It's rare for a current or former leader of one of the world's largest energy producers to testify under oath about climate change. "We knew, we knew it was a real issue," Tillerson said. "We knew it was a serious issue and we knew it was one that's
going to be with us now, forever more, and it's not something that was just suddenly going to disappear off of our concern list because it is going to be with us for certainly well beyond my lifetime."
Source: Erik Larson in Bloomberg News on Trump Cabinet
, Oct 31, 2019
Carbon tax best way to transition from fossil fuels
When he was CEO, Tillerson said the company had sought to promote the idea of a carbon tax to help ease society off fossil fuels. "We had watched the European emission-trading system evolve and, in fact, we were a participant in it because of our
operations there," Tillerson said. " We looked at what are other alternative mechanisms to influence people's choices. And we felt a carbon tax was the most simplistic. It is transparent. You can't game a carbon tax."
Source: Erik Larson in Bloomberg News on Trump Cabinet
, Oct 31, 2019
At Exxon, rose from production engineer to president
A native of Wichita Falls, Texas, Secretary Tillerson earned a Bachelor of Science degree in civil engineering at the University of Texas at Austin before joining Exxon Company, U.S.A. in 1975 as a production engineer. Secretary Tillerson rose through
the ranks to become president of the corporation and a member of the board of directors in 2004, and served as ExxonMobil's chairman and chief executive officer from 2006 to 2016.
Secretary Tillerson is a former member of the American Petroleum
Institute and the National Petroleum Council, and was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 2013. He formerly served as a trustee of the Center for Strategic and International Studies. He was also a member of the Business
Roundtable and the Business Council, as well as an honorary trustee of the Business Council for International Understanding, and a member of the Emergency Committee for American Trade.