Donald Trump on VoteMatch2016 Republican incumbent President; 2000 Reform Primary Challenger for President |
VoteMatch Responses
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VoteMatch Question & Answer (Click on question for explanation and background) |
Based on these stances: (Click on topic for excerpt & citation) |
topic 1:Abortion is a woman's unrestricted right
(-3 points on Social scale) | Favors abortion rights but respects opposition: Favors topic 1 Pro-choice, but ban partial birth abortion: Favors topic 1 I am now pro-life; after years of being pro-choice: Strongly Opposes topic 1 I changed my views to pro-life based on personal stories: Opposes topic 1 I am pro-life; fight ObamaCare abortion funding: Opposes topic 1 Ban late abortions; exceptions for rape, incest or health: Strongly Opposes topic 1 Planned Parenthood is important, but abortions must stop: Opposes topic 1 Defund Planned Parenthood: Strongly Opposes topic 1 Undecided on embryonic stem cell research: Neutral on topic 1 Millions are helped by Planned Parenthood, but defund it: Opposes topic 1 Not acceptable to rip baby from womb in 9th month: Strongly Opposes topic 1 Overturn Roe v, Wade and return abortion laws to the states: Strongly Opposes topic 1 Unpredictable abortion funding good; Planned Parenthood bad: Strongly Opposes topic 1 Reinstate Mexico City Policy: end abortion funding abroad: Opposes topic 1 Cherish innocent life instead of ripping babies from womb: Strongly Opposes topic 1 Completed conversion from 1999 pro-choice to 2019 pro-life: Strongly Favors topic 1 End medical research that uses tissue from aborted fetuses: Strongly Opposes topic 1 Ban the late-term abortion of babies: Strongly Opposes topic 1 1998: I hate abortion yet I'm totally for choice: Strongly Favors topic 1 Falsely claims Democrats want to execute babies after birth: Strongly Opposes topic 1 I will not block abortion medication: abortion pill ok: Favors topic 1 Stress importance of a strong family, & a culture of Life: Opposes topic 1 Supports birth control without a prescription: Favors topic 1 Opposes public funding for abortion services: Strongly Opposes topic 1 Supports parental notification for abortions by minors: Strongly Opposes topic 1 Supports judges who strictly interpret Constitution: Strongly Favors topic 1 |
topic 2:Legally require hiring women & minorities
(+2 points on Economic scale) | Political correctness is country's problem, not my problem: Strongly Opposes topic 2 I'm "fine" with affirmative action, for now: Strongly Favors topic 2 I'm no misogynist; I put women in charge of construction: Favors topic 2 Obama's presidency has done nothing for African Americans: Opposes topic 2 Promoted gender equality in a male-dominated industry: Favors topic 2 Well-educated blacks have advantage over whites: Opposes topic 2 Created first club in Palm Beach open to blacks & Jews: Strongly Favors topic 2 Women are far stronger than men; don't believe "weaker sex": Opposes topic 2 Sued in 1970s for racist rental policy, but same as everyone: Opposes topic 2 Minorities in disaster cities: what do you have to lose?: Neutral on topic 2 Pushed town council to allow blacks & Jews into Mar-a-Lago: Favors topic 2 More jobs for women; now we will help women outside US too: Strongly Favors topic 2 FactCheck: LBJ civil rights laws dwarf any Trump action: Strongly Opposes topic 2 I'll revoke executive order for Marxist equity and inclusion: Strongly Opposes topic 2 Racial disparities in law enforcement? Maybe or maybe not: Opposes topic 2 Skeptical of use of affirmative action in college admissions: Opposes topic 2 We will completely defund and bar critical race theory: Strongly Opposes topic 2 I seem to bring out either the best or worst in women: Opposes topic 2 Women act feminine & needy, but inside, they are killers: Opposes topic 2 Create a military court system to deal with sexual assaults: Favors topic 2 Bad students (like Obama) shouldn't go to Harvard: Opposes topic 2 I did a good job getting Obama to produce birth certificate: Strongly Opposes topic 2 Mocks opponent as "Pocahontas" at Native American event: Strongly Opposes topic 2 Rebuild our black inner cities, which are so sad: Opposes topic 2 |
topic 3:Support transgender and LGBTQ+ rights
(-3 points on Social scale) | Tolerate diversity; prosecute hate crimes against gays: Favors topic 3 No gay marriage; no same-sex partner benefits: Strongly Opposes topic 3 Same-sex marriage is a state issue: Opposes topic 3 After Supreme Court vote, gay marriage is a reality: Favors topic 3 Put the Confederate flag in a museum, not on statehouses: Strongly Favors topic 3 Sexual orientation is invalid reason for firing workers: Strongly Favors topic 3 1980s: personal lawyer gay & closeted & Trump kept secret: Favors topic 3 2000: extend Civil Rights Act to apply to gays and lesbians: Strongly Favors topic 3 Global campaign to end the criminalization of homosexuality: Strongly Favors topic 3 Job discrimination rules don't apply to transgender status: Strongly Opposes topic 3 Transgender protections destroying women's sports: Strongly Opposes topic 3 AdWatch: Kamala is for they/them; Trump is for you: Strongly Opposes topic 3 Denounce Iran's human rights record via focus on LGBT issues: Favors topic 3 Cease promoting gender transitioning for people of all ages: Strongly Opposes topic 3 Ban on transgender people serving openly in the US military: Strongly Opposes topic 3 |
Strongly Favors
topic 4:America was founded on Christian values
(-5 points on Social scale) | Blasphemy to promote transgender visibility on Easter Sunday: Favors topic 4 Teach citizenship; stop dumbing down: Favors topic 4 End creative spelling, estimating, & empowerment: Favors topic 4 Constitutional right to pray in public schools: Strongly Favors topic 4 Happiest people have great families & God in their lives: Favors topic 4 Who in the world is offended by "Merry Christmas"?: Strongly Favors topic 4 I love God, and I love having a relationship with Him: Favors topic 4 Our media culture often mocks and demeans people of faith: Favors topic 4 Cherish and defend our Christian heritage: Strongly Favors topic 4 Repeal LBJ law: let preachers talk politics, tax-exempt: Strongly Favors topic 4 Fiercely defend religious freedom and terms like "Christmas": Strongly Favors topic 4 Supports religious liberty, and the motto, "In God We Trust": Strongly Favors topic 4 Our country, blessed by God, has a special purpose: Strongly Favors topic 4 Time to "bring back God" to schools and public squares: Strongly Favors topic 4 Let "saints" help teen moms; restrict public assistance: Strongly Favors topic 4 |
Strongly Opposes
topic 5:Expand ObamaCare
(+5 points on Economic scale) | We must have universal health care: Strongly Favors topic 5 Kill ObamaCare before it becomes a trillion-ton weight: Strongly Opposes topic 5 Increase insurance competition across state lines: Strongly Opposes topic 5 Save Medicare & Medicaid without cutting them to the bone: Favors topic 5 ObamaCare is a catastrophe that must be repealed & replaced: Strongly Opposes topic 5 Don't cut Medicare; grow the economy to keep benefits: Favors topic 5 ObamaCare deductibles are so high that it's useless: Strongly Opposes topic 5 We didn't have a free market before ObamaCare: Opposes topic 5 Replace Obamacare with Health Savings Accounts: Strongly Opposes topic 5 Keep pre-existing condition coverage; not individual mandate: Opposes topic 5 Removing cross-state barriers solves many insurance issues: Opposes topic 5 Chief Justice Roberts: a disaster who gave us ObamaCare: Strongly Opposes topic 5 Make health insurance premiums tax-deductible: Opposes topic 5 Insurance companies love a lack of competition: Opposes topic 5 Create V.A. mental health division to reduce veteran suicide: Favors topic 5 ObamaCare will never work; repeal it and replace it: Strongly Opposes topic 5 The whole of ObamaCare was a fraud: Strongly Opposes topic 5 Lack of mental healthcare is greatest tragedy today: Favors topic 5 Focus on greatest bang for the buck, not public health: Strongly Opposes topic 5 ObamaCare collapses under its own weight if we don't repeal: Strongly Opposes topic 5 ObamaCare is government control over our everyday lives: Strongly Opposes topic 5 Lower the cost of health insurance, instead of mandates: Opposes topic 5 Expand Health Savings Accounts but not forced by government: Strongly Opposes topic 5 Why can't Medicare simply cover everybody?: Favors topic 5 Medicare for All is really Medicare for None: Strongly Opposes topic 5 Strike down ObamaCare as an UNCONSTITUTIONAL disaster: Strongly Opposes topic 5 FactCheck: Opposed ObamaCare's pre-existing condition law: Strongly Opposes topic 5 FactCheck: Sued to end pre-existing condition protection: Strongly Opposes topic 5 Republicans will always support Pre-Existing Conditions: Favors topic 5 Trump reverses course on vaccinations; now in favor: Favors topic 5 Decided not to kill ObamaCare, but still it's not good: Strongly Opposes topic 5 Socialist healthcare would take away from 180M patients: Strongly Opposes topic 5 Eradicate AIDS epidemic by the end of this decade: Neutral on topic 5 The coronavirus is very much under control in the USA: Strongly Opposes topic 5 Cut pandemic response team in 2018, denied knowing about it: Strongly Opposes topic 5 1998: For universal coverage; have to take care of people: Strongly Favors topic 5 2014: Criticized Ebola czar; 2019: put Pence in charge: Strongly Opposes topic 5 Cut budget, fired entire pandemic response chain of command: Strongly Opposes topic 5 Ended pandemic early-warning program in Wuhan, China: Strongly Opposes topic 5 Administration didn't participate in global vaccine summit: Strongly Opposes topic 5 Falsely claims US did more tests rest of world combined: Strongly Opposes topic 5 Supports repealing mandated health insurance: Strongly Opposes topic 5 |
topic 6:Privatize Social Security
(+2 points on Economic scale) | Pay off debt; put $3T interest savings into Trust Fund: Opposes topic 6 Let people invest their own retirement funds: Strongly Favors topic 6 No government investment of retirement funds: Strongly Favors topic 6 Social Security isn't an "entitlement"; it's honoring a deal: Opposes topic 6 Cannot change Medicare or Soc.Sec. and still win elections: Opposes topic 6 I'll give up my Social Security; leave it to each person: Favors topic 6 FactCheck: Yes, "privatization would be good for all of us": Strongly Favors topic 6 Never cut Social Security; payroll tax cut won't affect it: Opposes topic 6 Going "full-steam ahead" on limiting disability benefits: Favors topic 6 Improve SSI youth transition to self-sufficient work: Favors topic 6 |
Strongly Favors
topic 7:Vouchers for school choice
(+5 points on Economic scale) | Bring on the competition; tear down the union walls: Favors topic 7 School choice will improve public schools: Strongly Favors topic 7 Opposes Common Core: Favors topic 7 Common Core is a disaster: Strongly Favors topic 7 Cut Department of Education and Common Core: Strongly Favors topic 7 We spend more per student than any other nation: Favors topic 7 Let schools compete: charters, vouchers, and magnets: Strongly Favors topic 7 Common Core means Washington tells you what to study: Favors topic 7 Dept. of Education runs top-down one-size-fits-all system: Opposes topic 7 Disadvantaged students are trapped in failing schools: Strongly Favors topic 7 Money follows student to public, private or religious school: Strongly Favors topic 7 I may cut Department of Education: Favors topic 7 Call them vouchers or scholarships; I call it competition: Strongly Favors topic 7 School choice is civil rights issue of our time: Strongly Favors topic 7 Opportunity Scholarships for 1M trapped in failing schools: Strongly Opposes topic 7 I will expand charter schools & choice for every family: Strongly Favors topic 7 We're not going to fund schools if they don't open: Strongly Favors topic 7 Biden has sold out America's children to the teachers unions: Strongly Favors topic 7 Parents should be able to fire the principal, elect another: Strongly Favors topic 7 Supports vouchers to let parents choose public or private school: Strongly Favors topic 7 |
Strongly Favors
topic 8:Businesses have a right to pollute
(-5 points on Social scale) | Cut defense budget, & entire EPA & Dept. of Education: Favors topic 8 Green energy is just an expensive feel-good for tree-huggers: Strongly Favors topic 8 Good development enhances the environment: Favors topic 8 Cut the EPA; what they do is a disgrace: Strongly Favors topic 8 Won't go to circuses that cut elephants due to animal rights: Strongly Favors topic 8 Asbestos got a bad rap from miners & mob-led movement: Strongly Favors topic 8 Bureaucratic land use reviews make projects unbuildable: Favors topic 8 Regulations by unelected officials reward special interests: Strongly Favors topic 8 2008: pushed Scotland golf course despite enviro fragility: Favors topic 8 Overrule Fisheries Commission and allow more fish harvesting: Opposes topic 8 WOTUS 2018: limited definition of protected waterways: Strongly Favors topic 8 Cutting overbearing regulations helps farmers & builders: Strongly Favors topic 8 We're going to put regulation industry out of business: Strongly Favors topic 8 Don't micromanage every rain puddle and drainage ditch: Strongly Favors topic 8 Join the United Nations' "One Trillion Trees initiative": Strongly Opposes topic 8 I've cut more regulations than any President in history: Strongly Favors topic 8 Get rid of the regulations that are just destroying us: Favors topic 8 Make desalinization affordable; rebuild water infrastructure: Strongly Opposes topic 8 Signed bill for regulatory relief for smaller banks: Strongly Favors topic 8 Signed bill to loosen restrictions on predator controls: Strongly Favors topic 8 |
Strongly Favors
topic 9:Stricter punishment reduces crime
(-5 points on Social scale) | Capital punishment isnt uncivilized; murderers living is: Strongly Favors topic 9 Death penalty deters like violent TV leads kids astray: Favors topic 9 Hold judges accountable; dont reduce sentences: Favors topic 9 For tough anti-crime policies; not criminals rights: Favors topic 9 Black lives matter, but we need strong police presence: Favors topic 9 The police are the most mistreated people in America: Favors topic 9 Police can't act due to disrespect; but weed out bad ones: Favors topic 9 Stop-and-frisk worked very well in NYC: Strongly Favors topic 9 Without law and order, we don't have a country: Strongly Favors topic 9 Considers stop-and-frisk useful and tremendous beyond belief: Strongly Favors topic 9 FactCheck: Stop-&-frisk unconstitutional but NYPD disagrees: Strongly Favors topic 9 Unify behind law enforcement; support the victims of crime: Strongly Favors topic 9 Settling Central Park jogger case was "a disgrace": Strongly Favors topic 9 Stop-and-frisk works in high-crime cities like Chicago: Strongly Favors topic 9 First Step Act: criminal justice reform & fairer sentencing: Strongly Opposes topic 9 Keep death penalty; don't forget the victims: Strongly Opposes topic 9 Think of the VICTIMS and keep the death penalty: Strongly Favors topic 9 FactCheck: yes, second chance with criminal justice reform: No opin. on topic 9 Stand with law enforcement; never allow mob rule: Strongly Favors topic 9 FactCheck: falsely claims Biden wants to defund the police: Strongly Favors topic 9 Execute drug dealers to fight opioid epidemic: Strongly Favors topic 9 New agency VOICE: Victims of Immigrant Crime Engagement: Strongly Favors topic 9 Opposes Catch-&-Release laws; throw criminal aliens in jail: Strongly Favors topic 9 Throw immigrant criminals out of U.S. and keep them out: Strongly Favors topic 9 Endorsed by Fraternal Order of Police in 2016, 2020, & 2024: Favors topic 9 Signed First Step Act to reduce recidivism: Strongly Opposes topic 9 Reinstate lethal injections; implement federal death penalty: Strongly Favors topic 9 |
Strongly Favors
topic 10:Absolute right to gun ownership
(+5 points on Economic scale) | Dems and Reps are both wrong on guns: Neutral on topic 10 For assault weapon ban, waiting period, & background check: Opposes topic 10 I am against gun control: Strongly Favors topic 10 A very strong person on the Second Amendment: Strongly Favors topic 10 Protect the Second Amendment, but address mental health: Favors topic 10 Gun-free zones are target practice for sickos: Strongly Favors topic 10 Laws are ineffective in preventing gun violence: Favors topic 10 Gun ownership makes US safer, not more dangerous: Strongly Favors topic 10 Gun violence is inevitable; regulations won't help: Strongly Favors topic 10 Keep enemies of the state away from guns: Favors topic 10 No limits on guns; they save lives: Strongly Favors topic 10 Make concealed-carry permits valid across all states: Strongly Favors topic 10 Buying lots of ammunition & body armor should be a red flag: Opposes topic 10 No guns for people on terrorist watch-list: Opposes topic 10 Appoint Supreme Court judges who respect 2nd amendment: Strongly Favors topic 10 We need Supreme Court to stand up for the 2nd Amendment: Strongly Favors topic 10 End gun-free zones in schools & military bases: Strongly Favors topic 10 Arm public school employees to prevent school shootings: Strongly Favors topic 10 Opposes arming school teachers against school shootings: Opposes topic 10 Remove weapons from dangerous individuals, not all Americans: Strongly Favors topic 10 Teachers with gun training should be allowed to carry: Strongly Favors topic 10 1998: Against gun laws; only bad guys would have guns: Favors topic 10 FactCheck: NRA did oppose Trump "bump stock" ban : Favors topic 10 Opposes restrictions on right to bear arms: Strongly Favors topic 10 |
topic 11:Higher taxes on the wealthy
(+2 points on Economic scale) | One-time 14.25% tax on wealth, to erase national debt: Strongly Favors topic 11 Predicts 35% boost to economy from eliminating national debt: Favors topic 11 FactCheck: Paid income taxes for 3 years out of 5 in 1970s: Opposes topic 11 U.S. 1% growth is almost no growth, and due to high taxes: Strongly Opposes topic 11 1999: one-time wealth tax on top 1% to reduce national debt: Strongly Favors topic 11 Any business of any size will pay no more than 15% tax: Strongly Opposes topic 11 Reducing taxes from 35% to 15% will be a job creator: Strongly Opposes topic 11 Historic tax cuts and reforms for American businesses: Strongly Opposes topic 11 Doubled the child tax credit: Favors topic 11 Raising business tax causes businesses to move jobs overseas: Strongly Opposes topic 11 Tax assets over $10 million, paid over 10 years: Strongly Favors topic 11 Personally avoids sales tax, but knows many people like it: Opposes topic 11 Repeal the inheritance tax to offset one-time wealth tax: Opposes topic 11 Simplify tax code; end marriage penalty & other hidden taxes: Opposes topic 11 Opposes flat tax; benefits wealthy too much: Strongly Favors topic 11 4 brackets; 1-5-10-15%; kill death tax & corporate tax: Strongly Opposes topic 11 One-time 14% tax on wealthy to pay down national debt: Strongly Favors topic 11 Raise graduated taxes on hedge fund managers: Strongly Favors topic 11 OpEd AdWatch: Trump more liberal on taxes than Democrats: Favors topic 11 FactCheck: Proposed 14% tax on wealthy in 2000, but not now: Neutral on topic 11 No net increase in taxes, but increases on wealthy: Strongly Favors topic 11 Repeal estate tax; it's double taxation: Strongly Opposes topic 11 Estate tax is unfair double taxation: Strongly Opposes topic 11 Do away with carried interest; it's unfair: Favors topic 11 High tax rate encourages investment risk: Strongly Favors topic 11 I'm gonna cut taxes and regulations big league: Strongly Opposes topic 11 Tax cuts for the wealthy, who will create tremendous jobs: Strongly Opposes topic 11 Get rid of carried interest and cut taxes big league: Favors topic 11 Cutting corporate taxes will be a great job creator: Strongly Opposes topic 11 Comparison of Warren wealth tax to Trump wealth tax: Strongly Favors topic 11 People want tax cuts; don't understand tax reform: Strongly Opposes topic 11 1998: I'd like to see major tax cuts, 800 billion or more: Strongly Opposes topic 11 Help those in need by massive tax cuts & cutting regulations: Strongly Opposes topic 11 Opposes increasing income tax rates: Opposes topic 11 Supports eliminating the death tax: Strongly Opposes topic 11 Signed bill to reduce corporate tax rates from 35% to 21%: Strongly Opposes topic 11 |
Strongly Opposes
topic 12:Pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens
(-5 points on Social scale) | Limit new immigration; focus on people already here: Strongly Opposes topic 12 Control borders; even legal immigration should be difficult: Strongly Opposes topic 12 351,000 illegal aliens are in our prisons; costing $1.1B: Strongly Opposes topic 12 Anchor babies were NEVER the intent of the 14th Amendment: Strongly Opposes topic 12 Invite foreigners graduating from college to stay in US: Favors topic 12 Triple-layered fence & Predator drones on Mexican border: Strongly Opposes topic 12 Citizenship for illegal immigrants is a GOP suicide mission: Strongly Opposes topic 12 We need strong borders; we need a wall: Strongly Opposes topic 12 Mexico & Latin America send us drugs, crime, and rapists: Strongly Opposes topic 12 Illegal immigrants populate many criminal gangs: Opposes topic 12 This is a country where we speak English, not Spanish: Opposes topic 12 I can get Mexico to pay for border wall; politicians can't: Opposes topic 12 We must stop illegal immigration; it hurts us economically: Strongly Opposes topic 12 Mexico will pay for wall, but not through tariffs: Opposes topic 12 The border wall will be well-managed and built correctly: Strongly Opposes topic 12 Let the good ones come back in; that's not amnesty: Favors topic 12 I take advantage of H-1B visas; but stop them: Opposes topic 12 351,000 criminal illegal aliens in our prisons: Strongly Opposes topic 12 Building 1,000-mile wall is possible, if we make commitment: Strongly Opposes topic 12 Cut off federal funds to sanctuary cities: Strongly Opposes topic 12 We've been badly hurt by Mexico both at the border & on jobs: Strongly Opposes topic 12 People pour into US and citizens lose jobs: Strongly Opposes topic 12 Border agents endorsed me because I understand the border: Strongly Opposes topic 12 Amnesty is unfair to people waiting on line for years: Strongly Opposes topic 12 We have some bad hombres here; I'll get them out: Opposes topic 12 Let college grads stay but H-1B only if jobs can't be filled: Favors topic 12 10-point plan: wall; zero tolerance; biometrics; E-Verify: Strongly Favors topic 12 Restore integrity at borders instead of lawless chaos: Strongly Opposes topic 12 Merit-based immigration system instead of lower skills: Strongly Opposes topic 12 Vatican has massive walls; Pope is wrong about open borders: Strongly Opposes topic 12 End birthright citizenship, despite 14th amendment: Strongly Opposes topic 12 Powerful wall in San Diego stopped nearly all crossings: Strongly Favors topic 12 ICE guards dangerous southern border against criminal aliens: Strongly Opposes topic 12 Deporting drug dealers, murderers, and "bad dudes": Strongly Opposes topic 12 Cut off aid $700M to Central American Northern Triangle: Strongly Opposes topic 12 Use threat of tariffs to get Mexico's cooperation: Strongly Opposes topic 12 Refugees can't come in; sorry, we're full: Strongly Opposes topic 12 DACA phase-out legally correct but politically controversial: Strongly Opposes topic 12 Countless Americans are killed every year by criminal aliens: Strongly Opposes topic 12 I will sign a colossal increase in ICE deportation offices: Strongly Opposes topic 12 Supports additional border infrastructure: Strongly Favors topic 12 Vetoed ending national emergency at the Southern border: Strongly Opposes topic 12 |
Strongly Opposes
topic 13:Support & expand free trade
(-5 points on Economic scale) | Our jobs are fleeing to Mexico; China uses us as piggy bank: Strongly Opposes topic 13 We're dying at 1% GDP growth; we don't make things anymore: Opposes topic 13 US open for business: keep Carrier AC in Indiana: Opposes topic 13 Companies will pay dearly for moving jobs out of US: Strongly Opposes topic 13 European Union is a foe in trade, & in lack of NATO payments: Strongly Opposes topic 13 World views US trade officials as saps: Opposes topic 13 Renegotiate tougher & fairer trade agreements: Opposes topic 13 President should be nations trade representative: Favors topic 13 Embrace globalization and international markets: Strongly Favors topic 13 20% tax on all imported goods: Strongly Opposes topic 13 Repatriate jobs that China has been stealing: Opposes topic 13 35% import tax on Mexican border: Strongly Opposes topic 13 TPP is a horrible deal; no one has read its 5,600 pages: Strongly Opposes topic 13 Restrict free trade to keep jobs in US: Strongly Opposes topic 13 Trade pacts are no good for us and no good for our workers: Strongly Opposes topic 13 It's not free trade with China; it's stupid trade: Strongly Opposes topic 13 Renegotiate NAFTA; they charge us 16%; we charge nothing: Strongly Opposes topic 13 Tax imports when U.S. companies manufacture abroad: Strongly Opposes topic 13 NAFTA was worst trade deal ever; TPP is a close second: Strongly Opposes topic 13 China is dumping steel all over & killing steel companies: Strongly Opposes topic 13 I disagreed with Ronald Reagan on trade; we need better: Strongly Opposes topic 13 Identify every violation of trade agreements, and prosecute: Opposes topic 13 Protection will make America strong: Strongly Opposes topic 13 Two simple rules: buy American, and hire American: Strongly Opposes topic 13 US companies pay high tariffs abroad; let's change that: Strongly Opposes topic 13 End TPP; make American pipelines with American steel: Strongly Opposes topic 13 Trade wars are good; tariffs on steel and aluminum: Strongly Opposes topic 13 FactCheck: China has 25% car tariff, but only 10% on parts: Opposes topic 13 Country built on tariffs; they'll lead to new trade deals: Strongly Opposes topic 13 Tariffs force EU, Mexico, & Canada to re-negotiate: Strongly Opposes topic 13 China is no longer a currency manipulator: Favors topic 13 NAFTA has cleaned out manufacturing in many states: Strongly Opposes topic 13 FactCheck: No, tariffs won't "make America rich again": Strongly Opposes topic 13 Tariffs on $250B of Chinese goods: Treasury gains billions: Strongly Opposes topic 13 USMCA delivers dreams shattered by catastrophe of NAFTA: Favors topic 13 The Reciprocal Trade Act lets us respond to unfair tariffs: Opposes topic 13 Trade deals should be one-on-one that US can terminate: Strongly Opposes topic 13 Tariffs on Chinese goods forced them to negotiate: Strongly Opposes topic 13 Says China is paying BIG TARIFFS, but U.S. consumers pay: Strongly Opposes topic 13 Bernie Sanders and I agree: no big quagmire trade deals: Strongly Opposes topic 13 Virus proves emphasis on American production: Strongly Opposes topic 13 Trumpism means great trade deals: Favors topic 13 Trade battles with China, Germany, Britain, France, & Canada: Strongly Opposes topic 13 Plan to phase out all Chinese imports of essential goods: Strongly Opposes topic 13 Foreign companies are taking jobs from US: Strongly Opposes topic 13 Two core principles: buy American, and hire American: Opposes topic 13 Let US companies work in China with proprietary technology: Strongly Opposes topic 13 Signed USMCA to improve trade as "NAFTA 2.0": Strongly Favors topic 13 |
Strongly Favors
topic 14:Stay away from the UN & Globalism
(+5 points on Economic scale) | Respectfully check mosques; we have to look at profiling: Strongly Favors topic 14 Withdraw from Paris Agreement, to put America first: Strongly Favors topic 14 More sanctions on Iran; more support of Israel: Favors topic 14 Things change; empires come and go: Opposes topic 14 Diplomacy & respect crucial to our relationship with Russia: Opposes topic 14 Provide economic assistance to create a safe zone in Syria: Opposes topic 14 Ignore career diplomats who insist on nuance: Favors topic 14 China should make Kim Jong Un disappear: Strongly Favors topic 14 U.S. has become dumping ground for everybody else's problems: Strongly Favors topic 14 Stop sending aid to countries that hate us: Favors topic 14 Opening gates to Syrian refugees invites in ISIS: Favors topic 14 Russia wants to defeat ISIS as badly as we do; work together: Opposes topic 14 Reverse Obama's opening of Cuba until freedoms are restored: Strongly Favors topic 14 2012: Get tough on Pakistan; 2016: lavish praise on Pakistan: Opposes topic 14 America is once again ready to lead: Strongly Favors topic 14 It's good that Putin says nice things about me: Opposes topic 14 Recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital: Strongly Favors topic 14 Reject ideology of globalism; embrace doctrine of patriotism: Strongly Favors topic 14 Foreign aid only for allies with shared values: Strongly Favors topic 14 Jerusalem is Israel's capital but Palestinian capital open: Strongly Favors topic 14 Don't surrender to the false song of globalism: Strongly Favors topic 14 Defend our American legacy & seize our glorious destiny: Strongly Favors topic 14 Postpone meeting with Denmark if no Greenland discussion: Favors topic 14 We rebuilt military; America stronger than ever: Strongly Favors topic 14 Monroe Doctrine: reject interference in our hemisphere: Strongly Favors topic 14 Nominates opponent of World Bank to lead World Bank: Strongly Favors topic 14 American interests come first; no apologies: Strongly Favors topic 14 We have a problem with radical Muslims: Favors topic 14 I don't want to be politically correct: Islam hates us: Strongly Favors topic 14 Replace a Muslim ban with an extreme vetting of Muslims: Strongly Favors topic 14 Meaningful engagement with allies paying their fair share: Opposes topic 14 No apology for banning Muslims from entering America: Strongly Favors topic 14 Make America great again: Favors topic 14 Put American citizens first, to make America great again: Strongly Favors topic 14 America's unique destiny is to be the beacon amongst nations: Strongly Favors topic 14 America will never be a socialist country: Strongly Favors topic 14 America is the greatest nation to ever exist: Strongly Favors topic 14 Our very identity as Americans is at stake: Strongly Favors topic 14 We will liberate America from these villains and scoundrels: Strongly Favors topic 14 Use force to stop North Korean nuke development: Strongly Favors topic 14 Radical violent Islam that must be feared, not Islam itself: Neutral on topic 14 Iran is a terrorist regime, so withdrew from nuclear deal: Strongly Favors topic 14 Supports standing with the nation of israel: Favors topic 14 Let Israel decide on annexation of West Bank: Favors topic 14 |
topic 15:Peace through Strength
(-3 points on Social scale) | US cannot afford to be world's police; let NATO allies pay: Opposes topic 15 Let vets see private doctors or VA: that's not privatization: Opposes topic 15 3% of GNP for military is too low: Strongly Favors topic 15 All freedoms flow from national security: Strongly Favors topic 15 Our nuclear arsenal doesn't work; it's 30 years old: Strongly Favors topic 15 Fix veteran's hospitals, and pay private doctors for them: Favors topic 15 Charge rich countries like Germany more to defend them: Opposes topic 15 Building up military is cheap when you consider alternative: Strongly Favors topic 15 We defend Germany, Japan, Saudi Arabia: they need to pay: Strongly Opposes topic 15 FactCheck: US spends more than NATO, but only 22% on NATO: Favors topic 15 F-35 program out-of-control; cut billions in military costs: Strongly Opposes topic 15 More tools so our military can fight and win: Strongly Favors topic 15 South Korea and Japan should pay 100% of US military costs: Opposes topic 15 Unmatched power is key to defense, including more nukes: Strongly Favors topic 15 Space Force: sixth branch of the armed services: Strongly Favors topic 15 Withdraw from INF and develop Missile Defense System: Strongly Favors topic 15 $400B more from NATO members for military expenses: Favors topic 15 Strengthen military, but act defensively: Strongly Favors topic 15 We've spent $5T in the Mideast and gotten nothing: Strongly Opposes topic 15 Russia violates the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces treaty: Favors topic 15 Wants one of the greatest US military build-ups in history: Strongly Favors topic 15 Countries hosting US troops should pay for them: Strongly Favors topic 15 2018: End South Korean war games to deal with North Korea: Strongly Opposes topic 15 |
topic 16:Make voter registration easier
(-3 points on Social scale) | DC won't become a state because they'd elect Democrats: Strongly Opposes topic 16 SuperPACs are a disaster and cause dishonesty: Favors topic 16 Candidates should disavow PACs: Favors topic 16 Reject the elite election system; infuse popular will: Strongly Favors topic 16 Maximum representation & maximum voter participation: Strongly Favors topic 16 There are millions who should not be registered to vote: Strongly Opposes topic 16 Many things can go wrong when early voting goes on too long: Strongly Opposes topic 16 It's scary that people can vote without ID: Strongly Opposes topic 16 Electoral College brings you to many states: Opposes topic 16 Against funding post office due to mail-in ballots: Strongly Opposes topic 16 Against mail-in voting, early voting as terrible, dishonest: Strongly Opposes topic 16 Against funding post office due to mail-in ballots: Strongly Opposes topic 16 Only one election day, and limit absentee ballot access: Strongly Opposes topic 16 HR 1 election reform bill: this monster must be stopped: Strongly Opposes topic 16 Afghanistan war made a mess, but troops need to stay: Opposes topic 16 Supports same campaign finance rules to all organizations: Opposes topic 16 Lost lawsuit in Supreme Court on overturning election: Opposes topic 16 |
topic 17:Stay out of foreign wars
(-3 points on Social scale) | Criticized Buchanans view on Hitler as appeasement: Favors topic 17 Post-Cold War: switch from chess player to dealmaker: Strongly Favors topic 17 Support Russia, but with strings attached: Favors topic 17 Let Russia bash ISIS; let Germany defend Ukraine: Favors topic 17 Better to have Mideast strongmen than Mideast chaos: Favors topic 17 Iran has power over North Korea, as their trading partner: Opposes topic 17 Unite civilized world against radical Islamic terrorism: Opposes topic 17 Recognize 1967 Israel's annexation of Golan Heights: Opposes topic 17 Treat foes of US worse than they could ever imagine: Favors topic 17 Great relationship with Kim Jong-Un, but I had to walk out: Favors topic 17 Support goals of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: Opposes topic 17 Not looking for war, but Iran cannot have a nuclear weapon: Strongly Opposes topic 17 Claims to have seen evidence COVID19 was from Chinese lab: Opposes topic 17 Defeat ISIS and stop Islamic terrorists: Opposes topic 17 Cannot allow beachhead of radical Islamic terrorism: Strongly Opposes topic 17 Support Israel, our unsinkable Mideast aircraft carrier: Strongly Favors topic 17 No humanitarian intervention; only to direct threats: Opposes topic 17 Iraq should pick up the tab for their own liberation: Strongly Opposes topic 17 Opposed Iraq war in 2004 & predicted Mideast destabilization: Strongly Favors topic 17 I'm pro-military but I opposed invading Iraq in 2003: Favors topic 17 Assad is a bad guy, but his replacement could be worse: Strongly Favors topic 17 Get rid of ISIS, quickly: dry up their oil & their money: Strongly Opposes topic 17 Blunder to announce withdrawal timetable from Afghanistan: Opposes topic 17 I opposed Iraq War in 2004; it destabilized entire Mideast: Favors topic 17 Current leadership hurts military; need change to beat ISIS: Opposes topic 17 FactCheck: Would shoot Iranian warships too near US warships: Strongly Opposes topic 17 Military and cyberwar to prevent ISIS genocide of Christians: Strongly Opposes topic 17 Iraq won't be a democracy when we leave; it'll be a mess: Favors topic 17 All of the reasons for Iraq war were blatantly wrong: Strongly Favors topic 17 Disallow North Korea from developing nuclear delivery system: Opposes topic 17 ISIS are lawless savages; extinguish them from our planet: Strongly Opposes topic 17 Consider all options to restore Venezuela's democracy: Opposes topic 17 2016: secret plan to defeat ISIS; 2018: caliphate gone: Opposes topic 17 We've beaten ISIS in Syria; bring US troops home: Strongly Favors topic 17 Afghani settlement: great nations do not fight endless wars: Strongly Favors topic 17 My good relationship with North Korea has prevented war: Opposes topic 17 North Korea has no economic future if they retain nukes: Strongly Opposes topic 17 Willing talk to Iran but they can't have nuclear weapons: Opposes topic 17 2012: No war with Iran; 2020: assassinates Iranian general: Favors topic 17 Negotiating with Iran better than starting a war: Favors topic 17 Unlike predecessors, I have kept America OUT of new wars: Strongly Favors topic 17 Afghanistan: We don't want to stay there for 100 years: Strongly Favors topic 17 Bar Iranian diplomat from addressing UN over assassination: Strongly Favors topic 17 Vetoed resolution withdrawing support for Yemen war: Strongly Opposes topic 17 The war in Iraq was a big, fat mistake: Strongly Favors topic 17 Vetoed the Iran War Powers Resolution: Strongly Opposes topic 17 |
Strongly Opposes
topic 18:Prioritize green energy
(+5 points on Economic scale) | It's incredible how slowly we're drilling for oil: Strongly Opposes topic 18 No Cap-and-Tax: oil is this country's lifeblood: Strongly Opposes topic 18 Climate change is a hoax: Strongly Opposes topic 18 Maybe some climate change is manmade, but not all: Opposes topic 18 We need nuclear energy, and we need a lot of it fast: Opposes topic 18 Windmills are destroying shorelines all over the world: Strongly Opposes topic 18 Solar hasn't caught on because it has a 32-year payback: Strongly Opposes topic 18 We have 2 trillion barrels of oil; enough for 283 years: Strongly Opposes topic 18 Wind energy projects are industrial monstrosities: Strongly Opposes topic 18 Green buildings take 40 years to get investment back: Opposes topic 18 America invested in solar panels and it was a disaster: Strongly Opposes topic 18 EPA is killing energy companies; 1,000 years of clean coal: Strongly Opposes topic 18 Focus on disease & clean water, not "climate change": Strongly Opposes topic 18 Fracking will lead to American energy independence: Opposes topic 18 Stop threatening the livelihood of our coal miners: Strongly Opposes topic 18 Revive the coal industry; end efforts to curb carbon: Strongly Opposes topic 18 Climate change isn't a hoax, but don't spend trillions on it: Opposes topic 18 Expand sales of corn ethanol year-round to 15%: Favors topic 18 Net exporter for the first time in 65 years: Strongly Opposes topic 18 FactCheck: US has been #1 producer of oil & gas since 2013: Strongly Opposes topic 18 End war on coal: it's important for our defense: Strongly Opposes topic 18 Establish panel devoted to challenging climate science: Strongly Opposes topic 18 OpEd: US is only country out of 197 to reject Paris accord: Strongly Opposes topic 18 Green New Deal does not fulfill America's energy needs: Strongly Opposes topic 18 Pursues "energy dominance" agenda, even during pandemic: Strongly Opposes topic 18 Could have made a deal on Paris Accord but didn't want to: Strongly Opposes topic 18 FactCheck: falsely blames windmills for Texas power outage: Strongly Opposes topic 18 Oil and gasoline and natural gas is cheaper, more powerful: Strongly Opposes topic 18 |
topic 19:Marijuana is a gateway drug
(-3 points on Social scale) | Crime and gangs and drugs have created American carnage: Favors topic 19 Unfair to serve a life sentence for a nonviolent drug crime: Strongly Opposes topic 19 Never drinks, smokes, nor does drugs: Favors topic 19 Legalize drugs and use tax revenue to fund drug education: Strongly Opposes topic 19 1990: Drug enforcement is a joke; 2015: only medical pot: Opposes topic 19 Yes to medical marijuana; otherwise, decide state by state: Opposes topic 19 Study legalization, but don't legalize now: Favors topic 19 1991: Illicit drugs should be decriminalized: Strongly Opposes topic 19 Apply resources to stop the inflow of opioids into America: Strongly Favors topic 19 Stop drugs pouring into country & poisoning our youth: Strongly Favors topic 19 2016: let states decide on pot; 2018: feds over state law: Favors topic 19 Death penalty for drug dealers: Strongly Opposes topic 19 MS-13 gangs in 20 states smuggle in meth & opioids: Strongly Favors topic 19 Opposed allowing vets access to legal cannabis: Strongly Favors topic 19 Drug cartels smuggle poison to kill our children: Strongly Favors topic 19 Cannabis is popular, but it does damage: Favors topic 19 |
topic 20:Stimulus better than market-led recovery
(+2 points on Economic scale) | Strong on debt limit; ask for a pound of flesh: Strongly Opposes topic 20 Grow the economy at 6% annually by ending inversions: Opposes topic 20 Worst recovery since Great Depression; we're in a bubble: Strongly Opposes topic 20 Government must cut spending more: Strongly Opposes topic 20 Economy was ready to collapse in 2016; now it's the best: Opposes topic 20 We will build new "freedom cities" along the frontier: Strongly Favors topic 20 0% corporate tax would create millions of jobs: Strongly Opposes topic 20 FactCheck: No, steel & auto investments aren't skyrocketing: Opposes topic 20 Great American Outdoors Act sets funding for public land: Strongly Favors topic 20 Unemployment at record low, including women & disabled: Strongly Opposes topic 20 FactCheck: 9 million jobs offset by 22.2 million job loss: Strongly Opposes topic 20 One-time 14.25% tax on wealth, to erase national debt: Favors topic 20 Previously supported wealth tax; now supports Bush tax cuts: Strongly Opposes topic 20 Cutting tax rates incentivizes a strong national work ethic: Strongly Opposes topic 20 $1T infrastructure bill continues destruction of our country: Strongly Opposes topic 20 New rule will cut SNAP benefits for 688,000: Strongly Opposes topic 20 Sponsored bill for $900 billion COVID relief package: Strongly Favors topic 20 |
Donald Trump is a Hard-Core Conservative
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