Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Books by and about the 2016 presidential election |
What Happened , by Hillary Clinton (2017) |
Higher Loyalty , by James Comey (2018) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Hard Choices, by Hillary Clinton (2014) |
Becoming , by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |
(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)
State of the Union address to Joint Session of Congress, and the Democratic Response, Jan. 20, 2004

Click on a participant to pop-up their full list of quotations from State of the Union address (number of quotes indicated):
- George W. Bush (30)
- Nancy Pelosi (6)
- Tom Daschle (8)
OR click on an issue category below for a subset. |
OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Budget & Economy
George W. Bush: Will cut the deficit in half in the next 5 years.
George W. Bush: Fact Check: Deficit didnt exist at end of Clinton term.
Civil Rights
George W. Bush: Dont let Patriot Act expire-terrorist threat wont.
Nancy Pelosi: Replace no-bid contracts with diplomatic engagement.
George W. Bush: America is the land of the second chance.
George W. Bush: Aggressive drug education, treatment & enforcement.
George W. Bush: $23 million more for drug-testing in schools.
George W. Bush: Use of performance-enhancing steroids sends wrong message.
George W. Bush: Progressing towards excellence for every child.
George W. Bush: Jobs for the 21st Century: more high school help.
George W. Bush: Fact Check: NCLB increased school funding, but shy by $5.4B.
Tom Daschle: Bush has not upheld NCLB deal with schools.
Tom Daschle: Our children deserve affordable college.
Families & Children
George W. Bush: Double funding for abstinence to prevent STDs.
George W. Bush: Defend the institution of marriage against activist judges.
Foreign Policy
George W. Bush: America will never seek a permission slip for self-defense.
George W. Bush: National Endowment for Democracy in the Middle East.
Nancy Pelosi: Avoid go-it-alone foreign policy.
Free Trade
George W. Bush: Fact Check: Free trade tempered by steel protectionism.
Health Care
George W. Bush: Health savings accounts with choice of coverage.
George W. Bush: 100% tax deduction for catastrophic health insurance.
George W. Bush: Government-run health care is the wrong prescription.
Tom Daschle: More people without insurance under Bush.
Tom Daschle: Allow more affordable drugs via Canadian imports.
Homeland Security
George W. Bush: Its false hope to think that terror is behind us.
George W. Bush: Terrorists declared war on us-terrorism is beyond a crime.
Nancy Pelosi: Unwavering commitment to Americas armed forces.
Nancy Pelosi: Secure 100% of nuclear material with 100% inspection.
Nancy Pelosi: No soldier left behind in war-no veteran left behind at home.
George W. Bush: Support temporary worker program but oppose amnesty.
Tom Daschle: Make America an opportunity society.
Principles & Values
Nancy Pelosi: Make America a light to the world-not a missile.
Tom Daschle: A union as strong as the American people.
Social Security
George W. Bush: Personal retirement accounts for young workers.
Tom Daschle: Keep retirement promise instead of Endowment for Democracy.
Tax Reform
George W. Bush: Congress must act to make tax cuts permanent.
George W. Bush: Tax relief is working.
George W. Bush: Fact Check: Tax relief fueled spending, but not job growth.
Tom Daschle: Good cuts create jobs-Bushs cuts created economic exodus.
War & Peace
George W. Bush: Weve already internationalized the war in Iraq.
George W. Bush: We havent come this far to falter unfinished.
George W. Bush: Saddam had WMD-related program activities.
George W. Bush: Fact Check: No evidence of bio, chemical, or nuclear WMDs.
Welfare & Poverty
George W. Bush: Unleash the passion of religious charity.
The above quotations are from State of the Union address to Joint Session of Congress, and the Democratic Response, Jan. 20, 2004.
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- Historical State of the Union addresses:
- Bush
- Reagan
- Carter
- Ford
- Eisenhower
- Truman