Books by and about 2024 presidential candidates |
Hillbilly Elegy, by JD Vance (2017) |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
Fire and Fury, by Michael Wolff (2018) |
Trump Revealed, by Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher (2016) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2016) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |
(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)
Media coverage of political races in Reuters News Service
 (Click for external website)
Articles from the Reuters news Service:
- On foreign influencers: "Pope Francis says refusing aid to migrants a 'grave sin'," by Joshua McElwee, August 28, 2024, (Link)
- Reuters, "COP 27 'Live up to your climate promises,' UK PM will say," Nov. 6, 2022; Link
- On foreign influencers: "Putin blames Europe energy market 'hysteria' on green transition," 10/5/21
- 2022_TN_Gov: "'Critical race theory' roils a Tennessee school district," by Gabriella Borter, September 21, 2021
- Reuters, "U.S. Supreme Court rejects Trump-backed challenge to ObamaCare," by Lawrence Hurley, June 17, 2021
- (On Biden Administration): "U.S. Attorney General launches review on hate crimes prosecutions, data collection," by Sarah N. Lynch, March 30, 2021
- (On 2022 Alabama Senate): "Congressional delegation to visit Amazon facility in Alabama to support union vote," by Nandita Bose & David Shepardson, March 1, 2021
- (On Biden Cabinet): "Yellen seeks to 'understand deeply' GameStop frenzy as market regulators meet," by David Lawder, February 4, 2021
- (On Biden Treasury): "'Act big' now to save economy, worry about debt later, Yellen says in Treasury testimony," by David Lawder & Andrea Shalal, January 19, 2021
- On foreign influencers: "Russia's Putin marks Orthodox Epiphany with icy dip," January 19, 2021
- Reuters on yahoo.com, "In Christmas message curbed by COVID, pope calls on nations to share vaccines," 12/25/2020
- (On Biden Cabinet), "California urges court to compel Amazon to comply with coronavirus probe," 12/14/2020
- "Pope compares politicians who rage against gays to Hitler," by Philip Pullella, November 15, 2019
- (On Pope Francis): Reuters on 2018 Trump Administration, 06/20/2018
- (On 2020 presidential hopefuls): "U.S. Democratic Party irked by council's 'insurgent' climate plan," by Trevor Hunnicutt & Valerie Volcovici, June 15, 2020
- (On Tate Reeves): Reuters news service on 2018 Mississippi Senate race, 05/03/2018
- (On Donald Trump): Reuters in The Metro on 2018 Trump Administration, 03/19/2018
- (On Josh Hawley): Reuters on Missouri voting records for SB5, 10/24/2017
- (On Donald Trump): Reuters on 2017 Trump Administration promises & actio, 02/14/2017
- (On Tim Kaine): Reuters, "USA Election," on 2016 Veepstakes, 07/22/2016
- (On Tim Kaine): Reuters news service, "Crime-busting past" by James Oliphant, 07/22/2016
- (On Pope Francis): Reuters coverage of Pope Francis' 2015 U.S. visit, 09/01 - 09/30/2015
- (On Jack Dalrymple): Reuters Media on 2016 North Dakota gubernatorial race, 06/19/2015
- (On Marco Rubio, Rand Paul & Ted Cruz): Reuters 2014 coverage of 2016 presidential hopefuls, 09/18/2014
- (On Doug Ducey): Reuters coverage of 2014 Arizona gubernatorial race, 08/27/2014
- (On Jeb Bush & Rick Scott): David Adams on Reuters: "Jeb Bush joins opposition", 08/14/2014
- (On Paul Ryan): Reuters 2014 coverage of 2016 presidential hopefuls, 07/24/2014
- (On Rick Snyder): Reuters on 2014 Michigan Governor's race, 01/23/2014
- On foreign influences: "Russia to raise tax on metals producers in 2022 – Putin," Aug 6, 2013
- (On Jeb Bush): Stephanie Simon on Reuters, "Bush Foundation", 11/30/2012
- (On Linda Lingle & Mazie Hirono): Reuters on 2012 Hawaii Senate debate, 10/20/2012
- (On Claire McCaskill & Todd Akin): Reuters on 2012 Missouri Senate debate, 10/19/2012
- (On Mike Beebe): Suzi Parker reporting for Reuters, 06/27/2011
- (On Antonin Scalia): Reuters.com Environmental Forum, "Cows", 04/20/2011
- (On Barack Obama & Bill Nelson): Reuters wire service, "Obama axes NASA moon plan", 01/31/2010
- (On Bill Clinton): Steve Holland, Reuters, “Reason to hope”, 11/30/2007
- (On Samuel Alito): Reuters, 11/09/2005
- (On Harriet Miers): Reuters "Affirmative Action," on 2005 SCOTUS hearing, 10/22/2005
- (On John Kerry): Patricia Wilson, Reuters, 09/05/2004
- (On Jim McGreevey): Reuters, 08/12/2004
- (On George W. Bush & John Kerry): Steve Holland, Reuters, 08/10/2004
- (On Paul O`Neill, Dick Cheney & George W. Bush): Adam Entous, Reuters, on AOL News, 01/11/2004
- (On Rick Perry): Reuters, on www.santegidio.org, 08/15/2002
- (On John Paul Stevens, Anthony Kennedy & others): Reuters article in Boston Globe, p. A45, 12/01/2000
- (On Harry Browne): Reuters story in Boston Globe, p. A6, 09/18/2000
- (On Alan Keyes): Reuters, in Boston Globe, p. A15, 07/27/2000
- (On George W. Bush): Patricia Wilson (Reuters) LA Times, 06/20/2000
- (On Steve Forbes): Reuters, 10/13/1999
- (On Elizabeth Dole): Alan Elsner, Reuters, 10/01/1999
- (On George W. Bush): Hilary Hylton, Reuters, 09/21/1999
- (On George W. Bush): Reuters, “Bush favors raising.”, 08/27/1999
- (On George W. Bush): Av Harris, Reuters, 08/01/1999
- (On Dan Quayle): Associated Press; Reuters News Service, 07/02/1999
- (On Steve Forbes): Reuters, 05/25/1999
- (On George W. Bush): Reuters, 04/21/1999
- (On Lamar Alexander): Reuters, 03/12/1999
OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Alan Keyes: Withdraws; job done since GOP & V.P. are both pro-life.
Doug Ducey: Staunchly anti-abortion.
Elizabeth Dole: Replace abortion with adoption.
John Paul Stevens: Favors abortion rights.
Josh Hawley: New abortion restrictions protects women.
Pope Francis: Women who had abortions can be forgiven in Holy Year.
Samuel Alito: Respect for precedent implies not overturning Roe v Wade.
Todd Akin: Resisted stepping aside after "legitimate rape" comment.
Budget & Economy
Dick Cheney: Cheney to Treasury: Deficits dont matter.
Janet Yellen: Does not seek a weaker U.S. currency; let markets determine.
Paul O`Neill: Cheney to Treasury: "Deficits don't matter".
Steve Forbes: Free markets, free elections, free trade, free people.
Civil Rights
Anthony Kennedy: Cant outlaw flag burning.
Claire McCaskill: Women shouldn't get paid less simply because they're women.
Elizabeth Dole: For school prayer & 10 Commandments in schools.
Harriet Miers: Supported racial and gender set-asides as head of Texas Bar.
Jim McGreevey: Resigned over gay affair, but opposes gay marriage.
John Paul Stevens: Favors affirmative action.
Merrick Garland: Improve hate crime reporting; prioritize prosecutions.
Mike Beebe: No gay marriage; no civil unions; maybe gay adoption.
Pope Francis: Met at Vatican Embassy with openly gay man & his partner.
Pope Francis: If a gay person seeks God, Who am I to judge?
Stephen Breyer: Disabled people can sue states under federal ADA law.
Tate Reeves: Clerks have religious right to refuse gay marriage licenses.
Todd Akin: Women's pay should be left to discretion of employers.
Janet Yellen: Investigate retail trading; ensure investors are protected.
John Paul Stevens: Favors defendants' rights.
Rick Perry: Executes Mexican citizen despite plea from Pres. Fox.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg: States have broad powers to limit jury awards.
Tim Kaine: Kaine's Project Exile disproportionately impacted blacks.
Tim Kaine: Kaine's Project Exile disproportionately impacted blacks.
Donald Trump: Execute drug dealers to fight opioid epidemic.
Jeb Bush: No medical marijuana; it's just a guise toward legalization.
Rick Scott: Legalized "Charlotte's Web" low-THC medical marijuana.
Joe Biden: Pardon people in federal jail for smoking marijuana.
Elizabeth Dole: For school prayer & 10 Commandments in schools.
George W. Bush: $1.3B to help students in college-prep math & science.
Jeb Bush: Florida Formula: schools graded A-to-F; extra funding for A.
Linda Lingle: I support PBS, but Big Bird is not essential to America.
Energy & Oil
Emilia Sykes: Repeal bribe-based nuclear subsidies; keep solar subsidies.
Antonin Scalia: Don't lump all companies when evaluating carbon emissions.
Donald Trump: FactCheck: falsely blames windmills for Texas power outage.
Jack Dalrymple: New safety rule: filter crude oil for dangerous types of gas.
Joe Biden: Transition to renewable energy; allow fracking for now.
Pope Francis: Future of humanity is at stake with climate change.
Vladimir Putin: Green transition should be smooth instead of drastic steps.
Rishi Sunak: Can we summon the collective will to tackle global warming?
Families & Children
Don Huffines: Adoption agencies ok to disallow LGBT adoptions.
George W. Bush: Filter - or avoid - media that romanticizes violence.
Greg Abbott: Adoption agencies ok to disallow LGBT adoptions.
Lance Gooden: Adoption agencies ok to disallow LGBT adoptions.
Pat Fallon: Adoption agencies ok to disallow LGBT adoptions.
Royce West: Don't allow LGBT discrimination by adoption agencies.
Sylvia Garcia: Don't allow LGBT discrimination by adoption agencies.
Van Taylor: Adoption agencies ok to disallow LGBT adoptions.
Roland Gutierrez: Don't allow LGBT discrimination by adoption agencies.
Foreign Policy
George W. Bush: Cuba: Increased trade would help Castro.
Pope Francis: Saddened by US restrictions on travel and trade with Cuba.
Steve Forbes: Punish China for wounding US security.
Steve Forbes: European Union is a "misguided global institution.".
Free Trade
Steve Forbes: Invite Britain & Ireland to join US free trade.
Steve Mnuchin: Free markets YES, but U.S. needs balanced trade agreements.
Wilbur Ross: Auto imports are threatening U.S. auto industry.
Donald Trump: China is no longer a currency manipulator.
Government Reform
Anthony Kennedy: Favors states rights, usually.
Antonin Scalia: For states rights; limit court role.
Beto O`Rourke: Same-day voter registration; make election day a holiday.
Beto O`Rourke: Term limits for Congress and the Supreme Court.
Clarence Thomas: Limited role for courts; narrow Constitional interpretation.
Dan Quayle: Reduce cabinet to 8-12 depts, save billions.
David Souter: Backs federal powers over states rights.
John Paul Stevens: Against state term limits on candidates for congress.
John Paul Stevens: Votes with liberal bloc against states' rights.
Pete Buttigieg: Provide new opportunities for voluntary public service.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Votes with liberal bloc against states' rights.
Sandra Day O`Connor: Limit federal courts on state powers.
Stephen Breyer: Votes with liberal bloc against states' rights.
William Rehnquist: States' rights over federal power.
Gun Control
George W. Bush: Raise legal age for guns to 21; ban certain ammo.
George W. Bush: $1.6M TX campaign, "Gun Crime Means Hard Time.".
Health Care
Amy Coney Barrett: Individual mandate is constitutional even with $0 tax.
Bernie Sanders: Pharma companies should justify high drug prices.
Brett Kavanaugh: Individual mandate is constitutional even with $0 tax.
Clarence Thomas: Individual mandate is constitutional even with $0 tax.
Elena Kagan: Individual mandate is constitutional even with $0 tax.
Joe Biden: Individual mandate is constitutional even with $0 tax.
John Roberts: Individual mandate is constitutional even with $0 tax.
Nancy Pelosi: Individual mandate is constitutional even with $0 tax.
Pope Francis: No vaccine nationalism: coronavirus vaccines for all.
Sonia Sotomayor: Individual mandate is constitutional even with $0 tax.
Stephen Breyer: Individual mandate is constitutional even with $0 tax.
Homeland Security
Alejandro Mayorkas: One of the greatest threats we face is domestic terrorism.
Donald Trump: Ensure U.S. nuclear arsenal is at the top of the pack.
Linda Lingle: Don't let up on its defense spending, like pre-WWII.
Marco Rubio: Increased military investment demonstrates leadership.
Mazie Hirono: Sensible compromise needed on $50 billion military cut.
Ted Cruz: Americans who join ISIS should be barred from coming home.
Alejandro Mayorkas: End forcing asylum seekers to wait in Mexico.
Doug Ducey: Better border security without comprehensive reform.
Eric Schmitt: FactCheck: Operation Talon postponed by ICE, not Biden.
Pope Francis: Separating immigrant parents from children is immoral.
Pope Francis: We should receive asylum-seekers, not reject them.
Rick Snyder: 50,000 skilled worker visas to repopulate Detroit.
Alejandro Mayorkas: We'd like to stop border wall, but Congress required it.
Joe Biden: Promised "not another foot of wall"; but added Southern wall.
Pope Francis: Grave sin not to offer aid to migrants.
Ketanji Brown Jackson: Follows precedent in workplace racial discrimination cases.
Lamar Alexander: Expand use of corn-based ethanol to create jobs.
Lamar Alexander: Substitute Ethanol for MBTE in gasoline.
Terri Sewell: Supports Amazon workers voting on whether to unionize.
Xavier Becerra: Sued Amazon to comply with COVID subpoenas at warehouses.
Principles & Values
Bill Lee: Called critical race theory is "un-American".
Dan Quayle: Smaller govt; bigger defense; stronger families.
Harry Browne: Little difference between Dems & Reps; hopes to be spoiler.
Janet Yellen: Got permission from ethics lawyers before acting.
Pope Francis: Politicians attacking gays, Jews, gypsies are like Nazis.
Vladimir Putin: Has given the church a major voice in society.
Donald Trump: FactCheck: Claims GOP is growing as 30,000+ left.
Tax Reform
George W. Bush: Praises Congress' $792 billion tax cut.
Janet Yellen: Corporations & wealthy need to pay their fair share.
Vladimir Putin: Increased mineral extraction tax three times in a year.
Barack Obama: Cancel moon program; develop human mission to Mars.
Beto O`Rourke: Member of hacktivist group, "Cult of the Dead Cow".
Bill Nelson: Defend NASA moon program & its jobs in Florida.
War & Peace
Bill Clinton: Claims he opposed Iraq war from the beginning.
George W. Bush: Paul O'Neill: Bush planned to overthrow Saddam before 9/11.
George W. Bush: Kerry flip-flopping again on war.
Joe Biden: Final withdrawal from Afghanistan by Sept. 11, 2021.
John Kerry: I'd vote to authorize war, but with allies.
John Kerry: Wrong war in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Marco Rubio: Confront and defeat ISIL now, or we will have to do so later.
Paul O`Neill: Bush planned to overthrow Saddam before 9/11.
Pope Francis: Peace and reconciliation in Mideast, Africa, and Asia.
Rand Paul: Arming Syrian rebels wades into another civil war.
Ted Cruz: Don't arm Syrian rebels without a clear plan to combat ISIS.
Welfare & Poverty
Paul Ryan: Let charities & community groups compete to fight poverty.
Paul Ryan: Opportunity plan: flexible funds with benchmarks & timeline.
The above quotations are from Media coverage of political races in Reuters News Service.