats, instead of a bipartisan independent commission] to investigate the Jan. 6 insurrection and general security issues related to the incident. Pelosi said its leadership and members would be announced later. The House passed the resolution to form the committee on June 29, 2021, by a vote of 222-190.
OnTheIssues note: The Senate voting record refers to the earlier rejected bill H.R. 3233, and the House voting record refers to the later bill H.Res.503. The later bill had no Senate vote (but the two House votes were almost identical).
Source: Congressional vote 21-HR503 on May 28, 2021
Page last updated: Sep 16, 2022; copyright 1999-2022 Jesse Gordon and OnTheIssues.org