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Jon Tester on Principles & Values

Democratic Jr Senator


AdWatch: Voted with Trump 52%, but against key initiatives

MTN News examined a trio of these ads airing in recent weeks, and the facts behind them:
Source: MTN News AdWatch on 2018 Montana Senate race , Aug 28, 2018

No safe haven for neo-Nazi white nationalists

Top Montana lawmakers warned neo-Nazis they would find "no safe haven" for a rally that could include guns planned for next month in a mountain town where white nationalists have threatened Jewish residents.

The lawmakers include both Democrats and U.S. Rep. Ryan Zinke, recently picked by Republican President-elect Donald Trump to be interior secretary. "We say to those few who seek to publicize anti-Semitic views that they shall find no safe haven here," Zinke wrote in an open letter also signed by Gov. Steve Bullock (D); U.S. Sens. Steve Daines (R), and Jon Tester (D); and Attorney General Tim Fox (R).

Neo-Nazis plan to march in January in the mountain ski town of Whitefish in Montana's remote and rugged northwestern reaches. The march is to support the mother of white nationalist leader Richard Spencer. Sherry Spencer is facing pressure from community members to sell a building she owns in Whitefish because of its ties to her son and to disavow her son's beliefs.

Source: Religion News Service on 2018 Montana Senate race , Dec 28, 2016

Voted with Democratic Party 88.6% of 324 votes.

Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT), was scored by the Washington Post on the percentage of votes on which a lawmaker agrees with the position taken by a majority of his or her party members. The scores do not include missed votes. Their summary:
Voted with Democratic Party 88.6% of 324 votes.
Overall, Democrats voted with their party 88.4% of the time, and Republicans voted with their party 81.7% of the time (votes Jan. 8 through Sept. 8, 2007).
Source: Washington Post, "Congress Votes Database" on 2008 election , Sep 8, 2007

Premature to call for impeachment proceedings against Bush

Q: Do you believe that Pres. Bush has committed impeachable offenses?

TESTER: I think it's a bit premature to say that there should be impeachment proceedings against Pres. Bush. I do think there will be public hearings, and I think that's critically important. If impeachable offenses are found, then so be it. I think we need to focus on the issues I hear about from the people of this great state. We've got a system that's broken right now, and needs to be fixed, and it needs some leadership back in Washington DC. The current cast isn't getting it done.

JONES: Yes, Pres. Bush has committed many impeachable offenses. He has issued executive orders that have the force and effect of law, when he has no constitutional authority to issue laws. Pres. Bush pushed the Patriot Act and other bills that have been just as threatening to our freedom. This man has to be impeached in order to preserve our freedoms. We have to impeach this man to let these people know they cannot do that to our freedoms.

Source: 2006 Montana 3-way Senate Debate at MSU , Oct 9, 2006

Burns changed his votes due to Jack Abramoff donations

Q: Did the Jack Abramoff campaign donations affect any of your votes?

BURNS: Baseless allegations, drummed up in a negative campaign. We've answered those questions. Montanans have always been first in my office. These untruths are the only way to challenge your integrity.

TESTER: Several members of Congress have gone to jail because of their connections to Abramoff. Sen. Burns collected more money from Abramoff than anyone else in Congress. What Sen. Burns didn't tell you is that he DID change his vote on the Marianas Island, on slave labor. And he did give a school to the richest tribe in the US. And he did give Abramoff everything he wanted. People in MT expect integrity and honesty. A handshake in this state means something. Your word is your bond. And Sen. Burns has had staff member after staff member go out of your office and become lobbyists, and vice versa. That's not representing MT and that's not right, and we need a change.

BURNS: All baseless allegations and untruths.

Source: 2006 MT Senate debate, Tester vs. Burns in Butte , Sep 24, 2006

Opposes flag-burning; but not worth amending Constitution

On gay marriage and burning the flag, Tester says he supports neither, but also opposes amending the "sacred document" of the federal Constitution to deal with either issue. He says his tax policies would lower the burden for middle-class taxpayers
Source: Sam Howe Verhovek, L.A. Times Staff Writer , Sep 3, 2006

Sen. Burns brings scandals like Abramoff & bridge-to-nowhere

Q: Sen. Burns trumpets the fact that he brings lots of federal dollars back to Montana.

A: What have these deals cost the country? He's [supported funding to build] a bridge to nowhere worth $223 million [to connect Gravina Island with Ketchikan in Alaska]. He voted for that. He's given money to one the richest Indian tribes in the country, because Jack Abramoff asked him to do it. I just think it's time for some honesty and integrity.

Source: Newsweek interview , Aug 22, 2006

Campaign slogan: Real Montana, real change

Throughout his speech, Tester repeated variations of his "real Montana, real change" campaign slogan, and often came back to the fact that he's a farmer. He's waved his mangled left hand - he lost the three middle fingers in a meat-cutting accident-so often that supporters now routinely waggle "Hang 10" signals as he enters a room. He frequently eschews a tie. "I may not look like a guy from Washington DC, but isn't it time Washington started to look a little like Montana?" he asked.
Source: Scot Miller in Great Falls Tribune , Aug 3, 2006

Certify 2020 Presidential election as fully & fairly counted.

Tester voted NAY blocking certification of the Electoral vote

Explanation of 1/6/21 Electoral Certification, by Emily Brooks, Washington Examiner:Sen. Ted Cruz and Rep. Paul Gosar led an objection to counting Electoral College votes from the state of Arizona, the first formal objection to state results in a series of moves that will delay the certification of Joe Biden as the winner of the 2020 presidential election over President Trump. Cruz is advocating for an `emergency 10-day audit` of election returns in disputed states. The usually ceremonial joint session of Congress that convenes to count and accept Electoral College votes will be put on hold as the House and Senate separately debate the objection.