
Joe Biden on Civil Rights
Democratic President; former V.P.; former Senator |
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LGBTQ+ Rights
- Dangerous to question LGBT rights and contraceptive rights. (Apr 2023)
- To all transgender Americans: your president has your back. (Apr 2021)
- Reverse ban on transgender individuals serving in military. (Feb 2021)
- LGBT rights are in jeopardy from Supreme Court. (Oct 2020)
- Son Beau got transgendered bill passed in Delaware. (Oct 2020)
- No job discrimination for transgender status. (Jun 2020)
- Raised in 1960s to treat homosexuality as basic love. (Oct 2019)
- Pass Equality Act, enforce Civil Rights Act to protect LGBTQ. (Oct 2019)
- Yes to transgender in military and right to do as others do. (Oct 2019)
- Marriage is all about "who do you love", of whatever gender. (Oct 2017)
- Obama disbelieved 2012 gay-marriage support was "accidental". (Mar 2014)
- I supported gay marriage and got criticized for saying so. (May 2013)
- I'm "absolutely comfortable" with same-sex marriage. (May 2012)
- No on gay marriage; yes on equal treatment. (Oct 2008)
- Nobody asks if you're gay in a foxhole. (Jun 2007)
- Civil unions ok; gay marriage is probably inevitable. (Apr 2007)
Minority Rights
- Rights for women and minorities part of our shared humanity. (Sep 2023)
- New standard to reinstate college affirmative action. (Sep 2023)
- Created Treasury office for Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion. (Apr 2023)
- Defend freedom of religion and combat Islamophobia. (Dec 2021)
- Madam Speaker, Madam Vice President--it's about time. (Apr 2021)
- Appoint Cabinet who look like the country they serve. (Mar 2021)
- Trump is the most racist president in modern history. (Oct 2020)
- Every generation moves closer to full racial inclusion. (Oct 2020)
- This is Trump's America: Proud Boys over Antifa. (Sep 2020)
- Ran for president after Trump's response to Charlottesville. (Sep 2020)
- There's systemic injustice, will bring people together. (Sep 2020)
- Suburbs are by and large integrated. (Sep 2020)
- Our nation is at an inflection point. (Sep 2020)
- I've benefited from white privilege, & been looked down upon. (Sep 2020)
- People have the right to protest peacefully. (Sep 2020)
- Military should not deal with domestic unrest. (Sep 2020)
- Government should look like the country, by gender & race. (Aug 2020)
- My father taught us that silence was complicity. (Aug 2020)
- Require suburbs to open up to low-income housing. (Jul 2020)
- Made commitment to have women on Senate Judiciary Committee. (Feb 2020)
- 1962: Blacks get daily reminders of racial discrimination. (Oct 2019)
- I didn't praise racists; pro-civil rights as public defender. (Jun 2019)
- I didn't oppose busing; I opposed DOE ordering it. (Jun 2019)
- In the 1970s, I worked with opponents to get things done. (Jun 2019)
- You don't have to agree with opponents to work with them. (Jun 2019)
- Will be mindful of changing social norms & personal space. (Apr 2019)
- 1970s: Desegregating society ok, but not via school busing. (Mar 2019)
- Endorsed diverse slate of candidates for Congress. (Feb 2019)
- FactCheck: Claims he supported busing; record says otherwise. (Apr 2018)
- 1962: only white lifeguard at pool of African-American kids. (Oct 2017)
- Delivered eulogy for segregationist Senator Strom Thurmond. (Oct 2017)
- 1976: Opposed school busing to combat segregation. (Oct 2010)
- Inalienable rights cannot be denied by any majority. (Oct 2010)
- 1987 Biden Report: Reject Bork; he'd roll back civil rights. (Nov 2009)
- 1968: Wilmington riots failed at conversation between races. (Jul 2007)
- Opposed to quota-systems; they insure mediocrity. (Oct 1975)
Voting Record
- COVID: Mask mandate is about saving lives. (Aug 2020)
- 1978: opposed busing except for gov't-intended segregation. (Jul 2007)
Doug Burgum on Civil Rights
2024 Presidential contender; Republican ND Governor |
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- Ban trans people from bathrooms & school sports. (Jan 2024)
- Repeal Sunday morning shopping ban. (Mar 2019)
- Fly flags of ND tribal nations at Governor's Office. (Jan 2019)
- No discrimination because of sexual orientation. (Jun 2016)
- Gay marriage is ok, but not running on social issues. (Apr 2016)
Chris Christie on Civil Rights
N.J. Governor; Republican Presidential candidate |
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- Trump fed the stolen election lie leading to insurrection. (Nov 2021)
- Black Lives Matter encourages cop killing. (Oct 2015)
- Churches can use sexual orientation; businesses can't. (Aug 2015)
- Disagree with Supreme Court, but gay marriage is law of land. (Jun 2015)
- Gay marriage is settled in NJ, but keep debating nationally. (Jul 2014)
- If my kids were gay, I'd give them a hug; but no marriage. (Oct 2013)
- Supreme Court accepting gay marriage was "a bad decision". (Jun 2013)
- No legislating gay marriage; but referendum ok. (Mar 2013)
- Homosexuality is not a sin; people are born that way. (Jun 2012)
- Marriage is an institution between one man & one woman. (Jun 2012)
- No same-sex marriage; civil unions are adequate. (Feb 2012)
- Vetoed closure of Developmental Disabilities Centers. (Aug 2011)
- Pursue civil unions in NJ, but not same-sex marriage. (Jun 2011)
- Homosexuals are born that way; they're not sinners. (Jun 2011)
- Marriage exclusively between one man and one woman. (Jul 2009)
Ron DeSantis on Civil Rights
Republican presidential contender; FL governor |
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- DE&I is discrimination, exclusion, and indoctrination. (Jan 2024)
- We've eliminated so-called DEI from our public universities. (Jan 2024)
- Those who got violent need to be held accountable. (Jan 2021)
- Backs bill impeding voting by ex-felons. (May 2019)
- Core values that have made America great. (Jun 2012)
Larry Elder on Civil Rights
Republican presidential contender & talkshow host |
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- Critical Race Theory increases racial tensions in America. (Apr 2023)
- Opposes rights for transgender people in restrooms, sports. (Sep 2021)
Tulsi Gabbard on Civil Rights
Democratic candidate for President; U.S. Rep from HI-2 |
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- Correct racial injustice in an institutional way. (Nov 2019)
- No one in government should tell anyone who they can love. (Jun 2019)
- My time in the military changed my anti-gay views. (Mar 2019)
- I never personally supported gay conversion therapy. (Mar 2019)
- Must lead in condemning bigotry, regardless of belief. (Mar 2019)
- Supports gay rights, 100% record with Human Rights Campaign. (Mar 2019)
- Views on LGBT rights evolved; 100% rating from HRC. (Jan 2019)
- Early 2000s: supported father's antigay rights group. (Jan 2019)
- Actively supports equal rights on LGBTQ+ issues. (Jan 2019)
- Regrets past anti-gay statements; now pro-LGBTQ+ rights. (Jan 2019)
- 2002: Amend Constitution to protect traditional marriage. (Jan 2019)
- 2004: We shouldn't represent views of homosexual extremists. (Jan 2019)
- 2012: Apologized for anti-LGBT past; pro-LGBT bills now. (Jan 2019)
- Against gay marriage but no government morality. (May 2017)
Nikki Haley on Civil Rights
Republican presidential contender; UN Ambassador 2017-2018 |
Click here for 12 full quotes by Nikki Haley
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- America has stains about racism, but fix it along the way. (Jan 2024)
- Everybody associates the Civil War with slavery. (Jan 2024)
- Transgender women in sports is "women's issue of our time". (May 2023)
- Our troops already know the difference between men and women. (Mar 2023)
- America not racist, nothing could be further from the truth. (Feb 2023)
- American is not a racist country; it's a work in progress. (Aug 2020)
- Women don't have more challenges, just different ones. (Dec 2018)
- No need for any new transgender bathroom law. (Aug 2017)
- Our goal should always be to empower women. (Mar 2017)
- Accused of lack of diversity in gubernatorial cabinet. (Apr 2012)
- Minority & women groups are just special interest groups. (Apr 2012)
- Marriage is between one man and one woman. (Jun 2010)
Kamala Harris on Civil Rights
Democratic nominee;Vice President; former California Senator |
Click here for 37 full quotes by Kamala Harris
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- Expand capital access for minority-owned businesses. (Oct 2023)
- Inspired by diverse Americans marching for equal justice. (Oct 2020)
- Protect those who are more vulnerable to hate. (Oct 2019)
- Federal government protects civil rights when states fail. (Jun 2019)
- Rename Columbus Day as Indigenous Peoples' Day. (Feb 2019)
- Trump has consistently tried to divide us by race. (Sep 2024)
- Supreme Court trying to get rid of DEI & affirmative action. (Jul 2023)
- Trump's 50 Court of Appeals appointments: no Blacks. (Oct 2020)
- Trump declining to condemn white supremacists is a pattern. (Oct 2020)
- There is no vaccine for racism--we've got to do the work. (Aug 2020)
- Challenged Biden's opposition to busing. (Jul 2020)
- Must speak the truth about racism & other forms of hate. (Aug 2019)
- Russian election interference exploited racial divide. (Aug 2019)
- Biden worked with racist senators to oppose busing. (Jun 2019)
- We cannot be ignorant of history of race in this country. (Jun 2019)
- Supports commission investigating reparations for slavery. (Apr 2019)
- Reparations raise a public health issue. (Mar 2019)
- Reparations means real investments in black communities. (Feb 2019)
- Reparations for blacks should include HBCU and reforms. (Feb 2019)
- Judicial appointments should reject separate but equal. (Apr 2018)
- Men and women support women in leadership. (Oct 2024)
- 176 countries bar women's economic participation. (Nov 2023)
- First female DA in SF; Second black female senator. (Oct 2020)
- Dems take black women for granted. (Nov 2019)
- Legalize sex work, but fight trafficking and abuse. (Apr 2019)
- Women's issues are really about everyone. (Apr 2019)
- Calling it "identity politics" marginalizes our issues. (Aug 2018)
- Fight for equal rights for all. (Apr 2015)
Transgender/LGBTQ+ Rights
- We had laws that treated gay people as second class citizens. (Oct 2024)
- Will fight to pass the Equality Act for LGBTQI+ Americans. (Sep 2024)
- I performed same-sex marriages in 2004, AND later ones. (Oct 2019)
- End unequal treatment under law by sexual orientation. (Oct 2019)
- Ally of LGBTQ community; must end discrimination. (Apr 2019)
- Let transgender people access the bathroom of their choice. (Jan 2019)
- Ensure marriage equality for all Californians. (Apr 2015)
- Eliminate "gay panic" tactic for criminal defendants. (Aug 2014)
- Refused to defend Prop. 8 gay marriage ban. (Dec 2010)
Howie Hawkins on Civil Rights
Green Party Presidential Challenger |
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- Support International Bill of Rights for Women. (Jul 2020)
- Amend Civil Rights Act to include LGBTQIA+. (May 2019)
- Reparations for African-Americans slavery. (May 2019)
- Continue affirmative action programs. (Oct 2006)
- Sexual orientation protected by civil rights laws. (Aug 2006)
- End racial profiling. (Jun 2006)
Mike Huckabee on Civil Rights
Republican Presidential candidate |
Click here for 30 full quotes by Mike Huckabee
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- Barring blacks from Little Rock High wrong; we renounce it. (Sep 2020)
- Last year 58% of hate crimes were against Jews. (Jan 2016)
- Stop criminalization of Christianity, like on gay marriage. (Sep 2015)
- The court's ruling on gay marriage was unconstitutional. (Sep 2015)
- Don't force children to accept transgender choice by others. (Jun 2015)
- Amendment to overturn Supreme Court decision on gay marriage. (May 2015)
- Same-sex marriage leads to criminalization of Christianity. (Apr 2015)
- Courts cannot unilaterally allow same-sex marriage. (Apr 2015)
- Free speech should include Christian worldview. (Jan 2015)
- If GOP abdicates on gay marriage, they lose guys like me. (Oct 2014)
- Supreme Court can't allow gay marriage all by itself. (Oct 2014)
- Women should control libido rather than rely on Uncle Sugar. (Jan 2014)
- Homosexuality is a sin the same as heterosexual lust. (Dec 2013)
- Pays attention to black vote; got 48% as governor. (Nov 2008)
- I witnessed firsthand the shameful evil of racism. (Sep 2008)
- It's arrogant for GOP to ignore Hispanics or any group. (Dec 2007)
- Racial profiling based on speaking with accent is unAmerican. (Dec 2007)
- Got 48% of black vote in AR; embarrassed at national GOP. (Sep 2007)
- Address gay behavior if problematic, not gay attitudes. (Jun 2007)
- Gay tolerance reflects lack of fixed societal standards. (Jun 2007)
- Respect gay couples but no gay adoptions. (Jan 2007)
- USA has gone from Barney Fife to Barney Frank. (Jan 2007)
- Signed legislation outlawing same-sex marriage in Arkansas. (Dec 2006)
- No civil unions; only one-man-one-woman marriage. (Nov 2002)
- No affirmative action for state contracts nor colleges. (Nov 2002)
- If Titanic sank now, feminism would cost more women's lives. (Jun 1998)
- Women's liberation resulted in women's impoverishment. (Jun 1998)
- No-fault divorce increases feminization of poverty. (Jun 1998)
- Until recently, no one suggested homosexuality was equal. (Sep 1997)
- Treat AIDS as plague to be isolated, not civil rights issue. (Nov 1992)
Will Hurd on Civil Rights
U.S. Rep; GOP presidential challenger (withdrew Oct.2023) |
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- Use diversity to solve the major problems that we're facing. (Jul 2023)
- Don't be a jerk, racist, misogynist or homophobe. (Jun 2023)
- Allow transgender people in the military. (Jun 2019)
Asa Hutchinson on Civil Rights
Republican presidential contender; AR Governor |
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- Move beyond race-based admissions; fight identity politics. (Jun 2023)
- Fought Obama order requiring gender neutral bathrooms. (Apr 2023)
- Forced moderate version of business "religious freedom" bill. (Oct 2015)
- Government shouldn't redefine marriage. (Sep 2014)
- Marriage should be only one-man-one-woman. (Jul 2014)
Kristi Noem on Civil Rights
Republican |
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- Strengthen anti-discrimination laws by defining antisemitism. (Jan 2024)
- In South Dakota, only girls can play in girls' sports. (Jan 2022)
- Bars transgender athletes from women's sports. (Mar 2021)
Chase Oliver on Civil Rights
Libertarian candidate for President |
Click here for 4 full quotes by Chase Oliver
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- I'm armed and gay: armed gays are harder to bash. (Sep 2023)
- Don't tell LGBTQ people who to be or how to live. (Aug 2023)
- 2003: Launched his high school's gay-straight alliance. (Nov 2022)
- Equal rights regardless of color; even black transgender. (Sep 2020)
Mike Pence on Civil Rights
Former Republican Vice President (withdrew Oct.2023) |
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- Battle against radical gender ideology for religious freedom. (Apr 2023)
- Trump condemns neo-Nazis and has Jewish grandchildren. (Oct 2020)
- Criticized 1992 Civil Rights Act as being about "quotas". (Sep 2020)
- Refused to say "Black lives matter". (Sep 2020)
- No evidence of hate crimes over gender identity. (Sep 2020)
- Changing definition of marriage is abolishing marriage. (Sep 2020)
- OpEd: RFRA seen as allowing discrimination against gays. (Feb 2019)
- OpEd: supports conversion therapy & anti-LGBTQ extremism. (Aug 2018)
- No place in our administration for LGBTQ discrimination. (Jan 2017)
- RFRA Fix: ensure that religious freedom doesn't discriminate. (Sep 2016)
- Pro-business environment better for wages than equal pay. (Jul 2016)
- Opposes pay equity; close wage gap by growing economy. (Apr 2016)
- Civil rights must be balanced with religious freedom. (Jan 2016)
- Listen to the merits of debate on LGBT rights. (Oct 2015)
- Religious Freedom Act is not about LGBT discrimination. (Sep 2015)
- Future of conservatism demands traditional marriage. (Feb 2008)
- Voted against expansion of hate-crime protection. (May 2007)
Dean Phillips on Civil Rights
Democratic U.S. Rep & presidential Challenger |
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- Restore faith in our democracy and increase participation. (Apr 2020)
- Supports Equality Act and extraordinary LGBTQ community. (Mar 2019)
Vivek Ramaswamy on Civil Rights
CEO & Republican Challenger |
Click here for 4 full quotes by Vivek Ramaswamy
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- End affirmative action & Department of Education. (Apr 2023)
- Identifying as transgender can be a sign of mental illness. (Mar 2023)
- Get rid of affirmative action; it is a national cancer. (Mar 2023)
- Makes no sense that biological sex is completely fluid. (Mar 2023)
Marco Rubio on Civil Rights
FL Senator; Republican Presidential candidate |
Click here for 8 full quotes by Marco Rubio
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- Men's bathrooms are for men & women's bathrooms for women. (Oct 2016)
- One-man-one-woman marriage existed before our laws. (Apr 2015)
- I oppose gay marriage, but it's the law of the land. (Apr 2015)
- Opposes Paycheck Fairness: don't require equal pay for women. (Apr 2014)
- Balance gay anti-discrimination with religious rights. (Mar 2014)
- Defining marriage does not demean a class of people. (Jun 2013)
- I believe in historical marriage, but ok if states redefine. (Jun 2013)
- Leave gay marriage to states, but keep DOMA. (Mar 2013)
Bernie Sanders on Civil Rights
Independent Senator (VT) amd former Presidential candidate |
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- Even prisoners should still have right to vote. (Apr 2019)
- Congressional representation for D.C. residents. (Feb 2019)
- Invest in distressed communities as "reparations". (Feb 2019)
- Women's March: never again second-class citizens. (Jan 2017)
- DOMA was homophobic even in 1996. (Nov 2016)
- Empower Native Americans to make up for abrogated treaties. (Nov 2016)
- Vermont implemented ENDA 22 years ago; so should feds. (Sep 2015)
- Right to love each other, regardless of sexual orientation. (Jul 2015)
- Voter ID laws marginalize communities of color. (Jun 2015)
- Remove Confederate flag from State Houses. (Jun 2015)
- Equal pay for equal work by women. (Mar 2015)
- Bush�s tracking citizens� phone call patterns is illegal. (Jun 2006)
- Never accept racism, sexism, nor homophobia. (Jun 1997)
Black Lives Matter
- End all forms of racial & sex discrimination in this country. (Feb 2020)
- We have a racist society from top to bottom. (Feb 2020)
- Supports commission investigating reparations for slavery. (Apr 2019)
- Deal with racial issues as part of health care reform. (Apr 2019)
- Supports reparations, but targeted to distressed communities. (Mar 2019)
- No ambiguity in condemning white supremacists. (Sep 2017)
- 1960s U. Chicago Congress of Racial Equality member. (Nov 2016)
- What kind of response would happen if Flint MI were white? (Feb 2016)
- Combat institutional racism and reform justice system. (Oct 2015)
- Black Lives Matter: deal with institutional racism. (Jul 2015)
- 1964: civil rights activist in Congress on Racial Equality. (Jun 1997)
Voting Record
- 1983: Approved "Gay Rights Day" in Burlington Vermont. (Feb 2019)
Tim Scott on Civil Rights
Republican presidential challenger; SC Senator |
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- Hear me clearly: America is not a racist country. (Apr 2021)
- Require state employees to undergo implicit bias training. (Sep 2020)
- Our family went from cotton to Congress in one lifetime. (Aug 2020)
- Government shouldn't redefine marriage. (Sep 2014)
- Sanctity of traditional marriage: one man one woman. (Nov 2010)
Corey Stapleton on Civil Rights
MT Secretary of State; Republican Presidential Challenger |
Click here for 3 full quotes by Corey Stapleton
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- Will take deliberative approach on mail-in voting. (Mar 2020)
- No affirmative action in state hiring or colleges. (Nov 2000)
- No civil unions; no gay marriage. (Nov 2000)
Jill Stein on Civil Rights
Green Challenger |
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- Rejects endorsement from white supremacist leader. (Oct 2024)
- Ensure rights and freedoms for all marginalized groups. (Dec 2023)
- Don't use 'religious freedom' as fig leaf for discrimination. (Nov 2016)
- Protect LGBTQIA+ people from discrimination. (Aug 2016)
- No discrimination based on orientation whether it's LGB or T. (Jul 2015)
- Religious Freedom is surrogate for patriarchal domination. (Jul 2015)
- After marriage equality comes workplace equality. (Jul 2015)
- Must follow up direct action with electoral politics. (Jun 2015)
- Black Lives Matter: fix the system of racism. (Mar 2015)
- Recognize gay marriages & civil unions from abroad in visas. (Jul 2014)
- All people entitled to full civil rights, including gays. (Nov 2012)
- Pay equity for women remains critical, despite some programs. (Oct 2012)
- First pro-gay-marriage candidate in first gay marriage state. (Dec 2011)
- Economy that is not fully inclusive is inherently unstable. (Dec 2011)
- Legalize gay marriage. (Nov 2001)
Francis Suarez on Civil Rights
Miami mayor; GOP presidential challenger (withdrew Oct.2023) |
Click here for 2 full quotes by Francis Suarez
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- Country should be pro-equal rights for LGBTQ community. (Jan 2024)
- The diversity of our city is a strength for us. (Jun 2023)
Donald Trump on Civil Rights
Republican former President |
Click here for 49 full quotes by Donald Trump
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- Create Federal Task Force on Fighting Anti-Christian Bias. (Jul 2024)
- I'll revoke executive order for Marxist equity and inclusion. (Mar 2023)
- Biden administration is waging war on free speech. (Feb 2023)
- No crackdown on China for repressing Falun Gong or Catholics. (Jun 2020)
- DC won't become a state because they'd elect Democrats. (May 2020)
- 2017: removing Confederacy monuments destroys our heritage. (Jan 2020)
- Respectfully check mosques; we have to look at profiling. (Jun 2016)
- Put the Confederate flag in a museum, not on statehouses. (Jun 2016)
- Political correctness is country's problem, not my problem. (Aug 2015)
LGBT Rights
- AdWatch: Kamala is for they/them; Trump is for you. (Oct 2024)
- Blasphemy to promote transgender visibility on Easter Sunday. (Mar 2024)
- Transgender protections destroying women's sports. (Feb 2021)
- Job discrimination rules don't apply to transgender status. (Jun 2020)
- Global campaign to end the criminalization of homosexuality. (Feb 2019)
- 1980s: personal lawyer gay & closeted & Trump kept secret. (Aug 2016)
- 2000: extend Civil Rights Act to apply to gays and lesbians. (Aug 2016)
- Sexual orientation is invalid reason for firing workers. (Jun 2016)
- After Supreme Court vote, gay marriage is a reality. (Aug 2015)
- Same-sex marriage is a state issue. (Jun 2015)
- No gay marriage; no same-sex partner benefits. (Mar 2011)
- Tolerate diversity; prosecute hate crimes against gays. (Jul 2000)
Minority Rights
- I am not a racist but BLM calling police pigs is wrong. (Oct 2020)
- Aside from Lincoln, no one has done more for Blacks. (Oct 2020)
- I denounce white supremacy; and I denounce ANTIFA. (Oct 2020)
- OpEd: incapable of seeing Floyd murder as un-American. (Oct 2020)
- FactCheck: Proud Boys standing by to deal with Antifa. (Sep 2020)
- Proud Boys: stand back & stand by; against Antifa. (Sep 2020)
- Racial sensitivity training is racist: a radical revolution. (Sep 2020)
- Agrees vibrant economy key to addressing racial tensions. (Sep 2020)
- Best employment & best homeownership for Black Americans. (Sep 2020)
- FactCheck: LBJ civil rights laws dwarf any Trump action. (Aug 2020)
- Treat Judaism as nationality, not just religion. (Dec 2019)
- Charlottesville: you had very fine people on both sides. (Sep 2019)
- Skipped 2019 NAACP meeting, due to "format" disagreements. (Jul 2019)
- FactCheck: Yes, record number of women in Congress. (Feb 2019)
- More jobs for women; now we will help women outside US too. (Feb 2019)
- Sued in 1970s for racist rental policy, but same as everyone. (Sep 2016)
- Minorities in disaster cities: what do you have to lose? (Sep 2016)
- 1973: sued for racial bias against black tenants. (Aug 2016)
- Pushed town council to allow blacks & Jews into Mar-a-Lago. (Aug 2016)
- Promoted gender equality in a male-dominated industry. (Nov 2015)
- I'm "fine" with affirmative action, for now. (Oct 2015)
- Well-educated blacks have advantage over whites. (Sep 2015)
- OpEd: "bigotry" was more like racial insensitivity. (Sep 2015)
- I'm no misogynist; I put women in charge of construction. (Aug 2015)
- Disinvited from RedState gathering for misogynistic comments. (Aug 2015)
- Obama's presidency has done nothing for African Americans. (Aug 2015)
- Created first club in Palm Beach open to blacks & Jews. (Oct 1997)
- Women are far stronger than men; don't believe "weaker sex". (Oct 1997)
JD Vance on Civil Rights
Republican Vice Presidential nominee |
Click here for 10 full quotes by JD Vance
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- Crazy to give pharmaceuticals to transitioning 9-year-olds . (Nov 2024)
- Same-sex & interracial marriage is a distraction. (Aug 2024)
- Criminalize gender-affirming care of a minor. (Jul 2024)
- Passport Sanity Act: There are only two genders. (Jul 2024)
- Enforce Court decision ending college affirmative action. (Sep 2023)
- OpEd: Mocked AOC for Native American phrase for non-binary. (Sep 2021)
- Cultural isolation makes whites susceptible to xenophobia. (Jul 2021)
- Generals should read less about white rage, whatever that is. (Jul 2021)
- Black Lives Matter movement destroyed many towns and cities. (Jun 2021)
- Segregated neighborhoods invisible to white residents. (May 2017)
Tim Walz on Civil Rights
DFL Governor & V.P. nominee |
Click here for 5 full quotes by Tim Walz
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- Added religious-liberty protections to human-rights statutes. (Aug 2024)
- For too many getting back to normal isn't good enough. (Mar 2021)
- No discrimination because of who they love. (May 2017)
- Freedom from discrimination is elemental concept of nation. (May 2017)
- Continue Affirmative Action against unequal representation. (Nov 2006)
Cornel West on Civil Rights
Green Party/People's Party candidate |
Click here for 3 full quotes by Cornel West
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- Secure the rights of LGBTQ+ and Trans-Peoples. (Aug 2023)
- Focusing on diversity is a very narrow criteria to use. (Jul 2023)
- If you don't have deep solidarity, diversity means little. (Dec 2020)
Marianne Williamson on Civil Rights
Democratic candidate for President |
Click here for 12 full quotes by Marianne Williamson
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- Denial of LGBTQ rights is a stain on our national character. (Jun 2023)
- Use presidency to advocate for the things women care about. (Jun 2023)
- Declare transgender murder/suicide a national emergency. (May 2023)
- Reparations is a debt that is owed, not financial assistance. (Jul 2019)
- Reparations are an appropriate response to country's history. (Apr 2019)
- Attacks on gay rights is attack on us all. (Apr 2019)
- $100 billion over 10 years as reparations for slavery. (Apr 2019)
- Expand LGBTQ rights to end discrimination. (Apr 2019)
- $200 billion for reparations for slavery. (Apr 2019)
- Reparations to be distributed over 10 years by black leaders. (Mar 2019)
- You don't have to LIKE people to allow their equal rights. (Jul 2018)
- Reparations is a sign of America's racial healing. (Jul 2018)