Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Books by and about the 2016 presidential election |
What Happened , by Hillary Clinton (2017) |
Higher Loyalty , by James Comey (2018) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Hard Choices, by Hillary Clinton (2014) |
Becoming , by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |

(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)
Survey of 2015-2016 House campaign websites
 (Click for external website)
OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Clay Higgins: 96 million children have been murdered in the womb.
Brian Fitzpatrick: Double funding from $4B to $8B at woman's health clinics.
Brian Mast: Defend life at every stage.
Claudia Tenney: Believes strongly in the sanctity of life.
Darren Soto: Women have a right to control their own bodies.
David Kustoff: Life begins at conception.
Don Bacon: Support the 5-month abortion ban.
Francis Rooney: Cherish and respect life.
Jack Bergman: Right to life includes the lives of those yet unborn.
Jacky Rosen: Women's health care decisions are personal.
James Comer: Not one penny of tax dollars to Planned Parenthood.
Jamie Raskin: Protect women's right to their own healthcare decisions.
Jason Lewis: Allow pro-life state laws under 10th Amendment.
Jim Banks: Unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life.
Jodey Arrington: Unborn children have the constitutional right to life.
John Rutherford: All life is sacred, period.
Josh Gottheimer: Fight any attempt to get between a woman and her doctor.
Lisa Blunt Rochester: Fight against defunding Planned Parenthood.
Matt Gaetz: Ban taxpayer-funded abortions under ObamaCare.
Mike Gallagher: Moral and civic duty to defend the right to life.
Nanette Barragan: Don't force views of men in Congress on women's bodies.
Neal Dunn: Fight for the sanctity of life.
Paul Mitchell: Fundamental right to life from conception.
Pramila Jayapal: Expand contraceptive options for women & Planned Parenthood.
Raja Krishnamoorthi: Consistent supporter of a woman's right to choose.
Ro Khanna: All women should have access to birth control and abortion.
Roger Marshall: Opposes any efforts to use taxpayer funding for abortions.
Scott Taylor: A pro-life Christian.
Stephanie Murphy: Defend rights of women to make family planning decisions.
Ted Budd: Obey God rather than man: I am 100% pro-life.
Tom Garrett: Protect the unborn; life begins at conception.
Vicente Gonzalez: Increase funding for family planning services.
Warren Davidson: Defend religious liberty & the lives of the unborn.
Trent Kelly: Planned Parenthood is breaking the law; defund them.
Darin LaHood: Cherish life & protect unborn children.
Budget & Economy
Clay Higgins: Insidious lust for power and money drives deficit spending.
Mike Johnson: Balance the budget; reduce licensing requirements.
Al Lawson: We are still rebuilding from the Recession; focus on jobs.
Andy Biggs: No Budget, No Pay, then a balanced budget.
Brian Fitzpatrick: End waste, fraud & abuse; plus Balanced-Budget Amendment.
Brian Mast: Balance budget & overhaul federal spending caps.
Claudia Tenney: Oppose Big Government cronyism like START-UP-NY subsidies.
David Kustoff: Oppose tax-and-spend policies, as well as over-regulation.
Don Bacon: Reduce our domestic spending, and reform our entitlements.
Donald McEachin: Seek job-creating investments in infrastructure & families.
Francis Rooney: $20 trillion dollars national debt is a national disgrace.
Jack Bergman: Balanced budget amendment to the Constitution.
Jacky Rosen: Cut wasteful spending; get rid of burdensome regulations.
James Comer: Federal fiscal restraint to tackle $19 trillion debt.
Jason Lewis: Across-the-board budget reductions.
Jimmy Panetta: Strengthen local agriculture, tourism, technology & research.
John Faso: Break up giant omnibus bills & limit discretionary spending.
John Rutherford: Entrepreneurs create jobs--not the government.
Josh Gottheimer: Invest in R&D and infrastructure, and shrink our debt.
Matt Gaetz: Balance budget by cutting spending & reforming entitlements.
Mike Gallagher: Cut wasteful spending and pay down the national debt.
Nanette Barragan: Balance business interests and jobs for our communities.
Neal Dunn: Cut excessive regulation; rein in wasteful spending.
Ro Khanna: Entrepreneurial Nation: programs to grow businesses.
Roger Marshall: Get government out of the way, to allow prosperity.
Ruben Kihuen: Wall Street blames homeowners for the foreclosure crisis.
Scott Taylor: Increase opportunities for all Americans via job retraining.
Ted Budd: Fiscal responsibility needed for U.S. to lead the world.
Tom Garrett: Not afraid to vote against budgets that are too big.
Warren Davidson: Spend less on fewer and more focused programs.
Darin LaHood: Rein in $18 trillion in government spending.
Civil Rights
Clay Higgins: I define marriage Biblically: one man and one woman.
Darren Soto: Embrace our proud LGBT community.
David Kustoff: Marriage is between a man and a woman.
Donald McEachin: Champion anti-discrimination for women & minorities.
James Comer: Support traditional marriage between one man and one woman.
Jamie Raskin: Ensure women receive equal pay for equal work.
Jamie Raskin: Passionate champion of marriage equality.
Jason Lewis: Support Hobby Lobby religious right to avoid gay weddings.
Jim Banks: Let businesses express traditional religious values.
Jimmy Panetta: So much more needs to be done for LGBT equality.
Jimmy Panetta: Close loopholes in the Equal Pay Act.
Jodey Arrington: Marriage is sacred union of one man and one woman.
Josh Gottheimer: Treat everyone equally whatever their sexual orientation.
Lisa Blunt Rochester: Pass the Paycheck Fairness Act for gender pay equity.
Nanette Barragan: One of America's greatest injustices is gender pay inequity.
Pramila Jayapal: Fought for racial justice against bigotry and discrimination.
Pramila Jayapal: Prohibit anti-LGBTQ conversion therapy for minors.
Ro Khanna: Ensure full equality for LGBTQ Americans.
Stephanie Murphy: Equal pay for equal work.
Stephanie Murphy: Fight to strengthen LGBTQ rights.
Ted Budd: Defend marriage and protect religious freedom.
Warren Davidson: Fight for marriage between one man and one woman.
Dwight Evans: Micro-lending guarantees for inner-city small business.
John Faso: Lower maximum corporate tax rates and no double-taxation.
Raja Krishnamoorthi: Shift tax breaks for wealthy financiers to small businesses.
Raja Krishnamoorthi: $15B for small business creation incentives.
Ro Khanna: Flexibility on R&D taxes & startup businesses.
Tom O`Halleran: We should have nailed out the American Family, not the rich.
Vicente Gonzalez: Cut bureaucratic red-tape that burdens job-creators.
Clay Higgins: Resounding voice for the Thin Blue Line.
Clay Higgins: Penitentiaries should be for PENITENCE, not punishment.
Adriano Espaillat: Fight for a national ban on racial profiling.
Al Lawson: Smart justice for non-violent offenses: system isn't working.
Anthony Brown: Protect victims of domestic violence with better services.
David Kustoff: Fight violent crime; advocated for death penalty.
Donald McEachin: Correct outdated discriminatory over-incarceration policies.
Drew Ferguson: Thank a law enforcement officer in your community.
Dwight Evans: End over-militarized approach to urban policing.
Jason Lewis: Don't second-guess the actions of police officers.
Jason Lewis: End overcriminalization: focus on high risk offenders.
Jimmy Panetta: Ban racial profiling; build trust of law enforcement.
Jimmy Panetta: Pursued justice for victims and families.
John Rutherford: Give law enforcement all tools and resources needed.
Josh Gottheimer: Prison reform for nonviolent offenders.
Lisa Blunt Rochester: Systemic problems in judicial system affect people of color.
Pramila Jayapal: Investigated Seattle Police Department for biased policing.
Ruben Kihuen: End the for-profit prison industry in America.
Ruben Kihuen: Require police body cameras, to address injustice.
Tom Garrett: Due process against abuses of civil asset forfeiture.
Val Demings: Improve relationships between police & community.
Vicente Gonzalez: Increase investments & resources for local law enforcement.
Dan Donovan: Fight relentlessly against cuts to law enforcement.
Adriano Espaillat: End the tragic mass incarceration of non-violent drug users.
James Comer: Help farmers with first hemp program in Kentucky.
John Faso: Enforce against opioid supply abroad & mass-media at home.
Raja Krishnamoorthi: Opioid abuse blights our nation; more funds to fight it.
Clay Higgins: Dismantle Common Core; dismantle Education Department.
Clay Higgins: College education has become more of burden than benefit.
Adriano Espaillat: Support funding for universal pre-K.
Adriano Espaillat: Make public colleges and universities free for every student.
Al Lawson: College education needs to be attainable and affordable.
Al Lawson: I believe in all options available in public education.
Andy Biggs: Free our local schools from one-size-fits-all policies.
Anthony Brown: Increase investments in our state's schools.
Brian Fitzpatrick: Interest-free student loans for STEM and trades.
Brian Mast: Replace Common Core with school choice.
Claudia Tenney: Give parents choice to opt out of Common Core.
David Kustoff: Oppose Common Core; local folks know best.
Don Bacon: Reduce micromanagement & oppose Common Core.
Donald McEachin: Universal access to pre-K; invest in our public schools.
Donald McEachin: Graduate debt-free from public college.
Dwight Evans: Make every neighborhood school a "community school".
Jack Bergman: Government monopoly on education is a tragedy.
Jacky Rosen: Lower interest rates on student debt.
James Comer: Teach without interference from the federal government.
James Comer: Mountains of student debt hinders getting a job.
Jamie Raskin: Curb the dogmas and protocols of the new testing mania.
Jamie Raskin: Stop hobbling our young people with mountains of debt.
Jason Lewis: Question rising tuition rather than taxpayer funding.
Jason Lewis: Replace Department of Education with school choice.
Jimmy Panetta: Focus on expanding pre-K and early education.
Jimmy Panetta: Make higher education both accessible and affordable.
John Faso: Easy college loans causes tuition inflation.
John Faso: Local control, not Common Core and No Child Left Behind.
Josh Gottheimer: Emphasize STEM skills to bridge huge skills gap.
Josh Gottheimer: Take steps to make college more affordable.
Lisa Blunt Rochester: New College Compact: free tuition for 10 hours weekly work.
Matt Gaetz: Allow opt-out of Common Core; abolish Dept. of Education.
Mike Gallagher: No child forced to remain in a failing school.
Mike Gallagher: Reduce the cost of higher education.
Nanette Barragan: Free-to-low-cost education for college or trade school.
Nanette Barragan: Public education is a right--not a privilege for the wealthy.
Neal Dunn: Stopping Common Core is the first step.
Paul Mitchell: Fight the imposition of Common Core standards & mandates.
Pramila Jayapal: Additional $158 million for early childhood education.
Pramila Jayapal: Two years of guaranteed tuition at community colleges.
Raja Krishnamoorthi: 4-point plan for affordable college.
Ro Khanna: More funding for K-12, pre-K, STEM & STEAM.
Ro Khanna: More federal grants & more local students for UC.
Ruben Kihuen: Don't divert funding to private schools through vouchers.
Ruben Kihuen: Let students borrow money near 0% interest, like big banks.
Salud Carbajal: Lower interest rates for government-backed student loans.
Scott Taylor: Heavy federal footprint stifles local education reform.
Stephanie Murphy: Invest more in early childhood and pre-K education.
Ted Budd: Parents choose what's best: public, private, or homeschool.
Tom Garrett: Supports school choice: public, private, or home school.
Tom Garrett: Student Security: $7000 in loans, deferring Social Security.
Tom O`Halleran: We're falling behind others; make education a priority.
Tom O`Halleran: Improving public education should always be a top priority.
Tom O`Halleran: Invest in our community colleges, including job training.
Tom Suozzi: New College Compact: make community college free.
Val Demings: Equal access to quality education regardless of zip-code.
Val Demings: College for all without facing crushing student loan debt.
Vicente Gonzalez: Fight for pre-kindergarten and Head Start.
Evan Jenkins: Professional educators to prepare and inspire youth.
Evan Jenkins: Common Core is flawed; empower local parents.
Dan Donovan: Give parents more school choice; repeal Common Core.
Energy & Oil
Clay Higgins: Do more in DC to help the oil & gas industry.
Mike Johnson: Further expand our domestic oil and natural gas production.
Mike Johnson: CAFE standards add $3,800 to price of every new vehicle.
Brian Mast: Climate change regulations threaten economic growth.
Darren Soto: Dramatically reduce our carbon emissions.
Donald McEachin: Reduce carbon emissions to mitigate climate change.
Jacky Rosen: Fight turning Yucca Mountain into a nuclear waste dump.
James Comer: War on coal is a war on Kentucky's economy.
Jamie Raskin: Invest in clean energy to break our carbon addiction.
Jason Lewis: Unlawful for EPA to impose cap-and-trade on refineries.
Jodey Arrington: Repeal the 1970s Oil Export Ban.
John Faso: Ethanol subsidies are $10B in annual corporate welfare.
Mike Gallagher: Fight for a common-sense, all of-the-above energy policy.
Nanette Barragan: Climate change is an urgent environmental problem.
Paul Mitchell: All-of-the-above strategy including Keystone XL.
Pramila Jayapal: Stand up to climate change deniers & toxic fracking.
Raja Krishnamoorthi: The time for America's clean energy future is now.
Ro Khanna: Environmental threat means opportunities for green energy.
Ro Khanna: Expand tax credits for solar power & plug-in hybrids.
Ruben Kihuen: Transfer money from big oil to renewable energy portfolio.
Salud Carbajal: Tackle carbon pollution as strategy to combat climate change.
Stephanie Murphy: Smart investments in green energy, not offshore drilling.
Tom Garrett: Unleash energy companies to dig and produce energy.
Tom Suozzi: Threat of climate change is defining issue of our time.
Clay Higgins: Pipe system to replenish river silt & fight coastal erosion.
Mike Johnson: National Environmental Policy is needless red tape.
Andy Biggs: Rein in bureaucratic rule-making that devastates economy.
Darren Soto: Named Champion of the Everglades by Audubon Florida.
David Kustoff: Help farming community's low commodity prices.
Don Bacon: Support REINs Act to control our bureaucracies.
Donald McEachin: Address public health threats from pollution & toxins.
Dwight Evans: Government should promote locally raised food.
Dwight Evans: More urban trees; more urban parks.
Francis Rooney: Stop release of polluted water from Lake Okeechobee.
Jamie Raskin: Expand domestic violence protective orders to include pets.
Jason Lewis: EPA WOTUS rule diminishes property rights.
Jimmy Panetta: Collaborate to protect of our coastline, farmland, & forests.
Jodey Arrington: Rein in excessive EPA regulations.
John Faso: Endless environmental reviews stymie business development.
John Rutherford: Hand power back to our community from federal overreach.
Matt Gaetz: Environmental regulations are job-killing overreach.
Mike Gallagher: Protect natural resources without EPA destroying our economy.
Nanette Barragan: Fight to protect public health from big corporate polluters.
Paul Mitchell: Don't regulate waters; do regulate sugar.
Pramila Jayapal: Preserve funding and access to state park lands.
Ro Khanna: Promote open space and sustainable agriculture.
Roger Marshall: Puddles are not wetlands; ditches are not navigable streams.
Ruben Kihuen: Polluters have determined our environmental policy.
Salud Carbajal: Preserve huge open spaces for future generations to enjoy.
Scott Taylor: Environmental laws ignore the sovereignty of the states.
Stephanie Murphy: Strong advocate for clean air and water.
Tom Garrett: EPA, BLM, and USDA needlessly persecute farmers.
Tom O`Halleran: Fund stewardship of our parks and forests.
Tom Suozzi: Initiated 12 brownfield clean-up projects in County.
Val Demings: Endorsed by League of Conservation Voters.
Trent Kelly: Rein in unelected bureaucrats at the EPA.
Families & Children
Dwight Evans: Require all businesses to provide paid sick leave.
Neal Dunn: Protect traditional faith-based family values.
Ruben Kihuen: Fight to make child care a critical economic issue.
Stephanie Murphy: Start by strengthening families.
Foreign Policy
Clay Higgins: Russia is a Christian ally to be handled with caution.
Clay Higgins: The United Nations compromises our sovereignty.
Brian Fitzpatrick: Don't base foreign policy on political correctness.
Brian Mast: Aggressive NATO response to Russian expansionism.
David Kustoff: Our allies don't respect us and our enemies don't fear us.
Jim Banks: Defend US national interests; disappointed in Iran nuke deal.
Jodey Arrington: World is safer when America's military projects power.
Mike Gallagher: Reverse the disastrous policy of leading from behind.
Paul Mitchell: Restore America to her rightful place of world leadership.
Raja Krishnamoorthi: Promote our exceptional standing with active diplomacy.
Stephanie Murphy: Call out anti-Israeli bias in the United Nations.
Ted Budd: When America is strong, the world is safer.
Tom Garrett: Depose Mideast governments that won't confront Radical Islam.
Dan Donovan: Stand by our allies in a volatile world.
Free Trade
Clay Higgins: TPP is massive transfer of American wealth to Pacific Rim.
Brian Fitzpatrick: Reform unfair trade deals to put American workers first.
Claudia Tenney: Preserve our sovereignty by rejecting TPP.
Darren Soto: Free trade is a nice theory, but oppose NAFTA & TPP.
Jack Bergman: I support free and fair trade, not TPP.
Jacky Rosen: Oppose bad trade deals; insist on a level playing field.
Jamie Raskin: Support only free trade deals that are fair and balanced.
Jason Lewis: I support free trade, but not TPP.
Jodey Arrington: Break down unfair trade barriers.
Mike Gallagher: Smart trade deals protect our sovereignty--not TPP.
Pramila Jayapal: Trans Pacific Partnership hides corporate giveaways.
Ro Khanna: Trade agreements fair to U.S. workers & environment.
Scott Taylor: Manufacturing towns impacted by America's trade deals.
Stephanie Murphy: Fairer and smarter trade deals, not TPP.
Tom O`Halleran: Protect American jobs; prevent currency manipulation.
Vicente Gonzalez: Strengthen trade ties along the Texas-Mexico border.
Government Reform
Andy Biggs: Create 12th Federal Circuit to reflect Arizona's values.
Brian Fitzpatrick: Congress needs term limits & single-issue bills.
Claudia Tenney: Term limits on all legislators and legislative leaders.
Donald McEachin: Automatic voter registration to expand the right to vote.
Drew Ferguson: Constitutional amendment for term limits.
Francis Rooney: Pledges to serve no more than eight years in Congress.
James Comer: Self-imposed term limit of 6 terms.
Jamie Raskin: Restore the voting rights of ex-felons.
Jodey Arrington: Limit the time a politician can stay in Washington.
Josh Gottheimer: Fight to defend the Voting Rights Act.
Lisa Blunt Rochester: Overturn Citizens United decision by amending Constitution.
Lisa Blunt Rochester: Institute same day voter registration.
Lou Correa: Use double postage to ensure absentee vote is counted.
Mike Gallagher: End pensions for members of Congress & institute term limits.
Pramila Jayapal: Automatic voter registration & felon re-enfranchisement.
Pramila Jayapal: Overturn Citizens United; dark money stifles elections.
Raja Krishnamoorthi: Campaign finance reforms to enable citizen participation.
Ro Khanna: Push back on Citizens United with online campaign disclosure.
Roger Marshall: Low voter turnout results from politicians not listening.
Ruben Kihuen: Constitutional amendment to overturn Citizen United.
Stephanie Murphy: There is too much money in politics.
Stephanie Murphy: Wholesale review of all overly-burdensome regulations.
Ted Budd: It's time to take on the Establishment.
Tom O`Halleran: Limit the influence of campaign donations & lobbyists.
Trey Hollingsworth: Politicians should learn to earn money outside of government.
Trey Hollingsworth: I believe in term limits.
Gun Control
Clay Higgins: We already have reasonable limits on 2nd Amendment rights.
Adriano Espaillat: Tough anti-gun legislation at local and national levels.
Brian Mast: Right to defend ourselves is God-given.
Claudia Tenney: Right to bear arms SHALL NOT be infringed.
Darren Soto: Stand up to the gun lobby.
David Kustoff: Unequivocal right to keep and bear arms.
Don Bacon: Gun control means only criminals have guns.
Donald McEachin: Reduce gun violence with universal background checks.
Drew Ferguson: Concealed carry makes everyone safer except for criminals.
Dwight Evans: Research the public health consequences of firearms violence.
Francis Rooney: Protect and defend the Second Amendment.
Jack Bergman: Right to bear arms is about being a free nation.
Jacky Rosen: Supports commonsense gun safety legislation.
James Comer: Unwavering support of 2nd Amendment.
Jamie Raskin: Ban assault weapons; plus fingerprint licensing system.
Jason Lewis: Liquor prohibition failed & so will gun prohibition.
Jim Banks: Right to responsible gun ownership is under attack.
Jimmy Panetta: Mental illness is often the root of gun violence.
Jodey Arrington: Second Amendment is about individual right to bear arms.
John Faso: Strong opponent of New York's SAFE Act.
John Rutherford: Work hard for concealed carry & open carry.
Lisa Blunt Rochester: Stand up to the NRA to close gun loopholes.
Matt Gaetz: One of the most pro-gun members of the Florida Legislature.
Mike Gallagher: Defend our 2nd Amendment Wisconsin way of life.
Neal Dunn: Protect the 2nd Amendment.
Paul Mitchell: Support the Second Amendment and the First Amendment.
Raja Krishnamoorthi: Common-sense gun laws, plus fund gun research.
Raja Krishnamoorthi: Expanded real-time background checks.
Roger Marshall: Make sure 2nd Amendment rights are never infringed upon.
Ruben Kihuen: The NRA exists only to protect the big gun companies.
Salud Carbajal: Keep guns away from those who pose a danger.
Scott Taylor: Second Amendment is about individual right to bear arms.
Stephanie Murphy: Elect pro-LGBTQ candidates who support sensible gun reforms.
Stephanie Murphy: Advocate for commonsense gun security laws.
Stephanie Murphy: No fly, no buy: no guns for people on terrorist watch list.
Ted Budd: Eliminating our gun rights is a wrongheaded idea.
Tom Garrett: Supports constitutional carry & gun rights.
Warren Davidson: 2nd Amendment ensures every citizen the right to bear arms.
Darin LaHood: Staunch advocate for 2nd Amendment and right to bear arms.
Health Care
Clay Higgins: Repeal ObamaCare's 2800 pages of unintelligible psychobabble.
Mike Johnson: Replace ObamaCare with patient-centered, market-based plan.
Andy Biggs: End ObamaCare loopholes that benefit Members of Congress.
Brian Fitzpatrick: ObamaCare is failing; focus on uninsured.
Brian Mast: Repeal and defund ObamaCare.
Claudia Tenney: Replace ObamaCare with free-market, patient centric system.
Darren Soto: Supports ObamaCare Medicaid expansion in Florida.
David Kustoff: Work to dismantle convoluted and expensive ObamaCare.
Don Bacon: More market-based options for healthcare.
Donald McEachin: Affordable health care should be considered a human right.
Francis Rooney: Fight to end the disaster known as ObamaCare.
Jack Bergman: Number one priority is to repeal ObamaCare.
James Comer: ObamaCare stifles businesses; pass tort reform instead.
Jamie Raskin: Long-time champion of single-payer health care.
Jason Lewis: We've seen the system collapse under MNSure & ObamaCare.
Jim Banks: ObamaCare is ill-conceived takeover of healthcare.
Jimmy Panetta: Committed to making ObamaCare even better.
Jodey Arrington: Work tirelessly for repeal of ObamaCare.
John Faso: Replace ObamaCare with patient-centered choices.
John Rutherford: ObamaCare is too big, too complex, & too burdensome.
Lisa Blunt Rochester: ObamaCare is not perfect, but it is a huge step forward.
Matt Gaetz: Replace ObamaCare with a fiscally responsible system.
Mike Gallagher: Replace ObamaCare with patient-centered free-market reforms.
Neal Dunn: Full and immediate repeal of ObamaCare.
Paul Mitchell: Replace ObamaCare with market-based healthcare reform.
Pramila Jayapal: Supports single-payer model.
Raja Krishnamoorthi: Let Medicare negotiate prices for prescription drugs.
Ro Khanna: ACA is a good start; improve ObamaCare.
Roger Marshall: Affordable Care Act is neither affordable nor caring.
Ruben Kihuen: Expand Medicaid to ensure that no American is uninsured.
Scott Taylor: It's not complicated--ObamaCare should be repealed.
Stephanie Murphy: ObamaCare has helped millions but should be reformed.
Ted Budd: ObamaCare is wreaking havoc on our economy.
Tom Garrett: Patient 'Right to Try' experimental drugs & treatments.
Tom O`Halleran: Fight replacing Medicare with a voucher scheme.
Tom Suozzi: Affordable healthcare is a basic human right.
Vicente Gonzalez: Treat healthcare as a basic human right.
Warren Davidson: Ending Obamacare is past due, with free-market solutions.
Dan Donovan: Keep positive aspects of ObamaCare, but reform the rest.
Darin LaHood: ObamaCare is an abomination; use market-based replacement.
Homeland Security
Clay Higgins: I have no problem with FISA: not a secretive rubber-stamp.
Mike Johnson: No cheap talk: grow our local defense establishments.
Al Lawson: Ensure that veteran benefits are protected.
Brian Mast: Treat every veteran as the most important vet ever.
Brian Mast: Maintain world's most prepared strongest military.
Claudia Tenney: Primary mission is to provide for national defense.
Don Bacon: Keep Guantanamo Bay for the worst of the worst.
Don Bacon: Peace through strength: retool military with latest tech.
Donald McEachin: Reform and fully fund the VA.
Drew Ferguson: Released Gitmo detainees behind various attacks against US.
Drew Ferguson: Imperative for our military to be at full troop strength.
Francis Rooney: Voice for American strength, so our enemies know to fear us.
Jack Bergman: Give my all to implement V.A. reform.
Jacky Rosen: Fight to keep our military strong.
Jacky Rosen: Duty to take care of our veterans with less bureaucracy.
James Comer: Advocate for investments in national defense.
Jamie Raskin: Support Easter Seals programs for wounded warriors.
Jason Lewis: We need reform at the Pentagon to ensure its solvency.
Jim Banks: Rebuild American greatness; make our military mighty again.
Jimmy Panetta: Strong defense includes two facilities in our district.
Jodey Arrington: Reinvest in our Armed Forces.
John Faso: Ensure that no veteran falls through the bureaucratic cracks.
John Faso: Harden our counter-terrorism capabilities to fight ISIS.
John Rutherford: We must return to a peace-through-strength military.
Matt Gaetz: $3 million to fund "Building Homes for Heroes.
Matt Gaetz: Oppose any automatic cuts to defense spending.
Mike Gallagher: Reform the VA to ensure our veterans have access to benefits.
Nanette Barragan: Advocate for veterans to receive comprehensive benefits.
Neal Dunn: Help veterans with housing and health care issues.
Paul Mitchell: Cut government bloat elsewhere to build military.
Pramila Jayapal: Ensure disabled veterans receive needed assistance.
Raja Krishnamoorthi: Ensure our military has resources to carry out its mission.
Ro Khanna: Right to be free from warrantless metadata collection.
Ro Khanna: Expand support for service members & their family members.
Roger Marshall: Ensure that our military installations are fully funded.
Ruben Kihuen: Focus on veterans, not defense company lobbyists.
Salud Carbajal: Make sure veterans receive the support they need.
Scott Taylor: Be prepared to fight with tremendous precision & lethality.
Tom Garrett: Warrantless bulk data collection is unconstitutional.
Tom Garrett: Ensure best training, best equipment and best leadership.
Tom O`Halleran: Let veterans go outside VA hospitals, on VA's dime.
Tom Suozzi: Protect our core values as Americans.
Tom Suozzi: Warriors to Work: public-private partnership for vets' jobs.
Vicente Gonzalez: Fulfill our promise to veterans.
Warren Davidson: Equip our military for victory, and fix the VA.
Dan Donovan: Fight for resources to be protected from terrorism.
Trent Kelly: Investigate wait time manipulation at VA hospitals.
Darin LaHood: America's national security threats are real.
Clay Higgins: Forgive passive visa overstays; deport aggressive illegals.
Mike Johnson: Strengthen the border with drones, cameras and sensors.
Adriano Espaillat: Bring undocumented immigrants out of the shadows.
Andy Biggs: Protect innocent US citizens from violent illegal immigrants.
Brian Mast: We need a high wall with a wide gate.
Claudia Tenney: Protect our sovereignty by securing the border.
Darren Soto: DREAMers pay in-state tuition & have pathway to citizenship.
David Kustoff: Secure the border & enforce laws already on the books.
Don Bacon: More employer enforcement; more secure borders.
Donald McEachin: Comprehensive immigration towards earning citizenship.
Drew Ferguson: We CANNOT allow this flow of unvetted refugees to continue.
Francis Rooney: Controls our borders, immediately.
Jack Bergman: Immigration is a privilege, not a right.
Jacky Rosen: Comprehensive reform with earned pathway to citizenship.
James Comer: Support the wall; oppose amnesty & sanctuary cities.
Jamie Raskin: Comprehensive immigration reform must be a top priority.
Jason Lewis: Fiscal cost of unlawful immigration is simply unsustainable.
Jim Banks: No amnesty; deport criminals; enforce existing laws.
Jimmy Panetta: Let DREAMers earn their way to citizenship.
Jodey Arrington: Mandatory jail for illegals who return after deportation.
John Rutherford: First and foremost, strengthen wall along southern border.
Matt Gaetz: Secure the border and enforce our laws.
Mike Gallagher: Secure our borders to protect our sovereignty.
Nanette Barragan: Comprehensive reform instead of fences and deportation.
Neal Dunn: Stop debating; stop amnesty; stop illegal immigration.
Paul Mitchell: Serious & measurable steps to finally secure southern border.
Pramila Jayapal: OneAmerica: foster post-9-11 hate-free zone for Muslims.
Pramila Jayapal: Establish a federal Office for Immigrant Integration.
Raja Krishnamoorthi: Supports DREAM Act and path to citizenship.
Ro Khanna: Give DREAMers a pathway to citizenship.
Roger Marshall: Spend what is necessary to secure our southern border.
Ruben Kihuen: Families immigrate to America seeking the American dream.
Ruben Kihuen: Pass comprehensive reform with clear pathway to citizenship.
Stephanie Murphy: Supports DREAM Act & comprehensive immigration reform.
Tom Garrett: E-N-D: Erect wall; No benefits; Defund sanctuary cities.
Tom O`Halleran: Support the DREAM Act and broad consensus on reforms.
Vicente Gonzalez: Common-sense compassionate reform like DACA.
Warren Davidson: Secure our borders; create invulnerable immigration process.
Sam Faddis: Path to legalization with stringent requirements and borders.
Dan Donovan: Secure our borders.
Adriano Espaillat: Unionized 35,000 home-based daycare providers.
Adriano Espaillat: End wage discrimination against women.
Adriano Espaillat: Bring the fight for $15 to Washington.
Brian Fitzpatrick: Equal pay for equal work.
Dwight Evans: Encourage minority start-ups in struggling neighborhoods.
Dwight Evans: Establish a living wage.
Jacky Rosen: Fight for livable wage; expand small business capital.
Jacky Rosen: End pay discrimination against women.
Jamie Raskin: Low minimum wage causes wealth inequality.
John Faso: Start by fully enforcing the Equal Pay Act.
Josh Gottheimer: Ensure that women receive equal pay for equal work.
Nanette Barragan: Raise minimum wage & demand pay equity for women.
Pramila Jayapal: Raise the federal minimum wage.
Raja Krishnamoorthi: Raise federal minimum wage to $10.10 an hour.
Ro Khanna: Make it easier to file equal-pay lawsuits.
Ro Khanna: Raise the minimum wage to $15.
Ruben Kihuen: Women earn less for same job as male colleagues.
Ruben Kihuen: No one who works full time should live in poverty.
Salud Carbajal: Raise minimum wage, so full time work is not poverty.
Tom O`Halleran: Increase minimum wage; ensure equal pay for women.
Val Demings: Retain good-paying jobs offering livable wages.
Vicente Gonzalez: Support equal pay for equal work for women.
Darin LaHood: Remove tax & regulatory barriers to job creation.
Principles & Values
Clay Higgins: Freedom OF religion, not the freedom FROM religion.
Jodey Arrington: Stop targeting citizens for their religious beliefs.
Mike Gallagher: Stand against those who restrict our religious liberties.
Scott Taylor: Ability to worship God without governmental interference.
Trey Hollingsworth: I believe in Christian family values.
Warren Davidson: Activist judges/deteriorating culture marginalize Christians.
Social Security
Al Lawson: Strengthen & secure Social Security.
Brian Fitzpatrick: Protect and strengthen entitlement programs.
Brian Mast: Update system to protect future generations.
Claudia Tenney: Oppose any benefit changes for those near retirement.
Darren Soto: Strengthen and expand Social Security; don't cut it.
Don Bacon: Adjust long-term policies for future generations.
Donald McEachin: Ensure that the wealthiest Americans pay their fair share.
Jacky Rosen: Oppose extreme proposals like privatization or vouchers.
Jamie Raskin: Remove cap to preserve and strengthen Social Security.
Jason Lewis: Protect Social Security for seniors today & future retirees.
Josh Gottheimer: Oppose any attempt to privatize or cut benefits.
Lisa Blunt Rochester: Fight any attempt to privatize Social Security and Medicare.
Matt Gaetz: Keep our promises but pass reforms for long-term solvency.
Mike Gallagher: Preserve and protect our most effective anti-poverty program.
Nanette Barragan: Never gamble Social Security benefits on Wall Street.
Paul Mitchell: Protect and preserve the promises we made to our seniors.
Pramila Jayapal: Lift the income cap; reform COLA adjustments.
Raja Krishnamoorthi: Entitlements are under attack on ideological grounds.
Ro Khanna: Protect the retirement age; apply COLA increases.
Ro Khanna: Scrap the cap: same rate for earnings over $250K.
Ruben Kihuen: Fight any attempt to privatize or voucherize.
Salud Carbajal: Strongly oppose privatizing Social Security or Medicare.
Stephanie Murphy: Privatization gambles seniors' benefits on Wall Street.
Tom Garrett: Keep past promises but change promise for the future.
Tom O`Halleran: Protect Social Security dangerous privatization schemes.
Tom Suozzi: Resist any efforts to privatize or weaken entitlements.
Val Demings: Protect Medicare and Social Security for our seniors.
Vicente Gonzalez: Oppose privatization of safety nets.
Tax Reform
Clay Higgins: Eliminate the IRS; introduce 15% federal sales tax.
Mike Johnson: Simpler, flatter and fairer tax code will spark new growth.
Andy Biggs: Cut taxes on families and businesses.
Brian Fitzpatrick: Simplify and flatten the tax code.
Brian Mast: Lower the tax burden & stimulate the economy.
Claudia Tenney: Uncompromising pursuit every day to lower taxes.
Don Bacon: We need a simpler, flatter tax code.
Donald McEachin: Make our tax code fairer, simpler, and more progressive.
Drew Ferguson: I support a flat tax--all have skin in the game.
Dwight Evans: No tax-breaks without job creation: enforce with clawbacks.
Jack Bergman: Simplify and lower tax rates for everyone.
Jason Lewis: You can't tax, spend or borrow your way to prosperity.
Jim Banks: Estate tax is an anti-growth policy.
Jodey Arrington: Fairer, more sensible tax system.
John Faso: Flatten and simplify the tax code.
John Rutherford: Keep the government off our backs & out of our wallets.
Josh Gottheimer: Comprehensive reform to lower rates & close loopholes.
Matt Gaetz: Voted to repeal 4,000 regulations and to cut taxes 50 times.
Mike Gallagher: Replace broken tax code with modern and simple one.
Paul Mitchell: Eliminate the Death Tax; simplify the tax code.
Ro Khanna: Rewrite antiquated tax code that stacks the deck.
Ro Khanna: Our tax policy benefits the top 1% of Americans.
Ruben Kihuen: End the absurd carried interest tax loophole.
Scott Taylor: Tax consumption, not income & not corporations.
Stephanie Murphy: Close special interest loopholes that protect super wealthy.
Tom Garrett: High taxes are a barrier to job creation.
Tom O`Halleran: End millionaire exploitation of tax loopholes.
Warren Davidson: Work aggressively for a simpler, flatter tax code.
Dan Donovan: Cut taxes that are killing jobs and economic growth.
Al Lawson: Investing in infrastructure is investing in America's future.
Anthony Brown: Public Private Partnership for infrastructure investments.
Brian Mast: 100% against All Aboard Florida: no more trains.
Dwight Evans: Free WiFi in city parks & converted payphones.
James Comer: Maintain infrastructure: highways, locks, and dams.
Jamie Raskin: Green Deal: massive investment in eroding infrastructure.
Jason Lewis: Prioritizing highway spending instead of urban light rail.
John Faso: Expedite major infrastructure projects like rail tunnel.
Josh Gottheimer: Each dollar of infrastructure spending benefits us by $2.
Josh Gottheimer: Invest in light rail & new tunnel via one-time corporate tax.
Pramila Jayapal: invest in our nation's infrastructure, for jobs & backbone.
Raja Krishnamoorthi: Modernize transportation with federal infrastructure bank.
Ro Khanna: $900M to extend BART to Silicon Valley.
Stephanie Murphy: Strong, robust infrastructure including broadband.
Tom O`Halleran: Invest in roads, bridges, and water infrastructure.
Tom Suozzi: Bring tech, sports, tourism, and infrastructure jobs.
Tom Suozzi: Invest in our own roads, bridges, and tunnels.
Dan Donovan: Build bus and light rail to reduce commute.
War & Peace
Clay Higgins: Iran is our enemy; revoke the Iran Deal.
Clay Higgins: ISIS must be hunted, identified, and killed.
Mike Johnson: Radical Islamic terrorism MUST be stopped.
Andy Biggs: Defeat ISIS and protect our homeland from terrorism.
Brian Fitzpatrick: Cut off terrorist money; cut off Iranian nuke deal.
Brian Mast: Defeat global jihadists who threaten our very way of life.
Brian Mast: Renew Iranian sanctions after Obama's Iran Deal.
David Kustoff: Take the fight to ISIS and other terrorists.
Don Bacon: Defeat ISIS with assertive leadership & special forces.
Drew Ferguson: Distrust ill-conceived nuclear "deal" with Iran.
Drew Ferguson: Radical Islam will always be an enemy to the world.
Jack Bergman: Only use troops when it is absolutely necessary.
Jamie Raskin: Iran nuke deal is best chance to prevent Iranian nukes.
Jim Banks: Military sanctions against Iran.
Josh Gottheimer: No room for compromise in the war on terror.
Matt Gaetz: Meet force with force against ISIS.
Nanette Barragan: Too many soldiers lost in unnecessary wars.
Neal Dunn: Terrorism must be confronted in the Middle East.
Paul Mitchell: Peace thru strength: defend our vital national interests.
Paul Mitchell: Support Israel; ally against China; no Iranian nukes.
Roger Marshall: Apply "peace through strength" to fight terrorism.
Stephanie Murphy: Do not allow regime in Tehran to acquire a nuclear weapon.
Stephanie Murphy: ISIS & Hezbollah pose serious threats to U.S. interests.
Tom Garrett: Require a declaration of war and a clear purpose.
Tom Suozzi: Destroy ISIS & counter international terrorist threats.
Warren Davidson: Respond to radical terrorism with lethal force, not the FBI.
Welfare & Poverty
Adriano Espaillat: Fought for better living conditions as tenant organizer.
Dwight Evans: Federal funding for urban poverty has not kept up.
Jimmy Panetta: More affordable housing units in new developments.
The above quotations are from Survey of 2015-2016 House campaign websites.