Military strength is a cornerstone of U.S. national security that reassures our allies and enhances peace and prosperity. Military strength is also a key component of deterrence--dissuading potential adversaries from undertaking undesirable actions.
We must prioritize investments in the safety, security, and reliability of our nuclear deterrent, which is the foundation of all our defense efforts. We must support our special operations forces. We also need to strengthen train and equip efforts for
the security forces of friendly nations.
Improve military strength and ensure agility by:
Supporting the military readiness of our troops and directing needed resources to the manpower, skills, equipment, and capabilities.
Conducting fair,
aggressive, and thorough congressional oversight of the Pentagon, its policies, and its programs.
Continuing foundational defense reforms in a numerous areas, such as military health care, military justice, and the acquisition system.
Affirming "the right of the people to be secure in their houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures," we support pending legislation to prevent unwarranted or unreasonable governmental intrusion through the use of aerial
surveillance or flyovers on U.S. soil, with the exception of patrolling our national borders. All security measures and police actions should be viewed through the lens of the Fourth Amendment; for if we trade liberty for security, we shall have neither.
Source: 2012 Republican Party Platform
, Aug 27, 2012
Privatize the TSA and end frisking
While the aftermath of the 2001 terrorist attacks brought about a greater need for homeland security, the American people have already delivered their verdict on the Transportation Security Administration: its procedures--and much of its
personnel--need to be changed. It is now a massive bureaucracy of 65,000 employees who seem to be accountable to no one. We call for the private sector to take over airport screening wherever feasible and replace the personal violation of frisking.
Source: 2012 Republican Party Platform
, Aug 27, 2012
Respond to proliferation of transnational terrorism
The current Administration has responded with weakness to some of the gravest threats to our national security this country has faced, including the proliferation of transnational terrorism, continued belligerence by a nuclear-armed
North Korea, an Iran in pursuit of nuclear weapons, rising Chinese hegemony in the Asia Pacific region, Russian activism, and threats from cyber espionage and terrorism. In response to these growing threats,
President Obama has reduced the defense budget by over $487 billion over the next decade and fought Republican efforts to avoid another
$500 billion in automatic budget cuts through a sequestration in early 2013 that will take a meat ax to all major defense programs.
National Military Strategy to deter rogue aggression
We must deter any adversary who would attack us or use terror as a tool of government. Every potential enemy must have no doubt that our capabilities, our commitment, and our will to defeat them are clear, unwavering, and unequivocal. We must immediately
employ a new blueprint for a National Military Strategy that is based on an informed and validated assessment of the potential threats we face, one that restores as a principal objective the deterrence using the full spectrum of our military capabilities
In order to deter aggression from nation-states, we must maintain military and technical superiority through innovation while upgrading legacy systems including aircraft and armored vehicles. We must deter the threat posed by rogue aggressors with
the assurance that justice will be served through state-of-the-art surveillance, enhanced special operations capabilities, and unmanned aerial systems.
Few Republicans prefer diplomacy to military action
Among Republicans, the percentage endorsing diplomacy in preference to military action is minimal, while Democrats take the opposite point of view.
In the approach to combating terrorism, 2/3 of Republicans believe that use of overwhelming force is best, while an even larger proportion of Democrats think that, although our armed forces should be used when our nation's security is threatened,
excessive use of military action tends to increase animosity against our country and breed more terrorists. This sharp and growing difference over the issue of whether international disputes can be better resolved by diplomacy or by military
action is now the most accurate predictor of party affiliation--more important than gay marriage, homosexuality, or abortion.
Bush answered the challenge of 9/11, not only with steadfast resolve, but also with vision, optimism, and unshakable confidence in the will and faith of the American people. That is what we all saw on 9/14, when Bush stood with the brave workers at
Ground Zero and resolutely assured our nation amidst our shock, anger, and grief that while the terrorists had struck first, America would have the last word. The President�s most solemn duty is to protect our country. Bush has kept that charge.
Source: 2004 Republican Party Platform, p. 4
, Sep 7, 2004
Bush has implemented biodefense measures
Bush�s achievements include creating Biodefense for the 21st Century, a national strategy for meeting the biological threats; signing into law Project BioShield, which provides new tools to improve medical countermeasures protecting Americans against a
chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear attack; putting in place major new biodefense capabilities; creating the Container Security Initiative to screen cargo for the US; and deploying missile defenses to defend the US and its friends and allies.
Source: 2004 Republican Party Platform, p. 10
, Sep 7, 2004
Keep our homeland safe by taking action on multiple fronts
Bush and Republicans in Congress keep our homeland safe by taking action on multiple fronts. The FBI has been refocused to track down terrorists before they attack. The Treasury Dept. is now leading the effort to find and eliminate sources of terrorist
financing around the world. Since 9/11, the US & our allies have designated 345 terrorist-related entities and frozen more than $139 million in terrorist assets in more than 1,400 accounts worldwide. The PATRIOT Act gives law enforcement and intelligence
agents the tools that have long been available to fight organized crime and drug trafficking. It also made it possible for law enforcement and intelligence agents to share information and coordinate efforts to prevent terrorism. The 9/11 Commission
rightly praised the PATRIOT Act�s role in improving information sharing. Since the PATRIOT Act was passed, 4 terrorist cells have been broken up inside the US and more than 189 individuals have been convicted or pled guilty to terrorism-related offenses.
Break down the wall between intelligence and law enforcement
Working together, Bush and the Republican Congress have steadfastly advanced toward the goal of an integrated, unified national intelligence effort. They have taken important steps to expand and strengthen America�s intelligence system and capabilities,
including reversing devastating cuts in the intelligence community budget and closing dangerous gaps between counterterrorism intelligence collected abroad and at home by creating the Terrorist Threat Integration Center and consolidating all
US government watchlist information on suspected terrorists in the new Terrorist Screening Center. They have also broken down the unnecessary �wall� between intelligence and law enforcement with the PATRIOT Act.
Because it has proved to be instrumental in helping to break up terror cells and plots and seizing terrorist assets, Republicans believe that Congress needs to reauthorize this important law.
Bush and Congress have been careful to protect liberties
Bush, Cheney, the Congress, and governors across the nation have taken significant steps to streamline the federal government; tighten security at entry points like ports, airports, and borders; strengthen protections at critical infrastructure landmarks
such as power and water plants; and reduce the threats of bioterrorism and cyberterrorism. Through all their actions, Bush and Congress have been careful to protect the rights and liberties that make America a beacon of freedom and justice.
Source: 2004 Republican Party Platform, p. 12
, Sep 7, 2004
Keep our homeland safe by taking action on multiple fronts
Bush and Congress have worked to implement an integrated and federally supported approach to protecting communities. States and localities have received more than $13 billion since 2001. Assistance to Firefighter Grants is up 400 percent since 2001.
State Domestic Preparedness funding is up more than 2,600 percent since 2001. Bush has taken steps to send money to the areas that are most at risk of terrorist attack, and instituted measures to speed the money to the first responders on the ground.
Source: 2004 Republican Party Platform, p. 14
, Sep 7, 2004
Establish minimum safety requirements at chemical plants
As part of a nationwide review of critical infrastructure initiated by Bush, due to be completed by December 2004, the Department of Homeland Security has already identified the highest-risk chemical sites and partnered with industry to enhance
protections at those sites. We endorse Bush�s request to have the Department of Homeland Security establish minimum safety requirements at chemical plants and enforce compliance when voluntary measures are deemed inadequate.
Source: 2004 Republican Party Platform, p. 15
, Sep 7, 2004
Greatly increase the federal bioterrorism budget
Bush has worked with the Congress to increase the federal bioterrorism budget by more than 1,600 percent to $5.2 billion in 2004; expand bioterror research by an even greater margin, from $53 million in 2001 to $1.7 billion in 2005, an increase of
3,200 percent; increase the size of the Strategic National Stockpile of vaccines and countermeasures by 50 percent since 2001; and secure more than $5.5 billion to enhance the stockpile and to encourage the development of new vaccines and countermeasures
Source: 2004 Republican Party Platform, p. 15
, Sep 7, 2004
Recapitalize and enlarge the Coast Guard�s fleet
Under the leadership of Bush and the Republican Congress, our nation has significantly increased budget support for the Coast Guard to achieve its expanded mission. We affirm the importance of continued strong support, including for efforts to
recapitalize and enlarge the Coast Guard�s fleet, a critical component of our overall national fleet. This should not be done at the expense of or by in any way reducing the US Navy�s shipbuilding program.
Source: 2004 Republican Party Platform, p. 15
, Sep 7, 2004
Support to create a National Intelligence Director position
We share the guiding principles for reform that Bush has laid out, including increasing both the quality and quantity of human intelligence collection to disrupt terrorist attacks; investing more in our technical intelligence capabilities so that we stay
ahead of our enemies� changing communications technology and tactics; and ensuring the most effective and coordinated use of these resources and personnel. We support Bush�s request to Congress to create the position of a National Intelligence Director.
Source: 2004 Republican Party Platform, p. 17
, Sep 7, 2004
Establish a National Counterterrorism Center
We support Bush�s plan to establish a National Counterterrorism Center that will build on the analytical work of the Terrorist Threat Integration Center and become our government�s knowledge bank for information about known and suspected terrorists.
The new center will coordinate and monitor counterterrorism plans and activities of all government agencies and departments to ensure effective joint action, and to ensure that our efforts are unified in priority and purpose.
Source: 2004 Republican Party Platform, p. 17
, Sep 7, 2004
Provided Arm Forces better pay, treatment, and training
Supported by the Republican Congress, Bush has increased basic pay by nearly 21 percent. Many service members have seen much more than that. The increase in basic salary and payments for food and housing has reached nearly 30 percent.
We hail those much-deserved increases, as well as the action of the President and the Republican Congress in this year�s Defense Appropriations Act to fund permanent increases for the Family Separation Allowance and Imminent Danger Pay.
Source: 2004 Republican Party Platform, p. 17
, Sep 7, 2004
Cover all basic housing costs for average service members
Republicans applaud the leadership of Bush and the Republican Congress for making sure that by the end of 2005, out-of-pocket expenses will be eliminated, meaning that the average service member who lives off-base will have all basic housing costs
covered. Bush and the Republican Congress have also increased funds for defense health programs, including improving medical services for Ready Reserve members and their families.
Source: 2004 Republican Party Platform, p. 17
, Sep 7, 2004
Increased funding for VA health care
Bush and Congress have increased funding for VA health care by more than 40 percent since 2001. This additional funding has made it possible for the VA to improve health care access for veterans who need it most, including low-income veterans, those with
service-related disabilities, and those who need VA�s specialized services. Bush signed into law authorization for the concurrent receipt of both military retired pay and VA disability compensation for combat-injured and highly-disabled veterans.
Source: 2004 Republican Party Platform, p. 18
, Sep 7, 2004
Equip our nation to fight 21st Century adversaries
Bush has worked with the Republican Congress to double investment in missile defense systems to put America on track to field an operational system in 2004; dramatically increase R&D investments; commit a significant amount of the procurement budget to
transformation; and pursue transformational programs across the services such as the Army�s Future Combat System, the Navy�s conversion of ballistic missile submarines to guided missile submarines, and the Air Force�s unmanned combat aerial vehicles.
Source: 2004 Republican Party Platform, p. 19
, Sep 7, 2004
Provide $10 billion to defend from ballistic missiles
In December 2002, Bush directed the deployment of a missile defense system to protect the US from the threat of long-range missiles with the ability to deliver weapons of mass destruction. The 2005 Defense Appropriations Act provides $10 billion for
systems to defend against the threat from ballistic missiles. Later this year, the first components of America�s missile defense system will become operational. This will fulfill a pledge that Bush made to the American people more than 4 years ago.
Source: 2004 Republican Party Platform, p. 19
, Sep 7, 2004
Affirm traditional military culture&rebuild morale (no gays)
Sending our military on aimless and endless missions rapidly saps morale. We affirm traditional military culture. We affirm that homosexuality is incompatible with military service. U.S. forces must be agile, lethal, readily deployable, and require a
minimum of logistical support. They must also be fully prepared for possible enemy use of weapons of mass destruction. We support the advancement of women in the military, their exemption from ground combat units, and call for the end of co-ed training.
Source: Republican Platform adopted at GOP National Convention
, Aug 12, 2000
U.S. needs comprehensive missile defense system
The Republican president will deploy a national missile defense. America must deploy effective missile defenses, based on an evaluation of the best available options, including sea-based, at the earliest possible date. These
defenses must be designed to protect all 50 states, America�s deployed forces overseas, and our friends and allies in the fellowship of freedom against missile attacks by outlaw states or accidental launches.
Source: Republican Platform adopted at GOP National Convention
, Aug 12, 2000
Eliminate as many nuclear weapons as possible
A Republican president will reevaluate America�s nuclear force posture and pursue the lowest possible number consistent with our national security. We can safely eliminate thousands more of these horrific weapons. We should
do so. In addition, the United States should work with other nuclear nations to remove as many weapons as possible from high-alert, hair-trigger status to reduce the risks of accidental or unauthorized launch.
Source: Republican Platform adopted at GOP National Convention
, Aug 12, 2000
Restore health of defense industry; peace thru strength
Republicans are the party of peace through strength. A strong & well-trained American military is the world�s best guarantee of peace. A Republican president and a Republican Congress will transform America�s defense capabilities for the information age,
ensuring that US armed forces remain paramount against emerging dangers.
They will restore the health of a defense industry weakened by a combination of neglect and misguided policies. To do all this, the US must align its military power with the
strengths of American society: our skilled people, our advanced technology, and our proficiency at integrating fast-paced systems into potent networks. [And] we will not forget that the strength of our military lies with the combat soldier, sailor,
airman, and Marine.
The US military faces growing problems in readiness, morale, and its ability to prepare for the threats of the future. The administration has cut defense spending to its lowest percentage of gross domestic product since 1939.