Pete Buttigieg (6) Indiana Democratic candidate for President; Mayor of South Bend, IN
Tom Steyer (7) Possible Democratic candidate for President from California
OR click on an issue category below for a subset. excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Budget & Economy Tom Steyer: Balanced budget in good economies, but spend in tough times.
Civil Rights Deval Patrick: Events in Charlottesville show we are in deep trouble.
Tom Steyer: Increase disability funding; we all succeed together.
Corporations Deval Patrick: Focus investments on community as part as long-term value.
Elizabeth Warren: Unfair for big corps to pay no taxes and not contribute.
Crime Deval Patrick: Black Lives Matter doesn't mean you hate police.
Drugs Pete Buttigieg: Put boundaries on what phamra companies can do.
Andrew Yang: Take billions from drug companies to fix opioid crisis.
Elizabeth Warren: Opioid crisis has stigma like AIDS & needs increased funding.
Education Bernie Sanders: Freeze private charter schools; they have no accountability.
Deval Patrick: A year of college fees for a year of service.
Pete Buttigieg: Stand up and support public education.
Elizabeth Warren: My secretary of education will be a public school teacher.
Tom Steyer: Hold charter schools to same standards as public schools.
Energy & Oil Deval Patrick: Cap-and-trade via Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative.
Deval Patrick: Massachusetts met Paris Climate rules while he was Governor.
Tom Steyer: Cap-and-trade market-based approaches are ineffective.
Environment Bernie Sanders: Single-use plastic is a crisis among many pollution crises.
Andrew Yang: Eliminate the penny to speed up economy & save environment.
Joe Biden: Will bring polluting country leaders to US to find solutions.
Tom Steyer: Environmental justice means clean air & water.
Families & Children Deval Patrick: In my youth, whole community raised its kids.
Deval Patrick: Simplify funding for mental illness treatment.
Pete Buttigieg: Healing & Belonging Grants: more mental healthcare support.
Joe Biden: $15 minimum wage and triple money for Title 1 schools.
Tom Steyer: $100M/year for mental health, to reduce suicide & depression.
Foreign Policy Elizabeth Warren: Let Israelis and Palestinians decide together on Jerusalem.
Elizabeth Warren: Will follow Obama's policy on Iran, in a word, diplomacy.
Joe Biden: Putin wants to weaken NATO and democracy.
Joe Biden: We should not have abandoned the Kurds.
Government Reform Deval Patrick: Democracy Agenda: first legislative package as president.
Andrew Yang: Make Election Day a national holiday.
Elizabeth Warren: Current election financing system favors rich.
Gun Control Amy Klobuchar: Close the boyfriend loophole; no guns for abusers.
Deval Patrick: State gun laws don't matter when guns come from other states.
Andrew Yang: Personalize guns so only the owner can fire it.
Elizabeth Warren: Lethality of guns makes more suicides & domestic violence.
Elizabeth Warren: Multiple solutions to gun deaths, like with highway deaths.
Health Care Bernie Sanders: Every president since FDR has tried to fix healthcare.
Bernie Sanders: More money into research for pandemics like coronavirus.
Deval Patrick: Crying need for research of Alzheimers & disabling diseases.
Pete Buttigieg: Support people facing assisted suicide from terminal illness.
Joe Biden: Biden Cancer Initiative: data from multiple researchers.
Joe Biden: Tax capital gains at bracket levels to pay for health plan.
Joe Biden: Must divulge cost of health care legislation.
Joe Biden: Invest $50B in new agency to fight cancer.
Immigration Deval Patrick: Allowed MA to shelter Central American refugee children.
Pete Buttigieg: Community Renewal Visas: fast-track rural immigration.
Elizabeth Warren: Restore aid to Central America to reduce emigration.
Elizabeth Warren: Path to citizenship for all here will strengthen America.
Elizabeth Warren: We cannot be a nation that puts children and adults in cages.
Principles & Values Deval Patrick: I am a man of faith; my decisions are grounded in faith.
Pete Buttigieg: Government belongs to people of every religion & no religion.
Elizabeth Warren: Committed to grassroots campaign with small donations.
Joe Biden: If Putin interferes, there will be consequences.
Social Security Amy Klobuchar: Raise cap above "donut hole": FICA over $250,000.
Joe Biden: 6.2% FICA tax on all earnings over $400,000.
Tax Reform Deval Patrick: Raise the estate tax to 55%.
Technology Deval Patrick: Infrastructure creates jobs now and builds base for future.
Andrew Yang: Preserve our data rights and our data dignity.
Joe Biden: Build half million charging stations on highways.
War & Peace Amy Klobuchar: Require Congressional approval for war with Iran.
Andrew Yang: Require Congress to declare war.
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Amy Klobuchar Minnesota Democratic candidate for President; Minnesota Senator
Andrew Yang Democratic candidate for President; CEO