Gary Condit on Government ReformFormer Democratic Representative (CA-18) |
In a press conference today the Blue Dog Coalition, a group of 32 moderate to conservative Democrats, announced their continued support for the Shays-Meehan Campaign Finance Reform bill (H.R. 2356), which is being debated on the House floor today. The Coalition was joined by the lead sponsors of the Senate Campaign Finance Reform bill. �I believe that we need to end the influence of �soft money� generated from undisclosed sources. And I believe that we need to rein in illegal foreign contributions,� said Rep. Ken Lucas (KY), Blue Dog Campaign Finance Reform Task Force Co-Chairman. �True campaign finance reform will restore to the American people their voice in the legislative process--a voice that has been drowned out in recent years by big-money donors.�
The Blue Dog Coalition endorsed the Shays-Meehan bill in March of this year. An official Blue Dog endorsement comes with the approval of no less than two-thirds of the Coalition�s 32 members. �My own campaign experience has demonstrated to me the need for strong campaign finance reform measures,� said freshman Blue Dog Rep. Adam Schiff (CA), whose victory last November was the most expensive House race to date � combined, both candidates spent $11 million. �In order to protect the integrity of our democratic electoral process, we must reduce the corrosive influence of unregulated soft money donations.�
�I have been a strong supporter of Shays-Meehan and urge my colleagues to join with us so we can restore the faith of the American people in our elections,� said Rep. Dennis Moore (KS), a member of the Blue Dog Campaign Finance Reform Task Force. �I�ve worked with Sen. McCain on reform legislation before and I know that by working in a bipartisan manner, we can get big money out of politics.�