John Neely Kennedy on Education
Democratic Senate Challenger (LA)
Willing to try anything including vouchers & school choice
Kennedy said the problem isn't in higher education, but elementary and secondary education. "We can't seem to teach our kids how to read and write and do basic math when we've got 18 years to do it,'' he said. "I don't understand that.
I don't care what the political cost is. I'm willing to try just about anything to improve public elementary and secondary education, including vouchers, including school choice, including charter schools."
Source: USA Today on 2022 Lousiana Senate race
, Jun 6, 2017
More funding for pre-K education
A proponent of education, Kennedy encouraged Louisiana school districts to put the money they received from the tobacco sale into trust funds for pre-K education. He also helped teachers in Louisiana by offering $20 million in home loan programs
with low interest rates or down payment assistance. He is an adjunct professor of constitutional law at LSU Law School and is a volunteer substitute teacher for East Baton Rouge Parish public schools.
Source: 2008 Senate campaign website, www.johnkennedy.com, About
, Mar 2, 2008
Pre-K works and early childhood education is important
Pre-K works. You ask any kindergarten teacher and he will tell you he can spot any child whos had early childhood education almost immediately.
Source: LA Senate Debate, in Tuscaloosa News
, Oct 21, 2004
Supports accountability and a fully-funded NCLB
I believe that public school policy should be made by our states and our local communities, not by bureaucrats in Washington. I believe in accountability. That which is measured gets done, in my experience.
But I do not believe in accountability as an end in itself. Teaching to the test is wrong. School accountability programs must also be flexible. States and communities are not identical.
Teachers and administrators should have meaningful input at all times. If something is not working in our accountability program, teachers and administrators should have the authority to try something else.
Any accountability program must also be properly funded. The United States Congress has underfunded the No Child Left Behind Act by $6.7 billion, $165 million in Louisiana alone. Ill work hard as your United States Senator to restore that funding.
Source: 2004 Senate campaign website, www.johnkennedy.com, Issues
, Oct 20, 2004
I believe in public education
I believe in public education. I graduated from public schools. My son attends a public school. I have volunteered to substitute teach in the East Baton Rouge Parish public school system. And I have served as a volunteer LEAP tutor in the
Orleans Parish public schools. I believe that public school policy should be made by our states and our local communities, not by bureaucrats in Washington, and I will act on that belief as your next United States Senator.
Source: 2004 Senate campaign website, www.johnkennedy.com, Issues
, Oct 20, 2004
Supports START college saving program
The Student Tuition Assistance and Revenue Trust (START) Saving Program - Louisianas Qualified Tuition Plan under Section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code - recently introduced five additional low-cost, broadly diversified investment options for
college savings. The new investment options, which include equities, complement the existing fixed-return securities option currently offered by the program and managed by the Louisiana State Treasurer.
We are very pleased to expand our line-up of investment options to help Louisiana residents better meet their college savings needs, said State Treasurer John Kennedy. By offering parents the option to invest in the stock market if they choose,
we are making it possible for them to diversify their college savings investments. Having a broadly diversified portfolio is critical when you are saving to meet a particular goal, including something as important as a childs education.
Source: Treasurers press release, START
, Mar 10, 2004
Opposes Common Core as a nationwide academic standard.
Kennedy opposes the AFA survey question on Common Core
The American Family Association Action Voter Guide asked if candidates agree or disagree with the statement, 'The federal government should establish Common Core as a nationwide academic standard for high school graduation.'
American Family Association Action (AFA Action) produces the online "iVoterGuide" for selected state and federal races. The mission of AFA Action is to inform and mobilize individuals to strengthen the biblical foundations of America.
Source: American Family Association survey 16AFA_Q7 on Nov 8, 2016
Page last updated: Dec 26, 2021