Walsh declared racism a "public health crisis" and announced the reallocation of millions of dollars from the police department's overtime budget to community programs. The executive order states that racism is a "threat to public health and safety,
and is a paramount social determinant of health, shaping access to the resources that create opportunities for heath, including public safety, housing, education and employment, and is a persistent barrier to health equity for all Bostonians."
Source: Breitbart News on 2021 Biden Cabinet
, Jun 13, 2020
Thanked Art Commission for removing Emancipation statue
The "Emancipation Memorial" was removed from Boston's Park Square six months after the Boston Art Commission voted unanimously for its removal following an outcry from religious groups. Boston's "Emancipation Memorial" shows a former slave kneeling
on the ground with President Abraham Lincoln standing over him. Groups said it was a racist depiction of emancipation. Mayor Marty Walsh thanked the art commission for voting to remove the memorial after its decision.
Source: Townhall blog on 2021 Biden Cabinet
, Jan 26, 2017
Sat out parade that barred gay veterans group
Boston's Mayor Marty Walsh has refused to participate in South Boston's St.
Patrick's Day Parade because parade organizers will not permit an openly gay group of veterans to march under a separate banner that identifies them by their sexual orientation.
Source: Breitbart News on 2021 Biden Cabinet
, Mar 16, 2014
Care for our LGBTQ elders and support our LGBTQ youth
Despite great strides towards equality over the last two decades, there is still work to be done here. A Walsh Administration will be steadfast in meaningfully addressing the issues that remain, including caring for our LGBTQ elders and supporting our
LGBTQ youth. Marty recognizes that Boston's municipal government must continue to support and promote LGBTQ equality. He knows that when equality is comprehensively supported and promoted, all of Boston is enriched.
The statistics on women in Boston are staggering. Women working in Boston lose $9.7 billion annually because of the still remaining gender wage gap. Almost a quarter of all women and more than half of Boston's female-headed families with children
under 18 live in poverty. These trends are all substantially worse for women of color and are particularly devastating for poor and working class women, who face substantial hurdles to find affordable housing, safe child care, and living-wage paying jobs
Voted NO on defining marriage as one man and one woman
Massachusetts Democratic Party Platform indicates voting NO in Part I: Families & Children:Domestic Partnership. [State Rep. Walsh voted NO].
Vote on a proposed Constitutional amendment: "It being the public policy of the
Commonwealth to protect the unique relationship of marriage, only the union of one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in Massachusetts. This article is self-executing, but the General Court may enact laws... establishing civil
Relevant platform section:Part I: Families & Children: Domestic Partnership: "We oppose actions that would define marriage solely as a relationship between a man and a woman, and that would ban the recognition of any other relationship as
marriage or its legal equivalent. We oppose efforts that would ban the provision of any benefits to gay and lesbian families that are now granted exclusively to married couples."
Source citation: Constitutional Amendment ; vote number 522
Massachusetts Democratic Party Platform indicates voting YES in Part I: Families & Children:Persons with Disabilities. [State Rep. Walsh voted YES].
Override Gov. Romney's veto of a Budget Line Item which reduced by $200,000 the funding
for the Ferguson Industries for the Blind, which employs blind individuals as well as providing them an opportunity for socialization and a chance to mingle with peers, learn daily living skills and gain a feeling of independence.
Relevant platform
section: PART I: FAMILIES & CHILDREN, DIVERSITY & COMMUNITY: Persons with Disabilities: "We reaffirm our support for The Americans with Disabilities Act and other laws to prevent discrimination on the basis of disability, and for efforts to bring the
Commonwealth into full ADA compliance. We believe state assistance should be made more readily available for community-based care, and should not be inappropriately biased toward institutional settings."
Massachusetts Democratic Party Platform indicates voting YES in Part I: Families & Children:Persons with Disabilities. [State Rep. Walsh voted NO].
Override Gov. Romney's reduction of a Budget Line Item which cut: $99,000 for Special
Olympics Massachusetts; $304,000 for Work, Inc. and $500,000 for Best Buddies Massachusetts [two programs for job training of people with disabilities].
Relevant platform section: PART I: FAMILIES & CHILDREN, DIVERSITY & COMMUNITY: Persons with Disabilities: "We believe state assistance should be made more readily available for community-based care,
and should not be inappropriately biased toward institutional settings."
Massachusetts Democratic Party Platform indicates voting YES in Part III: Health Care:Mental Health. [State Rep. Walsh voted YES].
Override Gov. Romney's veto of a Budget Line Item which eliminated state funding for the "Turning
22" program, which provides residential and treatment services for severely disabled individuals (who are mandated to exit other state programs after age 21). "Turning 22" is designed to allow a person to remain where his or her family lives.
Relevant platform section: PART III: HEALTH CARE, ACCESS & CHOICE: Mental Health: "Our
Party supports the full implementation of mental health policies which will provide emergence care, family support, and appropriate housing to our citizens with chronic mental health disorders."