Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Books by and about the 2016 presidential election |
What Happened , by Hillary Clinton (2017) |
Higher Loyalty , by James Comey (2018) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Hard Choices, by Hillary Clinton (2014) |
Becoming , by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |
(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)
OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Lee Jones: I would not work to take away the right of a womans choice.
Lee Jones: Encouraging abstinence is rooted in denial.
Cam Cavasso: Supports appointing pro-life and pro-family judges.
Cam Cavasso: Defend life, from the youngest child in the womb.
John Neely Kennedy: Pro-life, with exceptions.
Erskine Bowles: Strongly supports a womans right to choose.
Betty Castor: Protect a Womans Right to Choose.
Richard Randall: Keep government out of the abortion question.
Richard Randall: Abortion and stem-cell research are victimless crimes.
Raul Acosta: Abortion is the highest form of mans inhumanity to man.
Raul Acosta: Cloning is wrong.
Raul Acosta: Stem cell research part of The Culture of Death.
David McReynolds: Protect a womans right to have an abortion.
Tim Michels: 100% Pro-life.
Howard Mills: Pro-choice but against partial-birth abortion.
Howard Mills: Supports Stem-Cell Research.
Bill Jones: Pro-life except in cases of rape, incest, or maternal health.
Bill Jones: Oppose partial birth; support parental notification.
Doris Haddock: Supports a womans reproductive rights.
Johnny Isakson: Deep respect for life, personally opposed to abortion.
Marvin Scott: Opposes taxpayer funded abortion.
Stuart Starky: Staunch defender of a womans right to choose.
Ken Salazar: Abortion decision should be between a woman and her God.
Ken Salazar: Supports parental notification but not extreme limits.
Russ Darrow: Pro-life.
Jim Holt: Will not confirm judges who uphold Roe v. Wade.
Jim Holt: End all abortions except perhaps in cases of incest or rape.
Jim Holt: Taxpayers should not have to pay for abortions.
Mel Martinez: Support the partial birth abortion ban.
Mel Martinez: Vote against government-sponsored abortion.
Mike Miles: Protect a Womans Right to Choose.
Tony Knowles: Pro-Choice and Pro-Family.
Jack Ryan: Abortion cheapens human life and human dignity.
Jack Ryan: Ban partial birth and late term abortion.
Jack Ryan: Life begins at conception.
Marilyn O`Grady: Strong advocate for the unborn.
Mike Miles: Protect a Womans Right to Choose.
Pete Coors: I am fundamentally opposed to abortion.
Allen Buckley: No government intervention nor abortion funding.
Rick Ziser: I support the protection of unborn life.
Barack Obama: Protect a womans right to choose.
Jack Ryan: Protect life from conception to natural death.
Mel Martinez: Support the rights of unborn victims of violence.
Mel Martinez: Supports Bush signing the Unborn Victims of Violence Act.
Mike Liffrig: No Constitutional right to kill an innocent.
Budget & Economy
Lee Jones: $1B per day interest on national debt must have an effect.
John Neely Kennedy: Reinstitute the Pay As You Go rule.
John Neely Kennedy: Constitutional amendment requiring a balanced budget.
Betsy Summers: Deficit spending leads to economic collapse.
Betsy Summers: Return to gold & silver-based monetary system.
Richard Randall: National debt threatens long-term economic health.
Alan Keyes: Supports balanced budget amendment to the Constitution.
Doris Haddock: Dont let GOP starve the beast.
Howard Mills: Supports line-item veto and balanced budget amendments.
Nancy Farmer: Fiscal responsibility & social responsibility go together.
Eric Fingerhut: Three Is - Ideas, Innovation and Investment.
Jim Holt: Against extending unemployment benefits.
Jim Holt: Iraqis can rebuild their country with their resources.
Jim Holt: We must starve the federal government.
Jim Holt: The economy is hindered by the deficit.
Doris Haddock: Huge federal deficits undercut social & local needs.
Lisa Murkowski: Facilitated Government Canned Salmon purchases.
Allen Buckley: 10/x/39 tax system would pay off debt in 50-60 years.
Al King: Federal government is bloated - require a balanced budget.
Allen Buckley: A balanced federal budget is a MUST, absent emergencies.
Barack Obama: Bushs economic policies are not working.
Barack Obama: Supports federal programs to protect rural economy.
Bill Jones: Concerned about higher federal spending.
Bill Jones: Stop subsidizing the rest of the country.
Ken Salazar: Cut national debt and close tax loopholes.
Michael Benjamin: Limit government intervention in the economy.
Civil Rights
Lee Jones: Patriot Act runs roughshod over our civil rights.
Cam Cavasso: Key leader on Traditional Marriage Amendment.
John Neely Kennedy: Constitutional definition of marriage.
Betsy Summers: Let partners in marriage define marriage.
Erskine Bowles: Increased loans to minority and women-owned businesses.
Betty Castor: Include sexual orientation in Employment Nondiscrimination.
Inez Tenenbaum: Expand opportunities for African Americans.
Richard Randall: Right to private choice in consensual sexual activity.
Richard Randall: No national identification card.
Richard Randall: PATRIOT Act is culmination of erosion of civil liberties.
Raul Acosta: Marriage is a union between a man and a woman.
David McReynolds: Support same-sex marriage and full legal equality.
Betty Castor: Line-by-line review of the PATRIOT Act.
Doris Haddock: Dont hack up the Constitution with homophobic nonsense.
Marvin Scott: Supports traditional marriage.
Stuart Starky: Support the right of same sex couples to marry.
Jack McMullen: Stop activist judges from compelling gay marriage.
Ken Salazar: Oppose the Federal Marriage Amendment.
Ken Salazar: Change the Patriot Act to balance civil liberties.
Jim Holt: The Patriot Act is misnamed and should be greatly amended.
Jim Holt: English should be the official language themselves.
Jim Holt: Define marriage as a union between a man and a woman.
Jim Holt: Support an Amendment barring gay marriage.
Jim Holt: Allowing gay marriage is disastrous.
Mel Martinez: Support gay marriage ban.
Jim Sykes: Fought for native Alaskan subsistence rights.
Jim Sykes: Support same-sex civil marriage.
Lisa Murkowski: Protect the flag with a Constitutional Amendment.
Lisa Murkowski: Succeeded in getting Veterans Wheelchair Games.
Mike Miles: Committed to protecting human rights & equal rights.
Mike Miles: Oppose the Federal Marriage Amendment.
Mike Miles: Support the Employment Non-Discrimination Act.
Mike Miles: Support affirmative action programs.
Tony Knowles: Oppose the Patriot Act-it undermines freedoms.
Jack Ryan: Supports DOMA to counter the breakdown of the family unions.
Jack Ryan: Opposes same-sex marriages and opposes civil unions.
Marilyn O`Grady: Defend bedrock tradition of marriage between one man & woman.
Mary Squires: Equality regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation.
Mike Miles: No Federal Marriage Amendment, but civil unions ok.
Mike Miles: Support Affirmative Action to fight subtle discrimination.
Pete Coors: Opposed to change the definition of marriage.
Allen Buckley: No changes in Constitution for gay marriage.
Rick Ziser: Marriage means one man and one woman.
Barack Obama: Defend freedom and equality under law.
Jack Orchulli: All Americans deserve civil rights.
Mike Liffrig: Homosexual love can never be fruitful.
Lee Jones: Whats good for business isnt always good for communities.
John Neely Kennedy: 25% tax credit for companies hiring new workers.
Raul Acosta: No company bonuses while company in bankruptcy.
Raul Acosta: No limits on lawsuits against companies.
David McReynolds: International democracy over transnational corporations.
Betty Castor: Penalize companies that send jobs overseas.
Ken Salazar: Close loopholes that encourage overseas headquarters.
Jim Sykes: Stop BP-Arco monopoly.
Barack Obama: Tax incentives for corporate responsibility.
Barack Obama: Close tax loopholes for US companies relocating abroad.
Mike Miles: Overseas-based US corporations cost US jobs.
Mike Miles: Establish a minimum real corporate tax rate of 17%.
John Kerry: Kerry owned a small business: theyre engine of economy.
Betsy Summers: Emphasize prevention.
Richard Randall: Base justice on restitution instead of punishment.
David McReynolds: Full voting rights for felons.
Alan Keyes: Dont lower age of adult criminal prosecutions.
Howard Mills: The root causes of crime are the criminals who engage in it.
Inez Tenenbaum: Crack down on gangs.
Inez Tenenbaum: Death penalty for terrorists and murderers.
Jim Holt: Two eyewitnesses are good enough for capital punishment.
Jim Holt: Mentally impaired or insanity plea thwart justice.
Jim Holt: Concerned about innocents being put to death.
Mel Martinez: End illegal Internet gambling and pornography.
Mel Martinez: Crack down criminals who prey on senior citizens.
Lisa Murkowski: Funding to prosecute rape and sexual offenders.
Lisa Murkowski: $5M to fight domestic violence.
Lisa Murkowski: Supported Protect Act with mandatory sentences.
Jack Ryan: Crimes cause is breakdown of family, not gun ownership.
Jack Ryan: Mandatory minimum sentences for criminals who use guns.
Mike Miles: Focus on prevention instead of incarceration.
Abe Hirschfeld: Traditional family values avoid juvenile delinquency.
Bill Jones: Three Strikes is a worthy criminal justice reform.
Dan Mongiardo: Designate more High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas.
Betsy Summers: Decision on ingesting drugs should be left to individuals.
Doris Haddock: Decriminalize marijuana.
Richard Randall: War on drugs is really war on American people.
Richard Randall: Educate and assist drug users, instead of prohibition.
David McReynolds: Re-examine and repeal drug laws.
Jack McMullen: Need stronger enforcement of drug laws.
Inez Tenenbaum: Fight methamphetamine production and trafficking.
Stuart Starky: Tax credits for costs of drug treatment.
Allen Buckley: Tolerate decriminalization of marijuana, like alcohol.
Daryl Northrop: Legalize medicinal marijuana.
James Gray: End the war on marijuana.
Wayne Sowell: Legalize marijuana for all adults over 21.
Wayne Sowell: We Hempsters will fight for our hemp rights.
John Kerry: Target traffickers as well as reducing demand.
Lee Jones: More funding for Kansass public schools.
John Neely Kennedy: Supports accountability and a fully-funded NCLB.
John Neely Kennedy: I believe in public education.
Stuart Starky: More teacher resources-end war against public schools.
Betty Castor: Oppose English-only classrooms.
Inez Tenenbaum: Increase teacher pay; more money for public schools.
Richard Randall: Tax credits for private school tuition.
Scott McClure: Control of education must be left to the States.
Barack Obama: Sponsored legislations that recruit and reward good teachers.
Betty Castor: Allocate funds fairly to schools-dont defund failed schools.
Betty Castor: Opposes English-Only education.
Betty Castor: Supports Affirmative Action.
Tim Michels: Empower parents, not bureaucrats.
Alan Keyes: Break up the government monopoly on public education.
Paul Van Dam: Right to a public education.
Paul Van Dam: Higher pay, smaller class, more parental options.
Paul Van Dam: I support an increase in charter schools.
Paul Van Dam: Privatizing our schools doesnt improved student achievement.
Howard Mills: Continue charter schools and other challenges to status quo.
Lisa Murkowski: Compliance to federal education standards difficult in AK.
Denise Majette: Education creates a trained, skilled, competitive workforce.
Jack Orchulli: National standards combined with local community control.
Marvin Scott: Supports school choice & education savings accounts.
Miriam Masullo: Protect the Pledge of Allegiance.
Lisa Murkowski: Keep God in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Stuart Starky: Teachers must fight back against Bush.
Bruce Broussard: Take full advantage of No Child Left Behind Program.
E.J. Pipkin: Give parents a choice if their kids schools fail.
Ken Salazar: More scholarships for college.
Ken Salazar: Strongly supports public education.
Eric Fingerhut: Invest in the human capital of education.
Paul Van Dam: Give teachers the support and salaries they deserve.
Jim Holt: Repeal the terrible No Child Left Behind Act.
Jim Holt: Support the use of taxpayer-funded vouchers.
Jim Holt: Eliminate the Department of Education & NEA.
Jim Sykes: Fund school system through block grants.
Lisa Murkowski: Construct rural teacher housing.
Lisa Murkowski: Make No Child Left Behind work.
Mike Miles: Repeal or revise No Child Left Behind.
Mike Miles: Tax credit for teachers.
Tony Knowles: Fully fund No Child Left Behind.
Jack Ryan: School choice within Chicago-area public schools.
Jack Ryan: Parochial scholarships for students at failing schools.
Jack Ryan: Support funding of charter schools.
Mike Miles: Repeal or revise No Child Left Behind.
Pete Coors: Accountability and standards for public schools.
Al King: Vouchers & charter schools for free-market competition.
Allen Buckley: Dismantle the federal Department of Education.
Abe Hirschfeld: Revitalize the present education system.
Burt Cohen: Federal government should fund No Child Left Behind.
Dan Mongiardo: After-school hours are too valuable to waste.
Eric Fingerhut: Encourage the entrepreneurial spirit at school.
Inez Tenenbaum: Create a single set of national achievement standards.
Rick Ziser: Expanded options and choice for parents.
Barack Obama: Address the growing achievement gap between students.
Barack Obama: Will add 25,000 teachers in high-need areas.
Marvin Scott: Advocate for local control of schools.
Marvin Scott: Federal government should take a small role in education.
Marvin Scott: Students in failing schools can transfer to charters.
Marvin Scott: Will support stronger local control of schools.
John Kerry: National Education Trust Fund: fully fund mandated standards.
Ken Salazar: Expand early childhood and after school programs.
Ken Salazar: Ensure higher education is affordable and accessible.
Burt Cohen: Enforce financial support for No Child Left Behind.
Michael Benjamin: Provide all parents school choice, not just the rich.
Energy & Oil
Lee Jones: Help solve US oil addiction with ethanol.
Lee Jones: Promote alternative fuels, not ANWR drilling.
Dan Mongiardo: Invest in clean energy, renewables, and efficiency.
John Neely Kennedy: Encourage alternative fuels and electricity conservation.
John Neely Kennedy: Develop & increase domestic oil & gas production.
Richard Randall: Deregulate energy industry and repeal gas tax.
Richard Randall: No need for a national energy policy.
Raul Acosta: Use gas tax to fund passenger train improvements.
Barack Obama: Sponsored legislations that improve energy efficiency.
Barack Obama: 20% nations power supply from renewable sources by 2020.
Betty Castor: Alternative energy to reduce Global Warming.
Betty Castor: Protect Floridas Waters from Offshore Drilling.
Tim Michels: Develop Americas coal and gas resources, including ANWR.
Doris Haddock: Aggressive program for renewable energy.
Doris Haddock: Sign the Kyoto Accord and reduce energy usage.
Inez Tenenbaum: Promote Fuel Cell Research.
Scott McClure: Relying on oil is an invitation to disaster.
Stuart Starky: Tax credits to protect against global warming.
Bruce Broussard: Team with business for hybrid vehicles and renewables.
Eric Fingerhut: Development not at the expense of our environment.
Paul Van Dam: America must develop alternative energy sources.
Jim Holt: Support tax incentives for R&D of energy sources.
Jim Sykes: Support the All-Alaska Gas Line.
Lisa Murkowski: Incentives for an Alaskan natural gas pipeline.
Lisa Murkowski: Establish an Arctic engineering research center.
Lisa Murkowski: Reopening the Healy Clean Coal Plant.
Mike Miles: Investment in alternative fuels creates jobs.
Mike Miles: Promote a common sense energy policy.
Tony Knowles: Let Alaska supply oil and gas.
Barack Obama: Invest in alternative energy sources.
Barack Obama: Increase CAFE to 40 mpg.
Barack Obama: Tradable credits for renewable energy.
Mary Squires: Develop renewable clean energy resources.
Mike Miles: Invest in alternative fuels to beat next energy crisis.
Mike Miles: Develop a Common Sense Energy Policy.
Allen Buckley: Provide financial incentives for alternative energy.
Daryl Northrop: 20% renewable energy by 2020.
Jim Sykes: Promote renewable and clean energy.
Jim Sykes: Keep ANWR free from drilling.
Jim Sykes: Supports All-Alaska gas line over AlCan.
Barack Obama: Renewable Fuels Standard: require ethanol in fuel supply.
John Neely Kennedy: $14B to rebuild Americas coastline.
Richard Randall: Strict liability should regulate pollution.
Scott McClure: Better management of scare water supply.
Raul Acosta: We need a drought resistant water.
David McReynolds: Expand mass transit.
Betty Castor: Protect the Everglades, the CWA, and SuperFund.
Tim Michels: Responsible recreational use of outdoor resources.
Doris Haddock: We have been entrusted to protect America the Beautiful.
Howard Mills: Protect resources and promote renewable energy sources.
Denise Majette: Strengthen Clean Water Act and Clean Air Act.
Jack Orchulli: Intolerable levels of pollution in Connecticut.
Mel Martinez: Open more federal lands for hunting and shooting.
Stuart Starky: Need a new Central Arizona Canal.
E.J. Pipkin: Hold government accountable for enviro cleanup.
Jim Holt: Support tax incentives for R&D of emission controls.
Jim Holt: Open Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for oil exploration.
Jim Holt: The US should not re-enter the Kyoto treaty.
Jim Sykes: Support keeping the Arctic Refuge intact.
Lisa Murkowski: Won grants for harbor improvements.
Lisa Murkowski: Convinced to keep Pacific Salmon Commission funding.
Tony Knowles: Pro-Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
Tony Knowles: Support doing it right approach to development.
Pete Coors: Good stewardship of the environment is a public value.
James Gray: Label genetically modified food.
Eric Fingerhut: Bring both new jobs and a cleaner environment.
Rick Ziser: Marketplace incentives protect the environment.
Bill Jones: Supports the ban on drilling oil off the California coast.
Ken Salazar: Protect and preserve our land and water.
Families & Children
Inez Tenenbaum: Expand character education in schools.
Lisa Murkowski: $20.2 million for Denali Kids Care.
Lisa Murkowski: Work for children in need.
John Kerry: Fighting for Americas Children: insurance & care for all.
John Kerry: Fully fund Head Start for all 3- and 4-year-olds.
John Kerry: Supports Child Abuse Prevention & Treatment Act.
John Kerry: New Kids Safety Effort at the FDA.
Foreign Policy
John Neely Kennedy: Support Israel, our only true friend in the Middle East.
Betty Castor: Imposing harsh barriers on Cuba does not bring democracy.
Richard Randall: No world government; no UN troops or control.
Betty Castor: US wins wars by building alliances.
Betty Castor: Support democracy in Cuba, including open travel.
Betty Castor: Self-determination for Puerto Rico.
Doris Haddock: Re-examining foreign policy will reduce terrorism.
Inez Tenenbaum: Get Tough on China: on imports and currency.
Ken Salazar: We need cooperation of our traditional allies on terrorism.
Paul Van Dam: International cooperation is critical to war on terror.
Jim Holt: Cut Americas share of UN contributions.
Jim Holt: Iraqis have gained a republic if they can keep it.
Mel Martinez: Block funding for coerced abortions or sterilization.
Mel Martinez: Oppose aid to countries that dont support US foreign policy.
Mike Miles: Repair our bilateral relationships and alliances.
Mike Miles: Work with the UN and other countries.
Mary Squires: Restore Americas reputation by becoming honest.
Mike Miles: Engage the world community on terrorism, CO2, AIDS.
Allen Buckley: Cut foreign aid; stay neutral on Israel-Palestine.
Abe Hirschfeld: Real change to immigration policy for the Middle East.
Bill Jones: UN has not acted decisively during major conflicts.
Jack Ryan: Committed to the security of Israel as a Jewish state.
Free Trade
Charles Melancon: Fight against harmful trade policies like CAFTA.
Lee Jones: Trade deficit of $124B with China makes problems.
Lee Jones: NAFTA converted a farm export surplus into falling prices.
Lee Jones: Reverse decades of free-trade-at-any cost policies.
Lee Jones: Congressional amendments of all free trade agreements.
Bill Jones: Fair trade with level playing field.
Richard Randall: US tariffs and quotas cost Americans $70B annually.
Richard Randall: Abolish all trade barriers and export promotion.
Raul Acosta: Outsourcing is wrong.
Betty Castor: Supports free and fair trade.
Tim Michels: Revoke Chinas PNTR-they dont play by the rules.
Tim Michels: Supports the Unfair Trade Task Force.
Inez Tenenbaum: Trade Impact Statement: analyze impact on US economy.
Inez Tenenbaum: Moratorium on new trade agreements.
Stuart Starky: Foster manufacturing over outsourcing.
Nancy Farmer: Fair trade doesnt ships jobs overseas.
Art Small: Reduce deficit by giving exporters tradable import permits.
Jim Holt: Keep status quo on trading with Cuba.
Jim Holt: Take steps to stop job losses.
Jim Holt: NAFTA has been hurtful.
Mel Martinez: Support trade that is free and fair.
Jim Sykes: Recommend repeal of NAFTA and GATT.
Barack Obama: Fair trade should have tangible benefits for US.
Al King: One-sided trade deals send jobs overseas.
Burt Cohen: NAFTA does not set up a level playing field.
Dan Mongiardo: For overtime pay and fair trade.
Inez Tenenbaum: Stop the offshoring of jobs and create new jobs at home.
Burt Cohen: Amend NAFTA to protect local workforce.
Government Reform
Raul Acosta: Limit the powers of government.
David McReynolds: Institute instant runoffs and remove money from elections.
Doris Haddock: Campaign finance reform would be top priority if elected.
Bill Jones: Make government more open and responsive.
Johnny Isakson: Fight Senate blocking of judicial nominees.
Johnny Isakson: End frivolous lawsuits.
Miriam Masullo: Campaign donations: No dollar limits and full disclosure.
Bruce Broussard: Good government follows clearly outlined public procedures.
Jack McMullen: Legislatures, not judges, decide on God in schools.
Jim Holt: Campaign Finance Reform Act is unconstitutional.
Jim Holt: Rid America of all unconstitutional programs.
Jim Holt: Reduce the Commerce Department and the FDA.
Jim Sykes: Support campaign finance reform & public financing.
Mike Miles: Work for a more transparent government.
Mike Miles: More transparency in government and voting records.
Pete Coors: Streamline government to create jobs.
Daryl Northrop: Institute IRV; abolish Electoral College.
James Gray: Sunset provisions in all legislation.
Jim Sykes: Get Big Money out of AK Politics.
Rick Ziser: Control of land to the state government.
Mike Liffrig: Two-term maximum for any office.
Mel Martinez: Secure Bushs appointment of federal judges.
Gun Control
Lee Jones: Extend ban on assault weapons.
John Neely Kennedy: Support the Second Amendment.
Betsy Summers: My gun rights are not negotiable.
Richard Randall: Second amendment is not negotiable.
Richard Randall: End all restrictions on weapons and ammunition.
Betty Castor: Commitment to the Right to Bear Arms.
Tim Michels: 2nd Amendment give you the right to defend your family.
Howard Mills: Second Amendment an integral part of our freedoms.
Johnny Isakson: Strongly support the 2nd Amendment.
Johnny Isakson: We need criminal control not gun control.
Mel Martinez: Prevent lawsuits from bankrupting firearms manufacturers.
Stuart Starky: Right to bear arms, but with background checks.
Ken Salazar: Protect the individual right to use firearms.
Ken Salazar: Restrict felon possession, and ban assault weapons.
Jim Holt: End the Assault Weapons Ban.
Jim Holt: Limit lawsuits on firearm manufacturers.
Mel Martinez: Prevent activists from bankrupting firearms manufacturers.
Lisa Murkowski: Concealed weapons carry for law enforcement.
Tony Knowles: Support the right to bear arms.
Jack Ryan: Defend the 2nd Amendment and its meaning.
Mary Squires: Im a gun owner and support gun ownership.
Pete Coors: Protect our right to bear arms.
Jack Ryan: Fight to protect constitutional guarantee of gun rights.
John Kerry: Gun owner & hunter, but rights come with responsibility.
Michael Benjamin: 30,000 gun control laws do not make crime control.
Health Care
Lee Jones: Save Medicare from private plans and HMOs.
John Neely Kennedy: Allow drug re-importation and bulk purchasing.
John Neely Kennedy: Refundable tax credit for the uninsured.
Richard Randall: Right to assisted suicide.
Richard Randall: Separation of medicine from the federal government.
Richard Randall: End ban on reimportation of drugs from Canada.
Richard Randall: Allow unlimited medical malpractice lawsuits.
Raul Acosta: Euthanasia is wrong.
Raul Acosta: Government-backed health plan, with drug imports.
David McReynolds: Single player health care.
Barack Obama: Believes health care is a right, not a privilege for the few.
Betty Castor: Support a Patients Bill of Rights with right to sue HMOs.
Betty Castor: Expand Healthy Kids to Healthy Families.
Tim Michels: Supports Associated Health Plans.
Alan Keyes: Sensibly cap malpractice awards.
Doris Haddock: Allow negotiating lower prescription drug prices.
Paul Van Dam: Improve the Prescription Drug and Medicare Improvement Act.
Howard Mills: Health Care is a human right.
Howard Mills: Health Marts: co-ops of workers, employers & insurers.
Marvin Scott: Restrict lawsuits; support medical savings accounts.
Stuart Starky: Every American deserves health insurance.
E.J. Pipkin: Encourage competition in the prescription drug market.
Ken Salazar: Take next steps toward universal coverage.
Eric Fingerhut: Address 40 million people without health insurance.
Nancy Farmer: Give all families same healthcare as the US Senate.
Art Small: Supports single payer system with choice for all Americans.
Art Small: Vouchers for health care will shrink government role.
Paul Van Dam: Health coverage should be affordable & include options.
Jim Holt: Real the Prescription Drug benefit.
Jim Holt: Turn the FDA into an optional agency.
Jim Holt: Prescription Drug benefit costs too much.
Jim Holt: Stop giving a free ride in medical R&D to other countries.
Jim Holt: Prices of prescription drugs should not be controlled.
Jim Holt: Taxpayers should not be asked to pay for others health care.
Jim Holt: Medical marijuana should be a state decision--Id vote no.
Jim Sykes: Single-payer universal health care.
Lisa Murkowski: Increased doctor reimbursements under Medicare.
Lisa Murkowski: Won Medicaid fund increases.
Lisa Murkowski: Won increased Medicare Nurse Practitioners Fees.
Lisa Murkowski: Secured rural hospital aid.
Lisa Murkowski: Secured nurse training money for university.
Lisa Murkowski: Won community health center funding increase.
Lisa Murkowski: Won approval for $1.7B more for veterans care.
Mike Miles: Single-payer system will help the economy.
Tony Knowles: Seniors deserve access to affordable medicine.
Tony Knowles: Extend health care coverage for families.
Jack Ryan: Limit frivolous lawsuits to make healthcare affordable.
Marilyn O`Grady: Empower patients, not bureaucrats.
Mike Miles: Reduce or subsidize health insurance costs to individuals.
Pete Coors: Lawsuit abuse is responsible for health care costs.
Al King: Limit legal fees in malpractice cases.
Allen Buckley: No federal health care except by tax deductions.
Daryl Northrop: Universal health care is a human right.
Jim Sykes: Comprehensive universal health care for all.
Burt Cohen: Add a prescription drug benefit under Medicare.
Dan Mongiardo: Invest in hospitals to make them safer.
Eric Fingerhut: Must address the health care coverage crisis.
Inez Tenenbaum: Expand health care coverage and strengthen Medicare.
Barack Obama: Will expand health coverage & allow meds to be re-imported.
Bill Jones: Lawsuit abuse is responsible for health care costs.
Ken Salazar: Medicare Rx bill was a mistake; need innovations.
Michael Benjamin: Fight for affordable quality healthcare.
Homeland Security
Lee Jones: Bush policy alienates US from our traditional allies.
Dan Mongiardo: More funding for veterans and first responders.
John Neely Kennedy: Eliminate foreign aid to any country that supports terrorism.
Eric Fingerhut: More funding for veterans and reservists.
Betsy Summers: The draft is involuntary servitude.
Ken Salazar: Fight war on terror without sacrificing our freedoms.
Ken Salazar: Fighting war on terror is not easy nor inexpensive.
Betty Castor: Improve prevention against unconventional & nuclear attacks.
Doris Haddock: Stop hatching new terrorists.
Inez Tenenbaum: Do whatever is necessary to win the war on terror.
Richard Randall: Middle East hates us for meddling, not for our freedom.
Richard Randall: Eliminate all tax-supported foreign aid.
Richard Randall: Withdraw all US troops stationed abroad.
Richard Randall: Military draft is unconstitutional involuntary servitude.
Raul Acosta: Military should not be used as a tool for corporate America.
Raul Acosta: Better support for veterans.
David McReynolds: Withdraw from Iraq; cut the military.
Betty Castor: More military pay, more veterans benefits, more equipment.
Betty Castor: Share information between intelligence agencies & police.
Tim Michels: Support our troops and keep America strong.
Doris Haddock: More thoughtful policies prevents need for security spending.
Doris Haddock: Support our troops by avoiding sending them into harms way.
Howard Mills: Give law enforcement officials the tools they need.
Jack Orchulli: Confirm Goss as CIA Director immediately.
Jack Orchulli: Focus on protection, not intelligence turf wars.
Lisa Murkowski: Committed to funding for Veterans health care.
Bill Jones: Stop developing weapons for yesterdays battles.
Bill Jones: No more base closure in California.
Jack Orchulli: More funding for First Responders.
Jack Orchulli: More military training, equipment, and pay.
Johnny Isakson: Ensure that military personnel have needed resources.
Mel Martinez: Fight to keep all FL military bases open.
Wayne Sowell: Reinstitute military draft to prepare for evildoers.
Bruce Broussard: More funding for First Responders.
Russ Darrow: Support Bush in fight against terrorism.
Eric Fingerhut: Ensure that our soldiers and veterans receive benefits.
Eric Fingerhut: Aggressively fight terrorism around the world.
Inez Tenenbaum: Supports war in Iraq, death penalty, secure homeland.
Jim Holt: Pull troops out of places like Bosnia and Haiti.
Jim Holt: Expand the Military.
Howard Mills: More funding for NYC security and PATRIOT Act.
Mel Martinez: Ensure veterans obtain all the benefits entitled.
Mel Martinez: Continue to support first responders.
Mel Martinez: Ease the burdens of deployed service-members.
Jim Sykes: Against Star Wars National Missile Defense.
Lisa Murkowski: Increased funding for First Responders.
Lisa Murkowski: More state veterans get per diem payments.
Mike Miles: Patriot Act goes too far.
Tony Knowles: Support new missile defense system.
Tony Knowles: A Vietnam vet wholl fight for veteran benefits.
Jack Ryan: Provide $ resources to win war on terror.
Mike Miles: Revoke the doctrine of preemptive use of force.
Pete Coors: Give our military the resources they need.
Al King: Keep Patriot Act with some constitutional revisions.
Allen Buckley: Fight terrorism via espionage.
James Gray: Roll Back the USA Patriot Act.
Eric Fingerhut: Form a multi-lateral coalition to fight terrorism.
Rick Ziser: Better benefits for military personnel.
Rick Ziser: Continue to develop a missile defense system.
Rick Ziser: Improve training and equipment.
Marvin Scott: US must be ready if terrorist attack again.
Ken Salazar: Ensure emergency personnel have the support and resources.
Bruce Broussard: Support more comprehensive information sharing programs.
Michael Benjamin: Supports missile defense, and pre-emptive action.
Dan Mongiardo: Criticizes Bunning for opening Chile and Singapore visas.
John Neely Kennedy: No amnesty for illegal aliens.
Stuart Starky: Mandate English immersion in schools.
Betty Castor: Expedited citizenship for military immigrants.
Richard Randall: Peaceful immigration is the benchmark of American ideals.
Richard Randall: Social safety net is no excuse for excluding immigrants.
Raul Acosta: Foreigners for president borders on treason.
Raul Acosta: 3-month work visas for illegal immigrants.
Alan Keyes: Extending privileges to non-citizens invites lawbreaking.
Bill Jones: Support temporary work visas, but no shortcut to immigration.
Bill Jones: Not even a suggestion of amnesty.
Miriam Masullo: Give Americans jobs currently held by non-citizens.
Stuart Starky: Stricter enforcement on Canadian border.
Stuart Starky: Stricter enforcement on Mexican border.
Ken Salazar: Opportunity for undocumented workers to gain legal status.
Jim Holt: Help immigrants become Americans themselves.
Jim Holt: No amnesty for illegal immigrants.
Mel Martinez: End the flow of illegal aliens.
Mike Miles: Support Legal Immigration.
Jack Ryan: Vigilance at the borders-more INS agents.
Marilyn O`Grady: Toughen immigration laws to keep out terrorists.
Mary Squires: No blanket amnesty-enforce the rule of law.
Mike Miles: Expand earned legalization and guest workers.
Al King: Enforce limits on immigration to sustainable numbers.
Allen Buckley: Strong enforcement against illegal immigration.
James Gray: Implement a workable and fair immigration system.
Rick Ziser: Tighter control for the borders.
Rick Ziser: Immigration reform must serve the economy and workforce.
Bill Jones: Oppose amnesty for undocumented immigrants.
John Kerry: Restore immigrant benefits lost in 1996 welfare reform.
John Kerry: Expedited citizenship for members of the Armed Forces.
Lee Jones: Protect US jobs by restricting outsourcing.
Dan Mongiardo: Bunning voted to outsource jobs to China.
John Neely Kennedy: Crack down on the offshoring of jobs to India & China.
Betsy Summers: Jobs programs cost jobs.
Richard Randall: Repeal National Labor Relations Act.
Raul Acosta: Corporate scandals cause unemlpoyment.
David McReynolds: Support the Employee Free Choice Act.
Barack Obama: Overrode federal overtime rules and raised the minimum wage.
Betty Castor: Raise the Minimum Wage to $6.75.
Alan Keyes: Government does not create jobs, only businesses do.
Doris Haddock: End policies that encourage companies to move jobs offshore.
Howard Mills: Preserve open space for farming.
Denise Majette: Fund job training and small business development.
Johnny Isakson: Invest in our workforce.
Nancy Farmer: Increase the minimum wage.
Lisa Murkowski: Promote Alaskan seafood.
Bruce Broussard: Create more jobs domestically.
Bruce Broussard: Get more of federal $23B for job training for Oregon.
Jack McMullen: Promote knowledge-based job creation.
Inez Tenenbaum: China undermines fair trade.
Doris Haddock: Promote small business development in local communities.
Lisa Murkowski: Won Trade Adjustment Assistance for fishermen.
Lisa Murkowski: Privatize seafood inspection program.
Mike Miles: Revise corporate tax policies to save jobs.
Tony Knowles: Promote job opportunities via small business.
Barack Obama: Fund Trade Adjustment Assistance for service workers too.
Mike Miles: Providing jobs is the public interest-Bush has failed.
Barack Obama: Tax cuts for the rich do not create jobs.
Barack Obama: Obama will strengthen unions and workers rights.
Principles & Values
Raul Acosta: Alternative to two establishment candidates.
Raul Acosta: Write-in candidacy by word-of-mouth.
Doris Haddock: Send me to the lions den-Washington will never be the same.
Lisa Murkowski: Keep God in Pledge & prohibit flag burning.
Jack Orchulli: We need a Senator to represent us, not special interests.
Jack Orchulli: I believe in the inherent goodness of all Americans.
Johnny Isakson: Stand up for traditional values.
Miriam Masullo: End ban on political speech in houses of worship.
Alan Keyes: Core values: life, liberty, faith, family, freedom.
Alan Keyes: Core values: life, liberty, faith, family, freedom.
Inez Tenenbaum: Parents, not government, are responsible for children.
Jim Holt: Pray that God will give Bush wisdom.
Jim Holt: Separation of church and state cannot be done.
Mel Martinez: Support public displays of religious devotion.
Wayne Sowell: Remember the past; face the present; plan for the future.
Paul Van Dam: FOR fiscal responsibility; FOR energy independence.
Mel Martinez: Appreciates serving as HUD Secretary, thanks America.
John Kerry: Revoke every Bush order that favors special interests.
Social Security
Lee Jones: Vigorously resist any attempt to privatize Social Security.
Denise Majette: No risky privatization schemes.
Richard Randall: Social Security is a bankrupt pyramid-scheme.
Richard Randall: Opt out of Social Security and allow private investing.
Betty Castor: Protect Social Security from risky investments.
Tim Michels: End the raid on Social Security.
Alan Keyes: Keep promises but give future choice.
Doris Haddock: No privatization; stop raiding the trust fund.
Howard Mills: Invest up to 5% of payroll tax in personal accounts.
Erskine Bowles: Fight against privatization.
Inez Tenenbaum: Strengthen Social Security, Not Privatize It.
Denise Majette: Protect and preserve without privatization schemes.
Miriam Masullo: Suports Personal Retirement Accounts.
Stuart Starky: Raise benefit age to 75 and strengthen system.
E.J. Pipkin: Protect Social Security funds from use in other programs.
Ken Salazar: Opposes privatization and individual investment accounts.
Paul Van Dam: Do not privatize or otherwise compromise Social Security.
Jim Holt: Favor changing the amount of Social Security benefits.
Jim Holt: Favor Social Security privatization.
Jim Holt: End abortion to keep Social Security strong.
Mel Martinez: Support Social Security privatization.
Tony Knowles: Against Social Security and Medicare privatization.
Allen Buckley: National referendum to resolve Social Security dilemmas.
Tax Reform
Charles Melancon: Immediate tax relief for middle-class families.
Lee Jones: Repeal the Bush tax cut on the wealthiest 1%.
Lee Jones: Abolish estate tax for estates under $5 million.
Cam Cavasso: Supports President Bushs tax cuts.
Dan Mongiardo: Help middle-class instead of trickle-down.
John Neely Kennedy: Exempt first $10,000 in tips from income tax.
Stuart Starky: End tax breaks for corporate outsourcing.
Bill Jones: Extend the Bush tax cuts.
Bill Jones: Move beyond tax cuts to tax simplification.
Erskine Bowles: Repeal tax breaks for companies moving jobs overseas.
Betty Castor: Promote tax fairness for all, not just the wealthy.
Richard Randall: Repeal the Sixteenth Amendment and end income tax.
Raul Acosta: Supports 13% flat tax.
David McReynolds: Reverse Bushs tax cuts for the superrich.
Tim Michels: I will never vote to raise taxes. Period.
Doris Haddock: Supports progressive tax schedules & balanced budgets.
Doris Haddock: The rest of us pay for Bushs billionaire tax cuts.
Paul Van Dam: Most tax cuts are by and for the economic elite.
Howard Mills: Government has grown too big, so limit taxes.
Howard Mills: Make the Bush Tax Cuts permanent.
Jack Orchulli: Make Bushs tax cuts permanent.
Johnny Isakson: FairTax: repeal the current tax system.
Marvin Scott: More tax cuts and more for Indiana.
Miriam Masullo: FairTax: Do something about our broken tax system.
Nancy Farmer: Tax cuts for our working families.
Scott McClure: Bushs Reaganomics is detrimental to economy.
E.J. Pipkin: Curb government spending & give tax relief for our families.
Ken Salazar: Enact responsible tax cuts for low- and middle-class.
Mike Liffrig: Bush tax cuts get North Dakotans $310M per year.
Russ Darrow: Cut taxes and improve business climate.
Nancy Farmer: Make middle-class tax cuts permanent.
Art Small: Eliminate Bush tax cuts and tax breaks for special interests.
Jim Holt: Support a tax rate that is flatter and fairer.
Mel Martinez: Make the Bush tax cuts permanent.
Jim Sykes: Fight for Alaskans Permanent Fund Dividend.
Tony Knowles: Support tax cuts for lower and middle-class.
Allen Buckley: Tie spending to tax rates, eliminate Alternative Minimum Tax.
Marilyn O`Grady: Make permanent the Bush tax cuts.
Pete Coors: Proud to be a tax cutter.
Allen Buckley: Establish a 10/x/39 three-bracket income tax system.
Jim Sykes: Protect PFD.
Eric Fingerhut: New ideas to stimulate the economy.
Rick Ziser: Must hold down spending.
Jack Ryan: Low tax rates drive economic growth.
Marvin Scott: Federal tax code penalizes hard work and marriage.
Marvin Scott: Consumers should keep what they earn, not pay high taxes.
Bruce Broussard: Provide businesses with tax incentives to create jobs.
Jack McMullen: Do not repeal tax cuts: they was working.
Betty Castor: End the Digital Divide by wiring every school.
Betty Castor: Extend the Research and Development Tax Credit.
Johnny Isakson: Ensure that infrastructure keeps up with population.
Abe Hirschfeld: Build the Second Avenue Subway, despite lawyers.
Lisa Murkowski: $10 million for rural sanitation programs.
Lisa Murkowski: Won support for more transportation aid.
Mike Miles: Encourage projects that enhance infrastructure.
Mike Miles: Increase federal spending on highways and energy networks.
Bill Jones: Championed updating water supply systems.
John Kerry: Reallocate spectrum for wireless phone networks.
John Kerry: Empower Americans by making Internet access universal.
War & Peace
John Neely Kennedy: Finish the job in Afghanistan.
Stuart Starky: Iraq military occupation should not be unending.
Stuart Starky: The president lied-time to bring our troops home.
Betsy Summers: We failed in Iraq so bring the troops home.
Inez Tenenbaum: We were right to remove Saddam Hussein from power.
Inez Tenenbaum: Encourage NATO to help rebuild Iraq.
Richard Randall: The War in Iraq is a failure.
Betty Castor: Ensure that Afghanistan and Iraq are safe and secure.
Betty Castor: Terrorism-free Israel and then a viable Palestine.
Doris Haddock: We cannot afford to blast our way to peace.
Doris Haddock: War in Iraq based on promoting unreliable information.
Doris Haddock: Withdraw US troops from Iraq via UN negotiations.
Howard Mills: Iraq: reject objections of the French and the United Nations.
Bill Jones: We are committed in Iraq and cant leave the job half done.
Denise Majette: Work with international community to restore Iraq.
Scott McClure: Iraq stresses and damages US military.
Stuart Starky: Iraq war began on exaggerated & false premises.
Jack McMullen: Iraq diplomacy failed for 20 years-Army succeeded in 6 weeks.
Jim Holt: Reevaluate how we declare war.
Jim Holt: Everyone thought Saddam had WMDs.
Jim Holt: Let Military leaders decide when to pull out of war.
Doris Haddock: No WMDs & no al-Qaeda connection so no need to invade Iraq.
Jim Sykes: Out-think adversaries instead of out-shooting them.
Mike Miles: America has lost much world respect due to Iraq.
Mike Miles: Preemptive use of force is dangerous.
Jack Ryan: Support the Bush Doctrine and regime change where necessary.
Marilyn O`Grady: No UN participating in Iraq.
Mike Miles: America has lost respect of world over Iraq.
Al King: Better to fight in Iraq than on our soil.
Allen Buckley: War in Iraq is counter-productive to the war on terrorism.
James Gray: Hand over Iraq to Iraqis & UN, then focus on real terrorism.
Bill Jones: Would have voted for the $87 billion spending on Iraq.
Welfare & Poverty
John Neely Kennedy: Expand the Earned Income Tax Credit.
Richard Randall: 100% tax credit for contributions to private charity.
David McReynolds: Guaranteed income for all.
Lisa Murkowski: Changes to Salmon program for WIC food.
Mel Martinez: Led an initiative to help minorities to buy homes.