Q: Support Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as ObamaCare?
Kelly Loeffler: No. Supports lawsuit to end. Calls Medicare for All insidious attack on liberty.
Raphael Warnock: Yes. Would "protect, improve, and build upon the Affordable Care Act."
Source: CampusElect on 2019-20 Georgia 2-year Senate race
, Nov 3, 2020
COVID: Trump took threat seriously from the beginning
Q: Your opinion on the federal response to COVID?
Kelly Loeffler: "Trump and his administration have taken the threat of COVID-19 seriously from the beginning."
Raphael Warnock: Both Georgia and Trump have stumbled on pandemic response. "We need leadership that believes in science and will act with integrity."
Source: CampusElect on 2019-20 Georgia 2-year Senate race
, Nov 3, 2020
Against Medicare for All, use free market solutions
My goal is to make sure that seniors have better access to quality, affordable health care. I will never cut funding for seniors. Democrats are pushing a dangerous "Medicare for All" system that would bankrupt our country, increase health care
costs, reduce coverage and decrease the quality of care. We need to look at ways to increase the efficiency in the current system, cut waste, use free market solutions to drive down the cost of healthcare while increasing affordability and quality.
Source: AARP Voter Guide on 2019-20 Georgia 2-year Senate race
, Oct 7, 2020
Every Georgian should have access to high-quality, affordable care. The path to that future will require that we reduce regulation, increase competition and cut waste. Trump has taken action to lower drug prices using exactly these
principles, bringing more competition to the market, cutting out the middleman insurers. The socialist Democrats want "Medicare for All," which would mean less choice in the insurance market, worse care and more expensive doctor visits.
Source: AARP Voter Guide on 2019-20 Georgia 2-year Senate race
, Oct 7, 2020
For nursing homes, we need tort reform & to cut regulations
I've worked hard throughout COVID-19 to ensure that our nursing homes and long-term care facilities have access to the funding and the support that they need to keep serving our seniors, especially those in rural Georgia. For our nursing homes,
for our long-term care facilities, we've got to look at tort reform and other ways to eliminate burdensome regulations that slow down access and reduce quality.
Source: AARP Voter Guide on 2019-20 Georgia 2-year Senate race
, Oct 7, 2020
We need accessible, affordable healthcare
Like you, Kelly Loeffler knows that we need accessible, affordable healthcare in Georgia. On the HELP Committee, Kelly will partner with the President to lower prescription drug prices, end surprise medical billing,
and help put people ahead of the special interests. Just like Governor Kemp, Kelly wants to ensure a better, brighter, and healthier future for our state.
Source: 2020 GA 2-year Senate campaign website KellyForSenate.com
, Jun 16, 2020
Insidious socialism like Medicare-for-All attacks liberty
Socialism, and its societal and financial costs, is a very real threat to the freedoms that allow us to prosper as a country. The Green New Deal and Medicare for All represent insidious attacks on the unparalleled liberty that we as
Americans enjoy today--and that others in countries around the world are fighting to gain. The radical left doesn't know or care how many jobs or dollars their government takeovers will cost.
Source: Bluffton Today on 2019-20 Georgia 2-year Senate race
, Dec 30, 2019
Supports overhaul of Medicaid in Georgia
Loeffler said, "I know that health care is not a one size fits all solution," Loeffler said. She likes what Kemp has proposed for overhauling Medicaid in Georgia. "I think our state is in a position to start solving these (issues) in a novel and innovati
Source: Augusta Chronicle on 2019-20 Georgia 2-year Senate race
, Dec 23, 2019
Loeffler opposes the AFA survey question on universal coverage
The AFA inferred whether candidates agree or disagree with the statement, 'It is the government's responsibility to ensure everyone has health insurance'?
Self-description: (American Family Association helps produce iVoterGuides): "Grounded in God; rooted in research"; they "thoroughly investigate candidates"; when they cannot "evaluate with confidence, they receive an 'Insufficient' rating" (& we exclude)
Loeffler opposes the AFA survey question on eliminating private insurance
The AFA inferred whether candidates agree or disagree with the statement, 'I support the elimination of private healthcare insurance'?
Self-description: (American Family Association helps produce iVoterGuides): "Grounded in God; rooted in research"; they "thoroughly investigate candidates"; when they cannot "evaluate with confidence, they receive an 'Insufficient' rating" (& we exclude)